Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 5: Little iceberg


"I'm full, use it slowly." Mu Haochen put down the bowl and chopsticks, coldly turned on the stairs and returned to the room.

Mu Jinrui looked at his younger brother's back and continued to eat until he couldn't see it. It seems that his cold temperament needs to be changed. Just at that time, thank you for taking care of me for so many years in the last life!

Butler Wu saw all these things in his eyes, with a relieved smile on his face. Mu Haochen put down the dishes and chopsticks after eating, just in time to see this expression of Butler Wu.

"Second Young Master is still very good, but his temperament is a little colder, you two brothers can get along and try, I think you can become very good brothers." Wu Guanjia persuaded kindly.

"Well, I know that Xiaochen is fine." Butler Wu was even more happy when he heard Mu Jinrui joking like this.

"Uncle Wu, is your leg still hurting on a rainy day? I think it should rain tonight. Remember to apply the medicine." The steward Wu was shocked, and nodded with red eye circles: "I know, thank you for your concern. , Master still remembers my old problem!".

"Of course, I must apply medicine! There must be rain tonight." Mu Jinrui walked out of the restaurant after speaking with certainty.

"Young Master is really grown up!" Mr. Wu looked at Jinrui's back with emotion very much.

Yes, it's not to blame Uncle Wu for feeling that Mu Jinrui's last life really didn't care about Uncle Wu's old problems at this age, let alone such words of self-interest.

There must be rain tonight, like a knife wringing from a stomachache in my previous life. I hung a bottle in the hospital and looked dumbly at the rain on the glass. What echoed in my ears was Wu Bo’s teachings and feelings. Thunder.

Then I woke up and saw my parents who rushed back from the United States overnight. That scene is hard for Mu Jinrui to forget!

Going upstairs and passing Mu Haochen's room, Mu Jinrui looked at the light from the crack in the door, wondering what his brother was doing

The younger brother was very afraid of thunder. This was also something that he learned about this younger brother in the last three years of his illness in the last life.

And this time the thunder will be very, very loud, and it feels very close, as if it is sounding overhead.

Mu Jinrui wandered in the corridor for a long time and recalled a lot, including what he said when he was ill: "If there is an afterlife, I will be better for you, so that you will no longer feel lonely. '

"Boom dong dong" In the end, Mu Jinrui knocked on Mu Haochen's door. Perhaps his own rebirth was God's mercy to his younger brother, let himself make up for his own shortcomings in the previous life.

From this moment on, the relationship between the two brothers completely deviated from the trajectory of the last life, like knocking on another door of fate.

After a while, the back door opened, revealing Mu Haochen's cold face. This made Mu Jinrui's mouth curl up unconsciously, "It's so cute!" Mu Jinrui stretched out his hand and rubbed Mu Haochen's small head. His hair was a bit hard, but it felt good.

Mu Haochen's face became colder, and he reached out and patted Mu Jinrui's hand that was causing trouble, "Is there something?" The voice was tender and cold, like the sound of a jade wind chime.

"Huh~, it turned out that the voice was so crisp when it didn't change!" Mu Jinrui sighed in his heart, but what is the cause of the Bingberg personality that started to appear at such a young age

"You are very strange tonight!" Mu Haochen looked at Mu Jinrui with a cold face and seriously commented.

"Really? What's weird?" Mu Jinrui felt guilty, this little iceberg is quite sensitive.

Mu Haochen bit his lower lip, as if he didn't want to talk to Mu Jinruiduo. But after all, the current Mu Haochen has no social experience, it is not that when he grows up, Mu Haochen can hold back a day without talking, like a dull gourd.

The immature Xiao Haochen finally said slowly: "Everything is strange. First, you disappeared this afternoon. It is very unconventional. You don't usually stay in your bedroom by yourself. You prefer to go to the third floor. Glass conservatory;"

"Second, you look at me with a strange look today, although I don't know why; third, you haven't been ignorant at the dining table since I remembered, but you spewed rice today;"

Mu Haochen shook his little finger and continued to analyze: "Fifth, you have never knocked on my door before; Fifth, the way you speak today is a bit strange; Fifth, you..."

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