Ace Evolution

Chapter 1207: Untitled


Although Fang Lin agreed to Lei Luo's challenge, he once again asked to take a break. wWW!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!COm (Read full text novels on Shiluk Literature Network)

Lei Luo, this bitch, shamelessly disagreed! And you plausibly say that you are a fool, so why don't you take a break

The main purpose of Fang Lin's request for rest was to allow the trio of butchers to quickly eat in the space to replenish their gold energy. After all, it would take a lot of life force for them to form the Savage Abomination. If you don't get a good rest, it may naturally lead to the situation where you couldn't control your body in the past.

Of course, everyone present is such a person. Of course, Fang Lin can't say that I want to rest the summoned objects. If Fang Lin reveals the slightest bit of words, they might actually guess the truth about the madman's defeat. At this time The reincarnators who have witnessed this incident in space have three different views:

One is that Fang Lin is probably like Lei Luo. The harder he hits him, the stronger his rebound will be. In the end, he will naturally be deemed a loser.

The second opinion is that Fang Lin, the chosen one, may have the ability to ignore the space contract, so once inside, he can also ignore the rules and take action. The majority of reincarnations hold this view.

The third view, which is also the view of a few people, is also the view closest to the truth, that is, Fang Lin summons a powerful attack summon, and then uses the summon to knock down part of the madman's physical strength, while he himself He used perverted props to escape passively. If time was delayed in the end, Fang Lin, who was not hit, would naturally win.

However, no one guessed the accurate truth, that is, the madman was defeated by Fang Lin's summons. This kind of speculation is really outrageous. If the summoned object can defeat the top ten, then how high should Fang Lin's strength be? What's more, there should be no such summons in the nightmare space. But they didn't know that Fang Lin was desperate and gave up the ability to summon brutal evil in the dream world, so that this giant monster showed a very terrifying fighting level in the duel!

However, the more Fang Lin tried to shirk it, the more Lei Luo insisted on the second view, and the more certain he became that Fang Lin had done it himself! And he swore that if the war didn't start within one minute, he wouldn't bet. Erlei Luo's threat was a false one, and he really got Fang Lin's key point. Fang Lin's previous suspicion was that the top ten would gather together. To do something, it is really inseparable from Lei Luo, the assassin.

So Fang Lin's eyes flashed and he agreed to Lei Luo's request for a duel.

Although the trio of Fat Boys had not yet eaten or drank enough to recover their vitality, the combined strength of the barbarian evil under this situation was only about 80%, and they could not use the weapon refining skills.

But Fang Lin couldn't take action against Lei Luo. He had the healing effect of E-level skill dissociation, and he could also use powerful magic to give Barbarian Abomination a terrifying state of madness.

So when Lei Luo entered the battlefield, he first coaxed himself to put on a suit of shining armor. This armor, which was very attractive at first glance, was full of light green growth equipment, not only It can reduce the enemy's mental attack damage. The armor's built-in skills are even more powerful. It can actually grow a pair of light green light wings to glide in the air for short distances!

Of course, this piece of equipment is only a light green growable piece of equipment after all. After possessing these two powerful attributes, it also has one attribute that is harmful to itself, which is reducing the defense power and movement speed. However, under the premise that Lei Luo believed that Fang Lin would take action, he felt that the two reduced attributes did not matter. The most important ones were mental resistance and gliding air superiority, which could act as a surprise in times of crisis.

So when Lei Luo, who was full of confidence, entered the battlefield, Fang Lin slowly summoned the barbarian evil within a safe time. One can imagine Lei Luo's mood when he witnessed with his own eyes that his guess was completely wrong! Fortunately, Lei Luo's mental quality was still quite strong, so he took a deep breath quickly to adjust his mood.

Otherwise, Ji Ge would have been disrupted in the first place. If his mood for the battle was further disrupted, there would be no need to fight this battle again.

Lei Luo was worthy of being a pervert with physical strength who inherited the title of Assassin. He attacked Fang Lin first, and after confirming that he was determined not to be able to kill Fang Lin under the interference of the monster next to him, he simply gritted his teeth and fought against the abomination. If this monster is defeated, he will be invincible!

Therefore, after a gritted teeth fight, he shot Barbarian Evil to death on the spot. However, more than half of the various special props and very precious medicines brought into Kong Xun were consumed.

When Lei Luo wiped his sweat and smiled fiercely and pressed towards Fang Lin... Fang Lin sighed deeply, and a rather ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Lei Luo's heart. Because he noticed that there was no trace of frustration or panic on Fang Lin's face, but an intoxicated look like that of a hunter who has witnessed his prey fall into a trap. Although Man Shou was knocked down, the deep well-like vertical eyes between Fang Lin's brows had an enchanting and profound feeling, as if he could see through the passage of time and space!

Next, Lei Luo punched Fang Lin in the chest, causing six times the damage and a terrible four-digit damage. Fang Lin also smiled faintly.

What happened next was almost exactly the same as what the madman had experienced. Man Slow Evil, who had been confirmed dead by Lei Luo, climbed up vigorously, raised his hands high above his head, and used the refining method to refine the huge golden hammer. It was condensed, and Lei Luo, who was caught off guard, also received a whack-a-mole blow..." "AV is very slow and evil. In terms of physical strength, he is not even as good as some of the elite monsters in the AV world. The reason why he can be compared with the bosses in the AV space is only partly because he owns six pieces of golden plot equipment. But the most important thing is the common one he inherited from the three combined original bodies. Skill: Rebirth!

The master can specify the rebirth location of the summoned object. The rebirth location is limited to within 100 meters around him. If not specified, the summoned object will be reborn in the same place.

The cooldown time for rebirth is: Sun Hour!

After Lei Luo climbed up from the huge pit, he felt bitter. He realized that he was not only facing a monster full of energy, but also a monster with powerful on-the-spot evolution and repair capabilities. The rebound damage that Luo Gong was proud of was evolved by Barbarian Evil. After this point, at least the damage has been reduced by more than half! Barbarian Evil directly caused flexible and thick calluses to develop in the palm of his hand. More than half of the rebounded force was absorbed by the old man, and then automatically turned into powder and fell off. Therefore, when Barbarian Evil knocked down with a hammer, the skin of the callus in his palm was shattered. It was as if half of the dandruff flying on his head fell off, as if it were snowing.

However, Lei Luo still showed his strong punching skills and gritted his teeth to hold on. When Barbarian Hatred's 30,000 physical strength was once again consumed, Fang Lin took action unhurriedly, first giving Barbarian Hatred a healing effect. , and then added a crazy state to him. When Lei Luo was forced into a corner and was blocked by the barbarians and couldn't get out, Xiao Fu also appeared, waving flags and shouting, "Lei Luo, when he saw Xiao Fu's figure, he immediately lost his fighting spirit and gave up... just because of him I have enjoyed the aura of being a wretched person, so the despair at this moment is so deep..." [After incorporating Lei Luo, the assassin, and the mountain warrior he brought into his fold, Fang Lin did not continue to show off. He left the ring, but announced that he would take a break and come back in seven days. At this time, among the ten strong men, there are also Thunder Man, Hermit Man, and Barbarian Man who have not fought against Fang Lin. Of course, Fang Lin will not forget the man who shares the title of Fool with him. "Hades!"

Fang Lin's purpose of resting at this time is because he is afraid that all the powerful people in the current space have been wiped out by him, and the remaining ones are either small shrimps and small fish, or they are very cautious and want to wait until the end. Rather than continuing here, it is better to leave a three-day buffer period to let more people know about this matter. In Fang Lin's idea, the top ten would certainly gather together, and the more reincarnators the better, the stronger the better. Therefore, even though he was very anxious and anxious, he still had to set aside these three days. Time to wait for this.

After returning to the K Shao contract space, Lao Hu, Lin Yinxiu, Lao Si and the others did not ask more about Fang Lin's intentions for doing so many things. Instead, they directly chose unconditional support. Lao Hu patted Fang Lin's shoulder forcefully. encouraged:

"come on."

Beautiful Lin directly kissed his lips.

Lao Si and Xin Yuan also silently clenched their fists and raised their hands to Fang Lin.

Because they knew that if Fang Lin could talk about the reasons behind these things, he would have done it long ago. The purpose of keeping silent at this time may be to personally bear the pressure of Namo Quan!

After Fang Lin continued to sit in the space for a while, he returned to the real world. Although he was quite exhausted mentally and physically at this time, for some reason, he felt an indescribable excitement burning brightly. The feeling was just like Jing Ke stepping onto the heavily guarded stone steps of Emperor Qin's palace. What burns is raw metal, surging with the excitement and courage to challenge taboos.

After Fang Lin walked out of the teaching building, he found that the sky was full of stars outside. The fragrance of flowers mixed with the heat of late summer and early autumn made people lazy and comfortable. He couldn't help but have an infinitely beautiful feeling for the world. Being nostalgic is like a drowning person's infinite greed for the precious air that is readily available. At this time, he realized that the task of completing Tang Monk's family letter actually took a lot of time in the real world, nearly two months. If Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu hadn't made arrangements for this situation, , otherwise their previous work would be in chaos.

"Sure enough, there is a huge problem in the dream world. Even the time ratio conversion between the real world and the dream world is starting to get messy."

Fang Lin sighed again. What he was looking at at this time was an extremely familiar scene, and he suddenly felt a strong sense of sadness and nostalgia. The feeling was as complicated as the last night a senior graduate spent at his alma mater, and mixed with the desire for life of a terminally ill patient who knew the date of his death!

Therefore, he walked very slowly back to his dormitory. He felt that every tree, leaf, and flower along the way was endlessly moving and shining with the luster of life. He was really nostalgic. Fang Lin's senses were extremely sharp at this time. He could even hear the subtle sound of blood flowing in the pulse, and the dew slowly gathered on the petals. [He even gave birth to a baby. The impulse that stood here all night, but at this moment, a snow-white and soft palm came out of the thorn, and pinched Fang Lin's ear hard!

"Ouch!" Fang Lin was shocked at first, and then immediately shouted out loudly because he guessed the identity of the owner of the palm at this moment. There can be no one else but Hu Jia, the daughter of Lao Hu. Moreover, Lao Hu had some arrangements before entering the space. He and Zou Zi could make numerous excuses for a business trip to the training factory, but Fang Lin remained silent. Fang Lin repeatedly begged for mercy, and Hu Jiacai let go of his hand and used A pair of angry and resentful eyes looked at him and said:

How long will you continue to hide? "

Fang Linrao was full of wit, but he also felt that he was lacking in words at this time. At this time, Hu Jia suddenly frowned, his face turned pale, he immediately pushed Fang Lin away and ran to the flowers nearby and bent down, "Oh, oh, retching" After getting up, Fang Lin saw a bag of snacks under Hu Jia's arm, with "Xu Fu Ji Talking about Plum King" vaguely written on it. His whole body suddenly felt like being struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned.

at the same time.

In the nightmare world, the madman's private space is decorated in a very original style. It is a cave. The cave is the madman's residence. There is a stream flowing next to the cave.

It also simulated the twinkling stars in the sky, and the two madmen were staying with a black shadow at the highest point in the entire space, looking at the sky solemnly.

There was a very suave and free feeling in the movements of the black figure. The madman took out a silver knife from his side, lightly cut his finger, and a drop of blood fell into the water in front of him. In the basin. After his own blood melted into the water, the black shadow grabbed it with his hand, and the water dripped down, leaving behind a faint thread like smoke, which was directly transmitted outside the space!

"This is the cause and effect of your contract with the Fool." The black shadow said calmly. The madman tried to grab the thread with his hands, but he couldn't reach it at all.

At this time, the black shadow slowly inserted his fingers into the water and prayed silently. The stars in the sky were shining brightly, and every little bit of starlight seemed to be gradually gathered into the strange basin made of leaves. The water surface was as bright as silver. Shaking, a small deep vortex gradually formed with his finger as the center!

The vortex swirled faster and faster, and even the evil objects around it became distorted, even revealing the ugly mechanical appearance in the air without the black mist! Then, the black shadow took the small silver knife from the madman's hand and slowly raised it into the air.