Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 100: New Year's Day


On the eve of New Year’s Day, the school’s multifunctional hall is full of people. The front row seats near the stage are the leaders and teachers of the school. Behind the teachers are the phalanx of each class, usually looking at the multi-function of the empty space. The hall is now very lively.

"All departments are requested to make preparations. The New Year's Day Gala will begin soon, with a three-minute countdown at the end." The voice of the chief director of the stage was accurately conveyed to the ears of everyone present through the audio equipment.

"It's finally starting" "I'm a little excited" "I have to be prepared, what should I do when I am getting nervous?" Various voices sounded one after another, and the emotions of the students were instantly mobilized, and the students who performed the performance felt even more A little nervous.

"I can adjust the atmosphere. Look at today's beautiful stage. I heard that there are professional lighting engineers. I always feel that you are at a loss if you don't participate in the show!" Qin Ming's slightly excited voice appeared in Mu Jinrui's ears. side.

It's really a bit tricky to be said by Qin Ming! In fact, in a few minutes of performing on a professional stage, I will enjoy myself very much.

I thought it was just a small party organized by the students themselves. Who knew that this year the school was bleeding heavily, and all the professional stage directors, lighting engineers, sound engineers, etc. were invited.

The director's voice sounded in the equipment again: "All departments are preparing, the countdown begins."

The lights on the stage began to shake, and the high background music blessed the students to shout together: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" A group of exaggerated and colorful students on the stage began to dance the opening dance. It was lively, and the atmosphere of the big party suddenly became very strong.

"Dear leaders, teachers, and classmates, hello everyone!" Two students, one man and one woman, appeared on the stage, and the New Year's Day party also kicked off.

The shows were performed one after another. In this era, students performed again. Although they were very vigorous, they were so immature.

Mu Jinrui is a bit tired after seeing too much, so it's better to go out and get some air: "Qin Ming, I'll go to the toilet."

"Well, come back quickly, it's our high school's turn." Qin Ming was very interested.

Mu Jinrui patted Qin Ming on the shoulder and slipped out of the hall directly through the back door. It was already dark, and winter nights always came so early.

Since everyone is watching the gala now, the usually lively campus is now quiet.

Mu Jinrui strolled along the campus road, with a starry night sky above his head and long shadows under the street lights. At this time, the scene was leisurely and quiet, and Mu Jinrui enjoyed it very much.

Mu Haochen sat on a bench in the garden, heard the sound of footsteps, turned his head and saw a picture like this. The brother strolling under the starry sky looked from a distance, as if he was wearing moonlight from a distance. Like a moon fairy walking down from the sky.

Mu Haochen stared blankly at the way his brother strolled in the courtyard, feeling that his heart was full and full. Mu Haochen touched the position of his heart and felt very confused. This feeling is not the first time I have felt it. .

What exactly is going on? Is it because you are proud to have such a good brother

While Mu Haochen was in a daze, Mu Jinrui did not see Mu Haochen on the bench behind the flowers, and continued to walk around the campus.

Mu Haochen got up as if he was enchanted, looking at his brother's back, and following his brother from a distance, until Mu Jinrui walked around the campus and returned to the door of the multifunctional hall.

If Mu Jinrui only needs to turn his head to see the younger brother who is accompanying him behind him, but what is most lacking in this world is if.

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