Ace Evolution

Chapter 1194: True. Tianba’s Conferred God Slash


Mayan Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan: One of the main gods among the Mayan gods, with a snake head and eagle wings, he is the legendary saint in charge of war and harvest. Www!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!comSacrificial activities require the use of large-scale "human sacrifices" of thousands of people.

Body Variation Value: Unlimited.

The time it takes to summon is determined by the life force expended by the summoner.

Skills: 1. Yekrik's guardian can sink all enemies within a hundred meters around the body for eight seconds, making them unable to use any skills that consume mental energy, and within these eight seconds, the enemy's maximum physical strength value is 20 % damage, the damage will not be less than one thousand points.

2. Marri's Guardian is activated against a single target with the highest hatred. An illusion of venom will appear above the target, causing the target to be stunned for one second every ten seconds. While dazed, suffer 200 points of damage that ignores defense power. This effect remains permanent unless dispelled by related skills.

3. Atel's Rejection: Inflicts about 450 damage every 2 seconds to all enemies within 100 meters around the body, which can be resisted. The duration is 10 seconds and the cooling time is half a minute.

4. Quetzalcoatl's fury. When this skill is activated, it will control the current target (if the target can be controlled), and Quetzalcoatl's attack power increases by 20%, and there may be a violent effect of attacking after charging.

5. The blazing sunlight. There is a 15% chance to stun the current target for 10 seconds, causing it to fall into the pain of being burned by the sun. At this time, the enemy's chance of being critically hit increases by 20%. It is extremely easy to have consecutive critical hits. Usually, the first one will be used. All skills are improved.

Among Mayan priests, after practicing to the extreme, there are four types of priests who have the ability to summon the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan. These four types of sacrifices are:

Mayan female war sacrifice, Mayan male soul sacrifice.

Mayan female hunting ritual, Mayan male ritual.

Depending on the profession of the summoner, Quetzalcoatl will also have different additional bonuses. Lin Yinshou is the Mayan female war priest with the most powerful attack power among the four major sacrifices. The additional bonus given to Quetzalcoatl is called the Breath of the Wind Serpent. Every attack of Quetzalcoatl is accompanied by the venom effect of the wind snake. The Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan, who suffered the damage value of this time, stretched his huge and long body comfortably in the moist air, carefully enjoying the feeling of the world, and then looked at Yang Jian, Yang Jian Although I closed my eyes, even in the darkness, at this moment, it was as if strong sunlight penetrated into the depths of my soul, making people deeply feel the warmth first, and then the burning pain of my naked body!

Light is bright because of darkness.

Darkness is deep because of light.

Light and darkness are one. Now the eyes of the Mayan Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan are even more intense and fiery because of Yang Jian's deliberate closing of his eyes, which can only be described in four words.

The sun is rising!

Then, just a few hundred meters away, Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan flapped his left wing, and his huge triangular red head thrust forward steeply. Yang Jian suddenly felt an extremely sharp sound coming from his chest. He felt the burning pain. He was in front of Fang Lin, but he had no chance to make a move, because he was knocked directly into the air. His back hit the stone wall behind him, and a large amount of gravel fell down with a crash.

The attack of Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan can directly transcend the limitations of space and distance!

Wherever its eyes touch is its attack distance. But at this time, Yang Jian's whole body was hit by Fang Lin's abolition! He is in a negative 20% defense, which means that when the enemy attacks him, the number he hits is not only the theoretical number, but also 20% higher than the theoretical number.

Under this collision, Yang Jian's whole body made seven or eight "click, click, click" sounds, which was the sound of bones breaking continuously. Yang Jian's face turned pale in pain, but he took a deep breath again, and during the operation of the Xuan Gong, his body returned to normal. Although such ** healing power comes at the cost of vitality, Yang Jian's vitality comes from the incense of the world. Although it is certainly impossible to ** to the point where one can grow out just by cutting off a head, it is easy to heal such an injury. Twist.

Just as Yang Jian was about to counterattack, the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan in the distance opened his mouth and gave him an extremely arrogant bite! The sharp and pale fangs reflected a ray of light like the sun in the air! Yang Jian's pupils suddenly shrank. After he lost his divine eyes, he was like a plane that lost its radar. Although he could still predict the enemy's behavior based on his personal combat experience, the guy he faced was also the same. Not inferior to his gods!

Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan seemed to be biting the left, but he was actually spying on Yang Jian's dodge movements. As soon as he moved his position, he immediately turned his bite to the right. Seriously, even though his body is huge and he wants to cover the world, his movements are actually as powerful as a spiritual snake! Even though Yang Jian changed direction again in the air, he was still bitten by the gun on his right arm. The long fangs even pierced Yang Jian's arm. This bite even activated Marli's guardianship. As the effect lasted, purple-black poisonous gas billowed out from the top of Yang Jian's head, and his face turned extremely blue.

Yang Jian immediately couldn't bear the scream and screamed. At this time, he was under negative defense. The physical and mental skills claimed to be able to withstand seventy-three tribulations were useless. His body became like tofu, but he was also a god after all. Rank, he immediately used the ** Mysterious Kung Fu, screamed wildly, and hit the fangs of the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan with a backhand! As we all know, the snake's fangs are hollow. Yang Jian's punch was to survive and he tried his best. Although the fist was bloody and "clicking", the huge force contained in the fist actually broke the fangs alive. , Yang Jian took the opportunity to roll away, hiding behind a huge rock and gasping for air.

It was only a short moment after being bitten. Sweat flowed into the wound on Yang Jian's arm when he hit it with his hands. It was not only painful, but also numb and itchy. The time of waiting quietly was simply a terrible torture, **Xuan The injury was healed instantly, but although the injury was completely healed, the muscles were not as smooth as they were at first. Instead, the scars were knotted, just like a healed burn scar, with countless lumps, suckers, and cyan blood vessels bulging on the surface. It also popped out, not only looking fierce, but also exuding a cruel aura, which was obviously to temporarily control the poison rather than expel it.

In such a short moment, an earth-shaking sound came from the distance. It was the Quetzalcoatl god Kukulkan who swept across with his long tail. This sweep was not only with a snake body that was more than 100 meters long and as thick as a train carriage. Even with the wrapping and sweeping, there is a kind of tide emerging. The majestic momentum of the rising sun makes people feel as if they are facing the majestic force of nature, rolling in crazily.

Yang Jian felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Damn it... If my three-pointed two-edged sword is still there and has full power, how can I be afraid of you, a damn demonic snake?"

As soon as his thoughts started, his whole body was swept up into the sky together with the hidden giant rock. The giant rock weighed at least a thousand tons. It was divided into five pieces by the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan and flew to Nearly a thousand meters in the sky, the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan roared and stood up straight, opened his huge mouth, and a roar like thunder immediately sounded in the air!

The snake's mouth can open to a terrifying angle. With this opening, even the clouds in the sky form a huge vortex! All the dark clouds within a thousand miles radius are gathering together, forming a vortex in the sky, but the sun shines in from the gaps between these dark clouds, and the edges of the dark clouds are inlaid with brilliant golden edges, which is exceptionally magnificent. And shocking.

There is a saying used in ancient China to describe huge creatures:

A fish that swallows a boat, a snake that swallows an elephant. Now the feathered serpent god Kukulkan is so powerful that he wants to swallow the sky and the sun!

Such a terrifying move is the innate instinct of snakes. It is irresistible and irresistible. No matter how Yang Jian changed his body at this moment, because there was nowhere to borrow strength in the air, he suddenly The child was sucked into the belly of Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan!

This sucking force was like a long whale sucking water, full of endless momentum. Yang Jian instantly turned into a twisted and unwilling elongated flat light and was swallowed alive, followed by a shrill scream.

Then, the world became quiet... for three seconds!

From the belly of the Quetzalcoatl god Kukulkan, an indescribable light suddenly exploded. The light was not dazzling, but full of infinite penetrating power. Just looking at it would make you feel trance-like and penetrated. a feeling of.

At this moment, the water level within a thousand miles radius surged three feet. Even the tea in the teacups in all the teahouses suddenly surged several inches beyond the mouth of the cup without flowing down. It was as if there was a big transparent hand protecting it. General 0 Yang Jian's figure flashed out of the snake's belly, holding a mirror in his hand.

As soon as the mirror came out, Fang Lin immediately felt a surging heartbeat and a surging feeling. This feeling was extremely unreasonable, as if a young man had witnessed the dream lover he thought about day and night having sex with other people. Kissing is just average! He immediately understood that it was actually the Yata mirror in his body that gave rise to the desire to compete!

Artifacts are also intelligent. If there is anything left in Yang Jian that can make divine objects such as the Yata Mirror shake, then it may only be this one:

Demon mirror!

The demon mirror held in Yang Jian's hand is two different things from the demon mirror mentioned before that consumed ** props in one go. It's just that the names are similar. The effect of holding the demon mirror in Yang Jian's hand at this time is completely different from Fang Lin's use of the Yata Mirror. When Fang Lin used the Yata Mirror, a condensed cylindrical strong light like a searchlight swept across it. However, the light of the demon mirror in Yang Jian's hand was warm and silent, spreading in all directions, like holding a pocket-sized bright moon. .

Instead, the huge Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan flew crookedly and randomly in the air, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, without any pattern, even crashing into mountains and crushing villages. If he hit it inappropriately, Metaphorically, the flight trajectory is like a headless fly buzzing around.

Yang Jian was burned in at least several places all over his body. There was thick and black gastric juice on it, and smoke was still rising. He hung his head and floated in the air, as calm as a newly sharpened knife soaked in the cold. The whole person in the water exuded a kind of intertwined coldness. He seemed to be meditating on something. Looking at the artifact in his hand, there was a kind of awakening surprise in his eyebrows.

The light emitted by the demon mirror converged on the body of Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan. Judging from its confused and stumbling movements, it can only be described as a dream that has not yet awakened!

A miniature snake was displayed on the mirror. It looked like the feathered snake god Kukulkan was not even damaged at all. However, what the mirror bombarded was its brain, its memory! The moment the light hit the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan, the evil god's mind traced back the long-standing memories in his mind. Memories of past and present lives!

In its heart at this time, countless past events of joy and sorrow emerged from the deep sea of memory with lightning clarity, like bubbles bursting slowly, exuding endless melancholy and sadness! Let me ask you, in such a state of ups and downs, how can you still have the will to fight and talk about swallowing up the world!

The demon mirror reflects the demon's shadow, breaks the demon's heart, and reveals the demon's prototype! The Quetzalcoatl god Kukulkan is a fierce god who demands human sacrifice. Having absorbed the soul power of countless people, it was now being swallowed up by the memories of thousands of people under the action of the Demon Mirror. Obviously, even with its boundless power, it would not be able to break away from this terrifying mirror in a short period of time.

Seeing the power of the demon mirror slowly taking effect, the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan's eyes bulged angrily, and masses of blood-red muscles burst the smooth and tough snake skin. The blood turned into mist and spurted out from the pores, and the flesh and blood formed a sheet. A face that screams sternly and wildly! At the same time, Fang Lin also noticed that Yang Jian's right hand holding the demon mirror was withered. If an eighty-year-old man's skin was drooping and full of wrinkles like that, it was obvious that his vitality was severely damaged and he was using his vitality to control this artifact!

The Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan regained his consciousness and frantically tried to rush towards Yang Jian, but it wasn't that it didn't want to attack Yang Jian at this time, but it couldn't leave at all! The powerful suction of the demon mirror is like a small but extremely deep black hole. It is sucking in the vicious power of the evil god itself, and the large number of refined souls and evil spirits inside are biting and chewing crazily on it. It is really an internal worry. Trapped outside.

According to common sense, Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan is at least on the same level as Yang Jian, but this demon mirror is its natural nemesis, just like the giant fern brought by Lin Yinxiu from the real world. Fossil spear! He has no rank at all, but he can stab a ferocious beast like the Roaring Sky Dog to death!

But at this moment, the struggling movement of Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan suddenly disappeared, and he froze. Only the light in his eyes became as thick as a wellhead in an instant, and shot straight into the sky. At this moment, the entire earth seemed to be covered by the scorching sun. ! And the body of Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan turned into gray-white stone and crashed down.

The suffocating scorching rays of the sun are overwhelming! The already dazzling golden plot equipment Jieshi Canghai's double blades seemed to be plated with a layer of flowing golden gunpowder. When Lin Yinxiu held it in her hands, all the magical weapons she carried emerged. When he came out, protected by the double blades of Jieshi Canghai, he looked even more dazzling.

In an instant, Lin Yinxiu opened his arms! Jieshi Canghai's double blades stretched straight out on both sides of her body like wings, like thin and wide wings made of forged gold. Then her whole body disappeared, and when she reappeared, she was Behind Yang Jian! Then a straight and sharp arc appeared between the two people, and it quickly disappeared!

This flash of light made Yang Jian stiffen all of a sudden, and a stream of blood spurted out from high on his body. With his defense power at a loss, this split second opened Yang Jian's chest alive! However, the terrifying self-healing ability of **Xuan Gong immediately came into play and healed the injury immediately.

After Lin Yinxiu flashed sharply, he waved the two extremely brilliant golden knives in his hands at high speed, reflecting the light of the scorching sun and forming a terrifying dazzling ring of energy around his body, and even the whole world seemed to be Lin Yinxiu lost his color when he swung the first ax while rotating it! And the auxiliary magic weapons suspended next to them formed thunder blade wheels that roared one after another!

The brilliant arc-shaped light flashed and disappeared on Yang Jian's body, which was staggering backward. It gives people the feeling that even their sight is burning and ignited. If the arc of light were made of sunlight, it is more than ten meters long, cutting people's vision with scorching arcs!

Zhentianba Conferring God's Slash!

In the midst of such attacks that came like a roar, although Yang Jian's body lost control and was cut with holes by the terrifying sword energy, under the influence of the Xuan Xuan Gong, it still continued to heal. With.

Every strike of Tianba Conferred God Slash is as unstoppable and unmatched as the rising sun. Each stroke is like a giant rock stacked on top of each other, continuously increasing the power of the next slash. Every time the light wheel passed by Yang Jian's body, it would make a continuous and horrifying sound of "tearing, tearing, tearing". It was the terrifying sound of the blade cutting the flesh under violent trembling, and then bright red mist sprayed out. , curling into evaporation.

This can be said to be Fang Lin's last chance. If they can't kill Yang Jian even with their skills in such a situation where their defense is 20% negative, then they can only choose to retreat. Fang Lin also saw it at this time. Yang Jian's seventy-three changes and seventy-three lives are probably not bragging. This guy's fierce vitality can sustain him even if he suffers a total of seventy-three fatal injuries.

Of course, if Yang Jian's head is severely injured like being chopped off, the vitality consumed in repairing it must not be comparable to that of being stabbed in the heart. It should be calculated as double/triple. Even if Fang Lin and the others spent a lot of his recovery energy before, vitality, but now it seems that if Yang Jian's vitality cannot be exhausted within the thirty seconds of "abolition". Then Fang Lin and the others can only give up...