Ace Evolution

Chapter 1170: Five people = ten segments


Although Li Huanzhang could not see the injuries of the huge assembly from his angle, his four brothers could see clearly! A huge crater-like wound appeared on the collective's right chest. www. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. There is no flesh and blood inside cOm, only dense and upright bones.

The bones were as dry as if they had been exposed to the sun for decades in the desert. Only at the edge of the huge and tragic wound could you see the dirty flesh and blood that looked like paste. The only thing that could be associated with this flesh and blood was that it had been soaked in the gutter for seven years. Eight months of rotten sludge, and the injury is still expanding slowly, just like water dripping on the fabric that has not yet been absorbed.

There was still no sign of pain in the collective, but their eyes were staring blankly at the sky, as solemn as Liu Huan's singer temperament, as if the wound on the vital part of the body, which was at least five or six meters in diameter, did not exist. Even the five brothers were surprised and angry to find that although the fat head on the left side of the group had a grin and green fangs, its eyelids were tightly closed and its head was shaking... One's first impression is that he was so weak that he almost died!

But immediately you can see something very strange from the corner of the mouth of this fat head. That was a stream of clear saliva. If this head was dying, then what should be flowing should be blood, but this guy seemed to be drooling while he was asleep!

The five brothers immediately felt extremely humiliated. They had received very accurate information. Yang Jian would be able to come to the rescue in two minutes at most. Stimulated by such news that was like a tonic, they looked at each other and decided This huge but weak monster must be driven into the abyss of eternal destruction. The five brothers held each other's hands, and the demon spirits behind them clearly emerged. Then it roared wildly, and the stone slabs on the entire square slowly floated. The regular mahjong tiles are arranged in front of the five brothers, which looks like a maze and the Great Wall built up with giant mahjong tiles!

The square in front of the Zhenjun Temple was originally paved with very regular bluestone slabs. Each bluestone slab was two feet four inches long and one foot two inches wide. When the Zhenjun Temple was built, it was said that this place was originally a muddy depression. But after the Zhenjun Temple was built, a miracle happened overnight, and the depression turned into a plain, with mountains of bluestone slabs like this piled up next to it. Each believer laid a stone slab on the main hall, and the majestic and broad square was built today. Moreover, the believers who participated in this matter were miraculously cured of their illnesses without medicine, and most of them died without illness.

However, these believers didn't think much about it. Since the man in the Zhenjun Temple was so powerful that he could move mountains, fill lakes, and cut mountains and stones, why should they be asked to help with the construction work? This square? There is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hatred without reason. Naturally, they have to pay the corresponding price for the benefits they get!

The bluestone slabs paving the square are two feet four inches long and one foot two inches wide. The length coincides with the twenty-four solar terms, and the width coincides with the twelve months of the year. At that time, Erlang Shen used his magical power to lay out these 8,474 bluestones. Each stone slab was accompanied by his magical power. It was not a good thing that the people who were carrying the stone slabs were all relieved of their illnesses. It was because Yang Jian had destroyed their lives. The period of life that was tortured by illness was taken away. It sounds difficult to understand, but to put it bluntly, a person can live for eighty years, but he will be tortured by illness when he is forty to fifty years old, so Yang Jian directly lost his ten years of illness and life. It seems that he is doing good things, but this man's life span has shrunk from eighty to seventy...

And this falls within the scope of fair transactions between you and me. Where Yang Jian throws the slate, the believers can touch it themselves, and it will not violate the rules of heaven. It is like a shrew who drank pesticide and died, and the manufacturer of the pesticide is not guilty... Of course, maybe Some people are willing to sacrifice their life in exchange for their health, but if they learn the truth, I believe most believers will turn into thugs and attack his mother.

The bluestone slab that appeared in front of the five brothers cracked piece by piece and exploded into balls of light blue powder in the air. The powder drifted with the wind and gradually fell, but some of the iron-green or light black aura that evaporated from it completely remained. This is the "sickness" and "sulkingness" in the lifespan of those believers that Erlang Shen took away, and they are slowly condensing. If these "sickness" and "sullenness" are present in one person, they will naturally have no effect, but the gathering of more than 8,000 people who built this square, coupled with the formation of formations over the past few hundred years, has formed an extremely Awesome killing formation!

Fierce Plague Array!

This formation cannot kill people immediately, but the person or immortal who is hit will immediately lose more than half of its mana. Then in the following time, he watched helplessly as the disease continued and stubbornly eroded his mana and life. There is no cure, no cure.

This formation was the ultimate formation presented by Lu Yue back then. To get rid of the "sickness" and "sulkingness" of so many people, the evil ways had no other choice but to find patients to kill. Often people are punished by God before they have killed enough of themselves. Not even a madman like Lu Yue dared to come into contact with him. Only in the name of the right way, doing evil things can be done successfully and legitimately.

In just a short moment, the blazing plague formation swept through crazily and turned into four giant hands with thick joints and sharp and long nails. A thin layer of silver shimmered on the surface of the big hand. The light was like a will-o'-the-wisp flowing from the bones of a dead person. It was very strange and vague. If you didn't identify it carefully, you would completely ignore it.

That big hand was caused by the thick and rolling black air. This black air seemed very ferocious, but it was intangible and completely useless. If you attack him, obviously the miasma will overflow and you will not get any good results.

Fang Lin frowned. At this moment, he regretted giving the ninety seconds to Xuxiao, but the extremely powerful pressure he felt on the collective body was indeed a golden plot equipment of almost the same level as the artifact. What a feeling! And there are still six pieces! The two pieces of quasi-gold plot equipment he wore didn't feel big, but Lin Yinxiu's golden plot equipment Jieshi Canghai Double Blades made him put a lot of effort into it. If it weren't for his weapon mastery, he would really be a little overwhelmed. I don’t know how to control this collective.

Three of the four big hands steaming with black energy were aimed at the collective and grabbed them, but one was aimed at Fang Lin and the others. It could not only contain them for rescue, but also use offense instead of defense to ensure their own safety. Together, these five brothers thought very carefully, so what they did was perfect on paper!

Not to mention the three big hands that attacked the collective, the hand of black mist steaming plague that attacked Fang Lin and the others alone was so powerful that even when they were more than ten meters away, they could smell an extremely unpleasant smell. The rancid smell is really nauseating. Under Fang Lin's instructions, Lao Hu stamped his feet and dug his hands deeply into the ground. At this time, he carefully studied the special skills of Daimon Goro and the Seven Flails of the Dry Earth. Gain a new understanding of the power that controls the earth. With a twitch of his hands, he actually pulled up a square piece of land. It was like a giant accessory that had already been poured on a construction site, and then Lao Hu slammed the piece of soil, which was at least twenty square meters, towards the hand of plague.

Black mist filled the air, and the hand of plague was very fragile, like fragile porcelain, but what the caster wanted was the effect it would produce after it broke. The blue-black smoke spread in the air, sometimes gathering into ferocious howling skeletons, and sometimes dispersing into clouds of gas that was so light that it was difficult to distinguish. In an instant, it covered nearly thirty miles of the house.

Fang Lin and the others had already retreated fifty meters away, with serious expressions on their faces. Logically speaking, this is the time when the five brothers are most vulnerable, but this blazing plague array is indeed very powerful, and even Fang Lin is not sure that he can rush over and kill the five brothers and escape unharmed. Fortunately, this formation requires a large number of "sickness" and "sulkingness" from living people. It is a disposable item, which can be regarded as a trump card in Yang Jian's hand.

The other three black plague hands, which were more than ten meters long, were already roaring with ferocity. Two hands strangled the collective's neck, and one hand went straight to the wound on the chest, and quickly penetrated into the collective's body. It seemed that the collective's huge and strong body was like a sponge. The power of the formation that violently absorbs the fierce plague is average. And the surface of the hand of plague immediately sprouted countless tentacles, which penetrated deeply into the muscles of the collective, lest he break free again, he even tied his tentacles into several knots, and then began to greedily suck them. Flesh comes.

The three-headed face of the assembly, which was originally dull and dull, finally showed a look of pain. A large number of blisters appeared on the surface of his skin, and blue blood vessels appeared strangely like the root system of a tree, and quickly extended to the whole body. This Indicates that the virus has spread rapidly throughout the body.

There was silence in the entire square, as if it had become a cave for the master of ghosts. Everyone felt that even their own heartbeat could be clearly seen, and a cold and evil feeling arose in their blood. An unpleasant fishy smell began to permeate the air. It was like a fish that had been soaked to death for a long time. It was like a giant beast burping happily. After smelling it for a long time, it made me feel sick. . By the way, Bobby had already transformed into a mini version of the larvae and escaped.

The collective body begins to decay and dissolve. It melted like wax, and the lower body quickly disappeared. At this time, Lao Hu and the others felt that it was natural for Wuxianfu to make fake and shoddy products. Fang Lin, on the other hand, sighed with regret. Only Wuxianfu yelled in shock with tears in his eyes:

"How could it be like this, how could it be like this!!! In order to overpower that bitch Emerson, I spent all my money!!! My wife can only use Pechoin for skin care!"

"Let's go." Fang Lin turned around and patted Wuxianfu on the shoulder and comforted: "Actually, this move of yours is also very useful. If it weren't for the collective network, we would at least be here in the Blazing Plague Array. Losing a person’s combat power. Huh?”

At this moment, he turned around and took a few steps. Fang Lin suddenly discovered something very strange. The breath of the five brothers in the distance disappeared in an instant!

Fang Lin suddenly turned around, just in time to see two golden sword wheels of more than ten meters flying diagonally into the distance. The five brothers in the distance touched his waist with strange expressions, and then the five brothers suddenly broke out of the middle. Cut into ten pieces!

Xin Yuan and Lao Si have never turned around. His face has turned pale! The pressure exerted on them by the two golden sword wheels was so great that they actually felt like vomiting. You can imagine the amount of pressure it puts on people.

The most terrifying thing is that you can only feel the pressure when you see the golden knife wheel with your eyes. If he were attacked from behind by this thing, such a violent attack would be as mysterious as an assassination!

When Fang Lin gave up and turned around, the collective body at this time had been melted to the waist. The bodily fluids like dissolving candles flowed for hundreds of square meters. Those who witnessed it felt an indescribable oppression. It suddenly came out from him! . At the same time, it looked up to the sky and howled silently. The voice became longer and longer, and it seemed to contain endless pain, and the resentment seemed like the cries of a ghost in the deepest part of hell!

Then he raised two thick arms. It seems to be fighting something against the sky, and it seems to be piercing the sky alive!

Those two arms held two huge butcher knives.

Kill thousands of people!

The smelting golden light on the surface of the butcher knife instantly sublimated into the brilliance of the scorching sun and rushed towards my face!

That kind of oppressive force even made the friendly army's fourth brother Yu Xinyuan widen his eyes and feel the deep threat of death! At this moment, the six golden plot weapons in the hands of the collective all resonated and responded crazily.

Two Thousand Man Slashers were violently thrown out. Two golden sword wheels with a diameter of more than ten meters danced in the air, instantly cutting the five brothers who were a hundred meters away into ten pieces!

Instant kill! ! !

Note: Some comrades asked about the difference between golden plot equipment and artifacts. Please explain. There are two types of equipment in Ace: Type A is white-blue-bright gold-dark gold-purple equipment (artifacts)

Category b is silver plot equipment - quasi-gold plot equipment - gold plot equipment.

Silver plot equipment = dark gold equipment.

Golden plot equipment is slightly inferior to artifacts.

As for special equipment, exclusive equipment is individualized and not listed.