Ace Evolution

Chapter 152


Fang Lin browsed the skills of the corps leader of Cao Junlan's family carefully for a long time, as if he was unwilling to miss it. After waiting for a while, he nodded, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Yes, come and listen to me lay out the plan. If there is anything you don't understand or I haven't considered thoroughly, please make corrections. www, QUAbEn-XIAoShUo, coM Now let's put on the armor of these dead Cao Jun Say it again."

After a while, Fang Lin and Green, led by Liu, the captain of Cao's army, returned to the barracks dejectedly. Huang Zhongze was always ready for remote support outside the camp. Before Fang Lin approached the camp, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the hill next to him. The complex look in his eyes contained many emotions, including concern, emotion, and helplessness. , more of an expectation.

"Lao Hu... recover quickly! I need you very much!"

… … …

The process of entering the camp was surprisingly simple. No one in Cao's army would have thought that his loyal compatriots a moment ago would lead a wolf into the house. However, the three of them were blocked before approaching the large cowhide tent where the prisoners were held. The four prisoners were held in two groups, three of them were held in a large cowhide tent, and the other was held alone.

Of course, Fang Lin knew that the person held in solitary confinement was the most important, but due to insufficient manpower, he had to give up in order to ensure the completion of the task.

"This is where prisoners are held! No unauthorized entry is allowed without orders!" the yellow-armored spearman standing in front of the big cowhide tent said very sternly. Fang Lin had a look of panic on his face, as if he was about to turn around and leave immediately, but he sighed, suddenly drew his gun and pulled the trigger!

The giant Elite Fat Man, weighing half a ton, roared and appeared. The ax hook saw in his hand slammed directly into the large cowhide tent, and the sturdy cowhide tent was torn apart. The yellow-armored spearman blocking the door was directly frightened back by the scolding of Liu, the commander of Cao's army!

The most precious thing now is time. When Fang Lin rushed into the tent, two fat throwers from Cao Jun who were as thick as balls were yelling to attack the tied prisoners. Fang Lin did not hesitate and launched powerful magic at the same time. Magic and horror!

The fat thrower's appearance was quite strange. His body was as round as a beer, and he wore a helmet with iron spikes on his head. Covering most of his face, a pair of shining little eyes stare at you. The armor he wears is made of fine iron as the main body and leather ropes as the connection. Hanging from the waist on both sides were two one-handed maces full of barbs.

The powerful magic spell quickly turned into a mental shock. The fat thrower named Iron Needle immediately held his head, obviously having a splitting headache. This bought Fang Lin and his party a full four seconds of precious time. Another fat thrower with no name was even worse. He was directly hit by the horror spell and turned to face the wall of the tent.

Green cooperated with four blue-clothed minions to quickly rescue the three prisoners and protect them behind him, while the huge elite fat man roared and rushed over, leaving deep footprints on the mud, directly knocking the prisoner The iron needle flew away, but the fat man immediately covered his thick neck and roared in pain, where blood was flowing gurglingly. Just because the iron needle was hit at the same time. He also quickly counterattacked, hitting the fat man on the neck with a mace!

Fang Lin activated the detection function at this time. Detected the throwing information of the Cao Jun general in front of him:

"Iron Needle (Captain of Cao's Army). Fat thrower, strength 44. Agility 13, stamina 9:00."

"Weapons, a pair of one-handed maces (attack 16~18, armor: mixed iron barbed leather iron armor."

"Skill 1, bomb throwing. Attack range 3~20, ~: damage 100~150, enemies 3 meters away cause 80/second fire damage, lasting 3. Times 10/10, cooling time 30."

"Skill 2, has a 70% chance of being stunned for 3 seconds, and causing 120 seconds to passing enemies."

"Skill 3,, 3~20. Attack power is weapon damage + strength damage. Cooling time is 20."

"Skill?...:%, which increases resistance to all abnormal conditions by 70%. Life recovery rate +2/second."

Probably because of Huang Zhong's presence, the information Fang Lin detected at this time was quite detailed. At this time, a strange "Red Car, Red Car, Red Car, Car" suddenly sounded in the air.

, but the two fat throwers directly threw the mace in their hands. The speed seemed slow but was actually fast, and they flew in front of them in an instant!

Fang Lin was startled, and had no time to dodge. He directly controlled the fat man to hold his head with both hands, and blocked his body with his fat body. Four mace hammers whizzed at him, and four blood flowers bloomed on his body. He beat the fat man to a bloody pulp, and his whole thick arm was almost broken!

The fat man roared in pain, and charged forward with one arm swinging the short ax in his hand. There was so much noise at this time that the yellow-armored spearmen in the camp were already alerted. Surrounded by several blue-armored captains, Green waved his silver ax and charged forward with bursts of brilliant silver light. Huang Zhong, who came quickly, unfurled his bow and arrows from behind and fired one after another.

Fang Lin's mind turned and he placed Liu, the charmed captain of Cao's army, in front of Huang Zhong. Once a yellow-armored spearman was missed by Green, he ordered him to use scolding skills to scare away the soldiers. flee. And he dispersed the four minions in blue to control the shooting, and cooperated with the elite fat man to contain the captain of Cao's army, Tiezhen, and the fat thrower next to him.

Seeing that the battle has become a stalemate, the current situation is quite obvious. If Huang Zhong and Green can kill the dozens of yellow-armored spearmen and blue-armored captains earlier and then come to help, then this battle can be declared a victory. . But if Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army and the fat thrower next to him broke through Fang Lin's blockade first, then Fang Lin and his party, who were attacked from both sides, would not only be unable to protect the prisoners, but their own safety would also be in danger.

At this time, Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army took a few steps back and suddenly took out a black ball the size of a goose egg. The fuse on it was flashing with fire, and he threw it directly towards Fang Lin. Fang Lin did not dare to take it hard and hurriedly threw it towards Fang Lin. He jumped out from the side, his back seemed to have been pushed hard, and he rolled several meters away. However, he heard a loud noise, and then the wet soil fell down like rain.

When he looked back, he saw that a large shallow pit had appeared on the ground where he had been. The soil inside had been rolled up by the explosion, and there was a large area of flame burning in the center of the pit. It took tens of seconds to extinguish, with smoke rising and a pungent smell of sulfur in the air.

Fang Lin was shocked. He immediately knelt down half-kneeling, holding the gun with both hands, and activated the continuous fire mode for precise shooting. However, a little bit of silver light hit the short and fat body of Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army, and was either bounced off by the armor he was wearing, or simply shot away. It can cause minor scars, and with its high physical strength of 2500, it can't cause any major damage at all.

Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army was furious when he was suddenly attacked. He asked the fat thrower next to him to withstand the impact of the seriously injured elite fat man. He directly curled up into a ball and rolled from the ground towards Fang Lin!

His thick and fat body was like a rubber ball. After curling up into a ball, the speed of the collision did not slow down at all. Fang Lin only had time to protect his chest with his hands, but he was knocked away dozens of meters, and his physical strength dropped sharply. . Fortunately, his character value exploded at this time, and he even caught up with the 30% chance of not being stunned! After Fang Lin landed, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. When he looked up, he saw two more black thunderbolts magically appeared in Cao's army commander Tie Zhen's hand, about to throw them at him. Thoughts flashed through Fang Lin's mind, and he immediately raised his gun and shot at the black thunderbolt in Tiezhen's hand!

"Boom! Boom!" With two loud noises, the black thunderbolt was thrown less than one meter when it was shot calmly in the air by Fang Lin and exploded. Black smoke filled the air, and Iron Needle, the commander of Cao's army, roared repeatedly. His armor was blown to pieces, and blood kept pouring out of his body. It was obvious that he was seriously injured. But the injured beast was the most ferocious. Fang Lin felt a chill in his heart. He was really not sure he could hold him back anymore. *

At this time, the large cowhide tent holding a prisoner in the distance suddenly exploded, and a short and fat figure was thrown directly out. He rolled on the ground a few times, twitching before dying. It was another fat thrower. The iron armor on his body was twisted and broken. His hands and feet were limp and hanging down. All his bones seemed to be broken. Blood spurted out from his mouth. I can see that I am no longer alive.

Fang Lin took a long breath and said softly with relief:

"You finally got over the knot in your heart."

From the cracked cowhide tent, a tall and laughing figure strode out! ----------It's Lei Hu, Hu Huahao!