Ace Evolution

Chapter 1: wanted


In the eyes of his classmates, he is a taciturn young man with a dull personality. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. Com

In the eyes of his boss, he is an insensitive and submissive temporary worker.

In the eyes of the police, he is a thoughtful, cruel and wanted criminal.


Fang Lin.


Han nationality.

Both parents died.

He was found missing on the evening of February 25, 2009. Half a month later, his aunt called the police and found three highly decomposed male corpses at home. After DNA verification, they belonged to Liu Jifu and He Kai from the same hometown. Zhou Tingli and three others. After multiple investigations, it was found that the eleven originally recognized accidental casualties that occurred in Yuhong Township in the past two years should all be related to this criminal suspect.

This is the only information the police have about him, and most of it was found in the empty and dilapidated house of Fang Lin's home. This serial murder case left the police with too few clues. The valuables had been sold off long ago - and were used by Fang Lin to pay off the foreign debt he borrowed after burying his parents. The pile of ashes in the corner of the wall seemed to symbolize half of this young man's life: gloomy, brittle enough to be blown away by the wind, and of course, death.

The motive for committing the crime was as clear as the framed glass hanging in the middle of the hall - there, Fang Lin's parents, who had been dead for three years, were smiling brightly at the three corpses in the photo. ----The police have confirmed that there are a total of six people who have died either indirectly or directly at the hands of Fang Lin in the past two years.

There were five men and one woman, six in total.

One is not too much and the other is not too little.

These six people have relatives, wives (husbands), children, and friends. The combined relationship is like a network that can push two ordinary people to a dead end/death road! Of course, maybe they didn't want these two people to die, but just instinctively based their happiness on the pain of others, or wanted to create some entertainment atmosphere and overestimated others' ability to withstand oppression.

--------So, tragedy happened.

These two people are Fang Lin's parents, but they also have another very secret and very intimate identity.


Biological siblings.

Therefore, after this shocking news was spread, a family that was originally happy and happy was soon in danger due to public opinion and the spit from everyone playing mahjong. The most terrifying thing is that on the way home, Fang Lin's mother was suddenly attacked and...** by those five men!

The reason why these people have been sparing no effort to promote other people's lust is that they have long coveted this beautiful young woman, and with the evil intention of destroying it if they can't get it, these five people did this. Such evil deeds!

So on a sweltering summer night, a couple who couldn't bear the pressure of the world took the purchased rat poison with a sense of relief. By the time Fang Lin noticed it, his pupils had dilated. My heartbeat and breathing stopped for a long time. The original family of three was shattered and collapsed.

However, he didn't cry or make a fuss. He sat with a pale face and sluggishly next to his parents' bodies for several days. Only by occasionally driving away mosquitoes and flies did he realize that he was still alive. Finally, he waited until the neighbors couldn't stand the odor anymore. The stench came out and he knocked on the door angrily. Fang Lin calmly dialed the number of the funeral home.

It was only then that the rumors that had been circulating suddenly died down. Everyone felt so slightly apologetic that they were no longer embarrassed to mention it, and the sins of the five people that night were not spread at all. , but the topics surrounding Fang Lin gradually increased.

"I've always looked at this kid as a bit stupid since I was a kid, and it seems that's true."

"That's right, if two brothers and sisters do that, they will naturally produce fools."

"His grades in school have never been very good. Our eldest daughter said that this guy is the one who gets the most discipline from the teacher."

"Teenage dolls are lifeless. I'm afraid they won't live long."


These people all know it but don’t know why:

Each normal person may carry several or even a dozen harmful recessive alleles. Intermarriage between relatives will give these recessive alleles more opportunities to meet and produce genetic abnormalities. Half of the human nuclear genome comes from the father and half comes from the mother. In the case of incest, the chance of two identical problematic genes being combined is much greater than that of people who are not incest. The mortality rate of their offspring is high and often occurs. Dementia, malformations and genetic disease patients.

However, high risks will inevitably lead to high returns, and there is a very small chance that incest marriage will produce an extremely outstanding genius in some field: In 1885, a man named Alois from Germany married His own niece, their first son’s name is:

——————————Adolf Hitler!

The grandparents of Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution, were direct cousins. This did not affect Darwin's becoming a scientific giant.

The wealthy DuPont family in the United States has been incestuous for a hundred years, and there are many business wizards in the family!

The most typical example is a pair of Jewish cousins who gave birth to a genius recognized as having a high IQ.


Fang Lin is also part of this extremely small probability!

He still clearly remembers that the first person he killed was Mrs. Diao downstairs! After she overheard the secret that her parents accidentally revealed on the phone, she made it a strange story and spared no effort to publicize it everywhere. If it weren't for her, her life would never be as lonely and miserable as it is now!

That night three years ago, he waited on the quiet long street for three hours, forty-two minutes and thirty-seven seconds. Finally, he waited until the fat woman had had her fill of cards, so he sneaked up from behind and raised his hand. The brick in his hand suddenly exerted force and hit the back of the head hard!

… … …..


Blood splattered everywhere!

"Fang Lin, what are you doing, you little bastard! You have been working as a dungzi (a person who cuts vegetables, meat, and side dishes in a restaurant) for half a year, but you still can't even chop the bones!"

With the sound of the gong breaking, everyone in the "Qixiang" kitchen didn't need to listen to the content to know that Wan Qiang was taking out his anger on the new boy again. It's a bit strange to say that when he came to apply for the job half a year ago, the young man named Fang Lin was really unfamiliar with his skills. He was asked to show his hands and worked for a long time. The slices of meat he cut out could only be described as chunks, while the shredded pork... was less so. It was also as thick as a candle. In the end, the dumbfounded chef asked him to peel the radish. The radish was peeled, but only two ounces of the two-pound radish was left.

However, my talents are bound to be useful. After listening to the waiter talking about this as a joke, the shrewd boss rushed to the kitchen, looked at the calm young man in front of him, dragged him to the chopping board, and threw him away. He went up with a thick-backed kitchen knife and said impatiently:

"Can you endure hardship?"

Fang Lin silently took off an apron from the side and put it on. His thin body was wrapped in the wide apron, making him look even more skinny. He then said concisely:


The boss rolled up his sleeves, held up the cloud of smoke in his mouth, and pulled out a dozen pieces of pork ribs from the freezer next to him. The total weight may not be more than a hundred kilograms, and he gasped:

"If you can chop these ribs for me today, then you can stay."

Fang Lin didn't speak, but silently held the thick handle of the knife that was chopped on the cutting board.

In fact, probably because God is fair to people, geniuses are often added with the suffix "idiot". Some people are particularly outstanding in a certain aspect, so they will often be weak in other aspects, just like Chen Jingrun's attitude towards housework. At a loss, a certain piano genius couldn't take care of himself. The consequence of Einstein going to the kitchen was to cause a fire. The same was true for Fang Lin. He had never been able to sharpen pencils since he was a child and was not very good at doing these delicate tasks. However, he has a ruthless spirit in his bones. The worse he is at something, the more he has to train.

Before entering, Fang Lin observed this hotpot restaurant called "Qixiang" for two hours and realized that the signature here was the spareribs hotpot. Therefore, he deduced that what was missing here was probably the ability to afford it. Chopping ribs is a laborious job, so he came in to apply - so that no one noticed that before the boss said anything, the young man had already put on a thick apron to avoid chopping with force. Blood spattered on my body when I was cooking the ribs.

So Fang Lin, who endured the pain in his arms, successfully got this high-intensity, low-return job. To be precise, it's a part-time job.

He now has three identities, one is an employee of Qixiang, the other is an adult college student at Nanchuan University, and the last identity is a wanted criminal on the Internet of the Ministry of Public Security!

It's just that no one would associate the fat, round-faced and honest young man on the wanted poster with the thin, high-cheeked, cold, and dull person in front of him. In fact, even if Fang Lin's parents came to life again at this time. , and may not be able to recognize their son!

This is not plastic surgery.

Fang Lin was determined to take revenge from the moment he saw his parents' bodies. And he has no plan to die with his enemy, so the first thing he envisions is to retreat!

In order to quickly change into his current appearance, after Fang Lin personally killed the last three people on the revenge list, he began to take the special weight-loss drugs prepared in advance on the road, and then knocked off the upper jaw with a stone. Canine teeth left and right!

This is a disgusting and painful process. Because of the combination of weight loss drugs and diet, the weight begins to decrease rapidly. The removal of the canine teeth causes the facial muscles to begin to shrink locally. These two ingenious and cruel methods caused Fang Lin's appearance to change extremely quickly! In addition, the photos on the wanted poster were deliberately placed in his old house for the police - Fang Lin was sure that they would never be able to find any other recent photos of him! So much so that even though he didn't even change his name, no one would associate him with the murderer!

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