Ace Evolution

Chapter 147


When the giant werewolf rushed forward, Fang Lin's weapon's Ignorance Effect finally activated, and a bit of silver light shot out from the werewolf's chest with a "wave", bringing out a fountain of blood. WWw. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Probably because COm's lungs were punctured, the giant werewolf's momentum was suddenly suffocated! Hu Huahao had regained his composure at this time, roared, raised the stone and smashed it down again condescendingly!

The ground shook slightly again! Even though this giant werewolf was incredibly powerful, it was staggered back by Old Hu Shengsheng's blow. Even though it had strong self-healing ability, an arrow-like stream of blood shot out from the place where it was shot in the chest, and it spurted out more than ten meters away. ! Fang Lin half-knelt on the ground, holding the gun with both hands and aiming steadily at the past. He kept firing continuously. The dense silver bullets seemed to form a bright silver light beam as thick as a bowl in the darkness, directly hitting the giant werewolf!

Fang Lin's attack method is quite terrifying, but it is also difficult to last. After the weapon is upgraded to +4, the gun's firing rate will be accelerated to 90 rounds/second. However, activating the burst mode will consume 1 point of mental power every 1 second. His upper limit of mental power is only about 50 points, and he still has to leave about 30 points of mental power to use other skills to prepare for emergencies. Therefore, it can only be used as a delay, not as a main attack!

At this time, the giant werewolf suddenly turned its head, pointed at Fang Lin and opened its mouth slightly. Fang Lin was slightly startled, and immediately shouted and jumped out to the side, spraying a cloud of blood mist in the air!

At this time, looking at the place where Fang Lin stayed before, the trees, rocks and vines withered and scattered in an instant. If Fang Lin hadn't reacted so quickly and jumped out in advance, the damage he would have suffered would have been much greater!

This is the werewolf------infrasonic attack!

To know. Infrasound waves have strong penetrating ability and can penetrate buildings, shelters, tanks, ships and other obstacles.)... can be blocked. 7 waves can penetrate more than ten meters thick reinforced concrete, destroying houses on the shore.

If infrasound waves resonate with surrounding objects, they can release considerable energy. The inherent vibration frequency of the human body's internal organs is similar to the infrasound frequency (0.01 to 20 Hz). If the external infrasound frequency is similar or the same as the vibration frequency of the internal organs, it will It will cause "resonance" of the human body's internal organs, 4hz ~ 8. Sound energy can cause resonance in the human abdominal cavity, which can cause strong resonance in the heart and damage to the lung wall.

And this giant werewolf issued. It is 7hz:..hao uses it because Lao Hu’s physique has exceeded the 50 point mark and is quite resistant to attacks. After using it, apart from wasting mental energy, the effect is not too great. ideal.

Fang Lin leaned against a big tree and covered his mouth with his hands, coughing violently. Pink blood foam overflowed from the gaps between his fingers. It was a sign of severe damage to the lungs. He had previously shot the werewolf's left lung, but unexpectedly he suffered retribution immediately, which was reflected back on himself.

"I'm fine." Fang Lin said in a hoarse voice, "It's almost time."

Hu Huahao nodded. At this time, the injured giant werewolf rushed forward even more violently. A claw shot wildly from top to bottom. Although it was still on the downhill slope at this time, its majestic momentum was already a head start!

Hu Huahao lowered his waist and sat on his horse, blocking the boulder in front of him and flying into it, but at this moment, there were three soft "Puff-Puff-Puff" sounds. The front end of the giant werewolf's claws protruding. Three sharp white thick metal bone blades were ejected! Cut straight into the depths of the boulder!

Stone chips and sparks are flying everywhere! That bone blade is actually extremely sharp, **. He cut the boulder open from the center. Cutting straight down, Fang Lin did not expect such a drastic change. Stunned!

Hu Huahao seemed to be caught off guard and could only turn his head to avoid the vital point! Three thick white bone blades struck him directly on the shoulder!

… … … .

Blood rages!

However, the thick white bone blade could only penetrate an inch of the flesh, and could not go any further. It could not penetrate Hu Huahao's flesh and blood body! Fang Lin suddenly reacted. Since Lao Hu has already witnessed someone transforming into a Wolverine once, of course he knows all about his various skills. When the bone blade broke the stone, he should have activated the first stage of the S-level skill:


The body enters an immovable state within three seconds, and any damage received is reduced by 70%! !

Hu Huahao's physical strength is already as high as 51, and his S-level skills have the abnormal effect of reducing all damage by 70%. Finally, he has to remove the one that originally reduces all damage.

Armor with 10 points of damage! Therefore, even though the giant werewolf's bone claws were abnormal, they could cause serious damage to Lao Hu's body!

The giant werewolf seemed to rely on the instinct of the beast to sense the ensuing danger, and it actually retreated in an instant. There was a fat and huge figure running fiercely from the side and bumping into its waist!

It was the elite fat man who started it,

Brutal collision, change!

After the impact, the giant werewolf screamed loudly, plowing two deep ditches on the ground with his feet. His attempt to escape immediately failed, and he was pushed towards Hu Huahao. Dazzling light flashes in the sky! The second stage continues • Cutting back has been performed!

At this time, both Fang Lin and Hu Huahao were sweating. After all, compared with this giant werewolf, Hu Huahao was at a considerable disadvantage in size and strength. Once the capture failed, Hu Huahao would face a very serious situation. Danger!

"The capture decision is in progress."

"Strength of the caster, 73.5): The chance of success decreases."

"Grabbing skills continued: Cutting plants returns to S level, and the gripping judgment increases."

"Continued • Judgment of returning the cut plants to capture: passed!"

The huge body of the giant werewolf was lifted up in an instant, and then fell out after being pressed by Hu Huahao! The earth was trembling slightly, and loose rocks everywhere were falling. But when he reached the level of Root Pulling Throw, Fang Lin had already frowned--according to the degree of decline in the werewolf's physical strength, coupled with the terrifying abnormal life recovery rate, the recovery rate increased by 8/second. I'm afraid an S-level skill isn't enough to kill it!

The fourth stage continued: After the Heaven and Earth Return was launched, the giant werewolf was thrown straight out and hit the cliff next to it. The huge impact caused the rocks to collapse one after another, burying it like a landslide. Before Hu Huahao had time to breathe, earth and rocks suddenly flew into the air! The giant werewolf actually took off his hand and threw out a blood-red claw, launching a crazy counterattack!

Fang Lin gritted his teeth and forced the elite fat man to swing his weapon, and hit the blood-red claw. As the flesh and blood raged, the entire left side of the fat man's body was cut off. Under the extreme pain, the remaining parts of his body were cut off. He swung the rusty ax with his right hand and struck the werewolf's right leg with force!

The giant werewolf screamed wildly and bit the elite fat man in the throat. But at this time, the remaining three blue-clothed minions rushed forward one after another and hugged the werewolf's chopped right leg! These three suicide bombers detonated their grenades together!

But such a brutal attack only reduced the giant werewolf's movement speed by less than one-third!

The smoke of gunpowder had not yet dissipated, the giant werewolf still roared at a very high speed and continued to rush towards Hu Huahao, who was still recovering his breath. However, when he was more than ten meters away from Old Hu, bright and sharp silver lights flashed from the tree, sweeping up the ground. The bushes and gravel were filled with green, and Green, who had regained some of his strength, successfully carried out a sneak attack with the Scone's Wrath!

True Samurai Soul, Yagyu Jubei’s exclusive A-level skill,

The eight phases are broken!

The eleven consecutive incomparably cruel swords turned into a torch-like blazing silver light in an instant, splashing countless rays of light and slashing at the right leg of the giant werewolf!


The +9 silver plot weapon is really powerful. In addition, this eight-phase breaking skill is also a rare A-level skill. The werewolf screamed pitifully, blood gushed out, and his entire right leg was severed. After flying several feet away, he fell to the ground with a "snap"!

It's just that the power of this giant werewolf, or the enhanced power of the S-level skill Wolverine, is actually quite abnormally strong! Even though it was so severely injured, it still fought back in pain and knocked Green away with a claw, and threw him far into the woods without knowing whether he was alive or dead. He can even touch the ground with his paws and run weirdly with one leg supported!

Fortunately, Hu Huahao finally regained his breath. He also knew that injured beasts were the most terrifying, so he turned around and ran away. Suddenly, he saw Fang Lin standing somewhere waving to him. Lao Hu's trust in Fang Lin was naturally extremely high. After running for more than ten steps, he saw Fang Lin coldly drawing his gun and aiming at it!