Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 41: Those things about the slip of paper


Mu Jinrui looked at Qin Ming's round fonts for fat children in the little book that he passed back, and was speechless again. This person who is sometimes funny but with a high IQ, can't you change this cute font

M (Mu Jinrui): Qiuxiang? I'm afraid that your Qiuxiang wouldn't even dare to order Tang Bohu.

Q: I know you are envious of my painting skills, I don't care about it like you.

There was also a haughty little expression on the back.

Mu Jinrui glared at Qin Ming next to him. Where did you see the envy? Who gives you the confidence? Forget it, if you don't follow this general knowledge, let him fly by himself proudly. Mu Jinrui intended to get back to business, so he continued to fly around in the notebook.

M: My brother knows that I am out of accommodation, what should I do

Q: Your brother still doesn't know? The expression of surprise and open mouth still matched the back.

M: Um... I forgot to say it.

Q: What else can you not forget? If you know it, you know, isn’t he your brother? It’s weird if you don’t know...

M: The key is that I took an unconventional operation. I was hiding the day from home.

Q: Can this work? Should I also have a day school? Seek detailed operation details.

M: I have an uncle who can help me withhold the pressure of my family from school.

Q: There is still this kind of operation? The whole world owes me a good uncle!

Why does Qin Ming think he doesn't have such a reliable uncle? Should I consider going home and ask Dad if there are any other brothers

M: Don't talk about anything useless, my brother suddenly knew about this, what should I do

Q: Liangban, the question you asked is not a problem in itself.

What else should I do if Mu Jinrui’s little brother is clingy? Just buy a piece of ice cream and I will be happy.

I have to say that classmate Qin Ming saw it thoroughly. It's really cool. Isn't buying ice cream a cool one

M: Why is it not a problem? Looks like he is a little angry today

Q: Are you sure you are angry? Isn't he a facial paralyzed face? How do you tell

Seeing Qin Ming's reply, Mu Jinrui flew over with a knife eye and drew a bloody kitchen knife on the paper, feeling that it was not enough and added a landmine.

After painting, throw it directly to Qin Ming. Your brother has a facial paralyzed face. Your whole family has a facial paralyzed face.

Qin Ming looked at the simple strokes on the paper and knew that this man was angry, and his brother couldn't afford it.

Q: Give him a small gift of love, such as stacking a thousand paper cranes with this piece of paper.

Qin Ming himself didn't think this was a problem, so he could just find something around him and send it away!

M: Will you stack

Q:… Do you see me as such a handy person

M: You continue to paint your Ruhua.

Q: It's Qiuxiang!

After finishing this meaningless paper dialogue, Mu Jinrui felt that the occasional comments made by the second stock were good, so let's make a stack of paper cranes and give it to the angry child.

The bell rang and the get out of class ended. Mu Jinrui said to Qin Ming who was still putting makeup on the cavemen in Beijing, "Go and find yourself a folded paper crane."

Qin Ming's eyes widened: "Isn't it, are you really folded?"

Mu Jinrui's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Qin Ming unclearly, "Didn't you make me stack it? Pay attention, but you did it."

Qin Ming: "...", I just said casually, oh no, can I just write it casually

Qin Ming got up helplessly and went to the girl to ask who would fold a thousand paper cranes. He had to say that with his sunny and cheerful personality and a handsome face, Qin Ming was still somewhat attractive.

When his hands came, Qin Ming got Mu Jinrui five folded paper cranes.

Qin Ming: "Don't disturb my creation. This is a thousand paper cranes I bought for you by betraying my hue. If you can't learn it, you can only blame yourself."

Mu Jinrui: "It's a gift from God that you can sell your hue. You should sell it a few more times so that it won't be wasted by God's pains."

Qin Ming was speechless: "I want to continue creating, don't disturb me!"

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