Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 73: Barrister Jing Shuo


Mu Jinrui rushed to the downstairs of the law firm and took out his cell phone to call Jing Shuo.

After a few beeps, I was finally connected: "Hello, who may I ask?" Jing Shuo's formulaic voice came from the phone.

"Hello, this is Mu Jinrui." Mu Jinrui looked up at the sign of the law firm and reported his name.

"Oh! Mu Jinrui, you finally contacted me. It's been a week, I thought you lost my contact information." Jing Shuo's tone changed instantly, he became a little familiar, like a friend Dialogue between.

"Where are you? You promised to invite me to dinner." Mu Jinrui raised his lips and smiled as he listened to the change in Jing Shuo's voice.

"I'm in the office, I must invite you to dinner, thank you for your help that day." The sound of turning the paper also reached Mu Jinrui's ear along with the microphone, which seemed to be sorting files.

"How did it help you in the end? Are you working overtime?" Mu Jinrui Junxiu raised his eyebrows slightly, hoping that it would help Jing Shuo, so that it would not be wrong for him to ask him for this meal.

"Of course it helped me. The client has already signed the contract. This is my first official contract. As for overtime, there is really no. I feel bored at home by myself, so just come here and take a look." Jing Shuo did not Knowing why, I feel like an old friend who has known him for many years to this boy, and I can chat freely.

"Congratulations! It seems that this meal is going to be invited." Mu Jinrui joked. "Since you don't work overtime, then you can come down. I'm downstairs in your office." Mu Jinrui confirmed Jing Shuo's specific situation, and only then revealed the fact that he was already downstairs.

"Are you downstairs? I'll clean up and come down soon." Jing Shuo was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Mu Jinrui to wait for himself downstairs.

"Okay, see you later." After Mu Jinrui finished speaking, he hung up, sitting on the roadside seat basking in the sun and waiting for Jing Shuo to appear.

After a while, Mu Jinrui saw Jing Shuo appear at the gate of the office building and looked around. Mu Jinrui raised his hand and waved at Jing Shuo, attracting Jing Shuo's attention.

Jing Shuo walked over quickly and looked at the little boy who was a little lazy in the sun. "Hi, we finally meet again."

Mu Jinrui stood up and looked at Jing Shuo's black suit. This style was the same as Jing Shuo's feeling, rigorous. "Well, lawyer Jing, we met again." Mu Jinrui smiled warmly at Jing Shuo Nuan.

Jing Shuo handed over a one-hundred-yuan bill: "Return your money." Acting very simply, without detours.

"You really don't owe anyone." Mu Jinrui took the money and put it in his pocket at will.

"If you don't contact me these days, I feel that I can't sleep well. I always don't like to owe others debts." Jing Shuo has been thinking about paying back the money these days, but Mu Jinrui hasn't contacted himself for a long time.

"I'm still a student, so I can't come over these few days. I only have time to contact you this weekend." I won't contact you when I have time, otherwise how would you remember me. The little abacus in Mu Jinrui's heart was smashing.

"That's right, let's go. I would like to invite you to dinner to thank you for your help?" Jing Shuo was still thinking about his promise.

"What kind of food do you have at this time?" Mu Jinrui showed Jing Shuo the time on the phone. It was only ten o'clock, which was really not suitable for eating.

"Then I invite you to dinner at noon?" Jing Shuo proposed again.

Mu Jinrui rolled his eyes silently in his heart, really helpless! This Jing Shuo is really rigid. This promise is a bit too much. "You can ask me to have a cup of coffee. It's a thank you, no need to eat."

"I thought you kids don't like coffee, or else I'll take you to KFC?" Jing Shuo thinks Mu Jinrui is very satisfactory, but kids don't like coffee, don't they

"-_-||Attorney Jing, I am 15 years old, and I will be an adult next year." Mu Jinrui felt a bit ashamed to be called a child.

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