Ace Evolution

Chapter 153


Hua Hao's timely appearance undoubtedly completely changed the situation of the battle. He was good at group battles, and against large groups of weak enemies, he had the pleasure of sweeping through an army with a whirlwind. However, because of his Eight Phase Break, he had a very short charging time. Relationship, when dealing with elite and boss-level monsters, the instantaneous explosive power and field control ability are quite lacking. WWw!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!com

Hu Huahao is just the opposite. His single-target lethality and control ability are particularly powerful. His only face-attack skill, Mine Shock, mainly adds abnormal status and is not good at killing people. When it comes to naval tactics, it is somewhat incompetent. The reason why he has been urging Green to join is because the experienced Hu Huahao is keenly aware that this person's ability can just fill in the weakest link in the team!

Fang Lin looked at Hu Huahao, who was striding forward, shook his head slightly, showed three fingers, then spread his palm, and finally made a fist at Iron Needle, the roaring Captain Cao's army in front of him. The two of them had fought together many times and had a tacit understanding. Fang Lin pointed out three fingers to say that he could delay for thirty seconds. The second action was to say that Tiezhen, the commander of Cao's army, would be put to the end to kill him. You go to help first. them.

Another fat thrower has to face the combined attacks of elite fat men and four minions in blue. However, he was more attacking than defensive, and he still had the upper hand. At this moment, a blue-clad minion suddenly rushed forward, and the fat thrower hit his chest with a mace, causing it to dent. , the blue-clothed minions spurted blood, but they rushed over and suddenly detonated the grenades they were carrying!

With a "boom", a strong wave of air pushed the fat thrower's fat body backwards. This round guy like a rubber ball protected his head with his hands and did not suffer much damage. But suddenly I found that there was no one in front of me!

In the midst of surprise, the fat thrower's stubby legs suddenly felt like they were hit by a giant stick. They jumped and hurt. His whole body became unsteady and he fell down. It seemed that the earth trembled for a moment, and then he stopped. Surprised to see, a burly figure had rushed in front of him. He grabbed his shoulders directly, and a terrifying force spread, making his whole body paralyzed!

"Die!" Hu Huahao frantically grabbed the fat thrower and slammed his body to the ground. The hard armor would not only have no effect on weakening the concussive damage, but would also deepen the power of the throwing technique. !

The soft and wet ground was smashed by Hu Huahao's crazy attack, creating two large pits with swirling soil! Then the fat thrower was flung into the air. Where they fell was the battle group of Green and the Yellow Armor Soldiers with Spears!

"Green, prepare to charge up the eight-phase attack!" Old Hu suddenly shouted. When the fat thrower was about to land, Hu Huahao stepped hard on the ground, and a gray-black line suddenly appeared below the fat thrower. The fog cloud quickly solidified into an elongated and transformed skull energy, and hit it in the air!

The fat thrower also had a lot of physical strength, so he was still alive, but he was hit by Hu Huahao's dry earth. After the world returned, he was in a state of dizziness for a full three seconds. At this time, Green had ignored the attacks of those soldiers with long spears and yellow armor. Hearing Lao Hudi's shout, he gathered his strength in advance. After five seconds, the silver ax in his hand slashed wildly. In an instant, seventeen knives struck the fat thrower at the same time, cutting him into pieces of flesh all over the place!

Next, Lao Hu rushed over to help clear out these soldiers. He directly attacked the blue-armored captain with higher defense, allowing Green to focus on using his face attack skills to deal with the yellow-armored spear soldiers. With Huang Zhong shooting cold arrows from behind, he quickly wiped out the soldiers. At this time, the thirty seconds given by Fang Lin were more than enough, but at this time, the elite fat man had been beaten with an iron needle by Captain Cao's army and fell into a state of near death. If Fang Lin had not taken great risks to save him several times, he would have died long ago. fell, but only one of the remaining three blue-clad minions survived.

With the combined efforts of the four of them, Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army, who had become a lone man, was naturally unavoidable. Under the continuous control of Hu Huahao's dry earth, heaven and earth return, and Fang Lin's mental shock, Green was able to unscrupulously charge up to the maximum limit of five seconds. Time to release Ba Xiang Fa Po! No matter how strong the armor on Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army is, the +9 silver plot weapon is not a vegetarian. What's more, the mental power of this iron needle is only a pitiful 9 points. Fang Lin's mental shock, while causing huge damage, can make him unconscious for six seconds!

After a hard fight, Captain Tiezhen of Cao's army finally roared and fell down, spitting out blood, and dropped a key. Fang Lin got a prompt after opening it:

"You got

. "

"Snow-white buns (small) x 3. Food made from refined flour. It is of high quality and can be carried. It can be used in battle and restores 100 stamina instantly. It can be used to exchange for points."

"Horse Gong: A special prop that can be used to summon an excellent war horse that can be ridden. After riding, the movement speed is +50%, the attack range is increased by 30%, and the attack power is increased by 20%. If the rider himself has a horse Combat skills will be even more powerful. There is also a line of small words at the back: This gold-inlaid gong has the magical ability to summon war horses to your side instantly. The number of uses is 2/2 to supplement."

"Iron Needle's Mace: blue weapon, medium quality, one-handed weapon, attack power 16~18. Additional effect: crush. When attacking the enemy, there is a 15% chance to ignore its defense and cause damage. Requires 45 physical strength. 35."

Fang Lin took advantage of everyone's recovery to use the real cutting technique for processing. In fact, this was the first time he produced snow-white buns (small), a food that can directly restore blood during battle. After the cutting was successful, the snow-white bun (small) could not be cut again, but the recovery effect increased from 100 physical strength to 150, with a 50% chance of restoring an additional 50 physical strength.

Then there's the rather useless-looking iron needle mace. Fang Lin had just used the real cutting technique, but he immediately felt something was wrong. He only felt that his mental power was completely swallowed by the long whale in an instant!

The feeling of being almost completely drained was so familiar that Fang Lin was shocked and immediately realized that the mutative effect of the Reality Cutting Technique on the equipment was exerted at this juncture! Fortunately, the upper limit of his total mental power at this time is still as high as 51 points, and he can recover quickly. Even if he used skills continuously before, he still has about 20 points left at this time, so he will not be sucked dry and unconscious!

Black light suddenly flashed in Fang Lin's palm, looking extremely weird, and then a faint purple light appeared. The iron needle's mace was surrounded by a crazy black-purple airflow, which lasted for several minutes. Then they slowly dispersed. Fang Lin, who was dying of fatigue, suddenly felt that the shape of the weapon in his hand had changed dramatically, and the weight was also extremely heavy. He could no longer hold it. His hand softened and fell to the ground, and it hit the soft wet ground directly. on the grass.

Hu Huahao and Green were studying the function of the horse gong and did not notice the movement here. However, Huang Zhong was very attentive and walked over directly. When he saw the mace on the ground, his appearance changed drastically, he said:

"What's this?"

As he spoke, he curiously took it. Fang Lin was completely limp and dumbfounded. He recalled the "mutated thunder stick" that Marcel picked up and forcibly bound when he first entered the nightmare world. He immediately felt miserable. cried:

"Don't touch it!"

Huang Zhong turned around and said in surprise:


While Huang Zhong was speaking, his other hand had already grasped the dark red handle of the mace that had changed greatly on the grass. There was a buzz in Fang Lin's head, and his vision went dark and he almost fainted. Is his life so miserable? Two mutated weapons that rarely appear when cutting equipment are given to plot characters in vain

As for the mutated thunder giant stick from before, Marseille is also a close combat type, and to be honest, without his help, Fang Lin really can't kill the disciplinary knight Skorn alone, but Huang Zhong is clearly a A plot character who is stronger at long range than close combat, what use can he use this unknown mutant weapon

Fang Lin was exhausted, his mind was in confusion, and his chest was full of nausea. When he was hit by this incident, his vision suddenly went dark, and he fainted with a buzzing sound in his mind. I don’t know how long it took before I felt the coolness on my face and felt very comfortable. I groaned and woke up. At this time, I realized that Green and Hu Huahao had gathered over and were putting a towel on his forehead while looking at him anxiously. .

Seeing his companion coming over, Fang Lin lamented and said in frustration without tears:

"My luck is really unlucky! I finally got lucky and encountered a chance of mutation, but... it was all in vain again!"