Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 118: You are my biggest gain


"I'm very happy that you can treat me as a friend. In fact, my friends are really pitiful. Although we have met for a short time, I think you are worthy of socializing.

How could you guess that I would deduct my share to cover this discount? The biggest discount my team receives is 10% off. "The eagle feels like being understood by others. He is very refreshing and happy. It has been a long time since he has been understood by others.

"Because your eyes tell me, you will be a person who suffers silently for your friends." Mu Jinrui said firmly.

In addition to the evaluation of the Eagles by later generations, Mu Jinrui felt that the 20% discount was definitely not a casual offer. It's easy to understand with a little thought.

"I feel that when you come to China this time, you are my biggest gain." The Eagle gave a high evaluation to Mu Jinrui.

"Um... Your term is slightly ambiguous. Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the mission. You will help me hunt a few people this time."

"Hunter? Headhunting is not my strong suit, but I will leave it to my team to operate. Someone has resources in this area."

"I knew there was nothing wrong with finding you. I wanted to contact you again, but you met with me first. I was quite surprised." Mu Jinrui really felt very surprised when he thought of receiving the eagle dating call. Is surprised.

"Isn't it just a little bit of a rhinoceros?" Eagle's ancient poems are still not profound enough, but he can speak Chinese so fluently, it should have been a lot of work.

"Rhino little bit?" Mu Jinrui wanted to squirt as he heard, he really knew how to name it.

"It's a good understanding of the heart." Mu Jinrui's Chinese proficiency for the eagle is also disappointed.

"Yes, that's it, what a strange rhinoceros, and the ancient Chinese poems are so difficult." Thinking of the ancient poems, the eagle has a rare sad look on his face.

"After reading the annotated version, it will be easy to remember in Lenovo. If you remember too much, you can write a few limericks yourself.

You might have heard the saying, "I'm familiar with 300 Tang poems, I can chant even if I don't know how to write poems." "Mu Jinrui looked at the eagle with a sad expression and felt that this eagle is actually very easy to touch!

It was Mu Jinrui who didn't know how easy it was for him to open his heart and talk freely with his easy-going wisdom and only age.

"Really? I can also write poetry? Then after I go back, I must study and study according to the method you said." Eagle listened to Mu Jinrui's words that he could write poetry and felt instantly full of blood and resurrection.

"Talking with you is always so easy and unprofessional. Who did the hunter hunt for you just now?" Eagle felt that if he talked too much with Mu Jinrui, his thoughts would jump. I almost forgot my own job, which is really unprofessional.

"Hunt some people who understand the program, you can help me hunt some of the technical experts, and I can take them all if they can bring their own team." Mu Jinrui is now a good technical team, and now he has no access to the Internet. In a flooded period, you will be a leader if you do anything.

For example, post bars, forums, etc. that will be played badly in the future are not available now. After such a long time of consideration, I feel that the online world is very large and rich, but as long as I have my own place, I can master certain words. Right, and the ability to protect yourself is enough.

"Okay, I see, I will ask my team to dig people as soon as possible, and I will notify you when there are results." The eagle felt that his mind finally calmed down.

"Well, I will have winter vacation in another 20 days or so. Then I will be able to go far away. You can look for talents carefully, and I can go to them for interviews." Mu Jinrui said about this poaching. It was imperative, and slowly showed sincerity.

"Okay, I get it." The eagle can feel Mu Jinrui's attitude.

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