Ace Evolution

Chapter 1179: Encountered a black shop


Fang Lin didn't expect Xu Xiawu to be able to come up with this kind of 3D modeling method, so he was naturally surprised. In fact, even Xu Xiawu himself didn't expect that his spell would have such a good effect. Www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,comThis is naturally because the presence of Fatty, a vicious and greedy guy, has a miraculous effect on frightening the ghosts.

However, Fang Lin still asked: "Can you confirm the specific position of Yang Tianyou in the manor?"

Xu Xiawu shook his head and said: "No, he will move around at any time now. Are you not satisfied with being able to do this? My magic is a great way to see through the secrets of heaven. It is easily tabooed by heaven and earth, and the backlash has already begun. Please write it down quickly."

I saw a nearly transparent ball appearing around the sand table on the ground, completely wrapping it up. You can see the dense rain hitting the ball with countless ripples, the wind howling, thunder and lightning outside, and Various miniature illusions of flying gods danced wildly, but they could not penetrate the sphere at all.

All this seemed amazing, but Fang Lin and the others couldn't reach it, and it wouldn't even cause any harm to them... The reason for saying this is that the poor Fu who was sick in bed actually ran over curiously and stretched out his hand. After touching it, it turned out that his fingers could neither touch the sand table nor the thunder and lightning. Everyone knew that Wuxianfu would never appear in a dangerous place with Rehe, so everyone let go Heart. Watching the transparent spheres around the sandbox building gradually disappear, the miniature construction industry was quickly wiped out in the wind and rain.

"This won't alert the enemy, right?" Fang Lin still said in a deep voice.

Xu Xiawu shook his head slightly: "Yang Tianyou doesn't have this ability yet, just because the sand table was destroyed because it violated the laws of nature, just like a piece of ice created in summer will inevitably melt under the sun. The metabolism between heaven and earth is in It's simple. Even if Yang Jian is strong, there is no way he can know how many lives are deriving and dying in the garden. Hey, why did I understand the truth of learning from heaven and earth only when I have to rely on taking away bodies to survive?"

Speaking of this, Xu Xiawu Hardware felt disappointed, shook his head and sighed.

"Where is this manor located in the ten places and six directions of life? Update soon." Fang Lin began to pack things quickly. The fourth child also bit the bandage with his teeth and used his right hand to wrap the broken arm hard to avoid violent movements. The wound burst open and caused massive bleeding.

"You can reach it by riding a horse for half a day to the north. The name of the place is Jiulizhuang, which means that with Zhuangzi as the center, all the surrounding areas are his family's property." Xu Xiawu's voice came from inside. It's like coming through the ethereal clouds. He slumped down on the chair and said. "You can take care of yourself."

… … …

According to Xu Xiawu, the distance to Jiulizhuang can be reached by horseback in half a day. In ancient times, the speed of galloping military horses was about forty kilometers per hour. Of course, special circumstances such as cavalry charging and chasing on the battlefield must be calculated separately. In other words, Liuzhuang is only 200 kilometers away from here, and no more than 250 kilometers away.

If Fang Lin and the others run at full speed, their explosive power in an instant will even exceed that of a fiery red Ferrari sports car. Even if they continue to run at a normal speed, most people can at least maintain a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour. However, the last group of people still chose to ride horses, with only one purpose, which was to deceive others.

Now there are at least thirty more to disappear before Yang Jian can assimilate the breath soil, which is quite sufficient, and riding a horse can also save energy. It’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on in Jiulizhuang. Although hiking can save time, it’s also too shocking and may scare others. Moreover, you’ll inevitably have to sit down to recover after arriving. If you add one plus one minus, I still think riding a horse is cost-effective.

Shu is not a horse-producing area in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, and horses were strategic materials similar to guns in ancient history. If you can raise a horse privately in this place, it is simply better than ordinary private cars today. Well, at least it is above the Audi A4 level. Although Fang Lin and the others were hiding in Zhuangzi, which was rich and had their own garden, they could only find two horses, but there were still seven or eight mules and oxen.

After a few people gathered together, they used a method of pulling a carriage using a mixture of horses and mules, which was originally a taboo for pulling. Because horses and mules are not on the same level in terms of height and strength, as long as the cart is pulled, it will easily go to the horse's side. Unless you are a very skilled driver, serious traffic accidents are likely to occur.

However, under the control of Fang Lin's powerful magic, this kind of disappearance can be easily coordinated. Not to mention a horse or a mule, even a horse and a chicken are OK. The so-called coachman is just a decoration, and the whip is not No need to wave for a while, it doesn’t matter where you are chatting, eating melon seeds and chatting on QQ.

So Fang Lin and the others began this expedition to kidnap. However, Lin Yinxiu suffered a lot during this journey. Because the carriage was traveling very fast, and there was not even a gravel road, not to mention an asphalt road, so we could tell how bumpy the road was. But the beautiful woman vomited like a pregnancy reaction after being pregnant. She vomited up her breakfast and vomited her lunch, and then vomited her water after her lunch. In the end, her eyes were red and her forehead was red, so she could only hold the juice and drink it hard.

In order to hide their eyes and ears, the carriages of Fang Lin and his party were sealed tightly. Because of the bumpy road, they could not put the water in the carriage. They could only drink it from the bottle mouth to mouth, but they could not drink it out of the car. After crossing the border, the speed of the carriage increased significantly, and the stability also increased significantly. Fang Lin was a little surprised. When he came down and took a look, he was a little surprised:

It turned out that there was a straight road two feet wide in front of me. Drainage ditches were dug on both sides and neat trees were planted. It extended to the far end in the dusk. The surface of the road was a layer of fine soil mixed with sand, and underneath it was It is very solid loess. From the wall of the drainage ditch next to it, you can clearly see that the loess is two feet thick, and there is a roadbed made of bluestone under the soil.

Even the post roads around the capital that conveyed military information could only be compared to the road built with such great effort, yet it actually appeared in this remote corner!

Fang Lin and the others walked further and arrived at a place called Yingzui Valley. It was extremely steep here, facing mountains on one side and a stream on the other. The road also became narrower. They could see brightly lit lights ahead and a long queue of mules and horses. There is a long queue, and you have to pay money at the front checkpoints in order to pass. This can't help but surprise Fang Lin. It seems that the officials here are not simple, at least they are quite good at managing the place.

About dusk, Fang Lin and the others rushed to Jiulizhuang. After arriving here, they found out that the so-called Jiulizhuang actually occupies a much larger area. It is possible that dozens of miles around are the land of this village, and both sides of the road are covered by it. There are new fields, pastures, and dug ditches and rivers running straight through them, like spider webs. In the distance are towering green mountains, and in the distance are criss-crossing roads, and the water flows slowly. Although it is almost sunset, there is busy work everywhere. The scene of grazing makes even the farmers and tenants who work seem to be working much harder.

After walking through the whole Zhuangzi, I realized that the area of the Zhuangzi is astonishing, with majestic green trees and a circle of dark fences surrounding it. At first glance, it looks elegant and attractive, but when paired with the circle of dark fences, it makes it look... The majesty that rejects people thousands of miles away.

After walking for a while, eight strong men with sticks appeared in front of them. The patrolling men immediately moved away from the animals and said:

"What are you doing! This road only leads to my Jiulizhuang. If you take the wrong road, please turn around quickly."

At this time, the wretched Fu was already bored in the carriage. Fang Lin didn't want him to come, but the little Fu rolled around, spat, and even threatened to die... Of course, everyone ignored his last move... and followed him shamelessly. He almost used the bumps inside the carriage as a cradle, snoring sweetly along the way. At this moment, he felt refreshed, and he immediately got out and played the role of housekeeper very competently, saying with a smile on his face:

"My master is a good merchant from afar, and he sold some goods through here." It was getting dark now, and there would be a heavy rain tonight. Knowing that the master of Jiulizhuang was kind and kind, he specially asked to stay overnight. Where can I find the money for room and food

As Wuxianfu spoke, he stuffed a handful of copper coins over with great deftness. To be honest, Wuxianfu is really good at this job. The leader, Zhuang Ding, immediately softened his expression:

"You are quite an old butler. My master is good at predicting good and bad luck, and he also said that there will be heavy rain tonight. But you are here at an unlucky time. I usually have the final say in this matter. Today, the master from the state is in our village. As a guest, whoever dares to take responsibility should leave quickly."

Xiao Xi shamelessly stuck it on again, stuffed another handful of paper and whispered:

"To be honest, what my master sells is salt, but this thing can't withstand the rain? Where can we go back? Brother, you should do good deeds and accumulate merit."

The village man shook the weight of the money, smiled with satisfaction and said:

"That's it, we don't dare to take you to Zhengzhuang no matter what. It's really the masters from the prefecture and county who are here. However, there are two farmhouses behind that are used to house the refugees. Most of them are now abandoned. Even if they are cleaned up, there will be enough people to live there. , Not to mention shelter from wind and rain, what do you think?"

Seeing Fang Lin nod slightly, Wuxian Fu immediately agreed.

The group of bankers led the way and met several waves of patrols along the way. They said hello and passed by. Not long after, Fang Lin and the others were led to a farm behind the main farm, where they helped fetch water and sweep the floor very diligently. When it was getting dark, it rained heavily, and all the dealers went home one after another.

As soon as the group of people left, Fang Lin immediately sneered and said: "This Jiuli Village is not that simple. These villagers have killed many people in this farm."

While they were talking, they peeled off a piece of white-gray wall covering on the wall next to them, and a blood stain was revealed underneath. The blood stain seemed to be splashed on it. Although the color was old, just looking at the trace of the blood stain being splashed on it, you can feel that you are there. The feeling of the situation was particularly sad.