Ace Evolution

Chapter 149


You know, the numbers in the nightmare world are not randomly arranged. www. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. cOm Hu Huahao spent more than two years, and his number was 8587, and his number was 13776. Green's number is 11366, which shows that he is just a novice. Why can all basic attributes, skills, and even equipment upgrades surpass the veteran Hu Huahao? Accidental luck may happen, but it is absolutely impossible to pull it apart to such a huge extent!

After this battle, Fang Lin's powerful magic spell level----2 proficiency finally reached full and he immediately added potential points:

Powerful enchantment level----3 current proficiency 2/2000). Effect: It can transform the creatures in the current world into one's own slaves. It consumes 12 points of mental power. The number of successful lures will be reduced. After the surrender is successful, the upper limit of mental power will also be reduced by 12 points. After the surrendered creature dies and the spirit of the creature is successfully surrendered, its spiritual power will be reduced to 12 points. The ability will be increased in a certain proportion according to the summoner's own attributes. Cooldown reduced by 4 minutes.

"Note: When recruiting high-level creatures, the failure rate will increase exponentially. Failure will be converted into mental shock: it will cause damage equal to the mental power x1.5 to the target, and it will be blinded, confused, and stunned for seconds. dizzy state."

At this time, we are 1-1 from the end of the Three Kingdoms world; we take a break to recover our physical strength. Everyone was injured in the previous battle with the giant werewolf. Everyone bleeds, even though Green signed a temporary contract. But he didn't show any dissatisfaction, and he generously traded all the food he had on him to Fang Lin, saying that since he joined this group, he had the responsibility to share resources.

Countdown starts: 10, 9, 8…..2,

The nightmare mark sent a reminder:

"Scene: Acts 1-2 of the World of the Three Kingdoms. (S level). Pain reduction is 100%, and there is no personal ability enhancement. This scene is a peaceful scene: killing characters from the nightmare space will not drop any items."

"Please rush to the northern mountain road within thirty minutes to enter World of the Three Kingdoms 1-2. Those who do not arrive before the end of the time will be forcibly deducted 5,000 points.

The three of them immediately stood up and headed north. Green said that he had passed there last night when he was ambushing people, but it was blocked by a large number of rocks and landslides. When the three of them arrived, they found a flat mountain road there, paved with loess and not rugged.

At this time, Fang Lin discovered that the appearance of the three people had been changed unknowingly, and had been replaced with the unique appearance of the Three Kingdoms period. However, those armors looked bulky, but in fact they only changed their appearance. In fact, they were still the same clothes they wore before. It's like an illusion.

After the three arrived. The nightmare mark gives a hint:

"Scene: Three Kingdoms World Act 1-2. Difficulty s."

"The starting number of people entering the scene is twenty-one. The current remaining number of people is three."

At this time, Fang Lin finally determined that within the first twelve hours. It is true that only three of them survived.

"Now we are going to complete the scene information... Please wait."

"The scene information is complete and appropriate. Because all the plot characters were killed in 8587's personal experience, there will be no plot characters to assist in the appearance."

Although Fang Lin had already guessed this, he still sighed slightly disappointedly. Lao Hu's face turned red in a rare moment, and he covered his mouth and coughed a few times in embarrassment. But at this time Green stood up, took out something and traded it to Fang Lindao:

"This special prop is a reward I received from an A-level mission. Do you think it will be useful?"

Fang Lin took a look at it in confusion and found that this thing was made of metal, with a smooth surface that was khaki in color. It was about the size of a coin. It had two patterns on it, with the word "中" written on the top and the word "西" written on the bottom. Metal texture. The description below reads: This magical item has the power to bring the dead back to life.

"This should be something to resurrect plot characters." Fang Lin judged without hesitation: "Props obtained from an A-level difficulty mission cannot resurrect a dead reincarnation so easily."

He immediately chose to use this special prop, and as expected he got the prompt:

"You used a special item: Chinese and Western coins."

"You can choose to resurrect one of the five Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Huang Zhong.

A collaborative battle. "

Fang Lin chose Huang Zhong without hesitation.

There were sounds of panic running from the woods nearby. Several soldiers holding long guns, wearing yellow leather armor and wearing blue and white turbans fled in panic, with several sharp arrows stuck in their bodies. An old general wearing a red-tasseled golden helmet and yellow fish-scale chain mail crashed through the tree with a crash and jumped out, shouting "Watch the knife!" He drew out the thick-backed serrated sword behind him and slashed at them, killing these soldiers on the spot!

The old general inserted his sword into its sheath, walked up to the three of them and cupped his hands:

"Are these three reinforcements sent by the lord? A certain Huang Zhong regretted not listening to Zhuge's military advisor. After the defeat, he fled with his life and was ashamed to return to the camp. He is willing to obey your orders."

Things like dealing with plot characters were naturally tricked by Fang Lin. Fang Lin raised his hand and said seriously:

"The three of us are descendants of people who have returned from the Western Regions. They have learned different skills since childhood. After my uncle returned, he saw the decline of the Han Dynasty, the war in the Central Plains, and the devastation of the people. Together with Duke Xuande, he revived the Han Dynasty. We came here specially to help him assassinate the enemy. General Li Dian."

Huang Zhong was overjoyed and was naturally willing to lead the way. The four of them marched along the road. The Cao Jun squads they met sporadically along the way were all dressed like this, holding long guns, wearing yellow leather armor, and wearing blue and white turbans. As a team, it is not difficult to deal with it, but Fang Lin has gradually felt the pressure of the S scene.

First of all, the long-range defense of these lowest-level soldiers is already quite high. Even if he hits a vital point with one shot, he can only lose about half of his health. It takes three full shots to kill one person. If you use the continuous shooting skill, you can kill it instantly, but the mental energy consumption is unbearable.

Secondly, and the most terrifying thing is that the discipline of these soldiers is very strict, they advance and retreat together, and their actions are uniform. This kind of twisting into a rope is the most terrifying thing. Fang Lin now begins to understand why Hu Huahao, such a heroic person, would continue to retreat before this golden main line task. As the saying goes, gather armies to form fur, gather sand to form a tower, gather together to form a tower. A weak force is enough to challenge an extremely powerful existence!

Thinking of this, Fang Lin suddenly realized that Hu Huahao, who was usually carefree, had been silent and didn't even say a word. He just charged and killed with a livid face and a dull head. Fang Lin was shocked. He walked to Lao Hu and was about to speak when he heard him breathing heavily.

With Hu Huahao's physical strength, he shouldn't show fatigue so quickly anyway. Even after killing the terrifying giant werewolf last night, although Old Hu was covered in blood and scarred, he was full of pride and talked and laughed freely. But at this moment, it seemed that the heroic man who refused to admit defeat, whether in words or actions, seemed to have disappeared in an instant!

Although Fang Lin knew that Lao Hu's mental state was quite poor at this time, he couldn't think of any better way for a while. As the saying goes, a heart disease requires heart medicine. Obviously, it was the familiar environment around him that triggered the painful memories hidden deep in Hu Huahao's heart. If he wanted to break out of the situation, he had to take this step himself!

Huang Zhong suddenly stopped moving forward. Fang Lin looked forward with a sullen face and saw a large tent in front of him, surrounded by wooden fences. Several ordinary soldiers were going in and out of it, carrying goods. Something, there were two sentry soldiers watching from high places around it with vigilance.

Fang Lin whispered to Huang Zhong:

"Old General Huang, are there any hidden sentries in this camp?"

Huang Zhong narrowed his gray eyebrows and watched for a while, then shook his head and said:

"there is none left."

Fang Lin thought for a while and said:

"Can General Huang shoot a sentry from a distance?"

Huang Zhong is said to be able to pierce the Yang with a hundred steps, so he has no problem killing a small sentry. He frowned and said displeasedly:

"Although a certain family is seriously injured and has only half of its strength at its peak, these little soldiers can't stand up to me!"

Fang Lin nodded and said:

"Leave the remaining sentry to me. Green, you are responsible for killing the few people outside the tent, and blocking the entrance of the tent, so that no one can be let go."

Green nodded. Fang Lingao raised his left hand and bent the fingers one by one. When his left hand clenched into a fist, Huang Zhong bent his horse, drew his bow, and shot out with one arrow, directly piercing the sentry who was aiming at it through the heart. Liang, clutching his throat and rolling down, blood spurted out. Lao Gao finally hit a tree, kicked his legs, and finally convulsed and died.