Ace Evolution

Chapter 142: The earth shook the soul


The shaking is coming again! Darkness also immediately filled the whole world with a flourishing arrival, followed by cries and shaking - the clear convulsions from the depths of the earth that swayed people's hearts. WwW, QunabEN, coM Several dull sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded from the darkness, and then there was deathly silence!

The silence of the tomb!

"Crack" a light of fire lit up from the hand of a man in his fifties, and also illuminated the many expressions of the people around him: panic, astonishment, fear... Suddenly, a young lady screamed towards the exit as if she understood something. I ran and suddenly the gorgeous lobby was in chaos. People rushed to rush into the dark emergency exit. The swaying and dim firelight made the place even more chaotic!

The decorations on the wall shook again, and the ground began to tremble again. Pink dust fell, and Fang Lin lay on the ground. Hearing the screams of those who had just left, Fang Lin quickly turned over and avoided the ceiling. The huge European-style chandelier struck, and my nose suddenly smelled a burnt smell!

His eyes suddenly tightened:

"It's fire"

I saw that the flames coming from the kitchen had licked the long tassels hanging from the tapestry on the wall, and quickly moved upwards. Fang Lin instantly calculated that in just three minutes and twenty-one seconds, the flames and toxic smoke would completely spread.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment, then immediately picked up a napkin and soaked it with red wine. He covered his mouth and nose and crawled out. At the same time, a series of choking sounds sounded behind him. The door to the emergency exit opened and closed, like a big mocking mouth. The place where the stairs should have been has become a deep black cave, and the earth shook its body again. A tall, elegant cocktail glass quickly rolled past Fang Lin's face and sank into the seemingly endless deep hole in front of him. It took a long time for an almost inaudible sound to be heard.

Fang Lin frowned slightly and stood up with his waist hunched over, maintaining his balance while shaking. The flames behind him spread at an alarming speed, and the burning feeling was clearly felt on his skin. Fang Lin turned his head. Seeing that the red light on the elevator door next to him was still flashing under the influence of the emergency power supply, he thought carefully, pulled out Ter. Weiss's gun, directly activated the burst mode and pulled the trigger!

Light blue flames spurted out from the silver muzzle. The elevator's switch lock was instantly beaten like a honeycomb, and the two bright stainless steel doors slowly slid to both sides. Fang Lin quickly stepped forward and looked down. Several deformed elevator boxes were already stacked on the bottom floor like cans. Under the dim light, he could vaguely see the blood flowing out of them. Staying inside The fate of people and places can be imagined.

The tragic fate of these Japanese people could not arouse Fang Lin's feelings at all. He pulled the elevator cable that was swaying slightly in front of him, and with a slight jump, he grabbed it and slid downwards. Even though he was At that time, the body was already several times stronger than ordinary people, but in the process of falling at a high speed. His hands still couldn't escape and ended up in a bloody mess!

The elevator cable broke in eight places. While sliding down, Fang Lin noticed that several shocking and deep cracks had appeared on the surrounding walls. He slid down with one hand. The other one held a gun and pointed it at the elevator door and fired continuously. Then he swung in the air and flew into the air!

The two elevator doors flew open with a "snap". Fang Lin rolled on the ground to use his strength, dodging the debris and decorations falling from his head, running faster, ignoring those who asked for blood. The injured person who was being rescued actually crashed directly into the unbroken long window in front of him and threw himself out!

This is the eighth floor!

Fang Lin took a deep breath, the desire for survival in his eyes was extremely hot.

"I won't die."

A sneer appeared on his lips. Basic footwork level---7 has a bonus of reducing damage caused by falling from heights by 40%. Housing prices in Japan are expensive, and the height of each floor of a building will not be higher than two and a half meters. Therefore, 8 sounds very high, but in fact it is only about 18 at most. The damage when landing is reduced by 40%, plus my extraordinary physique. It was a near miss!

Two meters, one meter.

The first thing to hit the ground is the sole of the foot, and then the arch of the foot. When the heel touches the ground, the center of gravity of the entire body moves forward, and then the force of the downward thrust is transferred into a forward thrust. Fang Lin only felt severe pain in his feet, knees, and elbows, but it was just pain. After the rolling stopped, he immediately rushed forward. The ground trembled, and the towering building behind him had already It was overwhelmed and collapsed into pieces! The surrounding houses also collapsed one after another, and the earth continued to collapse.

It's like the end of the world is coming.

"Damn it." Fang Lin stopped in an empty square and gasped. Incidentally, he shot out a firework purchased from space. The contact function in the KOF contract can only be restored within 50 meters. Fang Lin can only judge that Lao Hu is not dead yet, but it is difficult to determine whether the situation is safe or in danger.

Fortunately, Fang Lin's worry did not last long. In less than ten minutes, Lao Hu walked over with his head shaking and covered in dust. Apart from the fact that his clothes were dirty and torn, there was nothing else. thing. Fang Lin threw a bottle of water he grabbed from the nearby grocery store and came over with a smile:

"Where did you flee from?"

Hu Huahao glared at him, drank half the bottle, then poured water from head to toe, shook the water on his head and cursed:

"Damn, it's buried in the ruins. Fortunately, most of the house is made of wooden structures. I have to be a porter to dig it out myself. It's really unlucky."

He then said seriously:

"I received a reminder when I came in: There may be clues about my job change in this world. What do you think we should do?"

Fang Lin said "Oh" and said with some enlightenment:

"According to what you said, in order to change careers and become a wrestling master, you first need to fully master the secrets of skills above A level and upgrade them to level 7, and secondly, you need to understand the essence of wrestling skills-------that is The nonsense I mentioned to you before. Finally, you must pass a golden main quest!"

"You have already understood the essence of the second wrestling skill - the pulling skill. The third one cannot be achieved through the golden main line mission at present, so the remaining clues are the Heaven and Earth Return you have mastered, or Lan The secret of the mountain. In this way, it coincides with my idea."

Hu Huahao said doubtfully:

"What's your idea?"

Fang Lin smiled slightly and said:

"Actually, I think the way you used to besiege Daemon last time you entered this world was a bit stupid. Damon actually has a fiancée named Yoshiko. She should have been pregnant in this world and gave birth to a son named Toorago. If you take advantage of this weakness If so, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

Hu Huahao thought deeply:

"Some of us proposed your method at the time, but in such a tight time frame, no one knew where this guy's wife and children were in Japan, so it was completely useless."

Fang Lin sneered and said:

"That's because you are too stupid. A man who is about to face life and death cannot leave behind his pregnant fiancée. He will definitely find a way to contact her. And according to the details in my memory, the things that Daimon Goro doesn't like are It's a precision machine, and it's 1997, so he carries a phone with him, so if he wants to contact his fiancée, he'll probably have to use a public phone outside... You can't do anything with the gate, don't ordinary Japanese citizens also have nothing to do? By pressing the redial button, you can get the number that was dialed from the gate. As long as you get the phone number of your fiancée, are you worried that you won't be able to find her?"

Hu Huahao was very depressed and scolded by Fang Lin, and suddenly said:

"I finally understand why you always order two pairs of pig brains every time you eat hot pot."

Fang Lin was immediately choked and speechless. He didn't notice that this old Hu would suddenly come up with a witty remark. After a while, he said depressedly:

"Okay, let's go."

Old Hu Qi said:

"Where to go?"

Fang Lin sighed and said:

"Of course I went to Tokyo. Well, I know you are asking why you are going to Tokyo, to find the branch organization of Hongmen. What to do with the branch organization of Hongmen? Of course, it is to use their power to find the gate to stay. The whereabouts of my wife and son.”

"That's right." Fang Lin said to Lao Hu, who was already looking for nearby transportation: "Just after the earthquake, there must be a lot of refugees fleeing. We'd better find a motorcycle. If the road is really impassable, you can carry it over."

Lao Hu was highly sensitive at this time and immediately glared at him and said:

"Holy crap, why is it my turn to carry the motorcycle?"

Fang Lin said "Oh" and hurriedly held back his laughter and said:

"Slip of the tongue, it's us, we."