Ace Evolution

Chapter 151


Leaving aside the rest of the people, Huang Zhong, a general who has spent half his life in the military, is afraid that his true level can only be half of what he has achieved. www. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. If cOm can find a good war horse, it will be of great help to the entire team.

What's more, Fang Lin's thinking is even more profound, that is, Green is also a veteran holding a long weapon. If a horse is ridden in an open area, the power exerted by the conflict of horsepower will be doubled.

The four of them searched along the stream for a while. Huang Zhong suddenly stopped in front of a small slope and made a cautious gesture. The three of them immediately received the reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Hidden mission 1: The Cao army's supply camp has been opened. The mission goal is to rescue the Shu army prisoners in the supply camp. 0/3 of the prisoners have been rescued."

The four of them carefully touched the small slope and looked down. They saw a stream rushing down here and merging into a clear small lake. The surrounding water and grass were abundant, and seven or eight cowhide giants were built on the broad grassland beside the lake. The tent was surrounded by a wooden fence. There were also several war horses grazing leisurely beside them, and there were about twenty soldiers of Cao's army practicing martial arts outside.

Fang Lin quickly analyzed the surrounding environment and the strength of Cao's army in his mind. He turned around and asked Huang Zhong in a low voice:

"Old General Huang, according to your judgment, besides the yellow-armored spearmen and blue-armored corpsmen, are there any other types of soldiers possible here?"

Huang Zhong frowned and said:

"It's hard to say, but it is said that Cao Jun sent a fat thrower to assist Li Dian this time. If we encounter him, we must be more careful."

"Fat thrower?" Fang Linqi asked.

Huang Zhong sighed and said:

"This type of arms is a secret technique that Cao Cao obtained from Zhang Jiao's Taiping Art when he was robbing the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. He immediately took it seriously and invested a lot of energy to create a special type of arms. He specially selected fat and strong soldiers for training. If they are qualified The fat thrower has high attack and defense, can throw fire and thunder bombs, and has a mace in his hand, as well as a variety of combat skills. It is quite powerful."

Fang Lin nodded and gave up the idea of attacking. Although time was precious at this time, he instead lay down on his back and closed his eyes. If it weren't for Hu Huahao and the other two, they could see the faint blue light coming from him spreading straight downward. It was as if Fang Lin had fallen into a deep sleep.

"There are a total of 57 people below." Fang Lin closed his eyes and said slowly: 43 yellow-armored soldiers, 8 blue-armored corps commanders, and 4 prisoners. The identities of the remaining 3 cannot be confirmed. "

He thought for a while and already started to deploy manpower.

"Old General Huang, please stay under the big tree thirteen feet away. When someone comes out of the camp later, we will use your divine bow to attack and block the interception. Be sure not to let anyone go."

"Green, you are still the main force in the assault. We must deal with the people who leave the camp as quickly as possible. There are about six people in total."

Green nodded.

Fang Lin waved his hand:

"Get in position."

At this time, Hu Huahao finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Fang Lin's shoulder and said angrily:

"And me!"

Fang Lin glanced at him. He sighed and said:

"Old Lei. You are so restless right now that you can't even control your fear. I'll assign you something. I'm afraid you might end up spoiling something in your haste."

"Fear?" Hu Huahao screamed as if his tail had been stepped on! "Are you saying you're afraid? I'm afraid of you!"

Fortunately, this place is quite far away from the camp below, otherwise Lao Hu's scream would have revealed his secret. Fang Lin didn't argue. Just looked at him quietly with a pair of eyes.

Lao Hu's facial muscles were twisted, and he muttered a few words to himself. His voice gradually became lower, and he suddenly let out a long breath of air, stamped his feet heavily, turned to the side, suddenly held his head and squatted down. Such a tall, fierce and bold man actually did such a thing. His actions showed how intense the pain in his heart was.

Fang Lin's eyes showed a look of intolerance. If he hadn't been going through this damn golden main quest right now, he would have had many gentle ways to slowly relieve Lao Hu. However, what the four of them lacked most at this time was time. Even though Fang Lin kept looking leisurely from beginning to end, in his heart, he really wanted to break the second in half and use it! The superficial leisure is just to stabilize the mood of others!

"When will you recover, when will I assign you things to do?" Fang Lin said with a hint of indifference. He lay down on the ground, carefully measured the distance ahead and the wind speed, then pulled out the silver gun that looked like a vicious bird with its wings spread, turned on the silencer effect, and half-kneeled to aim forward!

What he wants to do is!

Shoot the horse!

Although the horses grazing nearby were beyond the range of Fang Lin's gun, his purpose was not to injure or kill the horses, but to frighten them and drive them away!

A ray of pale silver light shot out, directly breaking the horse's reins. Before the horse could react, another blood splash splattered on its thick thighs and buttocks!

The war horse neighs in fright

Running wildly, Fang Lin crouched in the bushes, squinting one eye and constantly controlling the horse's running route. The light silver bullets he shot were difficult to detect in the brightness of the day, so several Cao soldiers were soon chasing him. out. They only thought that the horse broke its reins and ran away. Although this kind of thing was rare, it was reasonable and did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Exactly as Fang Lin imagined in advance, those who came to chase the horse were five yellow-armored spearmen and a blue-armored corpsman. It happens to be the most basic unit establishment of Cao Jun.

The injured and frightened horse galloped forward with its hooves raised, and Cao Jun's group of horses and horses were in hot pursuit. Soon they entered the pre-arranged encirclement of Fang Lin. Green, who was hiding in the tree, danced his silver long ax and slashed it down from top to bottom. He cut out a bright silver light and stirred the leaves on the top of the tree into pieces. The sky is full of debris, the momentum is amazing!

A yellow-armored spearman bore the brunt of the attack, but was cut into two pieces by Green using twice the attributes of a knowing strike! At the same time, Huang Zhong's powerful arrow flew and directly penetrated the eye of a yellow-armored spearman. The arrow pierced directly from the back of the head, killing him on the spot!

However, the well-trained characteristics of Cao's army came into play at this time. A yellow-armored spearman suddenly jumped up, drew his spear and stabbed Green, while the other two yellow-armored spearmen also took advantage of the situation, one on the left and one on the right. cover. Leave the defense behind you to the blue-armored captain with higher defense!

If Fang Lin did not exist, what this small group of Cao Jun did could be said to be flawless. It's a pity that the blue-armored captain had just reached into his arms to set off warning fireworks, but suddenly he saw a pair of strange and ferocious eyes, as if staring directly into the depths of his soul!

"Powerful magic, activate!"

"The mental power of the caster is 51. The mental power of the recipient is 19. The difference in mental power between the two is: points.

"The strength comparison between the two is 1:0.44. The success rate of powerful magic: 97.32%."

""Absorbing the memory... the memory fragments were successfully absorbed. "

"Captain Cao's Army: Liu has been charmed."

The remaining three yellow-armored spearmen soon fell into a pool of blood. Under the joint attack of Green, Huang Zhong, and their original leader, it was quite good to be able to hold on for ten seconds.

Fang Lin walked over and said with a wry smile:

"It's very unfortunate that there are indeed fat throwers in the camp, and there are exactly three of them. And they will quickly attack the prisoners as soon as they are disturbed. Although the mental power of the fat throwers is not high, they have the ability to passively resist abnormal conditions. Passive skills, so I can't control them."

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. Fang Lin also had many thoughts running through his mind, but he couldn't find a perfect way for a while. He inadvertently glanced at the captain of Cao's army who was following him faithfully: Liu, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Captain Cao Jun: Liu (Charmed), strength 32, agility 17, 30. Note: The conversion method of the physical strength of the plot characters is not like the reincarnation, which is physical strength . )

Weapon: Intermediate spear (attack power 5----17), Armor: blue leather armor (reduces physical damage by 15%).

Skill 1: Spear thrust level------4,7. 30% of weapon damage. Cooling time

Skill 2, level-----1, jump up and stab the target with a 30% chance of knocking the target to the ground. Cooling time

Skill 3: Scolding can cause the nearby yellow-armored spearmen to appear in abnormal states such as fear, escape, panic, etc., lasting for 3 years, and is completely ineffective against those with the rank of corporal commander or above. Cooling time

... ... ... ... ... .

Last night, there were 12,000 words of reminder tickets... a total of 96 tickets!

I'm so greedy that Ah Tu is drooling. But after thinking about it again and again, I just changed it.

I would like to sincerely apologize to all the readers who voted. I have failed to live up to your expectations. Ah Tu is very ashamed and bows.

To be honest, everyone doesn't love money, but Ah Tu has calculated the manuscript. If I update it today for these tens of dollars, then the subsequent manuscripts will not be connected, and it will definitely affect the use of the 14th day. For missions, normal updates are not included in the extra ten updates... ..

Therefore, for the sake of my own commitment, I can only say sorry to my friends who enthusiastically voted to support me yesterday.

I won’t talk about the things I can’t do in the book, but since I have said it and made this wish to everyone, I will definitely do it. This is the principle of my life.

Yours sincerely, Ah Tu.

Finally, I would like to sincerely apologize once again to my friends who enthusiastically voted for the update yesterday.