Accidentally Born in the ‘60s

Chapter 81


Although the summer vacation was only a month long, Guo Xiaoqiao saw that Zhenzhen seemed to have endless things to say. The two were talking about the final exams before the summer vacation. Suddenly, Zhenzhen seemed to remember something and let go of Guo Xiaoqiao's hand and asked her to wait for him. Guo Xiaoqiao looked at Zhenzhen in confusion as she turned around and ran back, and then grabbed a particularly good-looking male classmate.

The boy looked a little lonely at first, and he didn't know what Zhenzhen said, but he suddenly laughed. At that moment, Guo Xiaoqiao had only one thought in his mind: "It's so beautiful!"

While Guo Xiaoqiao was stunned, Zhenzhen and Xi Junjie had finished talking. They said goodbye to each other. Zhenzhen ran to Guo Xiaoqiao again and said apologetically, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a while."

"It's okay." Guo Xiaoqiao was still a little dazed. She was dragged by Zhenzhen and walked a few steps. She couldn't help but look back at the boy who was still standing there watching Zhenzhen. She immediately poked Zhenzhen's waist with her finger: "Mingzhen, he's still looking at you."

Zhenzhen turned around and smiled at Xi Junjie, then waved her hand to signal him to go back quickly. Xi Junjie smiled back, and only walked towards the boys' dormitory leisurely after seeing Zhenzhen enter the dormitory building.

Back in the dormitory, Zhenzhen and Guo Xiaoqiao put down their things, picked up brooms, mops, and rags, and cleaned the room. Zhenzhen spread out the bedding, and seeing Guo Xiaoqiao panting from exhaustion, she picked up two empty thermoses and prepared to get some hot water: "Sit down and rest for a while, I'll go get some hot water."

Guo Xiaoqiao lay on the bed with his arms and legs spread out, looking at Zhenzhen weakly: "Aren't you tired? Take a rest first."

"I have good physical strength." Zhenzhen replied with a smile while opening the door and going out.

Zhenzhen went downstairs carrying two thermoses. Not far from the dormitory building, she saw Xi Junjie standing under a tree, seemingly waiting for someone.

Xi Junjie was standing at the intersection of the male and female dormitory buildings, the only way to get to the bathroom, so Zhen Zhen didn't think much about it and walked over to greet him: "Are you waiting for someone?"

Xi Junjie smiled and said, "Yes, I'm waiting for you."

Zhen Zhen paused and looked at Zhen Zhen with some confusion: "What's the matter?"

Xi Junjie picked up two pots of hot water from the stone table nearby and handed them to Zhenzhen: "I thought you must need some hot water since you just came back, and the heating room is quite far away..." Xi Junjie's face turned red. He saw his roommate getting up early and staying up late every day to get hot water for his girlfriend, so he wanted to learn from him. However, since it was his first time doing such a thing, Xi Junjie felt a little uneasy, wondering if he was being too reckless.

Seeing Xi Junjie's eyelashes trembling with nervousness, Zhen Zhen felt warm in her heart. She was really happy to have someone like him who spared no effort to be good to her. Zhen Zhen looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Thank you very much. My feet just feel a little sore and I don't want to walk too far."

Xi Junjie heaved a sigh of relief and handed over the thermos bottle attentively: "The water room is closer to the old dormitory building. It's too far for us to go there. I can fetch water for you every morning and evening."

Zhen Zhen put the empty thermos on the ground and took Xi Junjie's thermos: "Don't bother. If you help me get it, you will have to wait in line for a long time when you go to get it again."

Xi Junjie quickly said, "It's okay. I get up early, so I won't be late at night. It's nothing serious anyway."

Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie's earnest eyes, her heart warmed, and a sweet smile appeared on her face that she didn't even notice: "Okay, thank you for your help."

Xi Junjie nodded happily: "It's no trouble, no trouble. I don't have much to do anyway, it's just a matter of making an extra trip. Well, I can always get you some hot water in the future."

Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie's somewhat embarrassed yet expectant expression and couldn't help but smile: "But don't you feel tired fetching hot water four times a day?"

"No." Xi Junjie arched his arms towards Zhenzhen: "Just think of it as exercise!"

Although Zhenzhen felt that going to the water room to get some hot water was not a burden at all, she saw Xi Junjie trying so hard to please her and couldn't bear to refuse him. She smiled happily at Xi Junjie and said, "I'll trouble you with my hot water from now on."

Xi Junjie's eyes sparkled like stars: "Yeah, yeah, no problem."

When Zhenzhen looked at Xi Junjie, she suddenly felt warm in her heart, and her little face turned a little red. She turned around and left with the thermos. Xi Junjie watched Zhenzhen's figure turn towards the girls' dormitory. He suddenly jumped for joy on the spot, and then ran happily towards the boys' dormitory. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to take Zhenzhen's kettle, so he hurried back, picked up the two thermos on the ground, and ran towards the water room.

Ten meters away, a few boys from the French Department had just finished playing basketball and were about to return to the dormitory. One of them pointed at Xi Junjie's back and looked a little confused: "Is that Xi Junjie? Did he pick up some money or get first place in the exam? Why is he so happy?"

"Come on, that's definitely not Xi Junjie." A boy said with a thick northeastern accent, "Look at how he jumped like an idiot just now. Xi Junjie didn't even do that when he was ten years old."

"But he's the only one in our school who wears that sportswear." Another one scratched his head in confusion: "Actually, Xi Junjie is a very nice person. He will tell you anything you ask him, but he just doesn't like to smile."

"If I looked like that, I wouldn't like to smile either." The Northeastern uncles holding basketballs commented, "It's not a good thing for a man to be too good-looking. There was a person in ancient times called something, which was about people staring at him so hard that he died. If Xi Junjie smiles, a similar accident might happen."

"Luckily, although Xi Junjie is good-looking, he looks like a man at first glance. If I were a sissy, I would not dare to share a dormitory with him."

Several people were talking animatedly, and when they turned around, they saw Xi Junjie holding two thermos bottles and looking at them expressionlessly. The Northeastern man was startled, and jumped three meters away with a roar while holding the basketball: "Oh my god, you scared me to death, why are you standing against the wall?"

Xi Junjie rolled his eyes at them in annoyance: "You guys are calling my name so loudly, do you think I can't hear you?"

"No, well, we didn't expect it was you." The Northeastern uncles came back a few steps, looked at Xi Junjie's face which was obviously still a little happy, and asked him curiously: "What were you jumping around like an idiot just now?"

Xi Junjie looked at him calmly and said, "You are curious, huh? How about this, let's have a one-on-one duel on the basketball court at 6 o'clock tonight. If you win, I will tell you why I jumped. If you lose, the winner will be given boiling water for a month."

The Northeast uncles were stunned: "Well, you are bullying me, we are just playing around, how can we compare to what you have learned seriously."

"Oh? Are you scared? Do you think you can't do it?" Xi Junjie smiled at him faintly. The meaningful look in his eyes made the Northeast uncles scratch their heads and want to slap him on the basketball hoop: "Who said I can't do it!" The Northeast uncles gritted their teeth and said: "Let's compete, don't just boil water for a whole month, let's play a big game, whoever loses will have to boil water for 31 days."

A group of people were waiting for him to increase the stakes, but when they heard that there was only one more day left, they all booed him: "Tsk..."

The Northeastern uncles raised their heads without any concern: "Then there are thirty days in a month. My bet is very sincere, isn't it Junjie?"

Xi Junjie glanced at him with a faint smile: "As long as you don't regret it."

The Northeastern uncles patted their chests and said, "A gentleman's word is as good as gold!"

The next morning, the uncles from Northeast China were very honest and brought back two kettles of hot water for Xi Junjie. When he came back from the bathroom after washing his hair, he found that the two kettles of hot water he had just filled were gone. He wiped his head with a towel while looking around for the kettle in confusion: "Where is the water I just filled for Xi Junjie? Don't let that kid come back and say I cheated."

The boys in the same dormitory looked at him sympathetically: "Xi Junjie took it away."

"Did he take it to wash his hair?" The uncles from Northeast China looked innocent: "No, he only takes a bath every day, so he doesn't need to wash his hair separately."

As they were talking, Xi Junjie came back with two empty water bottles. He waved the thermos in his hand at the Northeastern uncles and smiled faintly: "Don't forget the thirty-first day!"

"You are so wicked. You used the water I fetched to please the little girl!" The uncles from Northeast China guessed the truth in an instant and couldn't help but wail: "Whose little girl is it? Can I deliver it to her myself?"

Xi Junjie glanced at him and said, "You're dreaming!"


Students returned to campus one after another, and in a blink of an eye it was September 1st, the day for school to start. When students thought about the announcement of final exam results today, they felt both excited and nervous.

The first class of the semester was a professional course. The professional professor walked into the classroom and posted the transcript next to the blackboard at the back. Suddenly, the students in the class couldn't sit still. They stretched their necks and tried to look back. But after all, the distance was too far. Except for a few students who were close to see, the others were a little anxious.

The professor knocked on the table with the blackboard eraser and said, "Don't look at it. Even if you look carefully, you may not be on the list." Seeing that all the students turned around, the professor continued, "I just posted the list of the school's special and first, second and third class scholarships. Students, please take a look after class. If you have any objections, please give me feedback in time. Now I will hand out everyone's transcripts. If you hear your name, come to the podium to get it."

Zhenzhen was reading a book while scanning the blackboard behind her. She was surprised to see her name on the special scholarship. Although she didn't know what the selection criteria for the special scholarship were, Zhenzhen felt that she didn't participate in many activities other than attending classes. At most, she wrote an interview for the newspaper published by her class. But compared with other students who founded newspapers, her contribution was really negligible.

As if worried that other students had the same idea, the professor specifically explained after calling Zhenzhen's name: "Student Li Mingzhen's grades this semester are the best in our major. She got full marks in literature and ancient artifact identification. In addition, her interview with Mr. Forget Myself also received unanimous praise from teachers and students. According to the selection principles, she should be able to get a first-class scholarship. However, her grades in the Spanish Department's French and Economics majors are also among the best. The scholarships for the three majors have been combined. After discussion by the school leaders, it was decided to give her the honor of a special scholarship."

"Wow!" Instantly, everyone in the class looked at Zhenzhen with admiration. It was not easy to get a scholarship, but Li Mingzhen was able to get scholarships for three majors. It was really admirable. To be honest, there was no one who didn't like to study in this batch of students who took the entrance exam for Didu University. They all studied hard in the morning and reviewed at night, and they wished they could sleep only five or six hours a day. However, in addition to hard work, talent and intelligence also play a big role in learning. After all, under the same hard work, the smarter ones with faster understanding ability will obviously learn better and understand more solidly.

When students majoring in journalism meet someone like Li Mingzhen who is incredibly hardworking and has a great talent for studying in all three majors, they say: It’s not that we don’t work hard, it’s mainly because our opponents are too abnormal!

The author has something to say: Today is the last day of my trip. I got back to my place at 9 o'clock, so the number of words I updated is relatively small. I will take a plane home tomorrow. Because there is a stopover, it will take about five hours. The airport and my home are not in the same city. I expect to arrive home at 10 o'clock in the evening. Therefore, the number of words tomorrow will be about the same as today. I will resume normal updates the day after tomorrow. On this basis, I will work harder to update more and try to catch up on the missed updates during the three-day holiday. Thank you everyone, muah!