Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 61: The price of lying


"So, my mom doesn't want to be named? Then why does my mom want to marry my ghost gambler father?" Mu Haochen continued to reason.

"Because your mother is pregnant and wants to give birth to you, she married your dad." Mu Jinrui began to feel that his brain cell death rate was rising sharply. This is the price of lying!

"But I was born only two years after my parents were married?" Mu Haochen continued to raise questions, which is not logical.

"How do you know?" Mu Jinrui felt her heart trembled. Is this going to break the casserole and ask the end

If you really told a lie, countless lies should be used to round out the rhythm of this lie.

"Because I have seen their marriage certificate, there is exactly two years difference between the date of marriage and the date of my voice." Mu Haochen spoke the truth very seriously.

"Um..." How will this panic be made? Mu Jinrui racked his brains thinking about the solution.

"Why?" Mu Haochen was very puzzled.

"Actually, don't be sad. Your mother actually had a child before you, but she didn't keep it." Mu Jinrui prayed silently in her heart. Auntie, the adults don't remember the villains, I also do it for Haochen. .

"My mother never told me, how did you know?" Mu Haochen looked at his omniscient brother curiously, how could such a secret thing be known so clearly

"Because your parents are married by agreement, and the marriage agreement is still in the safe in your father's study." Mu Jinrui praised her screenwriting ability.

"Then I was actually born under expectation, am I?" After carefully sorting out Mu Haochen, his big obsidian eyes shone bright as stars in the sky.

"Of course it is!" Mu Jinrui answered very firmly this time. Which child did not speak out under the expectation of his parents

"Then I am my father's own birth? Are my ghost gambler father and I really not born?" Mu Haochen's final reasoning.

"We are half-brothers, have you forgotten what our father said to your mother?" Mu Jinrui looked at Mu Haochen who was suddenly infinitely close to the truth, and quickly pulled Mu Haochen's thoughts over.

"Yeah, then why didn't my mother bring me to find my father when I was collected?" Another substantive question was thrown at Mu Jinrui by Mu Haochen.

"Don't forget that my dad and my mom are married in business. What is the consequence of your mom coming to the door? It's not going to be turned upside down? It must be a secret discussion with my mom." Mu Jinrui felt that this plot would be a bit burnt if it went on. Brain!

"That's right, but because of him my mother passed away..." Mu Haochen didn't want to face this memory before. Now his heart is open, and he feels like letting go of the huge rock that has been pressed in his heart for a long time.

"Your mother's history is a genetic disease. Did your grandfather pass away very early?" Mu Jinrui thought about the investigated information, and continued to flicker half-truth.

"Well, grandpa passed away before me."

"That's right, none of us are opponents of disease." Including myself.

"Brother, why do you know so clearly about the things back then?"

"There is information in the safe, I have read it." Questions that cannot be answered are handed over to the universal safe.

"How would you know that there are these in the safe?"

"You have too many questions, do I know the password of the safe?" Mu Jinrui could only announce the suspension, the more he said, the more flaws.

"I want to change my pants, do you want to go out?" Mu Jinrui quickly changed the subject.

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