Ace Evolution

Chapter 130


The rush hour for work had not yet arrived, so Fang Lin paid the taxi driver and said that a relative of his was suffering from a sudden illness and was receiving treatment at the Waseda University Affiliated Hospital in Tokyo. wWW,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,comWith a sense of justice and the stimulation of money, this driver naturally pushed the speed to the limit and staged a top-speed car in Tokyo.

When the taxi stopped in the parking lot outside the hospital, Fang Lin realized that he still had eight minutes to gain Mary's trust. However, he didn't appear to be in a hurry at this time. Instead, he went directly to the front desk lady to confirm the inpatient ward numbers of Dong Zhang and others. Instead, he leisurely bought a bottle of drink from the vending machine next to him and sat down to wait. Drinking leisurely on the chair.

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one." Fang Lin listened to the countdown on the nightmare mark and suddenly felt that the bottle of blood from the heavenly gods in his arms was getting hot. He stayed quietly in the chair, with no intention of moving, until his mental barrier sensed a powerful threat coming in from the main entrance of the hospital, and then he jumped up as if a red-hot needle had pricked his butt. He quickly ran towards the ward where Mary and others were!

"Sure enough, it's him again!" Fang Lin stood in the corridor on the fifth floor and saw the indifferent red-haired man downstairs. His black corset windbreaker and blood-colored trousers were still so conspicuous. The two of them looked at each other in an instant. Crossing each other, Fang Lin was shocked and had the illusion of being in a blazing flame. Immediately afterwards, Iori pressed his hand on the railing, ignored the uproar of ordinary people, and flew directly to the second floor. It looked like he was Jump straight towards Fang Lin with a ladder jump!

Fang Lin's pupils shrank. He walked towards the corridor of the surgical ward and shouted out the Three-Character Sutra, which is known to the whole world and has been tried and tested without success:


At this moment. Iori has reached the fourth floor. It is as graceful as a big red and black bird leaping in the sky. When he stood still in the corridor on the fifth floor, the distance between him and the target person had been shortened to less than thirty meters for the first time. However, there were still two troublesome people standing between Iori and Fang Lin.

Terry Bogard.


Fang Lin gasped in embarrassment and explained his purpose of coming and the reason for being hunted to the two powerful plot characters in one sentence:

"I obtained the core data of Gith's copy of those terrifying monsters!"

As he spoke, he handed over several experimental data materials taken from the second basement floor of the building. Mary also immediately recognized from the voice the guy who rushed up to the roof last night to warn him, although she still had many doubts about him, such as how he survived the violent explosion. Another example is how this information was obtained. But now is indeed not the time for detailed questioning, so Fang Lin was naturally included in the category of "own personnel".

The reason why Fang Lin didn't go upstairs in advance was to create the tense scene now, so that the shrewd Mary and others had no time to question him!

Mary took the information and hurriedly flipped through it, already seeing that it was definitely not a forgery. Fang Lin took the opportunity to gasp in pain:

"This is only part of the information I have. Only I know where the rest is hidden. They want to kill me and silence me!"

He knew that Mary was a very realistic woman. In order to avoid burning bridges, he wanted to increase his use value and added such a sentence.

After hearing this, Mary stepped forward, stood in front of Fang Lin, and said coldly:

"Iori Yagami, you actually became Giese's lackey?"

In fact, if someone else encountered this situation, they would immediately know that there was a misunderstanding, and it was Fang Lin who was causing trouble. A few words can clear up this misunderstanding.

It's a pity that Mary is facing Iori!

-------This even in the sunshine. The whole body is also filled with unruly and dark men!

Even though he might be against the entire world, he never showed cowardice. I will never defend myself!

So Yagami roared low in his throat. The purple flame on his hand flew out from the ground and burned directly in the direction of Mary!

Yagami attacks the target with intent. But it was Fang Lin who looked quite cowardly and was hiding behind Mary! But in Terry's eyes, it became a direct provocation to his girlfriend!

This is something no man can bear.

So Terry shouted softly, punched the ground, and a light yellow water wave energy rushed out, neutralizing the Hundred Styles: Oniyaki issued by Yagami.

"Now that the battle has begun, I will never run away!" Yagami suddenly became excited after finding his opponent. He roared like a beast, bent down and leaned forward.

With his hands, he rushed towards Terry, jumped slightly, raised his legs and straightened his head!

But in an instant, in front of Terry's figure wearing a baseball cap, there suddenly appeared a petite figure wearing a blue jacket. It was Mary. The movements of her hands were very strange, with her left elbow bent in front of her face. , but her right hand was spread out like a palm, close to the bottom of the left elbow. As soon as Yagami's right leg kicked her left hand, it was kicked away. Then she lost her balance and was dragged by Mary, with a look on her face. He was hit hard, and then he was thrown away and slammed into the wall!

This is Mary's unique physical skill, which is specially used to block the opponent's ordinary moves and then counterattack!

B-level skills Mary Counter>:

Yagami rolled on the spot and got up expressionlessly. Although there was blood at the corner of his mouth, his face remained calm, as if the previous incident had not happened at all.

At this time, there was suddenly a faint roar of aircraft engines in the air outside. Fang Lin was startled, and then shouted:


As soon as he finished speaking, Terry raised his eyebrows and turned around quickly. He saw the window next to him shattered with a "pop", and two figures broke in through the window. One of them held a long stick in his hand and had a red and white bandage wrapped around his head. The hip-hop turban was thrown out with a stick, dragging out a long chain and stabbing Fang Lin directly. Another burly figure was wearing a white martial arts uniform on the upper body and red judo culottes on the lower body. He put his hands together and shot a white umbrella-shaped light wave towards Terry!

It is the other two plot characters who are eager to get the blood of the heavenly gods!



Keith killed Terry's father with his own hands, so the hatred between the two is irreconcilable, and both sides want to put the other to death! Billy was quite selfish and cruel, so he attacked Fang Lin as soon as he arrived, trying to steal the precious blood of the gods from heaven!

Terry hurriedly responded and could only protect his head and face with his hands to block Keith's blow. The injury he suffered yesterday had not yet recovered, so he was beaten and slid back, but his back was exposed. Behind him, there is an Yagami Temple who is watching with eager eyes! How could this fierce man, who relied on instinct to fight, miss such a good opportunity and just grab it with a wave of his hand!

When Mary saw her lover in danger, how could she just sit back and watch? She gritted her teeth and rushed forward, using her back to block Iori's heavy blow. But what kind of person is Iori? How could he easily let go of the enemy's opportunity to reveal his flaws? After grabbing and tearing him apart, he performed a special skill with a low whistle:

"One hundred, twenty-seven styles. Sunflower!"

This move has been performed by Man Niu before, but this move was performed by Yagami himself, and its power is completely different. The first two blows sent Mary flying into the air, and the third blow made Mary fly with both hands together. He immediately screamed and was knocked several dozen meters away, severely injured and unconscious!

At the same time, Fang Lin was completely unable to avoid Billy's flaming nunchaku attack. Fortunately, he sensed it as soon as Billy and others rode within fifty meters, knowing that this was the most dangerous moment. , so the skill of the special prop Stubborn's pendant was activated immediately: Stubborn!

Billy's stick with blazing flames touched Fang Lin's chest in an instant, but was stopped and absorbed by an invisible force. It was like being thrown into the mire, unable to make an inch forward! But as a plot character, Billy was able to stand out at the kof conference. He was also Iori's teammate at the kof95 conference before. How could his ability be considered mediocre

Billy screamed and shook his wrist! The long stick immediately split into three sections. If the python swung its tail, it struck over with a burst of flame again!

This blow directly exceeded the damage that the stubborn skill could absorb, and the end of the stick swept across Fang Lin's chest. His vision went black, he spurted out a large mouthful of blood mist, and immediately stumbled back and sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, Dong Zhang, Andy, and Mai Shiranui, who were recovering in the ward at this time, had already rushed out. They heard the conversation just now quite clearly, and knew that Fang Lin had a huge secret. In addition, there was also a secret with Billy and others. They had a long-standing feud, so they had to protect him no matter what, so the three of them joined forces to fight against Keith and Billy!

The angry Terry looked at the seriously injured unconscious Mary, his eyes almost bursting with fire, and suddenly turned around to find Iori Yagami!