Ace Evolution

Chapter 1212: Take advantage of the situation


WwW, QunabEN, coM At the same time, Shi Lin, led by Lei Di, arrived at the place of Ten Mile Tuni Shunyule. At this time, the nightmare space returned to its usual appearance. The surrounding walls were as if they were arched huge eggshells. The color showed a light brown-red, and you could even vaguely feel that the wall was gradually shrinking in elasticity, emitting a faint light like Microsoft rubber. Fang Lin squatted down and gently pressed his fingers on the ground. He wiped it with his fingers. You can feel the emptiness as you pass by. This place has indeed been cut, but this kind of cutting is not random but follows a certain pattern. It is like the wound that the young and Dangerous boys stabbed in the stomach when they were fighting and the surgeon did it. Although the wounds from the abdominal surgery were all injuries to the body, in the eyes of professionals, the two wounds were as big as the difference between an airport and an Oh Qin cup. Fang Lin already knew at this time that Lao Hu had fallen into a trap, but he But he was also confident about Hu Huahao. Under the constraints of the one-sixth rule, it would definitely not be that easy to kill Old Hu instantly! Moreover, through the connection of the fof contract, Fang Lin can also understand some of Lao Hu's situation. As long as Hu Huahao is moderately or more seriously injured, there will be a certain reaction between the two. Considering this, the Fool's Eyes in Fang Lin's eyebrows will open in the future. After opening, it echoed and resonated with the nightmare mark that looked like a Tai Chi diagram on the chest. Circle after circle, if a substantial shock wave came out, he would activate the repair function of the dissociation technique. At this time, Lei Luo was affected by the movement of Fang Lin's skill. Suddenly something felt in his heart, he clasped his hands and chanted "Buddha". The big red cassock behind him actually seemed to be stirred by the wind and made a hunting sound. Lei Luo's lips kept murmuring up and down. Fang Lin unexpectedly found that this guy could increase his power when chanting sutras. The repair effect! Fang Lin's five fingers have slowly sunk into the ground of the nightmare space. He began to use the nightmare mark to connect with the space: "I found abnormal damage traces in the space. I found abnormal damage traces in the space. Please obtain tracking permission." For Fang Lin's request, Dream Gu Zongzong responded very quickly. He first confirmed that there were indeed signs of damage and then immediately approved the permission. Fang Lin immediately followed the place where Kajul passed and sank. It is worth mentioning that Nightmare Space also discovered Fang Lin looked back at Lei Luo and smiled slightly, letting him follow him. For Fang Lin, Lei Luo was ambitious and greedy. If he left under his nose, it would be very difficult. It's hard to have confidence in being able to control him, but if he's right next to him, he's not afraid of him going up to the sky to stir up wind and rain. After Fang Lin and Lei Luo sank into the space, what appeared in front of him were layers of bright red. The moist and thick inner wall looks almost like a biological body, and it is as seamless as a crystal, making you feel like you can't let it go just by looking at it. However, there is also a fresh and smooth illusion floating on the surface, as if it is a newborn baby. The skin of the skin would be injured even if he took a breath. Immediately afterwards, the two of them found themselves in an extremely mysterious high-speed traveling process. His body at this time was wrapped in a ball of green light, even though it felt like there was nothing. What's special is that you can clearly feel that he is moving at a very high speed, but the moving process is so smooth that it is almost hard to understand. Suddenly, Fang Lin felt that the Yata Mirror became hot and hot, and he seemed to be unable to hold it down. It began to continuously impact his spirit. He focused his mind on it and immediately felt that the Yata mirror was manic and restless, and it was trembling rapidly as if it were alive. This was obviously a warning! Fang Lin had already guessed at this time that there was no one else but Camille, the mysterious guy who could even escape being wiped out in the nightmare space, who could still use such tricks to plot against him under his own surveillance. At this time, Lao Hu and Man The battle of Zhezhiwen also reached a fever pitch. The barbarian buried his head and hit Lao Hu's chest. He was wearing a helmet with two very sharp horns on his head! Lao Hu's face turned pale immediately after this collision, but Lao Hu also hit the barbarian's shoulder hard with both fists! There were two crisp sounds of "crack". Under the suppression of the terrible force, the barbarian's hands fell softly. It seemed that at least the collarbones on both shoulders were broken. After that, it penetrated deeply into the body. The two of them staggered back together, but The expression on the barbarian's face was exciting and cruel because his anger value had been extended to AX during this fight, so he immediately launched the barbarian's signature skill: Slaughter! ! A sharp blood-red light flashed! It was as fast as if it had never happened before. The place where Lao Hu stood was a long strip of blue-black reef. Cracks had already appeared on its surface. At first, it was a small mark that was barely visible to the naked eye, but it soon became as thin as a spider's flash. Bursts of stone dust were emitted from the top and bottom of the densely covered body, and countless gravels broke apart from it and flew towards the outer edge of the space, hitting bright star flowers! And Lao Hu suddenly groaned and staggered back a few steps. Suddenly, a bloody splash spattered from his chest, and a tragic and terrifying continuous wound appeared on his face. It looked like there was a handful of blood on his body. The invisible long knife slashed towards the face, straight down and slashed from the face to the chest. The power of this slash made Old Hu fall over. When he got up again, he was panting violently and looked as ferocious as a trap. A trapped beast! This is the power of slaughter! It's so silent that you don't even know where to start! And at this moment, the barbarian's limp and broken hands were gradually lifted up, and the wounds were rolled and the flesh and blood slowly healed, because although the "Slaughter" blow cost all his anger points, "Slaughter" It is also included in the category of attacking the enemy, so it will naturally increase the anger of the barbarian. At this time, the healing of the barbarian's own injuries is the special effect brought about by using the anger value to heal himself. The barbarian laughed wildly: "Your strength is indeed very strong Lei Hu, but you are still far from being able to compete with me. Today is your day of death! " As he spoke, the clouds in the sky on the left suddenly blew away, and you could see that there were countless intertwined pipes in the void that were thick and thin, just like the human blood vessel network. The pipes looked like they were made of metal, but they still had the flexibility of soft tissue. Camille, who was wrapped in smoke-like darkness, stayed in front of the pipe. He pressed his hand on a pipe and could clearly see a sharp... sharp flash of light intersecting in front of his palm. After passing that pipe, it broke directly and then slowly bent to the left to connect with another pipe. Suddenly, a voice sounded in the nightmare space and began to read out the rules again: "The contract you signed has changed: the battle time is unlimited. When either party's physical strength is When the value is lower than the heat, you will be judged to have failed and been eliminated." "The battle between you will be transformed from a victory or defeat game to a life and death game! "Your Majesty Kamil, please be cautious." The barbarian smiled evilly and licked the back of his hand and said, "Actually, you just need to change the rules. I can deal with him alone. I see a guy like him who only knows three axes at the beginning." Now let him challenge me? Camille's cold voice came from the distant clouds: "Without further ado, you like to play the game of cat and mouse. Go play the Fool in the nightmare world. This person is unpredictable. If you kill Thunder Tiger earlier, you will lose one point earlier." Variables." The barbarian's face changed slightly and he still said: "Just do what Mr. Camille wants." But at this moment, a plain voice suddenly said: "It's a pity that he can't come to help you. As soon as this voice came. Everyone was shocked. Only Lao Hu showed a clear smile and said: "I think you should come too." Next to Camille, a person who looked very casual appeared. There is also a monk wearing a bright red lama's robe. It is Fang Lin and Lei Luo who came after hearing the news. Of course, they are not like most police movies where the good guys beat the bad guys and they will definitely win. They arrive in time at the last critical moment. In fact, Fang Lin and Lei Luo had been lurking here for nearly five minutes with the help of the illusion ability of the magic weapon Yata Mirror. When Camille saw Fang Lin, she was startled at first and then sneered and said viciously: "You Are you here to collect the corpses of your companions? We are in the nightmare space. This place is an absolutely safe area. You can only watch me. The duel field seems very close, but I only have the ability to cut the space. Only then can we have unimpeded access! It is even more difficult for you to join!" Fang Lin said lightly: "With me here, do you think it is possible for you to cut open the space and intervene in the duel between the two?" Camille smiled coldly: "It's always easier to destroy than to build! What's more, I specifically applied for the privilege of inspection from space today. You can only trace it through the traces I left, but it's useless to make a report." Another flash between his fingers With the dazzling cutting light, you can clearly see a gap slowly opening above the duel space. This gap is not big, but it can allow Camille's small... small silver knife to pass through without any obstruction. But Fang Lin With a wave of his hand, the white light shrouded the past like mist. The crack immediately healed quickly. As soon as the space crack healed, Camille naturally lost the spiritual connection with his weapon, so he could only close the knife immediately. Camille's face changed. He immediately looked at Lei Luo next to Fang Lin and sneered: "It turns out that the assassin can actually increase your abilities, so what? If you step out to help Lei Hu, I can also report your violations to the space. I am here. You can only monitor Watching Si Ban being killed here in vain! " Fang Lin suddenly sighed and looked at Camille with a very pitiful look and said: "If I thought the tiger might be in danger, I would have repaired the rules you modified before showing up instead of standing here and talking. Don't you understand the reason why I did this? That means your revised rules are clearly beneficial to tigers! The title of Barbarian among the top ten will change its owner today! "