Accompany You, is My Mission

Chapter 80: High-end atmosphere and high-end


"So big? This is an Internet cafe? It feels too luxurious, right?" Qin Ming thought it was incredible to see the neat and unified sofa seats, the mouse pad with the unified LOGO already equipped, and the cool decoration style. .

Mu Jinrui also looked at this Internet cafe curiously with big eyes. Although the style of the Internet cafe looked different from the current Internet cafe, his taste was quite high.

"Brother, I like it here!" Mu Haochen feels that it is still a bit messy, but the feeling of coming in is already very liking. If everything is sorted out, he should feel comfortable going online in this environment.

"Just like it, we just want to be a unique and memorable Internet cafe. This is a pantry, and there are private rooms and lounges upstairs. You can go and see." Mu Jinrui's decoration style It's more like an Internet cafe for later generations, and it should be considered a more avant-garde decoration in this era.

"Will the cost be too high and the Internet fee expensive?" Qin Ming was still a bit business-minded, and the questions he asked were very targeted.

"Expensive is definitely expensive, but rest assured, you will not lose money. I have set up a lobby area, VIP area, box area, as well as the battle area and the space capsule rest area. This is our characteristic. There are economic zones and luxury zones , You can choose according to your own needs.” Mu Jinrui gave Qin Ming and Mu Haochen a detailed introduction to the functions of each area of the Internet cafe.

Qin Ming and Mu Haochen feel that Mu Jinrui's design is great, and all groups of people have taken care of it. It is important to know that the current netizens are not only elementary school students. Many adults are addicted to online games, but there are indeed very few computers at home.

"You all have stakes. I will divide them according to the proportion of your capital. I will also back up the accounts for you." After Mu Jinrui introduced the layout of the Internet cafe, he took out the financial details from his schoolbag and gave it to you. They see that some data such as investment amount and proportion are very detailed.

"Brother, I don't want to pay dividends, the shares count as yours." Mu Haochen looked at Mu Jinrui, who was doing business like this, making him feel a sense of distance, just like those businessmen, all using money and data to talk. It feels too unfamiliar to people, and Mu Haochen doesn't like it very much.

"Brothers clearly settle the accounts, it won't be very troublesome. You just have to do it on time within a month. I will definitely figure out the accounts and you can check them at any time." Mu Jinrui thought Mu Haochen was afraid of being too complicated, after all Mu Haochen is still very young.

However, Mu Jinrui himself didn't know that due to years of commercial deposition, once he invested in business, his attitude of formula and public management would naturally be attached to him, and he would be different in peacetime.

Mu Haochen looked at the elder brother in front of him, feeling very uncomfortable, such an elder brother felt really far away from him.

"Then be regarded as you borrowing my money, and returning it to me when you make money, I don't want to share the account with you." Mu Haochen changed to another gentler way, he didn't want to share it with his brother so clearly.

"Silly Xiaochen, then you will suffer a lot." Mu Jinrui heard Mu Haochen's words and felt that this way Mu Haochen would suffer a great loss, and he would definitely make money in the future, and he would pay back the bill and pay dividends at that time. But there is a big gap.

"It doesn't matter, I don't need money anyway." Mu Haochen insisted on this. Seeing his brother's attitude and the warm tone of his speech, he felt that this decision was right.

"Okay, then it's the money I borrowed from you, and I will return it to you later." Looking at Mu Haochen who persisted, Mu Jinrui knew that persuasion was useless, so he simply gave up. Anyway, there will be more opportunities to help Mu Haochen in the future. Not in a hurry at this moment.

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