Ace Evolution

Chapter 16: Shocking change


Fang Lin ran with all his strength in the supermarket, pulling down the shelves he passed while escaping, causing chaos in the warehouse in order to prevent the pursuers from arriving. In front of him was the back door he expected, and luckily it was open. , what was unexpected was that there were actually two hooligans in blue guarding him. When they saw him, they grinned and rushed towards him. wwW!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!comFang Lin knew at this moment that he must not be entangled with others, so instead of stopping, he accelerated and ran forward. At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the four protagonists of Dinosaur Kombat. In the middle, Jack, the man in white, performed his famous skill. He was about two meters away from the two hooligans in blue, and he suddenly leaned up and flew to the ground to tackle!

With a heart-stopping sound of fractures, a gangster in blue began to roll on the ground and screamed. His calf tibia was hit by the huge shovel coming from the front and was immediately broken in a weird shape, revealing a white and dense There were stubble in the bones, but Fang Lin's pirated move failed to attack the other person. The guy immediately screamed and rushed towards Fang Lin.

Although the floor in the supermarket was smooth, Fang Lin rushed forward too fast. As a result, he fell to the ground and slid forward. His back was sorely rubbed and he felt dizzy. Seeing that the gangster in blue had already He rushed closer and wanted to fight, but suddenly there was a muscular arm around his neck. He was suddenly strangled to the ground, and then he choked and coughed up pink blood foam, which was obviously a sign that his lungs were punctured.

The dark and thin face of the owner of the arm slowly raised, with a dull expression neither sad nor happy. He was the most agile Vietnamese. Fang Lin smiled at him as a greeting.

At this time, both of them knew that the other person was by no means an easy person, so they stood up and walked out of the door together with a tacit understanding. They were about to close the door, and then the Japanese Nakamurano turned pale again and pressed his injured arm. He staggered over and ran over. Behind him was Luo Wei, who was livid and gritted his teeth.

"Get away!" Luo Wei pushed Nakamurano away and pulled him to the ground. This scene reminded Fang Lin of a famous saying when facing beasts: I don't need to run too fast, I just need to run faster than you. Soon enough.

But at this time, the light of the knife flashed, and Nakamura rolled on the ground and stabbed Luo Wei with the knife!

A faint white light suddenly appeared on Luo Wei's hand, obviously using a skill. His hand seemed to turn into a big lock at this time, and he struck the flat surface of the blade skillfully and accurately, causing it to stick in the empty space. . This was probably his advanced skill of parry and block. Fang Lin had witnessed him using this move in the air before, successfully deflecting the impact of a fat man.

However, Nakamurano also activated his thrusting skill in an instant! White light flashed on his body, and the tip of the knife that had been pushed away retracted and stabbed again like lightning! But Luo Wei still had his left hand to use, and he accurately removed it again. His hand struck the metal blade surface, making a sound of gold and iron. But Nakamurano's body flashed with white light again, and then he stabbed with another knife. This knife penetrated deeply into Luo Wei's abdomen!

Luo Wei screamed in pain and grabbed the blade that penetrated his body! But Nakamura's knife was not affected at all, and he pulled it back lightly and stabbed again. In an instant, two deep holes appeared on Luo Wei's body with blood pouring out, and the ground was dyed red in an instant. When he died, , eyes are wide open.

At this time, Nakamura stood up with a grin, kicked Luo Wei and said:

"Baga! Do you think my thrust can only stab you once? You're wrong, uncle, I can stab you three times in a row!"

But suddenly, several rows of shelves to his left suddenly flew up, and a fat man with a bald head slammed into him again like a tank. Wooden packaging bags flew everywhere with an alarming force. Nakamura's eyes suddenly widened, and he had no time to react. , the whole person was knocked away like a small stone! It hit the wall behind him with a bang, and then slowly slid down, dragging a shocking blood trail on the white wall!

A group of eight people, two more people died!

Fang Lin and Ruan Mingqiang looked at each other, locked the back door in unison, turned around and fled in different directions. Fang Lin has level 4 basic footwork for self-defense, and his speed can be called a rabbit, while the Vietnamese's agility is probably more than 20 points, and even when their lives are at stake, they are not slow at all when running.

Fang Lin had taken a good look at the surrounding terrain when he came. Although he had never been here before, when he drove all the way here, he knew the route map of the street bus station clearly. But after he ran a few hundred meters, he immediately felt something was wrong.

————————It’s so peaceful! It was so calm that it seemed like no one was chasing him!

Fang Lin couldn't help but look back. There were very few pedestrians on the empty long street. Occasionally, a car drove by at a very high speed. The strong wind blew up the surrounding plastic bags, waste posters and other debris. . It looked very sad and quiet.

"No one is chasing me." He quickly came to this conclusion in his mind, but the questions that followed quickly occupied his heart. As the saying goes, abnormal things are monsters. Behind this weird phenomenon, something unusual must be happening!

When he thought of this, Fang Lin immediately stopped. He took two deep breaths and went back again!

This was not an act of bravery, but a conclusion reached after careful consideration. According to Fang Lin's collection of information beforehand, the fat man was not an ordinary person, but a powerful thug belonging to the mafia gang! And it seems to have been modified by injection of dinosaur genes! Such a huge and terrifying force that even the government ignores, facing outsiders like themselves who dare to come forward to provoke them, should be pursued fiercely. The reason why they are halfway through, then they must have encountered some powerful changes!

It was quiet all around, except for the sound of the wind blowing newspapers on the ground. Fang Lin tiptoed back along the original path like a civet cat, but as soon as he reached the back door, he was immediately surprised!

A large amount of dark red blood was gurgling from the crack in the door! There was a thick and sticky carpet in the backyard. The blood was definitely not from the people who died earlier. It was obvious that there had been a pretty brutal fight!