Ace Evolution

Chapter 1177: Dehua Xueyou, Yanzu Tingfeng


The room was quiet, as lifeless as a tomb. Xiao Fu's eyes were staring at one place dully and intently, which made people think of the words "die with eyes open". wWW. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. coM

Lin Yinxiu turned his back silently, as if he didn't want to express his feelings or look at her any more.

Fang Lin stretched out his hand towards Wuxiaofu, looking like he was probably going to wipe off his eyelids for him. But when his hand reached mid-air, he suddenly reached for the pillow next to him with great dexterity, and took out a black mobile phone the size of a brick from under the pillow. The cracks on the shell of the mobile phone were repaired, and there were traces of transparent tape sticking together.

"I told you n times to recuperate and sleep! You just don't listen! Please don't pretend to be dead next time. You've already done it four times. Can you be a little creative?"

Fang Lin's angry curses echoed in the house, and he had already picked up Wuxian Fu's ears. The wretched Fu Qiya said with a crooked face and tears:

"Sir! My injury is not healed yet, please be gentle."

Fang Lin angrily said:

"You also know that your injury is not healed? Why don't you just recuperate honestly? The soul-body flower fox-sable directly eats people's souls. Although you are extremely afraid of death and hang up seven or eight consecrated Buddha statues, you are still One soul and three souls were swallowed up. Although Xu Xiawu was a mortal when he was alive, he was a god who was demoted to the mortal world in his previous life. Fortunately, he summoned your soul and restored your soul. Otherwise, you would have been paralyzed by incontinence. On the bed, the gauze cloth will keep clapping while watching Meimei cuckold you!"

The wretched Fu stared at Fang Lin's hands and smiled dryly:

"Master, hasn't this soul been restored to me?"

Fang Lin scolded:

"Is it so easy to replenish the soul? Do you think it is so easy for you to remove the parts with a screwdriver and replace them again? Your current situation is like a glass of water without a lid. If it is shaken a little, it will easily spill out. You must wait until the lid is healed. Only then can we take action. If you keep doing this, be careful and you may even forget your bank deposit password."

This last sentence was indeed lethal. Xie Fu's face immediately turned blue, and he stuck out his tongue and said:

"Okay Master, I'll reply to Ai-chan's message and just stay in ***."

Fang Linqi said:

"Ai-chan? Reply to the message?"

The wretched Fu Jie smiled and said:

"Emerson has recently fallen in love with a middle-aged aunt who according to him still has charm but actually has a strong body odor. This aunt runs a grocery store, but she ignores him, so this pervert wants to Every day I find excuses to hook up and talk... He secretly asked me to advise him, so I called him Ai-chan for short. This is... a reflection of our friendship, but it's best not to do it in front of him. If you scream, you will fall out."

Fang Lin waved his hand dumbfounded, but Lin Yinxiu said curiously:

"How do you text him back?"

The wretched man took the tattered big brother over with great difficulty, smashed it beside the bed first, then shook it violently a few times, and then clicked the keyboard...

Beauty Lin's eyes almost popped out of her head. QQ2005 was actually installed in this mobile phone! It seems that it can also make video calls, so I am afraid that this awesome big brother will be the only one. Fang Lin's sharp eyes saw the content that Xie Fu was typing with five pens with great interest. Although he had decided not to speak, he couldn't help but wipe his sweat and said:

"Xiao Fu, okay, I know your q name is Sunshine Boy... I am fully mentally prepared to accept your online name, but who is this person named Ting Feng Yanzu you are sending a message to?"

Wuxianfu said regretfully in a positive tone:

"Master, your IQ has dropped! Next time you heat the hot pot, remember to ask Pig Brain to replenish it. I just promised you to reply to Ai-chan with a message and rest in peace. Of course, now I am sending him a message?"

"So... Emerson's Q is named Tingfeng Yanzu?"

Both Lin Yinxiu and Fang Lin looked a little pale at this time. But at this moment, the wretched Fu Huan said with great joy:

"Not bad. In fact, Ai-chan's original Q is called F5, which means he is more handsome than F4 combined. I told him that it was too superficial and straightforward. Euphemism is popular nowadays, and young people must keep a low profile. As a result, this old country bumpkin actually changed his name to Jacky Dehua. Hey, thanks to my help, he chose the current Q name. Master, do you think it’s good? Eh? Where are the people? Hey! Why are you covering your mouth and bending over? I haven’t finished yet…”

Compared with the wretched pay, the injury to Xin Yuan seems to be much more serious. His throat was bitten through, and the veins in his neck were ruptured. Fortunately, the Roaring Sky Dog's fangs grazed the carotid artery, otherwise it would be difficult for even a reincarnator to save him. It is hard to imagine that the blood pressure in the arteries above the neck is so high. In ancient times, it was often said that criminal robbers were beheaded in public. Jiangyang robbers were generally strong and strong. After their heads were chopped off with a knife, the blood column spurted out from the carotid artery could be as high as four. About 300 meters away, it was very sad and tragic.

Fortunately, after Xinyuan was bitten, he immediately transformed into an elite shooter type IV. After the transformation, he was obviously much stronger in resisting blows. Therefore, although the bites all over his body were more serious than the fourth child, he still managed to survive. However, the Roaring Sky Dog's teeth are even more vicious and contain very powerful venom. And because the bite wound is extremely deep, the heart's resistance is not high, so the venom is like a tarsal maggot entangled in the heart's body. In the body, it must be returned to the nightmare space to expel it. In other words, if one wants Xinyuan to help in this world, he can only leave it to him to silently pray for his companions.

Another good news that Fang Lin and the others got was that Lao Si got a special prop from the key box dropped by Yao Gonglin. After combining it with the excellent light sword that sealed Zhuge Liang's thunderous skills, he injected it into one piece. The magical blue equipment turned into mutated dark gold equipment! (Similar to Lao Hu’s flying hammer that was cut and mutated)

After the mutation, the name of the outstanding lightsaber was changed to the Thunder Snake Sword. The shape of the sword also became very strange. The sword was only two feet long, but the hilt was three feet and three inches long! There was a blue lightning coiled around it, and from time to time it would sparkle and sparkle with little blue star fires, making a trembling sound, and several silver snakes that were sucking like gossamers would quickly flash around it. , buzzing!

The Thunderbolt skill, which was originally triggered randomly, was changed to a chain lightning skill. Although its power has been reduced, it has the added attribute of "it will definitely appear every ten seconds".

And Fang Lin also has an incomprehensible and impenetrable temperament. As long as you get close to him, you will have a feeling of being completely seen through, as if everything about you is like dust under the sun. It appeared in front of him very clearly.

Fang Lin and the others no longer dared to stay in Guankou City at this time, but stayed in a wealthy family's house thirty miles away from Guankou City. The last sudden attack by Yang Jian had left a deep impression on them. Impression, although it is almost certain that Yang Jian's last tail raid was probably closely related to the Roaring Sky Dog, and the Roaring Sky Dog will definitely not be able to recover for a while, but it is still better to be careful and sail the Wannian Ship .

As for the elixir recorded in the book that can instantly whiten skin, moisturize and enlarge breasts and nose, and restore all injuries after eating it - it is impossible to appear in the Journey to the West at this time. What if there is such a killer weapon? Why should Fang Lin and the others fight? If Yang Jian takes one pill when he is about to die, and if he takes another pill when he is about to die, then there will be no suspense in the battle. Fang Lin and the others will be exhausted.

After Fang Lin and Lin Yinxiu walked out of Wuxianfu's ward, Fang Lin sighed and his face quickly became heavy. Lin Yinxiu raised her bright eyes and looked at him and said:

"what are you worried about?"

Fang Lin nodded slightly and said:

"Now our strength has dropped drastically. Xinyuan's serious injury has reduced the team's total output ability by at least a quarter. Even though the fourth child has high physical strength and strong resistance to resist the venom of the Roaring Sky Dog, he is still broken after all. If you lose an arm, you can’t hold a sword if you hold a shield.”

Lin Yinxiu said calmly:

"But Yang Jian also has to spend his energy to save the five brothers and Roaring Sky Dog. Isn't this even?"

Fang Lin frowned and said:

"But Yang Jian also absorbed that bit of breath soil! This thing Yang Jian did not hesitate to torture Xu Xiawu in such a vicious way must be very important to Yang Jian. This is a sudden change!"

Lin Yinxiu knew that sudden changes in the layout were indeed a very difficult matter. She hated encountering this kind of situation when discussing business, but she responded quickly and said immediately:

"The trouble should end it."

Fang Lin's eyes lit up and he said:

"You mean, go find Xu Xiawu, who originally owns the soil, and ask?"

… …

Now that Xu Xiawu has exposed his identity in his previous life, he has begun to take advantage of it. This guy was sitting in the study room outside the unlucky member, reading quietly. After seeing Fang Lin and the others coming,

The man first straightened his red satin-patterned gold floral robe, straightened the white jade crown engraved with blue field fineness on his head, took out a small comb carved from ink rhinoceros horn, and straightened his beautiful black beard that fluttered on his chest. , and finally took half a sip of the new Lao Junmei, then he confidently smiled and said, pretending to be a master:

"You are finally here, why are you here so slowly? After Yang Jian got the breath soil, because he did not have a green wood gourd to hold it, he could only absorb it immediately, which meant that he would be temporarily imprisoned in the state at that time. But when he absorbs the breath soil after three days, his strength will rise to a new level."

"Temporarily imprisoned in the state at that time?" Fang Lin asked doubtfully.

Xu Xiawu added:

"The mana and energy he spent at that time will not be replenished at all, and the spells he has cast will also be in a constant uncooled state." (For example, when Yang Jian absorbed the breath soil, his physical strength was only 65%, and his mental strength was only 65%. 75%, then within three days his peak state can only be this point, but the three-pointed two-edged sword will also return. This is equipment and has nothing to do with the state of Yang Jian's own body.)

Fang Lin took a long breath. This was the biggest good news he had ever heard.

… …

The title of the previous chapter jumps directly from 45 to 50. This is my mistake, but fortunately it does not affect reading. Ah Tu apologizes.