Ace Evolution

Chapter 1214: Barbarian III Form


A barbarian is a strong person who gets angry and angry at the damage done to the enemy or the damage caused by the enemy to himself. He is full of tenacious resilience. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. Com

The more anger is accumulated, the greater the damage power. The most taboo thing against a barbarian is to fight a protracted battle. Once his anger is completely converted into attack power, extremely terrible damage is likely to occur. At this time, the place where the barbarian died turned into a little light. They gathered in front of Lao Hu one after another, and finally formed a strong man's crown that exuded a strong and dazzling light. The surface of the strong man's crown shone with the luster of fine porcelain. It originally symbolized the brutal violence of the strong man. The crown, at this moment, was so fragile that it seemed as if it could break at the touch of a touch.

Lao Hu faced this extremely brilliant crown, but his eyes were full of passion. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the surface of the crown. The fingertips of his hand felt a rough and delicate texture. It feels like facing the rolling vastness of the desert. Although the scene is so majestic that it can compete with the heaven and earth, each grain of yellow sand is extremely delicate and full of contradictory harmony.

At this time, his entire body's feet slowly overcame gravity and floated off the ground. The thorns on his chest emitted a dazzling light, constantly changing colors, and reflected every detail of the evil spirits around him. Then it gradually condensed and shone on the crown work of the strong man floating in the mid-air!

Then Lao Hu held the barbarian's crown of strength with both hands and put it on hard. The surface of the Barbarian's Crown of the Strong is a faint dark red, and there is a strange twist in the palm of Lao Hu's hand. The front of the Crown of the Strong is a face that is roaring angrily, full of metallic texture. .

Under the illumination of the nightmare mark on Lao Hu's chest, several streamlined gaps appeared on the dark red Crown of the Strong. These gaps extended along the folding gaps of the Crown of the Strong. , then quickly split, indented, expanded, and finally was firmly worn on Lao Hu's head.

At the same time, Lao Hu groaned and bursts of white smoke came out of his chest, and there was also a burning smell in the air. You could see that the nightmare mark of a roaring tiger on his chest was burning, and then the tiger-like nightmare mark turned into a There are three arranged under the work, with the tiger head in the middle as the core. The pattern on the top is a ferocious fang dripping with blood, and the bottom is a very primitive and vast symbol, which looks like both hieroglyphics and If the altar is engraved with... sacrificial inscriptions.

Fang Lin was well-informed and well-read, and he could tell at a glance that they were primitive words, symbolizing the power of the earth. At this time, the Crown of the Barbarian emitted a dazzling red brilliance, condensing into what looked like giant steel cables, and actually tied up Lao Hu's limbs, and it seemed to be getting tighter and tighter! Fang Lin suddenly recalled the situation when he defeated the Twin Fools. If the Crown of the Strong was obtained by killing the Samsara, then the Crown of the Strong would most likely test the wearer, and his Eyes of the Fool That's how it came about.

The Crown of the Fool is worn by those who are experts in mental power. The test is Fang Lin’s resistance to mental power. So the Crown of the Strong, worn by those who are experts in strength, is naturally a test of Lao Hu’s strength!

Lao Hu obviously felt the tremendous pressure coming from his limbs. He roared, and all the muscles in his body tensed up. They were as convex as iron. He stretched as hard as he could! At this time, the duration of his Dickon's Cruelty has not been eliminated. The power of more than 350 points erupted like a volcanic eruption, immediately shattering the four thick test light cords emitted by the Barbarian's Crown Worker.

The Crown of the Barbarian suddenly roared, emitting a deep resonance, and then condensed four giant red light cords that were much thicker than the previous traces to restrain Lao Hu's limbs. The reason why Lao Hu passed the test with ease was because he had to go through the fourth and fourth stages of the test.

The light cord formed this time was obviously several times more flexible and binding than before! A solemn look appeared on Lao Hu's face at this time, and the joints all over his body were crackling, and he did not take any such measures. This form of explosion first relaxes the muscles, relaxing every blood vessel and every ligament to the extreme, and then slowly and slowly increases the force. The four giant red light cables are slowly tightened, and suddenly, The illusion of a giant tiger appeared on Lao Hu's head. The tiger seemed to have spied its prey. It pressed its front paws down slowly, its eyes were gleaming fiercely, and all the energy in its body was concentrated on its waist. It was the moment when he was about to pounce but didn't!

Lao Hu's power exploded in an instant again. This time he not only used his peak strength, which of course can be said to be sucking energy in a layman's terms, but also used some of his own Bajiquan. The secret to instantaneous bursts of luck is that at the peak moment... you can burst out at least five or six times the strength. This no longer belongs to the category of exerting force, it is simply using flesh, blood and sinews to initiate an explosion that kills both!

Those four giant red lights exploded in an instant! Lao Hu also groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood mist. If this method of exerting force were used by a normal person, it would be enough to make him paraplegic and spend the rest of his life in a **. Even Lao Hu would suffer severe damage to his internal organs.

And Lue Pengza clearly noticed that the key that had been dropped by the barbarian actually burst into tears and emitted a faint purple light, turned into powder and merged into the exploding light of the giant red light cord! ! At that moment, the entire space was filled with the poignancy and majesty of a bloody battlefield.

With a "pop" sound, a few minutes after putting it on Old Hu's head, the crown of the barbarian suddenly disintegrated on its own and scattered into dozens of pieces, flying through the air at high speed and turning into dozens of pieces. Ten elongated black rays of light gradually melted into Old Hu's chest, knees, elbows, throat and other vital parts. You have successfully worn the Crown of the Strong (Barbarian) twice. You wear the crown of the strong (barbarian).

You have successfully become one of the top ten people in the nightmare world.

The evolution of the nightmare mark is completed, and the authority has been greatly improved.

You earn the right to attract followers. The total space evaluation strength of all familiar followers cannot be multiplied by more than four points. You can check the space evaluation of the reincarnation strength, but it must be under the premise of the cooperation of the person being viewed. % will be paid for each follower recruited. q port. Points, the price of 5 potential points. At the same time you will reduce all attributes by one point. This attribute will be permanently deducted and will not be refunded even if the follower dies.

The Barbarian is the strongest person in the space who can deal continuous damage. The more seriously he is injured, the stronger his counterattack becomes. At the same time, the barbarians have very high requirements for the strength of the reincarnations who inherit the title. Those who cannot pass the barbarian's crown of the strong test are only qualified to use the fool's ability. To bring out the true ability of the fool, their own strength must reach Quite a high level.

Your current status is: barbarian song four sections.

You will automatically inherit the exclusive equipment of the previous barbarian you killed, but you will lose the keys he dropped. You gain the title Passive Skill: Rage Burning.

When you take damage or deal damage to an enemy, you gain a bonus to your rage. The rules for obtaining rage points are as follows.

One: You gain more rage when you take damage than when you cause damage to the enemy. The approximate ratio is, 5 times% 2: Rage value is a unique ability of barbarians, but it does not rule out that some plot characters can also master this move.

Three: After exiting the combat state, the rage value will drop at a rate of ten points/second. You are wearing the Crown of the Strong in the fourth stage of Barbarian Bei, and your anger value is limited to 300 points. (The first stage is the fourth stage, the fourth stage is Rudian, and the third stage is Rudian. The former barbarian is Rudian because of his skill/equipment bonus.)

You gained the title's main skill: Slaughter. Instantly launch an extremely cruel attack on designated enemies within a hundred meters. It is silent, difficult to detect, and impossible to dodge. The massacre requires at least 150 rage points to launch. After activation, all rage points will be consumed, and the damage effects are as follows:

When Slaughter acts on the body of the reincarnation, it will ignore the restrictions of the damage rules, ignore the enemy's defense, cause target damage to the enemy, and convert every remaining anger point into. 5 points of damage.

When Slaughter is applied to the body of a plot character, it will ignore the plot character's defense and cause a single point of damage to the enemy, and at the same time, every remaining point of anger will be converted into point damage.

After Lao Hu finished reading this series of prompts, the nightmare mark appeared again with selective explanations, and an illusory list appeared in front of Lao Hu:

"Please choose the four most suitable among the following barbarian exclusive skills as your fixed skills. (Former barbarians only have 2 choices)"

"Note: After you confirm the selected skills, the unselected skills can only be selected when you inherit the title of Barbarian again."

Exclusive skill Burning: After activating this skill, you will lose the assisting health points, and at the same time gain 5 points of rage immediately, and you will gain another occupying rage within the next ten seconds.

Exclusive skill Blow: When you are attacked by an enemy, you will be able to attack the enemy immediately, causing 2 points of damage to the enemy equal to the strength difference between the two sides. This skill has a fatality rate of 5 spells and will consume 5 rage points. Cooling time is enough.

Exclusive skill Furious Recovery: Burn your current anger value to quickly restore your physical strength. Every two points of anger will provide you with the physical strength effect. The duration of fury recovery is blade seconds, and the maximum amount of physical energy recovered per second is burned.

Exclusive skill extension: Increases your anger limit by 5 points. (This item can be checked. Jian means that you can select this skill twice in a row, so the additional anger value is four points)

Exclusive skill to control anger: your anger will not fade even in non-combat state, which means you can start a battle with full anger.

Exclusive skill Furious Slash: Launch an attack on an enemy within 5 meters of you, causing small damage equal to 10 Strength Value 2. If the opponent is in an abnormal state, the attack power will be increased by 20%.