Ace Evolution

Chapter 161


After hearing what Fang Lin said, the Lord looked a little nervous. He looked around in astonishment and said sadly:

"Hey! Another person was injured by that evil barrier. Www!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!cOM"

Fang Lin said curiously:

"Oh, what is so fierce? I need to ask the owner to explain it carefully."

As he said this, he was actually on guard. If Ding Yi, the owner of the village, showed any flaws in his words, he would definitely take out his gun and shoot him dead without hesitation!

You must know that when it comes to decisiveness of mind and resolute actions, no one in the room can match Fang Lin. It’s just that he never makes useless efforts. The reason why he doesn’t agree with Huang Zhong Tucun’s suggestion is not because of Bodhisattva’s compassion, but because The effort involved in massacring the village was less than the benefits gained, that's all.

The owner of the village, Ding Yi, sighed:

"It has been ten years since I moved here due to the turmoil in Xuzhou. Although my life in the mountains is poor, it is peaceful and worry-free. Who would have thought that a strange snake moved into the nearby mountain stream a few years ago, and it was very vicious. Every time It wanders around and hurts people every few months, and we can't bear the annoyance. We have invited several hunters but can't get rid of it. It seems that today is the time for it to come out of the cave and hurt people."

Fang Lin's expression changed. This was not because he heard any flaw, but because when Ding Yi, the owner of the village, said the last word, the nightmare mark gave a prompt:

"You have obtained the continuous mission C: The Evil Python of Alien Snake|. This mission can only be completed by you alone. The mission time limit is 4 hours. Do you want to accept this mission? Yes/No."

Another continuous mission!

Because of the Kof contract, Fang Lin accepted this task. Both Green and Hu Huahao were prompted and could see the content of their tasks. Both of them noticed: These words can only be completed by you alone. Suddenly everyone looked at him with concern.

Fang Lin had already completed step C of the continuous mission and had not received any rewards. Of course, he was reluctant to give up just like that. He thought about it and said decisively:

"I would like to share the worries of the owner of the village."

Ding Yi, the owner of the village, said happily:

"I just heard that General Huang said that Mr. Huang is a man who has returned from the Western Regions and possesses special skills, so I have been wanting to ask for help. Now that Mr. is willing to help, it is best!"

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and said:

"In the meantime. I have to ask people in the village who have been attacked by this snake for advice first."

The owner of the village, Ding Yi, said cheerfully:

"Of course this is what it should be."

Hu Huahao came over at this time, Fang Lin frowned and said in a low voice:

"Are you sure? If not, just give up. Why don't you kill a snake with your small body? You might end up being swallowed by a snake."

Fang Lin shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I have to give it a try. Don't worry, I'm not without sense. If it's too dangerous, I will give up."

So Fang Lin asked about the past one after another in the village. Unfortunately. There were only five people who had truly seen the snake, four of them died, and one was unconscious in bed. The two men who had just rushed back had heard the snake while setting traps in the mountains to hunt prey. A strange snake screamed, and he was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and ran back in a panic. The injuries on his body were from falling.

After asking around the villagers, the information I got from them was quite vague. Some people said the snake was several feet long, while others said it was only over a foot. Some said they were marching on the ground. Some said it was flying in the air, but there are actually different opinions.

However, Fang Lin still summarized two things that can be confirmed from these scattered information:

One was before this strange snake appeared. There is bound to be a sound. It's like the sound of a hen "clucking" after laying an egg.

Second, ordinary snakes are a little afraid of people, but this strange snake is just the opposite. Very aggressive and vicious.

Next, in order to confirm how poisonous the evil snake was, Fang Lin asked the village owner's butler - the old man who greeted them when they entered the village - to lead him to the place where he was killed. Go check it out.

At this time, the farmhouses were naturally very simple. The houses were made of mud bricks mixed with soil and straw, and there were many mud holes bitten by many large gray bees to make nests in them. It's just a bedroom, and a small room made of random rocks in the back serves as the kitchen. It is still shared by two families, and the firewood is burned separately in different places.

It was completely dark at this time. Under the guidance of the housekeeper with a lantern, Fang Lin walked into the room that was still dimly lit by the oil lamp. His nose immediately smelled a fishy smell.

Fang Lin frowned, held back the churning in his stomach, and walked to the bed to take a closer look. He saw the person lying on the bed lying on his side, with a sallow face and a breathless breath. Occasionally, he could moan from his nose. He twitched a few times, and there was a terrible gash on his naked arm. It was obvious that the stench came from there.

"This snake can actually tear out such a long wound?" Fang Lin asked doubtfully.

The steward immediately said:

"No way, the second fool just got touched by the tooth of that thing, and immediately used the sickle to cut off the flesh around his arm. So at least he can come back alive, otherwise he would have died on the mountain.

At this time, Fang Lin couldn't find anything out about the miserable appearance of the wound, so he asked the housekeeper to fetch a basin of water and bring some salt. He first dissolved the salt into the hot water, and then took a clean cloth and slowly Slowly clean the terrible wound on the second fool's hand. Logically speaking, the pain should be excruciating at this time, but the injured person was motionless, and the injured area was obviously numb.

As the dirt and blood scabs stained on the surface of the wound were wiped away, it was discovered that the wound had already festered and flowed. What was even more shocking was that blisters of varying sizes had appeared around it. Due to necrosis of the muscles in the wound, the injured area is very swollen, hard, and oozes a large amount of yellow water.

The surrounding skin was purple-black and necrotic at first glance. Fang Lin reached out and touched the two fools' groins and necks, and found swollen lymph nodes. He quickly recalled what he had remembered in his mind. It has been confirmed that the venom of this strange snake is a hemolytic toxin rather than a neurotoxin. Hemolytic toxins directly affect the human body, while neurotoxins directly damage the central nervous system.

This information is very important to Fang Lin. At least he can confirm the habitat range of this snake. Venomous snakes with hemolytic toxins usually live in moist grass near water, while neurovenomous snakes mostly live in trees.

He thought for a moment, tied the naked second fool's arm with a cloth band, then quickly made a cross in the festering wound with a sharp knife, then squeezed out the thick blood inside, and connected it all He then used a knife to cut away the purple and black muscles around him. Finally, he took out a bottle of hemostatic medicine purchased from the nightmare space, sprinkled it on his wound, and bandaged it properly. The medicine soon took effect. The two idiots groaned in pain and woke up.

The reason why Fang Lin was willing to use hundreds of points of medicine to save such an insignificant character was because he was the only one who had seen the evil snake. Now he had to act alone, even though the continuous missions were always difficult. It's not very big, but at this time, after all, I am in the golden main line mission, so I can't be careless. It would be best if I could grasp more clues and be more confident in completing the mission.

The old man was naturally overjoyed when he saw that the villagers had been rescued. He hurriedly went up to explain the whole story to the second fool who woke up. The second fool looked at Fang Lin with grateful eyes, and naturally said everything he knew in a weak voice.

It turned out that the strange snake that attacked him was a strange snake about three feet long with a crown on its head. At that time, he could not see its specific appearance. He only knew that the crown on its head was red and it moved extremely quickly.

After obtaining this information, Fang Lin already had a rough idea. The two fools struggled to get out of bed and knelt down and said:

"Ma Xin thanks you for saving your life, sir."

Fang Lin smiled, seeing that this man spoke clearly and logically, and for a moment he didn't understand why others called him a fool. He waved and went out, said hello to old Hu Gelin, asked the old housekeeper to get his raincoat, and took some precautions. A common remedy for snakes, I took a rooster and went out in the rain.

At this time, he had first-hand information and had roughly deduced the origin of the strange snake he was facing. In fact, Fang Lin once read a book from the Tang Dynasty called "Lu Yi Ji", which contained There was a text that recorded this kind of snake:

"It has a cockscomb snake on its head, with a head like a rooster with a comb. Its body is more than a foot long and its circumference can be several inches. It appears every mid-month and those in it will die. It is found at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain."

Unknown dangers are the most difficult to guard against. This cockscomb snake is dormant on weekdays, and often appears and becomes very active during the days when the moon is at its fullest, which is around the 15th day of the lunar calendar. This is also the reason why the owner of the village said that this snake hurts people every month or so. At this time, Fang Lin understood the characteristics of the target, that is, "copied Ya's old tricks." When he acted, he naturally seemed to be able to do it with ease.

... ... ... ... ... .

There are only more than 40 votes left to go! The power of the masses is so powerful!

Not mentioned yet, 2 rewards will be released in advance again.

Update at 10 o'clock,

Updated at 12:10.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about some of the speeches in the book review area.

Chapter 13, yesterday’s guaranteed first update, was distributed in advance at 010 on the 14th. After issuing this tenth update mission, I felt that the wording of the mission issued at that time may cause ambiguity. Well, that’s it. It may cause misleading to readers. Every 18 votes will be updated.

Therefore, I revised the VIP chapter at around 1:30 in the morning.

Of course, the pirated website will not find trouble and modify it accordingly.

In other words, there is a big difference in content between the monthly pass tasks that you see when you read the genuine version, and the monthly pass tasks that you see when you read the pirated version.

The so-called existence is reasonable. I use pirated versions of XP, and I have no right to make irresponsible remarks about pirated posts. As long as you support my book, Ah Tu has nothing to say, and you will be welcomed equally. As long as the friends who read pirated posts in the book group do not promote it, I will always laugh and talk, and I understand your difficulties.

But if you read the plagiarized post, it would be a bit unethical if you caught the content of the plagiarized post.

Say something venomous to you:

Be careful when giving birth to a son without excretory organs.