Ace Evolution

Chapter 1209: Both sides suffer losses


According to common sense, the power of any reincarnation comes from the nightmare space. In other words, if the nightmare space wants to obliterate a person, it can be said that it can be done with just a thought. www. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. If cOm tries to use the power given by the nightmare space to resist it, it will be like spitting at the sky, and the only thing that will be insulted is his own face.

The madman yelled, blood spurted out and he fell out. His personal space was shattered with one blow! After falling into the crowd, I barely managed to get up, but I also received the message "Your personal space has been completely broken."

However, his body faintly disappeared in an instant, and was dragged into another private space by the mysterious black shadow.

In the space where the madman entered again, the black shadow was still alive! But most of the mysterious black mist surrounding him had disappeared, and even half of his left hand was broken off, looking dripping with blood. Although it continues to grow under the continuous healing effect of the space, it can be clearly seen that the recovery process is quite slow. It seems that although the black shadow escaped the obliteration of space, it also paid a considerable price.

"This fool is indeed just like me. He is a reincarnation that is urgently needed in the space. His ability is probably more valued by the nightmare space than mine. He can actually mobilize the power of space to obliterate me!"

When this black shadow spoke, his tone was indescribably gentle, but he spoke with clarity and confidence. It turned out to be very similar to Fang Lin's decisive tone in deducing the matter.

"I remember you once told me that you met someone who looked very similar to me. Could it be that you were talking about him?"

The madman coughed a few times and said:

"That's right. You two feel quite close to each other, but it's still different if you look at them carefully."

"Oh?" The black shadow said slowly, "You tell me."

"The Fool gives people the impression that there is murderous intention in his restraint, but Mr. Camille, you are sharp and sharp, as if everything in the world can be cut in half, destroyed and killed, you are really going forward..."

The madman whispered:

"This leads to the fact that the Fool is the kind of fighting style that uses all means and uses all possible means, while you use one method to defeat ten thousand ways. It is difficult to evaluate which of your methods is better, but In terms of gathering companions to build their own power, the Fool has some advantages."

The dark shadow called Camille by the madmen sneered:

"Seeing my current appearance, do you think that the Fool has the upper hand? Wrong!

The injuries he suffered at this time were definitely more serious than mine! In addition, I promised to terminate the contract for you. Once the Fool returns to the nightmare space, I will challenge him and defeat him! "

After saying that, the dark shadow Camille looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, then disappeared.

At that time, the madman entered the nightmare space because of the pain of losing his wife, but he had the same good luck as Wan Qiang and found Camille, an ordinary person who could directly see the mark of the nightmare. This person is extremely talented. After the madman brought him to the masked man, he also got a wish. However, unlike the unlucky Wan Qiang, the madman chose to resurrect him only in the nightmare world. 's deceased wife.

It stands to reason that this requirement is relatively harsh, but because when the madman found Kamil, Kajul had already shown considerable strength, so the "reward" for him to gain space would naturally be more.

When the unlucky Wan Qiang brought Fang Lin into the space, Fang Lin was still a "potential stock" and had not shown much potential, so Wan Qiang's request became much more difficult.

The madman who stayed in the space silently wiped away the blood on his mouth. Suddenly, a very beautiful woman appeared next to him. This woman was the follower of the madman and also his late wife. She Soothingly said:

"Darling, although Mr. Camille is a little arrogant, he always does what he says, so you don't have to worry."

The look of worry in the madman's eyes is even heavier:

, His Excellency Kamil's ability is cleaning, which can clean up the remaining dregs produced when the nightmare space operates, so it is highly valued by the nightmare space, and because he may trigger the protection law of the space during the cleaning process, the space also grants It gave him the ability not to be harmed by the obliteration law of space. Logically speaking, if a person like him does things alone, he will inevitably be unfavorable, but today I saw the Fool's chosen ability, and then I realized that, I'm afraid, the Fool's ability is still higher than Kajul, because The Fool's ability is probably more important than cleaning... Repair! The degree of favor he receives from the space is probably even higher than that of Camille! "

The woman frowned and said:

"Doesn't this mean that it is difficult to break the contract between you and the Fool? The result of my tarot card divination is very bad, and there is only a slim chance of survival!"

The madman sighed and said:

"So what!"

If we use a more popular analogy, Kamil is like a surgeon who uses physical violence to remove carrion and scum in space, because he will inevitably accidentally injure some normal tissues and trigger the passive defense system of the space agency. So the patient granted him a limited exemption from erasure, which seemed to mean: Boy, occasional mistakes are okay, but frequent mistakes are not.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, is a physician who used a very gentle method to heal Kongsi's wounds. There is no doubt that compared to Camille's method of requiring surgery for even a cold, Fang Lin is destined to suffer. Much more popular than the former.

At this time, Fang Lin in the real world was also in a huge crisis!

He first used the combined power of Yata Mirror + Fool's Eyes + Fool's Crystal Eyelashes to give the enemy an illusion, and then used his own dissociation technique to make it impossible for the enemy to violate the rules of the Sky Commander. Next, he naturally let the space come to him. After doing the last thing for himself, Xin Fang Lin was a man, not a god. Of course, it was impossible for anyone to escape from the obliteration of space, so he suffered another fierce counterattack from Camille while he was relaxed.

When Fang Lin was smiling and about to explain to Hu Jia, his eyebrows suddenly trembled, and a line of blood spurted out from his chest with a sharp brushing sound. The blood showed a strange strip shape, like an upright stream of water. The curtain-shaped jet shot out, and it looked like it was cut from top to bottom by an extremely sharp and extremely fast knife. You can imagine the severity of the injuries! Immediately after Fang Lin, a silver light flashed past behind him. The light was filled with pride and even more arrogance!

But the strange thing is that the expression on Fang Lin's face at this time is very complicated. He has a feeling of being counted out by the enemy, but also has a clear understanding of knowing the truth. Then he straightened up.

Hu Boang naturally opened his mouth when he saw such a terrifying scene, but he took it back when the scream didn't come out. Because even though Fang Lin's whole body was wet with blood, he still raised his hand with difficulty and made a ", shush" motion on his lips.

Then he forced out a smile with great difficulty and said:

"I'm fine.

Hu Jia's hands were in the air. He was moving and his face was pale! It seems that he wants to do something with all his strength, but he doesn't know what to do. Fang Lin could still laugh at this time:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just hurt the superficial skin. Fortunately, I hid quickly."

In fact, how could Fang Lin's injury be described as nothing? This knife almost cut him in half. Not only was his sternum completely cut open, but the lungs inside were also torn. If he had been an ordinary person, he would have been killed on the spot. It was also because his physical strength at this time was higher than that of ordinary people. If there are too many, the endurance is much stronger. You can also use the "second brain" of the Fool's Eye to forcibly contract all the blood vessels and muscles in the injured area, block the pain nerves, and at the same time control the heartbeat to reduce the blood flow rate. Reduce the consumption of the heart, so you can still chat with Hu... who was so frightened that his face turned pale. "I want to send you to the craftsman's courtyard!" Hu Jia said anxiously: "You will die if you continue like this!"

Fang Lin flashed a white light in his hand and threw a healing effect on his body. His skills were so good that he could see the wound healing immediately. Fang Lin smiled gently, grabbed Hu Jia's hand and said:

"Don't worry, the child will not become a posthumous child."

Hu Jia was immediately embarrassed, his face turned red and he said angrily:

"What a posthumous child!"

Fang Lin was already 50 or 60% sure in his heart, but when he saw Hu Jia's reaction, he was 70% sure. Now that his injury was slightly better, he immediately used his mental power to directly and carefully detect it. When I heard the weak but firm ", dong, dong, dong," (reprinted in this book on the literary website sound of the fetal heartbeat, all kinds of feelings came up in my heart for a while, and all the things in my mind were filled with emotion. I was stunned by the impact..., thump, thump, thump...

This is the sound of my child's heart beating!

This is my bloodline that breeds in the world! ! !

Even if I die now, I will still have successors!

At this moment, Fang Lin almost shouted with joy.

Animal instincts are nothing more than two, survival and reproduction.

Humans are also a type of animal, and the depth and pain of having no successor can only be understood through personal experience.

Seeing Fang Lin's expression, Hu Jia knew that this guy must have guessed it, and was so embarrassed that he almost cried. If Fang Lin didn't look like he was about to die, Hu Jia would definitely have committed domestic violence. . Fang Lin didn't want her to worry too much at this time, so he let the outer layer of the wound heal first and dealt with the internal injuries later. Although this was just a superficial effort, it was better than letting Hu Jia worry in vain. In fact, it was like this For serious injuries, it would take at least three days to fully heal in the real world.

After Fang Lin reluctantly got up from the ground, Hu...naturally let out a long breath of relief, but Fang Lin took a few preemptive strikes before she asked, and immediately coughed mysteriously:

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

As I near the end of the book, I am updating at a slower pace. Firstly, I want to connect the past with the future and fill in all the previous pitfalls one by one. Secondly, I need to plan carefully. Those who have traveled a hundred miles must stand at the last post.