Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 51: No if


After listening to Mu Haochen's words, Mu Jinrui thought of the information he had investigated. The above information about Mu Haochen's childhood experiences kept circling in his mind. Then he looked at this little stubborn little guy in front of him.

"Xiaochen, forget all the bad memories when you were a kid. I used to be a bad brother, and he will never let you be as lonely as before. In the future, I will remember those life memories that were lacking in the past. , All doubling to supply you."

"Brother, you don't owe me anything, you don't need to make up for it, as long as Brother will always be like this in the future, don't turn back to ignore my existence as before.

Mu Haochen felt that Mu Jinrui really didn't owe him anything. Originally, he just wanted to pretend to be pitiful and just want to rest here. Why suddenly the topic is so heavy? Brother's heart is too soft, right? It's easy to be deceived like this!

"Did I treat you badly before?" Mu Jinrui tried to think back when she was a child, as if she didn't have much memory of being together with Mu Haochen.

"Brother always turned a blind eye to me before. When I first entered Mu's house, I was still behind you and wanted to play with you. You ignored people every time and left the toys I gave away in the trash..."

When Mu Haochen thought that when he first met his brother, he really wanted to get along well with him, but the brother at the time was really annoying.

I gave my favorite toys to my brother, but my brother turned around and threw the trash can. Since that time, Mu Haochen, who had strong self-esteem, never took the initiative to approach Mu Jinrui.

The fact that Mu Jinrui turned a blind eye to Mu Haochen over the past few years has already made Mu Haochen feel numb. If you turn a blind eye to me, then I will turn a deaf ear to you.

The two people who didn't have much intersection were more like passersby, but everything changed quietly on that rainy night. It seemed that the barrier that had existed for several years suddenly collapsed.

Listening to Mu Haochen's words, Mu Jinrui felt as if he was being spurred by someone. He felt that the previous Mu Jinrui was too much, and he owed it too much.

"Sorry, it was all my fault in the past. I will never ignore it again. I will definitely be by your side." Mu Jinrui sincerely apologized for what he did before, like Mu Haochen. Fortunately, he was born again. It's not too late in this life, and there is still a chance to make up for your mistakes.

"I believe in brother." Mu Haochen believes in every word and promise made by his brother now.

"Well, if one day I ignore you as before, you will..." Before Mu Jinrui's words were finished, Mu Haochen had already sternly interrupted: "No! There is no if."

Mu Haochen didn't accept this assumption. As long as this possibility had always been possible, and thinking that now if his brother changed back to the way he did before, he would no longer pay attention to himself.

Mu Jinrui looked at this slightly domineering younger brother helplessly, and could only give an affirmative answer: "Yes, there is no if."

Hearing Mu Jinruiā€™s assurance, Mu Haochen's small face turned from cloudy to clear in an instant. Mu Haochen knew how much his brother valued his promises, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. .

In the past, Mu Haochen felt dispensable about his brother's attitude, and never cared about it, but now he always suffers from gains and losses, after all, he is afraid that all this is just a dream.

Because everything came so unexpectedly, he broke open his heart that had been sealed in dust for a long time, and even disrupted the lake of his heart that had been silent for a long time.

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