Ace Evolution

Chapter 1190: Fight for your life


Although Yang Jian also temporarily developed a rather terrifying ability to change on the spot, he skillfully used various factors to strategize and offset/reduce the power of the Heavenly Disaster by more than half. www. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. cOmBut the great power of the last disaster was completely beyond his expectation.

Starlight and moonlight are originally extremely soft feminine energy. In myths and legends, those monsters and ghosts can only rely on moonlight to practice magical powers. Therefore, the starlight sword condensed in the last calamity was not taken seriously by Yang Jian. .

In Yang Jian's concept, if the sun does not grow, the yin does not grow. This starlight sword should be combined with another daylight sword to be powerful. I think it is because he has broken the evil spirit of the earth, and the daylight sword will become more powerful. It won't appear, so the appearance of this starlight sword is due to the decline in the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. However, Yang Jian did not consider that he was a saint in the flesh, a body with strong yang. He was incompatible with this kind of starlight sword condensed from the extremely yin power. When encountering it, it was like pouring cold water on it. In the oil pan, an extremely violent conflict and explosion will inevitably occur in the dark!

The starlight sword cut through Yang Jian's body without any hindrance. It can even be seen that although Yang Jian's body is safe and sound, the other illusory "him" has been cut out from the body and is using his bare hands to enter the body. Clamp the body of the Starlight Long Knife forcefully! The last calamity of this day's calamity was not targeted at the physical body, but at Yang Jian's soul.

A shrill scream shook the world.

The light was dazzling and instantly illuminated the surrounding area in white. All rainwater within a radius of 100 meters was evaporated in an instant.

With a soft "pop" sound, Yang Jian burst out of the light curtain and spurted blood from his mouth. Most of it splashed on the ground next to him, gathering into a small puddle of blood, but the three-pointed and two-edged handle in his hand Shen Feng suddenly trembled, and the light on its surface froze like ice and exploded into thousands of pieces of a mirror!

Each fragment is like a small mirror, refracting countless rays of light, which dissolve together to form a huge beam of light, which shoots up to the sky full of anger, and slowly dissipates after a long time. At the same time, although The calamity of heaven was finally over, but the torrential rain became heavier and heavier. The turbulence was so dense that it seemed to submerge the entire world. Later, the wind became even stronger, and the rain turned into snowflakes, falling down one after another.

The light gradually faded away, and Yang Jian fell face down on the ground, motionless.

A very ominous feeling suddenly arose in Fang Lin's heart. In fact, although he was fighting head-on, he was actually playing the role of a conspirator following him from beginning to end. All the developments on the battlefield had not happened until just now. In the middle of his plan, Fang Lin's psychological advantage turned into worry and even fear at this moment.

"I must have missed something!"

Fang Lin's thoughts immediately began to spin at high speed, but at this moment, he found that Yang Jian had disappeared from his sight. His vision went dark, and severe sexual pain suddenly came from his stomach, and there was also a flash of pain in front of his face. A suffocating air flow rushed towards him. At this moment, Fang Lin was knocked four meters into the air by a series of dense fists. If it weren't for Lao Hu, he would have rushed over in time with a tiger roar and punched Yang Jian. Drive it away, maybe Fang Lin will be beaten to death on the spot by this dense and powerful fist.

Fang Lin lay on the ground, curled up into a ball, pressing his stomach hard with both hands, and his whole body was aching! He could clearly feel that his stomach was broken, and the contents of the stomach mixed with gastric acid were seeping out and corroding his internal organs. In such severe pain, Fang Lin could still stay awake and shouted with all his strength:

"Gather together, back to back! Be careful of Yang Jian's surprise attack!"

Fang Lin immediately figured out the reason for Yang Jian's sudden increase in speed. It's because of that broken artifact, the three-pointed two-edged sword! This artifact has long been recorded, weighing 25,200 kilograms (112,600 kilograms = 12.6 tons). Although it cannot be compared with Wukong's weapon that weighs more than 50 tons, it is still Definitely not light.

According to Fang Lin's deduction, it was impossible for Yang Jian to give up the three-pointed two-edged sword that was fused with his soul/even body. However, Fang Lin never expected that the heavenly tribulation would actually use Yang Jian's sword. Destroy the artifact and free it from its huge weight!

(Fang Lin's dissociation technique had destroyed this three-pointed two-edged sword before, but because of the soul binding, Yang Jian was also dragged down by the pressure of the sword body. Only now, the soul of the weapon was completely shattered could he be freed. .) If a person carries nearly 11 tons of drag during long-term activities, once he is relieved of this shackles, then this guy's speed will naturally be increased to an abnormal level!

"The good news is that Yang Jian's attack power has dropped greatly. I was hit by him at least hundreds of times before but I was still able to survive. If it were replaced by the three-pointed two-edged sword Shenfeng, then I would definitely be killed with one blow. Bad. The news is that Yang Jian’s speed has increased dramatically. Speed is always a weakness in our team, so we definitely can’t compete with him head-on in this regard, so we can only use static braking!”

At this moment, Fang Lin had put aside the pain of the gastric opening and the torture of his internal organs being corroded by gastric acid. Apart from his pale face, he looked no different from a normal person.

At this time, everyone who could still move on Fang Lin's side gathered together, forming a circular defensive formation back to back. Marseille's huge body was like a city wall that firmly protected Fang Lin and the others. For Lao Hu, he is most happy to see Yang Jian transform into this new state, because Lao Hu is very experienced in dealing with fast enemies and has a high winning rate.

Lin Yinxiu suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, if I were Yang Jian, I would never stay here exhausted after suffering the catastrophe." I must have used the advantage of speed to escape and recover and come back again. Why does he still stay here? "

Lao Hu frowned and said:

"Are you waiting for the roaring dog?"

Fang Lin shook his head slightly:

"Bobby has already entangled this troublesome guy, but the spear from Yinxiu has dealt him terrible damage, so Bobby still has the upper hand. In order to avoid any accidents, I specially asked Bobby to use the roaring dog The chase reached a place far away from here.”

Lin Yinxiu said in a deep voice:

"I very much doubt that Yang Jian has to fight us at this time. His soul was injured by the calamity of Heaven before. He must kill us in order to perfectly repair his soul and Taoist heart. And in the final analysis, He Zhi We died under your conspiracy. Killing us can reduce the backlash Yang Jian suffered. From another aspect, Yang Jian cannot afford to delay it either.

Sure enough, as Lin Yinxiu deduced, Yang Jian obviously couldn't afford to delay him. He attacked three or four times in a row, and the damage to the metal monster Marseille was quite limited. Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu took advantage of Marcele's huge body. , the defensive direction became much smaller, so Yang Jian was easily driven away. When Yang Jian realized that his current ability could not break through this defensive circle, a phantom suddenly appeared in his body, and then the phantom burst into flames, coating Yang Jian's whole body with a layer of fiery red!

Fang Lin snorted and said:

"This guy tried his best, and he actually started to burn his three souls and seven souls!"

Even for a god like Yang Jian, if the three souls and seven souls are damaged, it is very difficult. The side effects are likely to be like that of an Alzheimer's patient who cannot take care of himself or even say his own name. But the previous catastrophe had put Yang Jian's soul on the verge of collapse, so Yang Jian was so cruel that he risked his life completely!

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone felt a chill that suddenly started from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads. Lao Hu, Lin Yinxiu and others immediately flew out instinctively. At this moment, a thick as a bucket in the sky Under the strong electric shock, its color turned red, and it exploded on Marseille's body.

Immediately, Marseille's huge body began to sway and shake, blood and flesh splattered, and a deep and long gap suddenly opened where it was hit by the electric shock, which quickly extended, and it immediately stiffened, and its body turned into a gray-white petrified state, with stones flying around. "The smaller half of his body collapsed! This blow completely drained Marseille's magic power, directly petrified Marseille, and then melted into gray-white pulp in the wind and rain!

The blow on Marseille's body was already so powerful. If it hit Fang Lin and the others, how could they still be alive

At this time, Fang Lin, who was extremely embarrassed, also realized that the clouds in the sky had formed a huge whirlpool at some point. In the center of the whirlpool, there was a strong red light, like a malicious eye that kept flashing. The movements echoed with Yang Jian’s eyebrows and eyes standing in the distance!

Another sudden electric shock! Lin Yinxiu was caught off guard by the aftermath, and was immediately paralyzed over half of his body.

Fang Lin took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly exploded, forming two black holes of bloody eye sockets! Two long streams of blood flowed out from under the eyes, looking like tears of blood! But although Fang Lin's eyes were destroyed, the Fool's Eyes between his eyebrows were extremely dazzling, and above his head, there was an illusion of a big snake! However, the appearance of the big snake at this time is quite unique. He covered his face with one hand, and the white hair of the big snake has turned into black!

Fang Lin, who seemed to be completely blind, rushed straight towards Yang Jian. When he ran, he followed a winding curve and rushed over at an amazing speed. Rows of angry lightning struck down behind him one after another. It looks like a row of weirdly straight huge blood-red fences, connecting the sky to the earth, blasting out depressions like long dragons on the ground!