Ace Evolution

Chapter 14: team


There were obviously many more people in the square. Fang Lin returned to his private space, retrieved the stored equipment, and called up the purchase menu. He planned to buy a handy weapon first and use it, but was told that his Insufficient capabilities and permissions. WwW. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. cOm cannot perform queries. At this time, the nightmare mark on the chest became hot again, conveying the mission target:

Enter the world of Dinosaur Kombat (English name: cadillacs&dinosaurs; Japanese name: Horror Dragon New Age, commonly known as 93 Kombat, Dinosaur Kombat) within twenty-four hours.

Fang Lin recalled the background information of this plot world. It roughly means that in the future 2513, scientists have successfully decomposed the genetic fragments of dinosaurs, and bred and cultivated this terrifying and powerful giant beast, and released it into the wild. In a national forest park for people to visit, Fessenden, a scientific madman, colluded with the mafia and began to study the combination of dinosaurs' aggressive power genes with the human body in order to achieve his own ulterior purposes. Four people from Friends from environmental protection organizations in different countries gathered to challenge this evil organization.

At this time, a door glowing with white light appeared in the center of the nightmare space, and people began to enter one after another. Fang Lin took a deep breath and stepped inside.

"Start entering the nightmare world..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start assimilating the characters into this world..."

"Start entering the world of Dinosaur Kombat..."

"About 400 years ago...

Science has developed to the point where it can create new life.

Maybe they evolved and changed too quickly.

But nature regulates itself…

So the "Great Flood" happened!

There they are!

oh! That's a big one.

The past and the future collide in a world about to go crazy...

This is what is called…

The world of Cadillacs and dinosaurs! "

… … ..

The scenery in front of me gradually became clearer. Fang Lin found himself in a narrow pavilion with a faint light around him. There were several people like him, sitting and lying on the aluminum alloy walls, seemingly asleep. The dust on the ground was thick, and there were a few crumpled newspapers scattered on the ground.

Suddenly there was a screen on the table that emitted blue light, and it could be vaguely identified as a laptop. When everyone's eyes were focused on it, writing began to gradually appear on the screen.

Mission 1: Kill 30 red minions (ferris), 30 blue minions (gneiss), and 30 green minions (driver).

Task 2: Obtain 10 high-quality flying knives from the knife throwing hand and reach more than 5,000 points.

Task 3: Assist the characters in the plot to kill the blue-clad thug named Vicet. who was injected with dinosaur genes and became gigantic. And get the blood from him.

Consequences of failing to complete the mission: erasure.

Fang Lin said without hesitation:

"Shows the time since the plot characters appear. And digitizes the character information."

In front of his eyes, a rapidly beating red number suddenly appeared: Plot character entry time: 72 hours. There are still one minute and seven seconds left before entering the world of Dino Kombat. Scene information also popped up immediately:

"Scene: 2513, a sea city on the east coast, Dinosaur Fight Scene 1-1, difficulty: medium (level b). Pain reduction is 50%, personal attributes are enhanced by 20%. This scene is a peaceful scene: Killing comes from the nightmare space Characters will not drop any items."

"Information number 13981: Strength 9 (5), agility 12 (6), physical strength 11 (6), mental strength 20 (5). The average value in brackets is the average value of a thirty-year-old healthy adult man. Whether to use 100 points to hide the appearance ?(whether)."

Fang Lin chose without hesitation. In the last mission, because he was at a disadvantage, the system took the initiative to modify it. This time, he had to pay the price. He took the time before starting to think about it for a while. Obviously, these seventy-two Hours are the time left for them to complete one or two tasks. If his guess is correct, after seventy-two hours, the plot characters will appear and kill the boss in the end of the level, the blue-clad thug Vicet. ). This is when they cooperate with the plot characters to complete the final mission.

At this time, the red numbers in the lower left corner of the screen began to jump rapidly, and the 72-hour countdown began, which indicated that the mission had officially started. Suddenly a voice came from the side:

"Everyone, don't separate in a hurry. Let's put it together. Why don't we join forces and go directly to that Te Weisi and kill him directly? This should get the highest rating. This scene is still in its early stages. If we don't take the opportunity to make some high points, After evaluating it and obtaining some high-end items, I’m afraid it will become even more difficult as the number of scenes increases.”

This voice is very calm, giving the impression that it is trustworthy, and the reasons given are also very tempting. The speaker had already stood up. His face had deep lines, a high nose, big eyes, and a tall figure. He gave people a very reliable feeling at first glance. The man added:

"Just call me Brother Luo. We are in this dangerous environment. Even if we don't take risks, we should join hands and rely on the strength of the team to face the crisis. If you are interested in joining my temporary mutual group, , please stand here, even if you want to leave, you will never face any difficulties."

These words were said with great sincerity, and immediately three people in the stairwell leaned over, and the remaining four people also hesitated and joined in. There was only one middle-aged man who seemed to have difficulty with his legs and feet. He coughed a few times and said with difficulty:

"I've fallen into one of my old habits. I need to take a rest so I won't be a drag on everyone."

Luo Ge's basic goal has been achieved, so he doesn't care whether individual people join or not. Although what he said was high-sounding, Fang Lin didn't believe a word of it. Talking about being in the same boat and helping each other were all scornful nonsense, but he was one of the first three people to join the team. The truth is very simple:

To a large extent, what Brother Luo did was what Fang Lin wanted to do. In this strange world, he also urgently needed some cannon fodder to lead the charge. As for being plotted against, Fang Lin I still have some confidence in my own mind.

So this small temporary group set off in a chaotic manner. Before going out, Fang Lin glanced at the middle-aged man who was left in the darkness calmly. He always had a feeling in his heart that this man seemed absolutely desperate. It's not as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

… … …

After passing through the dark corridor, the eight-person group arrived at the top of the building. Brother Luo looked around with his big and majestic eyes and said:

"Since we are united now, naturally we cannot be a bunch of scattered sand. The collective will protect everyone's interests, but the collective also needs everyone's contribution. Now let's introduce ourselves and report our own strengths and attributes. I first come."

"Luo Wei, specializes in melee combat, basic boxing level 3. His combat skill specialty is an advanced skill of basic boxing: block and parry, which can attract enemy attacks. His highest attribute is physical strength, 15 points."

Next, people came out one after another to count. Fang Lin listened and found that the attributes of these people were usually strength and agility. However, the highest one was a Vietnamese named Ruan Mingqiang, with 16 agility points. As for the variety of skills, most of them are basic skills.

In addition to the advanced skills of basic boxing learned by Luo Wei: block and parry, only another Japanese named Nakamurano learned a lunge. However, this skill was also obtained from the world of the Round Table Samurai. The source is killing There is a small chance of dropping the mask after the slave. In fact, Fang Lin's luck that day was similar to his. However, what he got was the scroll of the cutting technique. Murano also seemed quite candid here. He detailed the thrusting skill, which is fierce thrusting. When a sword is struck, its power is probably increased by 20% compared to normal thrusts. Every time three thrusts are used, 1 energy point will be consumed.

This thrust does not require any prerequisite skills, so Nakamura actually added all the potential points he got to the thrust. When he spent two potential points to add the third level thrust to the fourth level and above, he was shocked. I found that the power of the thrust has not changed, but it can be mixed in with the normal attack intervals.

For example, after stabbing someone, you have to retract your hand and accumulate strength before stabbing again. This thrust can be launched after the momentum of the thrust has been exhausted, and then stabbed again at an extremely fast speed, which is very powerful.

When Fang Lin heard this, he thought: Could it be that no matter what skill, there will be a qualitative leap every time it reaches three levels? He carefully thought about the key points, and suddenly heard Luo Wei say impatiently:

"Hey, I've asked you this several times."

Fang Lin came back to his senses at this time. It turned out that everyone else had finished their introductions, and he was the only one who was still there in shock. He was not in a hurry in his heart, but he had a frightened and flustered expression on his face and said:

"Ah? It's my turn? My attributes don't seem to be high. I seem to have more than ten points of energy. My skills are basic footwork. Oh, by the way, everyone calls me Lin Zi."

His eloquent introduction immediately made people look at him with admiration--of course, he looked down upon him. However, Luo Wei stared at him for a few times, and then said calmly:

"Let's go."

Fang Linqing knew that he had gone too far, but what he wanted was this effect, which would not only make most people look down on him, but also make those with ulterior motives feel uncertain about his true strength. At this time, Luo Wei had already begun to divide the work. If he encountered an enemy, he and another big man with a physique of 13 would act as forwards, and the remaining five would attack from the side. Fang Lin, because he had learned basic footwork through his own introduction, would serve as the forward. Lookout, the role of sentinel exploring the way. The distribution of task items is obtained in turn. The distribution of loot is based on contribution to the team.

Although the time period of Dinosaur Kombat took place in 2513, after the eight people left the building, they found that except for some changes in the architectural style, the rest of the environment was the same as that of a modern city. This sea city on the east coast was almost It is equivalent to a microcosm of a prosperous city in the United States - of course, the security is much worse - explosions and gunshots come and go, and can even cover up the sirens of police cars.

"Now we should first look for weapons." Luo Wei said confidently. "This is a parallel world similar to reality, with various firearms interspersed there. I believe there should be a place dedicated to selling firearms."

Naturally, these people agreed very much. Having a firearm that could shoot from a distance was much better than getting close enough to kill someone. As for finding a place to get something to buy a gun, everyone kept silent with a tacit understanding. It was obvious that they were planning to rob. Courage comes from strength. The eight people present are already much stronger than ordinary people. After receiving the 20% bonus of scene enhancement, I naturally feel that it is no problem for one person to fight seven or eight people.

However, Fang Lin secretly sneered in his heart. If this gun was too easy to get, then the difficulty of the world of Dinosaur Kombat would be too low. He didn't say anything, and silently performed his duties, not letting others take advantage of his shortcomings. Secretly, he has begun to memorize a series of useful information such as street routes and city layout.

At this time, the Japanese Nakamurano took advantage of the passers-by's attention and suddenly grabbed a man in a red shirt who looked like a gangster and dragged him into the corner of the building next to him. Luo Wei was startled and immediately took action. , completely restrained the little gangster, and the remaining people cooperated to surround him. After a few punches, they found out that there happened to be a large supermarket selling hunting supplies ten kilometers away. Of course, the final silence was necessary. What's more, a scream soon came from the corner of the building. Luo Wei shook the blood on his hands and walked out as if nothing had happened. He looked at the high-end car parked opposite and his eyes lit up and he said:

"Who knows how to drive? Why do we need to walk?"