Ace Evolution

Chapter 1187: Sow the beans and make an army


Marceli slowly pointed the black arm tube of his left hand at Yang Jian. Two red lights flashed behind his huge metal helmet, like a lantern soaked in the darkness for a long time, which was particularly terrifying. wWW,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,comYang Jian didn't look at him, he just sneered and admired his blade sideways.

Yang Jian was not pretending to be cool, he was stalling for time to wait for the cooldown of the seventy-three changes to end.

He was surprisingly cautious at this time, and his mind was also surprisingly clear, because Yang Jian no longer looked down on his enemies at this time, but gave them enough respect and attention. Yang Jian is unwilling to make any more mistakes or give the enemy any chance!

**Xuan Gong makes Yang Jian's body as steely as iron!

The seventy-three changes allow him to make timely responses according to the situation very effectively.

This is the terrifying thing about Yang Jian's two great secret skills. When these two skills appear on any one person, they have the power to make that person completely transformed. What's more, if the two are superimposed, then this person's strength cannot be used at all. It is calculated using the 5+5 method, but a geometric increase of 5x5.

And Yang Jian not only has the **Xuan Gong-Seventy-Three Changes, this is his core ability. The other icing on the cake are artifacts and other skills... All these things that others dream of are gathered in him, like satellites on the periphery of a star. To defeat the star, you must first clear out the peripheral strongholds one by one!

"Come on? So what if you can temporarily deprive me of the power to use magic weapons? The seventy-three changes of Xuan Gong are engraved on my body and in my heart. If breathing, eating, and sleeping are so natural, you can deprive me of my body-protecting skills. Fa, that is almost the same as killing me directly." Yang Jian shouted proudly in his heart, his confidence and fighting spirit began to increase again, and he slashed Tong Fang Lin and the others to the highest level since the fight.

Thank you all, I am really excited. Every time I ask for a monthly pass, it gives me an unexpected surprise... My book friends are really speechless.

But at this moment, Barbarian Hate, who had been as sluggish as a statue in the distance, suddenly howled wildly! That kind of howling was deeply shocking, just like hearing the sound of a landslide and the earth cracking, which suddenly gave rise to fear.

Then Hate raised his hand.

On that thick and shiny arm, the muscles began to search, forming a huge lump like a rock. Above the palm of Man's hateful hand, a staff floated up. The core of this staff was a golden cane with a golden cane on it. The light emitted shows that this staff has been strengthened to at least the terrifying height of level 7!

This staff is only in its core state. It is also surrounded by a thin layer of thin ice, and the outside of the ice layer is covered with a layer of water mist.

This is the dark gold staff that Iron Needle held before the combination. Driven by the evolutionary ability of Barbarian Abomination, it has also been upgraded to the golden plot equipment level! Moreover, the level of this dark gold staff is quite high because of the upgrade itself. Therefore, although the level of LV has dropped due to the improvement of the level, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. This staff can still maintain the high level of lv7!

The golden staff was aimed at the musical.

Yang Jian immediately felt a fatal threat. It was a feeling that seemed to be so cold that the hair on the back of his hands stood up. Fortunately, the time of his seventy-three changes had cooled down in time, because he had already felt it. The enemy's attack was of the spiritual type, and it came overwhelmingly, so Yang Jian immediately adopted the most effective change method without hesitation, and immediately turned into a hard rock!

The golden plot staff that was upgraded to level 7 was hanging in the air, but in the end there was no reaction. After holding on for five or six seconds, the iron-like body full of hatred began to disintegrate, becoming as ethereal as a mirage.

This is actually fast reading on mobile phones: 16xs. c○mA very shameful trap.

According to Man Hate's strength, he has previously used the golden plot sniper rifle's ultimate move of freezing time, and there is no ability to use the equipment skills on this golden plot staff at this time... This staff is lv7 , the ultimate move on it has been strengthened twice.

Man hates the purpose of being so contrived, which is to give the huge Marseille behind him a chance, an effective chance to show its abilities! Marse's hidden weapon cannot be used until the left hand holding the shield is disabled, which shows that it already belongs to the category of Marseille's life-saving stunt.

Just when Yang Jian turned into a stone, the giant black hole arm tube in Marseille's left hand was spitting out continuous tongues of fire! Hidden in his arm tube is a magic weapon similar to a heavy machine gun, but it is several times larger in size. Marcel

The red light in the eye sockets suddenly flashed, and dead black spears were continuously shot out from the arm tubes like rocket launchers, and the back end of the spears also had blazing tail flames that were spraying wildly.

Just in the blink of an eye, seven or eight deep white scratches appeared on the rock that Yang Jian transformed into. The purpose of Yang Jian's transformation into the rock is naturally

Because inanimate things like rocks are extremely resistant to mental power/attribute attack modes, but if the rocks collide head-on with such a dead black metal spear, you can imagine the great damage suffered.

Although Yang Jian quickly turned into a human body, there were scratches on his shoulders, abdomen, and chest, and the scratches were purple-black, with a faint black air coming out. It was Riley who blessed the long black Necromantic magic on the spear. The skill he added to Marse also has a very domineering name, called Volley. Spear of Longinus.

Longinus, whose original name was Cassius, was a Roman centurion. When Jesus was crucified, he pierced Jesus' ribs with the spear in his hand. The spear in his hand became more famous for killing gods. The name Riley was obviously used to put gold on his face, but this move was also Quite powerful killing move and killing power. At least after Yang Jian was lured into the trap by Fang Lin, he used his rock incarnation to resist this move and received a pretty severe blow! There was even a trace of blood spilling from the corner of the mouth.

However, the Xuan Gong becomes stronger with more injuries!

A symbol of invincibility.

The name Riley is obviously a way of flattering himself, but this move is indeed a very powerful and powerful killing move. At least after Yang Jian was lured into the trap by Fang Lin, he used his rock incarnation to resist this move and received a pretty severe blow! There was even a trace of blood spilling from the corner of the mouth.

However, the Xuan Gong becomes stronger with more injuries!

Fang Lin was standing in the distance and recovering his breath. Suddenly, he saw Yang Jian's figure suddenly illusory, and then the faint sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the distance of the square. In an instant, he saw a brigade of military horses wearing golden armor coming from They were galloping over from all directions. These military horses were extremely powerful and had the demeanor of a mighty army.

Fang Lin's Fool's Eyes emitted a dazzling light, and he discovered that these soldiers were all illusions, and their cores turned out to be plump and fat soybeans. The soybeans swelled to the size of his little finger, and were wrapped in There are light yellow charms.

"Spreading beans makes an army!"

Fortunately, after the disintegration of Barbarian Abomination, the three Fatty brothers can continue to fight. At this time, Lao Hu also summoned Nana, the giant mammoth war elephant. Fortunately, although these transformed soldiers are large in number, they are not very strong, so for the time being It can still be maintained. Fang Lin watched Lin Yinxiu rush towards Yang Jian again, and after confirming that he was at a safe distance, he began to apply the violent effect of the powerful magic spell to the three fat boys, and at the same time, he also continued to exert the healing effect of the dissociation spell. Preparation for a protracted war.

Lin Yinxiu's double swords were shining with golden light, and he had already made contact with Yang Jian. But at this moment, Fang Lin suddenly felt a numbness in his back, and then a very cold and hot feeling in his chest. He stared in disbelief. His eyes widened, he slowly lowered his head, and suddenly there was half a shining blade on his chest!

Three-pointed two-edged sword!

He tried his best to break free, but the chill from the blade directly to his heart seemed to completely crush the strength and will of resistance. Soon, Fang Lin couldn't even speak and could only try his best to look back. He stood and hissed miserably:

"You... Yang... Jian..."

Quick reading of every word you on mobile phone: 16xs.c○m even vomited blood.

When he said the third word, his blood was like spilled wine, soaking his internal organs and nostrils!

It was only then that a heroic figure suddenly appeared behind Fang Lin. The figure gave people a sense of reliability at first sight. The feeling of peace of mind seemed to be the embodiment of justice, but this man's handsome face turned a bit ferocious due to ecstasy, and even the third eye on his forehead glowed green like a wolf's eye!

"I finally caught you." Yang Jian said softly next to Fang Lin's ear, but his hand holding the knife was heavy and a little more forceful!

Blood and water rage!

At this time, Yang Jian, who was fighting with Lin Yinxiu, solidified slightly, disappeared, and drifted away like mist.

However, the pain on Fang Lin's face who was pierced at this time gradually faded away, and even became a little indifferent. He firmly grasped the blade of the three-pointed two-edged knife on his chest and said softly:

"Not only did the wound on your chest not heal, but it expanded by two centimeters. Although the khaki color in the middle of your eyebrows disappeared, the color of your corneas and lips also changed... This way, you teleported to attack me, and you also avoided me. The price you pay for the perception of danger must not be easy, right? Xirang, it should also be counterattacking in your body!"

At this moment, the muscles in Fang Lin's upper body suddenly swelled and became like a muscular monster. A horrifying sound of "creak" was made between his palm and the blade. It was the sound of the metacarpal bone rubbing against the sharp blade. ! Fang Lin activated his simulation ability at this moment, and was able to surpass Yang Jian in terms of strength. He pressed back the three-pointed two-edged knife that penetrated his chest alive!

Are you surprised that the special effects on your weapon are not activated? In your opinion, should a fragile person like me be directly exploded into large pieces of flesh and blood by weapon special effects? You can't reveal the manuscript at the end of your life. It's already quite scary for you to reach this point, but you should try your best. Unfortunately, I'm not as fragile as you think. You don't only have artifacts. I also have golden plot equipment to protect my body!