Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 2: Passed away


"Brother, I don't know why we became rivals, not good brothers." Mu Haochen also fell into his memories. Since the moment he entered the gate of Mu's family, he and his brother seemed to have never been in harmony. Time.

"If there is another life I will treat you better, so that you will no longer have such a lonely character, and no longer make you feel lonely." Mu Jinrui stretched out his hand and patted Mu Haochen on the shoulder gently.

The white and slender fingers stayed on Mu Haochen's shoulders and did not leave, but instead grasped firmly, and then left after a while. It seems like I want to keep something, but I regret more.

Mu Jinrui let go of her finger, and her tone was full of regret: "After all, I am two years older than you, but I have never done a good job as a brother. It is my fault."

Mu Jinrui squinted to look at the direction of the bedside table: "There is the equity transfer letter signed by me in the drawer. Take it! I believe you are more suitable to be the successor of Mu's. Parents will take care of you in the future. Don't be sad for them."

Seeing his elder brother whose eyes were starting to lose his head, Mu Haochen couldn't help but his eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked: "Brother! Don't go, don't just leave me alone."

Mu Haochen's voice was full of desolation and weakness, like a drowning person trying to grab the last straw.

"In front of life, everything is trivial. You should change your stubborn temper. Remember to take care of yourself..." Mu Jinrui's voice became softer and lighter, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Didi di...The detector also made a harsh sound. In the long river of life, a once bright star fell.

It may not affect others, but for Mu Haochen, the only light in his dark world has also fallen.

A group of nurses and doctors who rushed to hear the sound were also helpless: "Sorry...".

"Brother... what should I do?" Mu Haochen's mutter made everyone in the ward feel a sinking heart.

This should be really sad to make a Jiaozi make such a sound! It seems that the rumors are not credible, isn't it that the two brothers are rivals? The nurses and doctors thought silently in their hearts as they watched the scene in front of them.

Mu Haochen stared at the sick person in a daze, as if his soul had also left with him.

Mu Haochen's state also made Mu Changhong and Lin Jinghui, the head of the Mu family, who came a step late, very worried, and the air was full of depression.

"Haochen, you have to be strong. We have all seen how good you have been to Jinrui over the past three years. Everyone has his life." Mu's father Mu Changhong endured the heartache of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man. Comforting his adopted son.

Mu Mu Lin Jinghui was already crying, and this strong woman who never showed weakness in front of others seemed to faint in the next moment.

Mu Haochen kept his eyes red, silent, not crying or talking. However, it was this Mu Haochen that made the elderly Mu's father even more worried. The child was too bored, holding everything in his heart.

Father Mu knew that in the past two years, Mu Haochen had taken care of Mu Jinrui who was seriously ill in the past three years, and would come over to accompany his son Mu Jinrui as long as he had time. As Mu Jinrui's condition got worse and worse, he stayed with him for longer and longer.

Sometimes I don’t speak for a day, just keep silent. When I go back to the company to stay up and work overtime at night, I don’t sleep for a while until the early hours of the morning.

No one can dissuade Mu Haochen. With such a stubborn character, Mu's father is helpless.

"Hao Chen, Jin Rui's future generations still need you to take care of. You have to be strong." After Mu's father said these words, he was the first one who couldn't stand it. He fainted, and there was another chaos in the ward.

Father's love is always so heavy and silent.

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