Ace Evolution

Chapter 1178: Yang Jian's father


After hearing Xu Xiawu's words, Fang Lin took a long breath. This was the biggest good news he heard today. wWw,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,comHowever, Lin Yinxiu could sense that there was still unfinished meaning in Xu Xiawu's words. She was used to sitting at the negotiation table, and it was easy to grasp the opponent's psychology, and she immediately calmly road:

"Mr. Xu, although you were a god in the sky in your last life, you are a mortal in this life. The memory of your previous life is only after death. Don't forget that you are here today thanks to our help. The relationship between Yang Jian and the Jade Emperor Needless to say, you know better than me. Of course, if you are naive enough to believe that your uncle can ignore the blood relationship between your nephew and jump out to seek justice, then just pretend that I didn’t say anything."

Xu Xiawu didn't get angry after hearing Lin Yinxiu's tough words that were half-threatening, and smiled slightly and said:

"Young people are always more impatient. Haven't I finished my words yet?"

Fang Lin sighed and said:

"It was your old man who said we only had three days... Now less than half of these three days have passed, how can we not be in a hurry? And to be more direct, if we can't deal with Yang Jian, at least we can still escape with our help. You are using escape techniques to save your life, but if you, who have lost your use value, fall into Yang Jian's hands, there will almost certainly be no way out for you."

Xu Xiawu's eyes showed a malicious look and said:

"Of course I know this! But you have already fought against Yang Jian, haven't you discovered his weaknesses?"

Lin Yinxiu looked at Fang Lin, but Fang Lin silently shook his head.

Xu Xiawu blew a breath, letting the tea fragrance in the cup drift away along with the steam, as if he was blowing away the memories of the past.

"Humph, don't gods have any weaknesses? Humans always have something to ask for. Even gods in the sky will always be fettered by all things. The difference is that ordinary people have more worries, and gods The worries of middle-aged people may be less. For people like Yang Jian, gold, silver and treasures are not rare for him, and wine, sex and delicious food can come and go as soon as they are called. Immortality is already in the bag, and ordinary people His glory and power are even treated as dirt."

"But." The old man's eyes suddenly became extremely cunning, and he even had a strange charm that could see through people's hearts. His voice also became secretive: "The pursuit of the world is nothing more than fame and fortune. People who can make a fortune can't stand it. People who can't see through fame may not be able to take advantage of it! Since Yang Jian is easy on profits, I wonder if he can start with fame? "

Fang Lin's face gradually became cautious and said:

"Appreciate further details!"

Xu Xiawu took a sip of fragrant tea and said slowly:

"How much do you know about Yang Jian?"

Fang Lin was stunned. This time when he came to this world, he only prepared detailed information about the Tongtian River. He also knew the descendants of the Sea Urchin King and the Old Turtle Spirit as well as the genetic map of DNA. The task involved Yang Jian, but he didn't expect it. Fortunately, Fang Lin Bowen remembered it and told him exactly what he remembered. The past events of Erlang Shen's life, the ax chopping peach mountains, carrying the mountains to chase the sun... It can be said that he knows everything and can't explain it.

After hearing Fang Lin's story, Xu Xiawu sneered and said:

"Most of the things you mentioned are folklore, and they are based on facts. Most of them are false... However, some very important things have been preserved."

Fang Lin's eyes lit up, he squinted and said:

"for example?"

Xu Xiawu didn't sell out at this time:

"For example, the legends and facts about Erlang Shen's life experience are almost exactly the same, with only some individual differences. For example, in your story, Yang Jian's mother, Fairy Yaoji, was sunk to death by ten Golden Crow Gods sent by the Jade Emperor. According to me I know the situation. After Fairy Yaoji was rescued, Yang Jian was sealed into the formation and trapped. She was first destroyed by the thunder tribulation, and then hanged to death with white silk. "

After Fang Lin heard the first half of Xu Xiawu's words, his eyes suddenly lit up. He almost didn't listen to the rest of Xu Xiawu's words.

"You're saying that Erlangshen's life experience is almost exactly the same as that in my information? So that means that his parents, brothers and sisters all exist in this world?"

Xu Xiawu said angrily:

"In this world, unless you are a stone monkey like Sun Wukong who was born and raised by nature, who is not raised by your parents? What is so strange about this?"

Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu, who came after hearing the news, showed excitement in their eyes. If Yang Jian's relatives also exist in this world, then obviously--this is Yang Jian's weakness!

Fang Lin and the others naturally use unscrupulous means to do things. If there are hostages, it is not impossible for Yang Jian to let his group of people kill him. If nothing else is said, they will escort Yang Jian's mother over and ask them directly. Xiao Yang: Do you think your mommy’s life or your dog’s life is more important? Yang Jian obviously had to throw the Roaring Sky Dog obediently over for them to kill immediately.

And Yang Jian can't hesitate at this time, otherwise he will be treasonous and extremely unfilial in the eyes of the world. Yang Jian can ignore the reputation of one person, and be indifferent to the reputation of ten people, but Yang Jian will find the reputation of a thousand people troublesome, and the reputation of ten thousand people will drive Yang Jian crazy! If the word "unfilial" spreads throughout the world, then without the support of believers, Yang Jian's divine power will be greatly reduced!

But Xu Xiawu immediately poured a bucket of cold water on Fang Lin and the others.

"It's still a day and a half before Yang Jian refines the breath soil. Yang Jian's mother, Fairy Yaoji, is dead. Do you know where his other relatives are? Besides, Yang Jian's relatives may not have the power to resist, and this matter is only If you can do it once, the other side will definitely be on guard again. Are you really so sure of capturing the hostages to threaten Yang Jian?"

After listening to Xu Xiawu's rapid-fire questions, Fang Lin didn't answer, and he couldn't answer at all. However, Fang Lin's expression suddenly relaxed and he smiled:

"I don't know anything, but I think since Mr. Xu has made his words clear to this point, you should tell us all the rest. Time is running out, so you don't need to be too pretentious to say it all at once. Right. We are now grasshoppers on a rope, one with honor and disgrace."

Xu Xiawu sighed and said:

"Young people are impatient. Didn't I just deduce this? Among Yang Jian's relatives, there are those who can completely threaten him. His brothers and sisters may not have this weight. Moreover, his brother Yang Zhao and his sister Yang Lian both have the power of the Emperor of Heaven. The bloodline and spiritual power are also profound, so you may not be sure of victory if you attack them in a surprise attack."

"Therefore." Xu Xiawu's eyes flashed with a vicious light: "The only one who meets your requirements is Yang Tianyou who can make Fairy Yao Ji fall in love with him. Although this person is known as the Golden Boy Linfan, he is actually a A handsome ordinary man! He can live to this time thanks to those elixirs that prolong life. And he is Yang Jian's father! If Yang Jian ignores him, it would be a great unfilial piety, not to mention blocking the world. From the mouth of Youyou."

Fang Lin smiled and sighed:

"If I had known you were so powerful, I would have come to ask you for advice earlier, so as not to worry so much in vain. Time is pressing, so please tell me the specific location of Yang Jian, Mr. Yang Tianyou."

Xu Xiawu said:

"I have been busy for a while, and I have calculated the specific location of Yang Tianyou. It is only half a day away from here, but there seems to be some treasure on him that is interfering with my calculation. So I have to calculate it again to confirm. You have to find it for me. Some blood."

Fang Lin said calmly:

"Human blood or animal blood."

Xu Xiawu said:

"Of course, fresh human blood is the best. With the ghost as a refining object, the interference of Yang Tianyou's magic weapon can be better penetrated."

Lao Hu strode out and quickly dragged a Taoist priest from Zhenjunguan over. The Taoist priest was controlled by Fang Lin's powerful magic. After extracting the information, he was already half-dead, just in time to use it as a sacrifice.

Xu Xiawu was very good at recovering the memory of the immortal in his previous life. It seemed that he was not an unknown person, and he directly took away the owner of the village. At this time, he used the crutch in front of him to draw in front of him, the unlucky Taoist priest. The blood gurgled out, condensing into a line like a small red snake, strangely running along the route drawn by Xu Xiawu, and then burning.

Fang Lin felt that the evil spirit in the room was getting stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be the sound of ghosts crying, so he immediately called Fatty over. As soon as the ferocious and greedy corpse monsters like the Butcher appeared, they immediately had the effect of fighting poison with poison. All evils escape! It can be clearly seen that the magic circle drawn by Xu Xiawu is gradually surrounded by black electricity, and below it is burning and evaporating, bright red as blood flames, and what is heard in the ears is a horrifying hissing sound. . However, Fatty suddenly snorted coldly, and the voice became softer, as abrupt as turning off the volume by pressing the remote control...

The magic circle in this small area seems to form a small world!

At this time, Xu Xiawu took a sip of tea, covered his mouth with a dead white gauze scarf, and then spurted it out with a "plop" sound. The tea was hazy in the air, forming a thin layer of white mist that fell on the formation.

In an instant, a silent and moistening softness enveloped the room like mercury leaking to the ground.

The gauze covering the mouth is of a material that is close to the underworld, and is woven with stiff silk from the ten-thousand-year-old glacier. Xu Xiawu also added two formations to it when he was a god. Like this kind of treasure whose lives are intertwined, the spiritual consciousness of Xu Xiawu's previous life flew back by itself as soon as he awakened.

After the water mist was filtered, it fell on the burning formation, and white mist suddenly appeared. After the fog dissipated, there was a lifelike sand table on the ground, which looked like a huge mansion. Although the figures in it were only the size of grains of rice, the houses and pavilions were all lifelike. There are blood lines on it to mark dangerous areas!

"Yang Tianyou is in this manor." Xu Xiawu said proudly.