Ace Evolution

Chapter 1220: vip chapter directory Final


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Past experience guide for the future.

Fang Lin was filled with emotion as he looked at Hades' life experience. The main personality has had most of its memories wiped out, replaced by false experiences, abandoning the obsession that haunts its soul, and forgetting the people it loves the most! What a tragic experience this is!

From the perspective of Fang Lin's personal feelings, he sympathized with Hades, but Fang Lin knew clearly that what he carried on his shoulders was not just his own life, but the lives of a group of people! He had sympathy for Hades in his heart, but the "blank nothingness" spreading in the space was overwhelming and poured out ruthlessly!

The reason why the previous mental communication process between Fang Lin and Hades was so smooth and successful can be said to be the strange power of the Yata Mirror. As a magical weapon, the Yata Mirror gave up its offensive ability in Fang Lin. And after comprehensively creating the ability to perform illusions, it also played an extremely important role - directly fed back into reality. It seemed that Fang Lin and Hades had been communicating and confronting each other for a long time. , in fact, only a few seconds passed in the duel space.

Therefore, in the eyes of Camille next to him, the change in the battle situation was undoubtedly very strange. Camille could clearly feel that Hades had begun to accumulate strength, and a very terrifying explosive force was growing in his body. Once this kind of power appears, there will only be one battle situation! Either Fang Lin was defeated abruptly, or both Hades and Fang Lin were injured, and there was no third outcome.

In short, according to Camille's prediction, Fang Lin will die, unless Hades goes crazy!

But Hades is really crazy!

He had clearly finished accumulating power. The explosive power was like a furious volcano about to erupt. In the next second, it would pour towards Fang Lin like raging magma. But at this time, Hades suddenly howled in despair. With a sound, it was like the howl of a lone wolf that had been exterminated before its death, venting all its power into the sky that symbolized the nightmare space, completely ignoring the fatal brilliance of extinction!

The cold light engulfed Hades's body mercilessly, but his expression was light and gratifying, and there was a sense of relief. He even blurted out two words in his mouth, "Chasi..." Then it turned into a faint dust in the space...

The power of the light of the Extinction Flower is so great that the keys left behind by Hades after his death were also destroyed. However, after his body disappeared, a large amount of light energy was scattered, which was not absorbed by the Extinction Flower. The reason why the light is annihilated and assimilated is very simple, because the energy of these light points has become "one's own" by default--that is the power of the Crown of Fool left after the death of Hades-- ----The moment those light spots formed the crown of the strong and was put on Fang Lin's head, the power of the Twin Fools merged into one!

"Ah!!!" Fang Lin let out a low sigh that sounded both pleasurable and painful, and the **Xuan Gong obtained from Yang Jian, which had the control right to him, automatically emerged and transformed into A ray of light sank into his body. At this moment, the middle of his forehead was as smooth as before, and the existence of the Eye of the Fool was completely invisible! But there are three more black rays of light surrounding its body, which are constantly flashing and flying around the body, disappearing and interspersing, like satellites constantly circling the earth.

Those three rays of light are like three black gems. If you identify them carefully, they are three strange, cold, and graceful erect evil eyes, exuding endless suction power!

The nightmare mark on Fang Lin's chest, which had turned into the shape of a Tai Chi diagram, also shot out two thick black and white rays of light surrounding him, forming an interlaced network with the three black rays of light, and then a prompt came,

"Your current physical fitness and mental potential have reached the upper limit of the standard for obtaining the title of The Fool's Ultimate Form."

"It is allowed to determine that the Eyes of the Fool and the Title of the Fool will evolve to the final stage at the same time."

"Evolution begins, progress... ..3%... ... .18%... ... ..55%... ... .94%. Evolution successful!"

"You have earned the title of Awakening Fool."

"All your skills, including job-changing skills that can only be improved with gold potential points, and the accompanying skills equipped on your body will increase by level---5. The levels of your servants and pets will increase!"

"The three Eyes of Fool surrounding you will greatly increase your abilities, increasing all your attributes by thirty points."

"The three Eyes of Fool surrounding you will greatly increase your abilities, increasing your damage to all plot characters by 150%."

"The three Eyes of Fool surrounding you will greatly increase your abilities, increasing your damage to all reincarnators by 100%."

"When you fight against other reincarnators, you will have a 50% chance of ignoring the damage they inflict on you. Even when you fight against the top ten, you will have a 25% chance of being completely immune to damage."

"When you release skills that consume mental power/vitality/stamina, the cost is reduced by 50%. And the effect is increased by 20%."

"You have obtained the Fool's ultimate skill, the wrong chapter of darkness and light."

"When the power of the mysterious Fool who walks in the darkness reaches its peak, he has the ability to temporarily touch and modify the deepest rules of space! After the wrong chapter of darkness and light is cast, the defense of the target object will be instantly switched to negative The number of negative values is exactly equal to the target's original defense, and it will enter a dazed state for up to five seconds."

(For example, if Lao Hu's 100-point defense is hit by this move, it will immediately become -100 defense, and he will be stunned for five seconds at the same time...)

The Error of Darkness and Light will affect enemies within ten meters around the target, but the effect is halved and the stun time is shortened to two seconds.

Enemies who have been attacked by the wrong chapter of darkness and light will have a deep mark on their souls that will never be erased. If the enemy has been attacked by the Dark and Light Chapter, the next time it is attacked by the Dark and Light Chapter, an additional 500 points of damage will be caused, and the stun time will be increased by 100%.

The various reminders that kept popping up had reached the end here, but suddenly another red message popped up.

The special effects of the "**Xuan Gong" Taoist book you used before have not disappeared.

You have an opportunity to greatly strengthen your skills. The degree of enhancement of this opportunity is about 1.5 times that of a skill mutation.

This opportunity cannot be applied to bloodline skills, and can only be used on skills that occupy your skill bar.

Skill variation! !

Is this what reincarnations dream of? If Fang Lin had not mutated the True Cutting Technique, he would not be able to reach this stage today. If Kamil didn't have mutated skills, how could he be followed by two powerful men

Unfortunately, this opportunity can only be used on skills that occupy the skill bar.

Fang Lin currently only has three skills in his skill bar.

First learning the art of cutting.

Next, learn the powerful magic spell.

S-level skill Crane Wing Formation.

Fang Lin did not hesitate to use this opportunity to use powerful magic spells. Fang Lin knew a long time ago that once the powerful magic spells learned by others failed to be used, not only would they not cause harm to the enemy, but they would backfire on themselves. . This skill obviously mutated in him. It's just that the mutation is not as thorough as the cutting technique.

Purple light shone on Fang Lin's body. Finally a brand new skill appears!

The mutation skill is the ultimate magic spell. This skill is a double mutation skill, which is very different from the original skill. When used on enemies and allies, the following effects will appear.

When used on an enemy, there is a certain chance of transforming them into their own puppet slaves. The probability of transformation is determined by the difference in mental power between the two parties. Every time a puppet slave is successfully transformed, the transformer's upper limit of mental power will be reduced by 5%. After the summoned creature dies, its mental power will be restored. After the creature is successfully summoned, its ability will be increased by a certain proportion according to the attributes of the summoner.

When recruiting high-level creatures, the failure rate will increase exponentially. Failure will be converted into spiritual impact, causing a terrible phantom impact on the target. It will cause 1200 damage to the enemy and at the same time, form a target with an attack power of 50%. A physical illusion with a health value and defense of 100%. This illusion lasts for 120 seconds or disappears when the health value reaches zero.

When used on an ally, it will restore 300 points of physical strength, increase its attack speed and movement speed by 25%, make the pain disappear, and increase its size.

The mutation skill Ultimate Enchantment also has the ability to subvert the rules, so learners can try to control the reincarnators! ! ! When attempting to control a reincarnation, the target must be completely defenseless.

You can only control one reincarnation at the same time!

Fang Lin looked at this series of prompts that could have made people happy and crazy, but his heart was unwavering, because at this time he basically knew who the enemy he was about to face was. Even with his current strength, he has no confidence in such an enemy! However, the only thing I can do now is to take it one step at a time and perfect what I can do in advance. The rest can only be left to fate.

With the death of Hades, Camille is left in the duel field. He is completely surrounded by the "blank nothingness". As long as Camille moves even slightly, this terrible destructive energy will completely swallow him up! Fang Lin raised his eyes slightly and looked at Camille. With the three black pupils of the Fool slowly rotating around his body, it seemed that there were five eyes that could penetrate the heart and squeeze his soul! If ordinary people faced this situation, I believe they would have collapsed!

But Kamil can be valued by the nightmare space at the same time as Fang Lin, so he is naturally extraordinary! Even in the face of such a life-and-death situation, and even a huge mental coercion, he can still grit his teeth and say,

"Since you didn't kill me in the beginning, of course you won't kill me now, because I'm afraid I'm of very important use to you!"

Fang Lin slowly walked up to him and said in a very calm voice,

"If you want to live, you can! You have to bow to me first."

Camille said harshly,

"Why do you lower your head?"

Fang Lin said lightly,

"Kneel down! Thank you in advance for my kindness in sparing your life."

Camille's facial muscles twisted. He was not the kind of person who had struggled from the bottom and cried, laughed, knelt and begged for mercy. To do such a servile act at this time is really more uncomfortable than death for him, who is so proud! But when he hesitated, Fang Lin's blank nothingness had already eroded his feet!

At this moment, Camille felt like hundreds of millions of ants were slowly gnawing at her body! What's even more terrifying is that even the soul of the lower body seems to be slowly turning into ashes and flying away! The pain can no longer be mentioned, but the death of the soul makes the mind completely blank.

Camille immediately yelled,


He immediately knelt down and said,

"Please, Lord Fool, spare my life!"

But at this moment, the three strange Fool's Eyes surrounding Fang Lin suddenly emitted a dazzling and eye-catching brilliance!

The ultimate enchantment!

At this moment, it was as if the whole world was turned upside down and dissolved. Camille only felt that her memory was being torn away quickly bit by bit, and it would never come back again.

… … … ….

In this battle, Fang Lin killed Hades and enslaved Camille! He successfully kneaded the power of the top ten together, and successfully awakened the title of Fool, establishing his position as the number one person in space.

You can imagine the mood of all the reincarnations at that moment. Fang Lin, whose image changed drastically, slowly appeared in front of them, and as soon as he appeared, a huge and solemn virtual image of a silver crown immediately appeared behind him, and the other ten strong people He couldn't help but take the initiative to touch his chest with his right hand and bow slightly to express submission! The surprise of the remaining nine strong men was naturally indescribable. They had never thought that the title of the top ten could be further advanced to the awakened state!

Fang Lin walked up to Wu Jie Ke at this time and said in a low voice,

"I'm sorry, there's no way I can keep it."

Fog Jack nodded silently, and then his eyes showed surprise and said,

"You knew already?"

Fang Lin lowered his eyes and said calmly,

"I learned about your relationship from his memory fragments. In fact, your brother is also a poor man. He later became Hades and he couldn't help it."

Fog Jack just said "Oh", and Fang Lin told him about Hades's experience one by one. Fog Jack just listened without any sadness, and then said,

"It seems that you only understand a little bit about our relationship."

Fang Lindao,

"His past memories have been shattered into pieces. I can only speculate."

Fog Jack took a deep breath and said,

"He is my half-brother. Our purpose of entering the space is the same, to resurrect the old man, but our purposes are completely different. He wants to save the old man and be filial, but I want to seize this The damn old guy kowtows in front of my mother and admits his mistake. I want to ask him if his conscience was eaten by a dog when he abandoned our mother and son!"

Fang Lin suddenly understood when he got here. No wonder Jack and Hades were just strangers. It turned out that there was such a knot between them. However, Fog Jack also came back to his senses at this time, and couldn't help but said with a livid face,

"So according to you, there is no road at all in the IV world?"

Fang Lin nodded slightly and said,

"Yes, and no matter how many people enter, they will almost all be wiped out. Only the strongest among all those who enter can survive."

At this time, the top ten were all human spirits, and they were all shocked when they heard the news. Fortunately, Fang Lin's mental power at this time was so overbearing, and it spread all over the audience. The rest of the reincarnations only knew what they were talking about. , but don’t understand the specific content. Fang Lin looked around coldly and said,

"I know that some of you are suspicious and think that I am talking nonsense, but I naturally have a way to prove what I said. Before this, if this news is leaked, it will inevitably cause a large-scale massacre by the reincarnations and lead to the awareness of the space. If you still want to hold on to that glimmer of hope, then you'd better keep your mouth shut!"

At this time, Fang Lin had the momentum to defeat Hades and said this as the Awakened Fool. It was really chilling. Which of the top ten was not defeated and frightened by him? No one dared to object. Fang Lin paused slightly and said,

"I know that everyone has partners and teams that they can't let go of, so I will give you ten places each! Each person can only bring ten people, and these ten people cannot let them know the truth. Since you have heard the news , then even if you can’t do it, you still have to do it, who else has a problem?”

Under the glare of the three strange black eyes of the fool surrounding Fang Lin, none of the other nine powerful men dared to stand up and say "I have a problem." They saw with their own eyes that Hades and The barbarians were all beaten to death by Fang Lin and his men in the duel - don't forget that Green is not yet a top ten person. With Fang Lin's support, Green can grab another top ten person to do it. It's not impossible. Therefore, although Fang Lin showed domineering and strength that even Hades never had, the rest of the people could only endure it silently! Use silence to express Fang Lin's recognition...

Fang Lin sighed slightly, lowered his voice and said,

"Very good. In about three hours, the space will open the portal to the next world. Gather at that time."

At this point, his voice became extremely cold,

"I'll show you what happens when you enter the IV world!"

The people in the space gradually dispersed. At this time, among the ten strong people, at least half believed Fang Lin's words, and none of them didn't believe it at all. What they considered most was whether Fang Lin would be used as cannon fodder. question. And there is still an extremely strong sense of confusion and fear in my heart... All reincarnations come in to fight for a goal in their hearts, but at this time they are told that this is a complete scam and joke. If it were replaced by some neurasthenia People who are like this will have collapsed long ago.

… … … ….

"Five minutes left." Xin Yuan couldn't help wiping her sweat, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

The five of them have been sitting quietly in the private space of the KOF contract for an hour. Ever since Fang Lin told his reasoning and what he was about to do, this embarrassing silence has continued.

Fang Lin stood up and walked out silently. Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu also stood up silently and stood behind him. Lao Hu suddenly smiled and said,

"What the hell, since I have followed you so far and am used to following your orders, why the hell am I thinking so much this time?"

After saying that, he strode out first, but Lin Yinxiu walked behind Fang Lin, rested his head on his shoulder, and said quietly,

"I will always be with you, even if... we die together!"

Her voice was as deep as a sob under a spring, yet it lingered deeply and had an unforgettable feeling that penetrated deep into her bones. Fang Lin felt a little wet and warm on his shoulders. He knew that these were the tears of the woman who loved him. At this time, he also felt a lingering feeling of separation and death in his heart. But at this time, Fang Lin knew that this was not at all. When we talk about the love between children! He hugged Lin Yinxiu tightly, breathed deeply the body fragrance of this woman who belonged to him, enjoyed the unique tenderness of the female body, and then returned to the cold and unruly fool, and said coldly,

"Let's go! We will survive!"

A huge light door appeared in the square again. This time, Fang Lin and the others gathered in a very low-key manner. Under the control of Fang Lin's spiritual connection, the top ten people gathered together again, but they couldn't be more low-key. The rest of the groups preparing to enter the world are no different. No one would have imagined that they are one of the ten people who represent the most powerful force in the space.

Fang Lin suddenly raised his head, looked into the distance and said lightly,

"Pay attention to those four people and remember their nightmare mark numbers."

Immediately, the four people pointed out by Fang Lin immediately became the focus. The Hermit, Lei Luo, and the former Thunderer Payne were all well-connected people. The Hermit immediately said with a slight surprise,

"Isn't this Babylon? This guy has six exploitative ninjas, why are there three left now? No! How could the strength of this Babylon expand so fast?"

Fang Lin said lightly,

"That's because he participated in the golden main quest of the III world and a branch plot world later with me, and survived! So, this time, it's not just my team that broke through the difficulty barrier of the III world... .”

The remaining people reacted immediately,

"You're saying that Babylon and the others are heading to the IV difficulty world?"

"That's right." Fang Lin took a deep breath and said, "You remember the nightmare mark numbers of the four of them. If my inference is correct, then within three minutes after entering the light gate, the four of them are likely to They were all wiped out! Even the luckiest ones can only survive one person! As the top ten, it would be a joke if the Nightmare Mark did not have this authority!"

The method proposed by Fang Lin was indeed quite fair, and the moment Babylon and the others stepped into the light gate, the color of the light gate also changed like never before, suddenly changing from white to blood red, and then changed again. Come back. At this moment, the expressions of most of the top ten people changed, because Fang Lin's words were true! The numbers of these four people's nightmare spaces became empty numbers at this moment! ! !

"Is there anyone who doesn't believe what I say?" After Fang Lin said these words coldly, no one responded. Although they were all mentally prepared, they were still shocked and speechless. Hundreds of thoughts were intertwined and lingering in their minds... But at this time, Fang Lin's words rang out again, but they were as full of temptation as the devil,

"I know that each of us entered this place with an unforgettable wish, and although this nightmare space is imperfect, it also has abilities beyond ordinary people's imagination. If we want to continue living now, there is only one way The way is to rush out!"

"Break through the nightmare door we came from, and rush back to the real world the way we came! Completely destroy this space that is on the verge of collapse. As long as we rush out, we will also be deemed to have passed ten golden main quests by default. No matter how strong you are, your wishes will still be fulfilled! Of course, you can also stand by and watch the foreign workers do nothing, but you must remember that once I fail, you will either die in the nightmare world, or you will also face this moment! At that time, Don't regret it when you are alone and helpless waiting to die!"

In fact, Fang Lin's above conjecture about wish fulfillment is just his conjecture and inference, but when people are desperate, any absurd reason can be used as a reason to save their lives! Even for those who are as strong-minded as the top ten, after being hit hard by such news previously, Fang Lin suppressed his advocacy with a gesture that everyone expected, and then pointed out the way out in the way of a leading bird, which will naturally make their minds loosen and give birth to something. The thought of following, and Fang Lin’s next words strengthened their determination,

"My partners and I will always fight at the front and take the lead. What you have to do is to assist me... Assist me with all your strength! If you still want to live, still want to see your family, and still want to achieve your goals, wish, then follow me!! What I want you to do is very simple, that is to follow me and break down the barriers of this nightmare world with me, and successfully escape from this space that is about to collapse!! "

Since Fang Lin had made such a sincere statement, Lei Luo, Wu Jack and others immediately seconded the proposal. After Fang Lin made his statement and rushed to the front to take the lead, the others also realized that although this opportunity was dangerous, it was The best opportunity possible during the current crisis. Under the leadership of Fang Lin, the space experts who participated in the operation came to the giant fang door connecting the sky and the earth without leaving any trace, and they all held their breath...

The surface of the towering fang gate is still dark red. Just looking at it gives people an irresistible majesty. People are as small as ants in front of it, and they will even worship it.

This fearless existence that was once unattainable in my heart, today, under the leadership of the awakened Fool, I will defeat it with my own hands!

After all the reincarnations who participated in the action gathered and stood together, Fang Lin took a deep breath and said in a clear and rapid voice,

"It is set that combat cannot be carried out in the space. This is a deep-seated rule at work. If this layer of rules is not broken, then everything is empty talk! Fortunately, we have someone who can do this. The one who did it. Camille!”

Camille stood up with dull eyes.

Fang Lin continued,

"Camille will cut open the rules that protect the space gate, and then I will take action to reduce the defense of the space gate to a negative value. Next, my partners will take action, and finally it will be your turn! If you don't want to do it now, you still have time. quit!"

The rest of the people were silent, Fang Lin said coldly,

"If you want to die, just conserve your strength, start the countdown, and act in ten seconds!"

… … ….

An indescribable light suddenly appeared on Camille's hands. The light was extremely condensed, like a bright laser flying out. He played with it between his fingers, and then he had already approached the door of space. In front of him, he aimed the light at the giant door and printed it. A transparent obstacle appeared about one meter away from the surface of the giant door. The light in Camille's hand was like a continuous light saw, and the light splashed deep into the sky. Cut in!

And the cost of Camille using this light saw is burning his own body! This kind of burning that starts from the soul makes even space treatment ineffective! The remaining nine powerful men and others also felt doubly heavy. Just cutting through such a protective rule would cost one person's life. So how many lives should be taken later

Camille is dead.

But before he died, he also cut out a rules hole the size of a basketball! It can be clearly seen that the light red surface of the Space Gate is clearly squirming, but it has obviously lost most of its life luster, just like the skin of a 10-year-old man, dry, wrinkled, and has It is Fengzhu who is about to collapse in his twilight years.

The three Eyes of Fool surrounding Fang Lin suddenly overlapped. At this moment, everyone seemed to be in a huge black hole. Darkness came overwhelmingly, and even thinking stopped. Then everything in the black hole The energy is concentrated on that point!

On the rule hole that Camille cut out with his life!

The ultimate skill of the Fool, the wrong chapter of darkness and light!

Fang Lin raised his hands, and the other nine strong men also raised their hands. Behind them, the gleaming virtual image of the strong man's crown appeared at the same time. At this time, the ten strong men representing the strongest power in space joined forces at the same time. , not only did the Crown of the Strong emit a buzzing and trembling resonance, but these ten huge forces gathered together and actually condensed and mutated into a ray of light.

It was an indescribable light! The feeling was like a ray of hot sunlight piercing through the depths of the underworld!

This is the power of the top ten gathered together! This is a spectacle that has never appeared in the nightmare space! The ten strongest reincarnations created by space have now gathered their strongest power and launched a tenacious challenge to the cruel reality and destiny!

At the same time, Lin Yinxiu and his group of reincarnators, who were not among the top ten, also used their strongest moves, pouring their greatest and most terrifying power onto that light!

The blazing light was supported by external forces, became hotter and thicker, and rotated at high speed in the air. If the sharp arrow on the string was about to be fired, it was full of terrible death and chilling meaning. Fang Lin, on the other hand, stretched out his right hand and held it in the air. This simple action was as decisive and compelling as if he were to resist fate, and if he was the king who held the fate of the people in the world, he would forcefully move it. Picturesque rivers and mountains!

The moment Fang Lin let go of his right hand, the vast white light dominated everything with the power of dominating the world. Everyone lost the ability to move and think in this light. It was not a coma, but it was a hundred times longer and more abrupt than a coma. , some people even mistakenly thought that this was the feeling of death. Although the time only passed a few seconds, it was so sudden that it seemed that a hundred years of vicissitudes had passed... The door that represented the authority of the nightmare space was still standing!

Fang Lin panted violently, with a look of disbelief in his eyes. The missed blow he was aiming for, the feeling of decadence and loss in his heart, coupled with the inherent awe and fear of the nightmare space, all seemed to be filled with overwhelming noise. The whole world! If it were an ordinary person, he would have given up resistance completely under the double attack of fear and failure.

But Fang Lin!

Still, no, dead heart.

"I don't want to die," he said to himself.

His eyes are red! Filled with surging blood and burning, he muttered to himself.

"I don't want to die."

His chest rose and fell like a bellows.

"I want to protect Lao Hu, and I want to take Lin Yinxiu back alive!"

Fang Lin clenched his fists.

"I want to resurrect my father...mother!"

Finally, he looked up to the sky and roared wildly,

"I don't want to die!"

Fang Lin spurted blood wildly from his mouth, but most of it ignored the weight of gravity and did not splash to the ground. Instead, it gathered into a small blood ball around him. Each blood ball was like a small side. The mirror, with the three surrounding Fool's Eyes as its core, refracts countless rays of light, which dissolve together to form a huge light pillar...

Soaring straight to the sky!

Then he leaned forward and rushed forward. The blood cells around him exploded due to the high speed and high temperature, shining with shrill blood light. His hair was flying in front of his eyes. Fang Lin could no longer hear what others were saying. There is only one sentence in his heart, six words,

Give me freedom or give me death! !

If I can't break through this huge door that makes people sigh and feel sad, then I will trample on it. If it doesn't collapse, then I will die!

In everyone's eyes, they just saw Fang Lin hazy in a mist of white and shrill red, and he aimed at the still majestic giant door and slammed into it! Then... he was shocked and bounced back, his face covered with blood!

But Fang Lin climbed up again and bumped into him, only to be bounced back again!

The smell of blood filled the air, and when Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu were about to rush forward to catch him, Fang Lin let out a long roar. The roar was full of indomitable cruelty, and his sharp-edged and unruly spirit was fully displayed. It was so vivid that even the wind that screamed heavily and blew across everyone's faces seemed so arrogant for a while.

Then Fang Lin rushed forward again. Just looking at the collision made people feel that either the door was broken or Fang Lin died. He was determined to have no third option. Under this collision, the air made an extremely dull sound. The scream was because Fang Lin's impact was too fast and overbearing, and the air was blocked in front and had no time to disperse, resulting in a sonic boom!

After an extremely dull collision, the giant door connecting the sky and the ground suddenly trembled. Although the tremor was not obvious, the tremor seemed to be transmitted from the deepest part of the underground and fed back to every reincarnation. At your feet and in your heart! Then the giant door opened slightly to the rear silently, and finally opened with a bang, revealing the first passage into the nightmare world.

In the distance, there is a distant white light flashing.

That————————is the opening light of the real world! As long as you rush out, this nightmare will end, and your lifelong wish can be fulfilled. At this time, not only Fang Lin and the others, but all the reincarnations have noticed such a vision, and they have responded like a tide without hesitation. After rushing out of the door, naturally few people noticed the life and death of Fang Lin who created this miracle.

After Fang Lin's final collision, of course he bounced back, leaving a bloody trail behind him. However, the direction of his ejection was very strange. He flew diagonally in the opposite direction to the side, and bounced after landing. After a few moments, he huddled in a corner of the darkness and remained motionless.

Of course, Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu would not rush out with the crowd. Naturally, they immediately came to rescue Fang Lin. Lao Hu was also looking at the glimmer of light at this time. His heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching him. He put Fang Lin on his shoulders and rushed towards the door. , but Lao Hu's shoulders suddenly tightened, and when he looked down, he saw Fang Lin's blood-stained face. Although he looked almost dying, five fingers were pinched deeply into his strong muscles, showing that Fang Lin was actually The injury on his body is definitely many times worse than it looks.

"Don't rush, go back!"

Fang Lin's voice rang out in the spiritual connection. Although it was weak, it was powerful. He didn't even start to slam into the door with his life, trying to pave a road with his own flesh and blood. He then said secretly,

"Lao Hu, you often kick the widow's door, so you should know that no matter how violent you are, you can rarely open the door completely like this. This door opened weirdly. Under our joint attack, , that door is actually about to collapse if you add more force, so how can it be so natural and open like a welcome?"

Old Hu said angrily,

"Fuck you, when did I ever kick down a widow's door? But what you said makes sense. There is something very strange about the way you open the door."

Because the space was already showing a completely abnormal situation at this time, the light flickered on and off, and there were even faint tremblings, as if the entire space was a huge and dying beast, and its internal organs were in pain. twitching... At this time, Lin Yinxiu was only focusing on checking Fang Lin's injuries. He just tossed and turned and whispered in a slightly whimpering voice,

"Why are you so stupid, why?"

Fang Lin sighed and touched her hair but said nothing. He just said silently in his heart, "If you don't have the courage to die, you won't be able to fight for the chance of being born." He looked deeply at the glimmer of light at the exit. , although the dawn is right in front of him, Fang Lin really cannot deduce the twists and turns of the road and the dangers experienced.

"Everything has just begun..."

Fang Lin said these words softly, and then immediately regained the indifference and composure of a fool, and said in a commanding tone,

"The recovery function of the space has disappeared. Let's rest for ten minutes. Xin Yuan, you plant a spiritual bomb at the location I designated, and then set off!"

"Yes." The people who answered were not only Lao Hu Xinyuan and the others, but also Lei Luo, Bayonet, Payne, Fog, Jack, and Madagascar. These people knew Fang Lin's behavior style very well when dealing with Fang Lin, so they At this critical moment of life and death, he neither paid attention to Fang Lin nor followed the crowd. Instead, he kept his eye on Lao Hu and the others, whom Fang Lin would never leave behind, and followed closely behind them.

After listening to Fang Lin's analysis at this time, they also felt that it was very reasonable. At this time, Fang Lin also needed Lei Luo, a group of powerful reincarnators who had worked with him, to form a large and tough team to deal with it. In the end, there may be a crisis, so the two sides also hit it off.

Ten minutes later, Fang Lin set off on his way with the support of Old Hu. There were already very few people in the space, but there were still some people who had the same idea as Lei Luo and others following him. Fang Lin walked out and looked at the huge dark red fang door that still had the momentum of swallowing up mountains and rivers. Fang Lin couldn't help but be filled with emotion. The moment he walked in was still vivid in his mind, but today it was the time he walked out. when! When leaving, Fang Lin couldn't help but look to the left of the giant door. There should be a table there, and a person who seemed to have been sitting there forever.

But the table is there, but the people are gone.

Fang Lin was silent for a while, then with Lin Yinxiu's support, he followed the ray of light and walked over.

After walking less than ten meters, the surroundings became quiet and dark, with only that ray of light flashing eerily in front, and the road seemed to never end. Each step only takes a few seconds, but these few seconds seem to be magnified countless times. And under such circumstances, even Fang Lin's mental power detection lost its effect, and he could only walk silently in the darkness.

Suddenly, an irritated voice said sharply,

"Hell, is this a trap!"

This sound was like a stone that stirred up thousands of waves, causing many voices.

"I can't bear it anymore, I'd better go back."

"Yeah, just go back to the space and forget it.",

"Nonsense, move forward!"



In just a short moment, the unknown reincarnations who were following Fang Lin and the others started to get extremely irritable and noisy, and then started to attack each other. At this time, Fang Lin had already absorbed the spirit of Xin Yuan and the former Thunderer Payne. The forces are connected together, and with the amplification of the three Eyes of Fool, a mental power shield is formed in an area. In order to save energy, this shield is even attached to everyone's face/clothes like a mask. ! Therefore, only Fang Lin and his group of core members knew that the hidden threat had already launched an attack on them!

The method of attack is naturally a spiritual illusion attack that sweeps in like a storm!

Listening to the sounds of fighting and screams fading away behind them, Fang Lin and the others continued to move forward. At this time, everyone realized that their traveling speed was greatly affected, as if they were traveling in a swamp. Generally, every time you lift your feet, it takes twice as much effort. Even if you try your best to walk, you can only reach the level of trotting for ordinary people.

Just when the ray of light in front of him expanded a little, Fang Lin suddenly stopped, bent down and wiped the ground with his fingers. The warm and sticky wet feeling was all too familiar! is blood! ! The thick blood was flowing like a stream, which showed the brutal killing ahead. And Madagascar made an even more accurate judgment. He directly put his blood-soaked finger in his mouth and sucked it, and said in a calm voice,

"Well, it's blood that hasn't coagulated yet, but it's still mixed with brain plasma."

Fang Lin and the others ignored the chills in their hearts. After walking a few dozen meters, their eyes suddenly lit up. The light was abrupt, like a person who had been blindfolded for too long and was suddenly exposed to the sun. , a vast expanse of white suddenly appeared before my eyes! Although the abilities of a group of people were blocked, they immediately made the fastest response. Although Lei Luo didn't want to, he still had to bite the bullet and hold the shield to the front. Lao Hu and Wu Jack were separated on the left and right, and Fang Lin and the others were mentally exhausted. Elder Li Te was guarded in the center... However, until the vision returned, no attack appeared. In everyone's eyes, a vast and seemingly endless hall appeared, and there was a person standing in the center.

A burly man wearing a bronze ghost-headed mask! And he wore a bronze ghost-headed mask on his head, which already had a color that looked like it had been burned red! !

Everyone is quite familiar with him, because in a sense, he is the host of the nightmare space. But what is now presented in front of everyone can only be described in two words, and that is bloody!

Those who were able to come here through mental illusion attacks were obviously the elites in the nightmare space, but these elites turned into headless corpses, showing a huge irregular fan shape, neatly falling towards the bronze. The front of the ghost-headed man's body.

Blood flowed from the cross-sections of the necks of hundreds of corpses, and the pooled blood stream gurgled downwards. However, no corpse could come within ten meters of the bronze ghost-headed man. The clothes of the corpse in the front were Fang Lin and the others are quite familiar with him. He is the hermit among the top ten. Even the hermit who is best at sneak attacks cannot get within ten meters of his body!

Madagascar swallowed its saliva. This guy just feels lucky. He has found the corpses of Madman, Mountain Man, and Yi Zhe among the corpses. If he had rushed so fast with his speed before, his brains and blood must have turned into the gurgling residue. Part of Blood Creek.

Fang Lin took a deep breath and said,

"Odin? Or should I call you the body occupied by the simulated personality of the nightmare space?"

Everyone was surprised. This man with a bronze ghost head turned out to be Odin? Odin, the legendary four-attribute expert? The bronze ghost-headed man's voice sounded like gold and iron,

"That's right! As the first awakened top ten, even if you enter the IV world, you will not be obliterated. Instead, you will take over Hades's position and become the guardian of space, gain eternal life, and even... Why are you so stupid as to devour space?"

Fang Lin was silent, and then said word by word,

"Because I want to live like that as a human being, with love, hate, satisfaction, and regret! What's the use of talking about this now? If you don't give way, then I will knock you down."

Odin laughed, as if he had heard something funny.

"The power of all of you is given to you by me, and you actually want to use this power to defeat me?"

Fang Lin's eyes showed a sharp light and said,

"This nightmare space is a incomplete nightmare space! Therefore, your power is definitely imperfect. Although you have killed so many people, your power has also been weakened. Otherwise, you should attack us as soon as we meet, and the space The collapse has already begun, under the influence of the mental bombs exploded by my companions. This irreversible process will accelerate! This will also cause your power to enter a gradual decline... The reason why I delayed it for ten minutes When it arrives, this is the great opportunity we have been waiting for!”

As if to verify what Fang Lin said, Xin Yuan put his hands together, and the ground immediately trembled slightly from a distance! The space that had already begun to slowly collapse was accelerated by the explosion of the concentrated bomb in the heart. When Odin was furious, Fang Lin had already shouted, and the three butcher brothers were summoned, and then Shining with dazzling golden light, the terrifying Barbarian Abomination appeared in the clearing!

Odin changed his color slightly and sneered,

"It turns out that this corpse monster that has reached the strength of the IV world is what you rely on!"

Fang Lin smiled coldly. The light in his hand was shining, but he took out the A-level golden item, the Millennium-shaped Old Man's Ginseng, and then used it directly on Man Abomination who was blocking his body! ! ! !

Fang Lin's cold voice echoed in the air,

"The Millennium-shaped Old Man's Ginseng can be eaten by plot characters, which can instantly increase the strength of the plot character by two worlds! The three butcher brothers are my summons and cannot be counted as plot characters, but the Abomination is my slave. Summoned by Craftsman Fu! Even the trophies dropped by the Barbarian Hateful Slaughter, Wuxian Fu has the right to take them first."

"Therefore, the abhorrence who is bound by my slaves with emotions rather than contracts should be classified as plot characters - because the relationship between them is not a contractual master-servant relationship at all. , therefore, Barbarian Abomination should be able to obtain the benefit effect of the plot character of Millennium Ginseng... so that the strength of the plot character can be immediately enhanced by two worlds!"

At this time, Barbarian Abomination had swelled again, roaring and howling wildly, and the surface of its body showed a brilliant golden color, as if molten gold was plated on it, and its body The explosive power inside has expanded to an indescribable and incomparable level! And the six golden plot weapons held by Man Hate also began to be tried to be integrated into one by using the weapon refining method!

"Even if you have overwhelming strength against us, you must be helpless in the face of this combat creature that can only appear in the Six Worlds difficulty that is far beyond your control! The reason why I don't let this far exceed the world The strong and brutal hatred appears in advance, because I am afraid that you will notice it in advance and have a countermeasure!"

As if to add footnotes to Fang Lin's words, Man Abomination has smelted six pieces of golden plot equipment into one, turning it into a huge purple artifact battle ax! Aiming hard at the master of space will in front of him, he slashed straight down! In the simple heart of Manhate, the only motivation and basis for its action is the wretched boss Nunuzui!

Fang Lin took this opportunity and shouted in a low voice and eagerly while connecting with his mental power,


Under Man Hate's terrifying slash that was full of brute force and could almost cut through the sky, the way forward appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The dawn of the real world seemed to be so close that they could touch it. I even noticed that there was a terrible sound coming from behind, like the roar from the eye of a storm, or the cry from a collapsing mine!

This can only mean that the nightmare space has begun to collapse, and this all-round collapse is spreading rapidly.

At this time, everyone stopped talking and spent their last energy on running. Normally running is so strenuous, but the short distance is so long!

The person running at the front was none other than former Thunderer Payne. This guy ran in front with indescribable agility. At this time, everyone could see the swaying leaves of flowers and plants at the entrance of the cave. But just when everyone who survived was full of hope...

Former Thunderer Payne's head suddenly exploded,

It exploded like a watermelon hit by a baseball bat!

The bright red blood mixed with the pale brain was surging everywhere, and suddenly the mood fell to the bottom!

Then, a burly and majestic figure slowly emerged.

It was Odin. The mask on his face had been cracked in half, and there was a deep and strange darkness surging in the gap. But the feeling of disregarding everything is extremely strong!

Everyone was stunned,

Stunned in despair!

In front of him is Odin, who can kill people instantly with his thoughts, and the collapse of the space behind is approaching! I have walked all the way here with difficulty, and when the dawn is just around the corner, I didn't expect that I would be forced to this desperate situation... If I had known that I would be tortured to such despair by such a gap repeatedly! , it would be better to die in the nightmare world from the beginning!

But at this time, Fang Lin took a deep look at Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu. His eyes were so intense at this time! But at the next moment, his eyes and even the three Fool's Eyes flying around his body exploded in an instant, splattering out strong blood!

At this moment, the Brilliance of Extinction was unleashed in its full glory, and "empty nothingness" filled the whole place. Fang Lin used the self-explosion of three Eyes of Fool to activate his potential, and successfully displayed the True Eight Childish Girl. .Reality Knife, teleported to the rear of Odin, and wrapped it with the blankness condensed to 300%, completely restraining the behavior of this terrible enemy! Even someone as powerful as Odin would not be able to eliminate and neutralize this terrifying skill created by Fang Lin in a short period of time, because behind the brilliance of extinction is the dissociation technique, which has the authoritative SSS skill in the field! ! !

"Let's go!!! Let's go!!!" Fang Lin howled in a hoarse voice like a mad beast, "Remember to visit the graves of my parents during the Qingming Festival!"

He had no choice at this time. Even if he sacrificed Lei Luo, Fog Jack and the others, there was still nothing he could do to stop Odin's advance! Everyone was shocked by this huge surprise, and rushed towards the hole leading to the real world without hesitation. The second to last person to walk was Lao Hu. His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and rushed out. At the entrance of the cave, Lin Yinxiu stood in front of him with tears streaming down his face and refused to leave.

Fang Lin was almost speechless. Odin's counterattack was so powerful. Blood spurted out of his eyes like running water, and the skin on his throat was actually cracked alive! With his bloody throat exposed, he directly expressed his wishes through actions.

He kicked Lin Yinxiu in the chest, kicked her back five or six meters, and yelled in a hoarse voice,

"Go away!!! Don't forget your mother!"

This was the first time he beat and scolded Lin Yinxiu, and it was also the last time.

When Lin Yinxiu, who was in tears, was pulled out of the cave by Lao Hu, the collapse of space had come, completely submerging Fang Lin and Odin. They could only see an extremely bright light streaking across the sky from the cave entrance. Then everything returned to calm.

(Full text is over---well, for those who like tragedy and sensationalism, this is the end of it. If you are filled with anger at this time and want to beat up A Tu, by the way, leave it in the book review area If you want to rant about n sentences... then please continue reading. Haha)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

one year later.

On the banks of the Thames.

Lin Yinxiu leaned on the iron railing by the river, staring blankly at the river. Her face was still beautiful, but there was an indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Looking at the slowly flowing river water, she suddenly had the illusion that she was moving instead of the water. Therefore, I have a melancholy understanding in my heart. There are many things in life that should and must be given up. Most of the so-called stories about having your cake and eating it and getting the best of both worlds are just self-deceptive fantasies derived from perfection.

Although she was thinking like this, her tears still fell uncontrollably. The moment when a man touches a woman the most is the moment when he is willing to die for her!

"How could I forget him? How could I forget him?" Tears fell into the river drop by drop, rippled with the sad mood. But when Lin Yinxiu raised her head, the frost in her eyes melted. She was looking at a kind old British lady and a naughty baby who was very restless in the stroller. This black-haired and black-eyed baby The little guy was so energetic that he seemed unwilling to stop for even a moment, tearing the ribbon on the trolley with excitement and interest. The old lady shook her head lovingly and helplessly, and could only take out a milk bottle from behind.

"Mommy! Don't feed him anymore, he has already drank five bottles of milk in two hours!" Lin Yinxiu said angrily.

After she finished saying this, she suddenly stayed where she was. Among the people on the opposite side, why was the back of that skinny little man wearing a huge top hat so familiar? He has a very distinctive weird way of walking with his left foot swinging his left hand, looking around like a thief's evasive eyes, and that lingering wretchedness deep in his bones... And beside this little man, there is a slim and beautiful figure. Accompanied by two huge fat men and a tall, thin, weird man following behind

"How is it is it possible!!!"

Lin Yinxiu felt his whole body trembling with excitement that he couldn't contain himself! She couldn't help but let out an extremely irrational scream that reached 200 decibels.

"What a shame! Get over here!"

The thin figure immediately turned his head--but the top hat on his head immediately rolled off, revealing a face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks---which was very familiar to him in the nightmare world. That familiar, kind and wretched face. At the same time, a warm big hand pressed on Lin Yinxiu's shoulder. When Lin Yinxiu turned around, he saw Fang Lin's face that had haunted him countless times in his dreams. Fang Lin gave him a warm smile. she,

"It seems that our son is well taken care of by you."

Lin Yinxiu froze, and suddenly threw herself into his arms, sobbing tightly and hugging Fang Lin. If this was a dream, then she would rather never wake up from this dream!

But that strong body, familiar breath, and gentle voice all indicated that Fang Lin truly existed and was back. He had really escaped from that desperate situation! Even the wretched Fu them were brought into this world!

"A year ago... everyone thought you were dead. Hu Jia was very hesitant about whether to have this child. After Lao Hu found out about it, he scolded you for three days, and then insisted on letting Hu Jia give birth to the child. She was alone An unmarried girl carrying this baby would definitely be suppressed by public opinion in China, and Lao Hu was not good at taking care of a child. He made the baby cry from hunger, so I secretly took the baby away. I came back to the UK directly and became his mother after a series of legal procedures. Although I usually have more official duties, I feel relieved to have my mother taking care of him."

Lin Yinxiu sat on a bench by the river, leaned into Fang Lin's arms and said quietly with his eyes closed,

"Lao Hu was also very annoyed about this matter and called me several times, but in the end he acquiesced to the fact... After we returned to the real world and made the wish, the nightmare marks on his chest disappeared, and I don’t have any skills or abilities at all, but my physical fitness and fighting skills are much better than ordinary people. If my mother hadn’t really come back to me, I would have regarded that experience as a dream.”

Fang Lin glanced at the energetic baby in the stroller with a smile.

"Your mother won't have to be so tired in the future. This kid has more grandparents to love him."

Lin Yinxiu couldn't help but ask,

" did you escape? Why did it take a year to come to us?"

When this issue was mentioned, Fang Lin's face became serious.

"This starts with the value of the existence of nightmare space... Of course, nightmare space will not be born in this world for no reason. The creators of nightmare space are actually humans, but they are humans from the future."

"Our current technological mechanization is actually rapidly changing human living habits. For example, the number of overweight people in the 21st century must be a hundred times more than in the 19th century! In the future, this change will be even more obvious. Exquisite and soft food and pastries cause human teeth to slowly begin to degenerate, and convenient and fast robot services accelerate the atrophy of human muscles and the degeneration of lower limbs..."

'This kind of degeneration is not universal, but it affects most people. In our current aesthetics, a person with atrophic lower limbs will be ridiculed as a disabled person, but when 90% of people in the world When people with lower limbs start to shrink since childhood, people with normal lower limbs will inevitably become the object of ridicule... In the next 100,000 years, human technology will have developed to an astonishing level, but in the next 100,000 years, human beings will His form has degenerated to the point where his hands and feet have almost become symbolic and weird! "

"In the simulations of future scientists, if humans continue to evolve in this way, it will inevitably lead to the complete destruction of the population - so they have created a large number of spaces called filterers. Seeds were sown to various early stages of human history using the time and space machine. After passing through the time and space machine, these space seeds will quickly grow using the resentment/obsession in human hearts as energy, and finally turn into a nightmare space."

"The purpose of the nightmare space is to use various arduous tests to eliminate the models that evolve the best humans. The nightmare spaces located in different historical periods will most likely have to use the selected models to interact with each other in the end. The final winner will be the perfect transformation model body for human beings one hundred thousand years from now! For future humans who have reached the dead end of evolution, this will also be able to avoid genocide and turn around. the only way.


"And the nightmare space we stay in has not been destroyed. It has just been restored to a space seed. As long as there is resentment and obsession in people's hearts, then its reappearance is only a matter of time. For those who have to complete the mission as their absolute first goal For the nightmare space, this guy not only has the weird ability to repair the space, but also can quickly climb to the awakening fool stage. The potential is undoubtedly quite huge, and it is possible to become a standard model, so it cannot be turned into a standard model. Instead of erasing it, I want to save my life as much as possible, so that I can survive the space collapse. In this year, the nightmare space not only has to repair its own program flaws that could only evolve to the IV world, but also gradually Store the power to grow again, and while I was repairing my body, I also insisted on bringing them back, so it took a whole year."

When Lin Yinxiu heard this, his expression suddenly changed again.

"Doesn't that mean that as soon as the nightmare space is restored, you will go in again?"

Fang Lin smiled and said,

"My nightmare mark has also disappeared, and my abilities are completely lost like yours. At this time, my mental power can only pick up a teacup remotely, and I can only be considered as half a superpower. I should never be able to do it again. It was pulled back, not to mention that this time the space not only has to grow again, but also needs to start a self-check program to correct errors, and it has to grow to a full difficulty level of nine before it can be reopened. The re-repair time predicted above is two hundred years."

Lin Yinxiu finally felt relieved after hearing this. Although she still felt vaguely that Fang Lin seemed to be hiding something, this feeling passed by and was immediately covered by great happiness. She kissed Fang Lin's lips deeply. After a deep kiss, she smiled sweetly and said,

"When will you take me to see my parents-in-law?"

… … … …..

In June, Fang Lin and Lin Yinxiu got married in London.

In October, Fang Lin's parents were not used to living in the UK and returned to settle in China. Fang Lin looked for Hu Jia by the way, but was kicked out by Old Hu angrily. Hu Jia missed the child and even became seriously ill. The two parties could only agree that the child could not stay with Hu Jia for a certain amount of time each year. In less than three months, Hu Jia rejected many suitors and remained unmarried. Fang Lin often flies between the two places...

In November, a Living Buddha in India passed away. Before his death, he passed on his mantle to a monk from Tibet. The monk quickly promoted the sect and was revered as the Living Buddha Lelo.

The fourth child successfully resurrected his beloved concubine, but he did not send away his other two hundred wives.

Xinyuan bought a small island and the whole family settled on the island.

Madagascar made a hit man.

Bayonet was originally a professional killer, but after his wish was fulfilled, he started to be a real estate businessman, never making any money.

Fog Jack successfully made the old man admit his mistake in front of his mother.

And Fang Lin did hide something from Lin Yinxiu. The time for space to be restored is ten to two hundred years... Fang Lin just left out the words "ten years to".

When Fang Lin's son was five years old, he suddenly discovered a blue mole on his chest. I don't know why, but the nanny said that the young master's eyes were probably deceived and there was no trace at all. The nanny didn't take the child's words to heart at all. , and the five-year-old child was just talking and playing, and this incident was forgotten as if it had never happened...


Complete text.

It’s really over…..

It’s really over!


No need to look down...

Look at me again, and I will eat you up!

Still watching

Okay, okay, since you are still reading, it means you are indeed curious about this book and want to know more about it... .

Then I will update the postscript tonight, make some summary of the book, and look forward to the future.

Well, it seems that I promise to give all readers a surprise... I'll try my best on this.