Ace Evolution

Chapter 148


The colored weapon emits a brilliant silver light, like a vicious bird spreading its wings. In this cold place, you can clearly see the injured giant werewolf roaring crazily, rolling up and down and chasing after it! A long trail of blood trailed behind him! It’s really tragic!

Fang Lin's eyes were cold, he activated the burst mode and pulled the trigger. WWw.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.CoM

The silver light poured out, and the target it hit was not the vicious monster dozens of meters away, but the tree!

------That giant tree!

------The innocent tree that was previously bombarded by a g4/psg model anti-material gun and lost most of its body

There was a harsh sound, and Fang Lin peeled off half of the wound on the trunk of the giant tree again, and smashed it down with a crash!

The injured giant werewolf was about to dodge, but suddenly he saw two strange and deep tattooed ghost-headed eyes on Fang Lin's chest emitting strange light!

Powerful magic spell, activate!

Mental strength of the caster, 51. The subject's mental strength is 40. The difference in mental power between the two:

"Comparison of strength between the two: 13.4432%."

""Absorbing the memory... the absorption failed, and the powerful magic spell turned into a mental shock. "

"The difference in mental power between the two sides: 11 points, the mental shock is activated!"

"The mental shock has successfully hit the opponent, causing 97 damage to the enemy and causing a 3-second stun."

The giant werewolf's body, full of ferocious feeling, suddenly froze under the roaring and crushing tree. At this moment. It even kept the action of pouncing forward with its claws!

The huge trunk of the giant tree pressed heavily on the body of the giant werewolf without any suspense, and the branches and leaves were filled with dust! Under this blow! It howled miserably. Blood spurted out of his mouth, but he was still seriously injured and not dead! But this huge werewolf was seriously injured and disabled at this time and then suffered heavy pressure. If its legs were still there, I am afraid there is still hope of breaking free, but due to the serious injury, another leg was disabled, and the limbs were disabled. At this time, it was again His sternum was broken, and he was left to struggle and roll. It didn't help, so he started to use his hands to grab the earth and rocks like crazy, hoping to dig a hole in the hard rock to escape.

Fang Lin's eyes first showed surprise, then he calmly shook his head and said:


Lao Hu didn't understand what he meant for a while, but when the huge werewolf suddenly stopped moving and his body gradually shrank into a human shape. He suddenly realized that the word "late" in Fang Lin's mouth was referring to the imminent 45-minute deadline for the S-level skill Wolverine's transformation!

Fang Lin, who won the battle, was not too happy. Instead, his expression showed some confusion:

"This S-level skill Wolverine's transformation is indeed powerful. But if just for this reason, the nightmare space suddenly increases the difficulty of this world so much, I'm afraid it still cannot be justified."

Lao Hu was obviously in a good mood. He patted him on the shoulder and laughed:

"Why are you thinking so much? There must be a road to the mountain. His grandma is a bear. This Wolverine has changed so much that he also fell.

Fang Lin smiled bitterly, and he could only smile bitterly. He sighed and raised his gun. A bit of silver light shot into the eyebrows of Samsara No. 9137, who had returned to human form. The poor guy's brain exploded immediately as he was dying.

The nightmare mark then sent a reminder: The novel was first published on

Side mission one (optional) completed: Each person killed 3 reincarnators with nightmare marks. (3/

Obtain mission reward: 5000 points, potential points

Then they dropped Fang Lin on Samsara No. 9137 and cut it out. Finally, the crazy consumption of food from the previous battle was made up for.

But then another dispute broke out between Fang Lin and Hu Huahao. It was about the handling of Greenland that the two of them had known each other since. Lao Hu followed Fang Lin's lead most of the time, but after entering this main line golden mission, the two of them had continuous differences.

What Hu Huahao meant was to directly let Green join the KOF contract so that he could enjoy the 20% attribute bonus. Fang Lin was surprisingly determined on this matter and refused to let go, just because for some reason he always felt that Green had an incomprehensible and incomprehensible feeling. This quite strong feeling made Fang Lin wary. The heart is prosperous. Therefore, he did not hesitate to have a dispute with Lao Hu, but he had to stick to his point of view.

Finally, Lao Hu finally came up with a compromise, which was to sign a temporary contract. Hu Huahao's nightmare mark has now reached level five. In the KOF contract options, there is an authority to sign a temporary contract.

Note: Temporary contract, sign a short-term KOF contract with the target person. This contract is only valid within this world, and payment is required before the contract is signed.


After signing the KOF temporary contract, all attributes of the temporary members will enjoy a 10% bonus. Original members of the team cannot make behaviors or remarks that harm the temporary members. If the official members die, the temporary members' permanent attributes will be reduced by 20%~40 % penalty. If the temporary member dies, the remaining team members will be punished by a permanent decrease of 5%--8% in all attributes.

Temporary team members cannot share points and potential points with regular team members.

After the end of this world, temporary players will automatically exit the team.

Hu Huahao said this in the past, but Green didn't mean anything unhappy. He agreed readily and immediately traded 5,000 points and 5 potential points. This was regarded as paying the conditions for signing the temporary contract and giving his personal The attributes and equipment bar are opened:

Information No. 11366. (Kof temporary contract bonus has been calculated). 53, physical strength 48, mental strength

"Combat skills: B-level skill Fire Style Level----11 (Kof World Billy's special move, divided into two attacks).;:.----7. (Shen Samurai Shodown World Yagyu Jubei's skills , breaking through the enemy's defense with crazy attacks in an instant. The current level can slash 11 knives per second, and the power of each knife is 37% of the original weapon's attack power. This skill needs to be charged before it can be used, and the minimum charging time is 1 second. It can cut 11 knives, and the maximum charging time is 5, and it can cut 17 knives. The longer it is charged, the stronger the power.)

"Basic skills: basic kick skills level----9, basic boxing skills level----9, basic palm skills level----9, level----11, basic distance combat level----7, level ----11, basic grappling level----9, basic waist strength level----9."

"Basic skill advancement: C-level skill long el----7 (when holding the long handle, passively increases the fatality rate by 5%, accuracy by 10%, attack power by 5%, and attack range by 15%. Level skill Wind and Lightning level----7, passively reduces the impact of terrain on movement speed by 85%, and increases jumping power by 15%."

Equipment (only the more important ones are listed):

Weapons: +9 Skorn's Wrath, silver plot gear, two-handed polearm. It can only be dropped by the disciplinary knight Skorn in the world of Knights of the Round Table. It must be soul-bound before wearing it. It is of high quality and has an attack rate of 35~57. When attacking an enemy, there is a 66% chance that enemies within +.|5 will cause self damage. Attack 70% damage, simultaneous 35, agility 35, basic melee level----9, level----9. Basic kicking level----9

The weapon's own skill: Crystal Tears level----4kof World Mai Zhuo's special move: slash a half-moon shaped energy forward)

Powerful Diamond Amulet: Dark gold equipment, strength +5, agility +5: long-range damage or 500 short-range damage. Energy recovery rate is 35/min. Resistance to abnormal status +15%.

Necklace of Glory: Dark gold equipment, all basic skills and basic skill advancement +2, absorb 5% of physical strength after successfully hitting the enemy. After every 5 enemies killed, 1 point of mental strength is restored. +3 amount. Requires 30 stamina,

Helmet of the Fearful: Green equipment, +15% attack speed, +17% resistance to abnormal conditions, and 10% increase in movement speed.

Special item: Honor level ----3 of Riguisha's critical hit rate +1%.

(The Green character card only appears here once, and will be classified as related to the work in the future, and will be refreshed every other world)

After seeing Green's attributes and equipment, Hu Huahao was naturally surprised, and Fang Lin was also really frightened. The four basic attributes of Green are so powerful, and the levels of various basic skills and combat skills have also been strengthened to a very high level. It cannot but be said that he is a very strong teammate. This shows that Lao Hu’s persistence is by no means blind. It's just that Fang Lin felt that the mystery surrounding Green became more intense at this time.