Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 430: Extra Three


Since there is no retreat, then I can only move forward, even if there are thorns ahead, I am not afraid. After experiencing the warmth and tenderness, want to push me back to that cold world again? is it possible? No way to die!

I didn't even think about it, one day that person will leave me behind, he left, and went to the distant U.S. country. My spirit is facing collapse, I want to ask why, do you know what you mean to me in my world

Later, I communicated. No matter what the reason you chose to go, you will be held accountable one day, you will come back, I will wait, I will stand still and wait.

This has been waiting for several years, this person is so cruel. In the past few years, I have found someone to follow him, I have found someone to monitor him, and collected many photos of him. I can sleep peacefully by looking at him.

Slowly, my monitoring of him became less and less and looser, because I could no longer monitor him. As long as there are slightly more close friends around him, I will be overly nervous.

I found that there was something wrong with my spirit, and I had hallucinations. I started to stop going to my brother's room, I started to reduce the time of looking at photos, and started to reduce my attention to that person.

I told myself that I can't cause problems because I have to wait for that person to come back. I will protect that person in the future. After that person comes back, we have the rest of our lives to spend. I can't have problems.

I want to participate in his future life.

I actively cooperate with the psychiatrist's treatment. I try to solve myself, and I start to work crazy. Only in this way can I reduce the time I think about him.

My spirit improved significantly, and I succeeded in entering the top ranks. I took the position of No. 1 in one fell swoop. I think I can hold up the sky for that person and just wait for him to come back.

He came back as I expected, but he came back two years later than I expected, but no matter what, he still came back, right

After coming back this time, I want to leave me behind, but it won't be so easy. I am confident about this.

On the day I went to pick up the plane, I dressed up for a long time. I wanted that person to have a good impression of me. I expected a lot of scenes when I met.

However, none of them is as cruel as reality. When the man and another woman who had been away for many years came to face each other with a child, my heart seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss.

Although I know that their relationship is not as I see it, they are colleagues, but this picture is too shocking, and it has been lingering in my mind.

At that time, my heart was torn to pieces by this warm picture. Now this woman, a colleague, what about from now on? Will there be other women who are no longer colleagues standing next to this person, holding his hand, and spending the rest of his life with him

The faith that had been so firm before was shaken, how can I make money with a woman in the future? The rest of this person's life is not necessarily his own. Once this idea appears, it is like a seed that grows wildly, taking root, sprouting and growing up quickly in my heart.

During the period when my brother returned to China, my mental state began to be very unstable again. This time I was like a headless fly, unable to find the direction and the belief that could redeem myself.

Last time, I was able to adjust because I firmly believed that he would come back. The rest of his life is still waiting for me to participate.

This time, who can give himself a firm belief? I really want to lock that person up, so that that person is his own, and no one else can touch or touch him.

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