Ace Evolution

Chapter 1208: People who escape space obliteration!


The madman seemed to have great respect for the black shadow, but the moment the black shadow raised his sword, the madman was already standing with his hands lowered and bowing. At the same time, he stepped back in small steps as if he was afraid of disturbing anything. Only the stars in the sky were visible. If the essence is absorbed into the knife, it will be very brilliant and extremely gorgeous. It will even continue to drip down in little bits and pieces, and it will be extremely bright in the air. Www!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!cOM novel wα organized

When the light was at its peak, the black shadow gently scraped the air with a silver knife! He had to cut off the thin thread that looked like smoke that he pulled out earlier!

The silver knife didn't seem to have any sharpness, and even the edge seemed quite blunt. However, with that cut, an extremely sharp and sharp sound came out in the air, like steel being violently cut by a chainsaw, and sparks flying around. The splashing sound was amplified a hundred times!

In the eyes of this dark shadow, everything is composed of "cause" and "effect". This is a very simple philosophical point of view. And his ideas and strength amplified his own concept a hundred times, forming his own "power"! This understatement of his chop seemed to be a conflict between the silver knife and the translucent thread, but in essence it was to cut off the chain of cause and effect between the madman and Fang Lin, and to break the contract between the two!

The light transparent silk thread symbolizing the contract was broken with a wave. The withered and falling trajectory of the silk thread was like the withered leaves in autumn, falling slowly in two sections. At the same time, Fang Lin, who was in the real world, was suddenly hit by a strong burst of force. Heart palpitations hit him, and he felt a strong salty taste in his mouth. He couldn't help but staggered for half a step. He only felt that his throat was very itchy, and he vomited half a mouthful with a sound. Hu Jia next to him was still angry, and thought of Fang Lin kept crying because of the fear he had suffered these days, but when he looked at the ground, he immediately let out a scream!

There was a pool of crimson blood on the ground, and the blood showed a very violent spray shape. A shallow mouthful of blood actually splashed over an area of five or six square meters. It can be seen that when this mouthful of blood was sprayed out, it was How violent. At this time, Fang Lin couldn't help but feel an indescribable threat approaching rapidly. He didn't care so much anymore. The light in his hand suddenly brightened up, and he could clearly see a milky white cloud. The thing instantly disappeared into space.

SSS level skill: Dissociation!

This skill is Fang Lin's greatest strength at this time. The dissociation technique with domain authority can be said to be an existence of the highest rules that cannot be competed with! The most important function of dissociation...

, and the function that is most valued by Nightmare Space is the ability to slowly repair space. At this time, as soon as Fang Lin uses this move, all the rules of space that are bound to him will immediately give way and be circumvented, allowing his repair ability to pass unimpeded. . Therefore, even though Hu Jia saw Fang Lin using the SSS-level skill Dissociation, he would not be bound by the rules of space.

Hu mm was completely stunned at this time. She was completely stunned by this series of unbelievable things, from Fang Lin's strange disappearance, to the inexplicable vomiting of blood, to the sudden dazzling light between her fingers. It was something completely incomprehensible to her. But at this time, she suddenly felt that her waist was light, and she was picked up by Fang Lin, and ran into the woods next to her at an incredible speed.

Hu Jia was stunned as she watched the familiar scenery below fly away at lightning speed, and she even discovered that the man hugging her could actually free up one hand to balance his body and run in the middle of the trees without touching the ground. That kind of agility is like being completely integrated into nature, which is even more magical than the legendary Tarzan. Hu Jia even saw her close friend kissing her boyfriend on the bench below. The two of them could clearly see him when they looked up, but they didn't notice it at all.

Finally, Fang Lin took the extremely curious Hu Jia to a secluded park outside the school, then put his hand on her shoulder and said seriously:

"I'll explain other things to you later. Now we have to deal with the crisis. Don't panic if you see anything strange."

Hu Jia looked at Fang Lin's gentle eyes and the undried blood on his lips. His original anger was gone, and he said with both timidity and concern:

“You have to be careful.

Fang Lin smiled, took a deep breath, and his black hair fluttered. Hu Jia rubbed her eyes in surprise, because she found that there was an illusion of a very simple looking mirror behind Fang Lin, but if she looked closely, After that, there was nothing. Fang Lin was in high spirits at this time. The Eight-tatami Mirror on his body disappeared in a flash, and the Fool's Eye in the middle of his eyebrows was operating at full strength. Like a deep and strange well, he once again used all his strength to perform the dissociation technique!

At this time in the space, the black shadow cut off the causal thread between Fang Lin and the madman with a knife, and then sighed casually, the silver light flashed between his fingers, and the silver knife turned into cold light and disappeared. Then the black shadow flicked the fingers of his hands, as if flicking off some dirt and water stains, and was about to leave. The madman bowed slightly beside him and looked extremely respectful.

But at this moment, a white mist came misty, and the causal threads that had been cut off by the black shadow had faintly disappeared into the space, but under the transpiration of the mist, they actually healed again. As before, it even appeared in the space very clearly. And the madman had a look of pain on his face, because the thread of cause and effect was not only restored, but also tightened suddenly during the interruption!

This was when Fang Lin's first dissociation spell took effect. After the black figure saw these arrows, his whole body was shocked, and he let out a cold voice. It could be distinguished from the snort that he was obviously very angry in his heart. A faint red light also emitted between his hands. They pointed like knives at the same time, and slashed on the broken and renewed threads of cause and effect with his backhand, trying to forcibly dissolve the contract between Fang Lin and the madman again.

This cut did not have such a big impact on Fang Lin. It only made his heart surge. The reason is very simple, that is because the causal thread at this time was broken and renewed by the SSS skill. To cut it off would be to destroy the domain authority of the SSS-level skill Dissociation! This is almost impossible to happen, so it is natural that the black shadow's strike failed to take effect.

However, after the black shadow was slashed with a palm and bounced back, he immediately didn't take it to heart at all. He let out a roar and moved his right hand in the direction of the causal thread connecting Fang Lin. And the silver light on his right hand flowed like a fish, and instantly followed the direction of the causal thread. The small silver knife traveled through space and time in an instant, and stabbed directly from the nightmare world. real world! In the black shadow's senses, this silver weapon that was sure to kill had suddenly pierced Fang Lin's throat, killing him with one blow!

However, the black shadow immediately realized that he was only afraid of being deceived by the illusion, because if Fang Lin died, the contract between him and the madman should be automatically terminated, and the causal thread representing the contract would still be dead. The restraint of the madman is proof that Fang Lin is still alive.

"It's really interesting," the black figure sneered and murmured to himself, but his right hand had once again climbed up the causal thread like a snake, obviously trying to correct the previous mistakes made by the illusion. This black shadow can directly attack Fang Lin from the nightmare space, but Fang Lin's dissociation skills are all auxiliary effects. It seems that there is no way to fight back against him. It seems that this black shadow is completely invincible. But at the moment when the black shadow took action, Fang Lin's second dissociation technique with all his strength came again!

"Swipe, there was a soft sound. In this short moment, the madman's private space was illuminated by an indescribable soft light, and even the objects arranged by the madman in the space were revealed like X-rays. They were completely penetrated into virtual images, and there was a clear hole on the right side of the black shadow. Obviously, he relied on this ability to destroy space to attack Fang Lin.

"You are very strong, but I don't even bother to fight with you!" In the real world, Fang Lin lowered his head at this time. His black hair covered his forehead, and his expression could not be seen. He could only perceive it. There is an indescribable smell, which is as strange, evil and calm as darkness. Just like a coiled snake, although the fangs are hidden in the mouth, they will pop out at any time to deliver a lightning-like strike!

Time seems to have frozen in an instant. The viciousness of Fang Lin's intentions has become clear: I am not as knowledgeable as you at all. If you dare to offend me, let the space deal with you! The madman had heard of Fang Lin's reputation as "the natural enemy of the chosen one" before, and his face suddenly turned pale!

All the arrangements in the madman's space faded and disappeared in an instant, and faint blood-red lightning flew past, making people's hearts feel depressed. Immediately afterwards, a rich and majestic voice suddenly sounded:

"No. 8990 violated the space rules and tried to change the order of space. He was caught on the spot and will be punished. According to Article 1174, the punishment for this person is: obliteration!"

But the black figure still stood upright on the spot, seeming to be sneering and full of confident disdain. At this time, the madman has already felt that there is a completely irresistible force approaching at high speed. The approach is as unchangeable as the passage of time, and it is as difficult to match as the overwhelming pressure of Mount Tai. This is the power of space to sanction everything. , any reincarnator is like an ant in front of it! Even people like Madman can't help but tremble instinctively!

But at the moment when the power roared and collided, the black shadow suddenly disappeared! ! !

He was able to escape the obliteration of space! (To be completed