Ace Evolution

Chapter 165: Thunder and fire array


Ding Yi said with a surprised look on his face:

"Although Mr. Ma Jun came back from the Western Regions, he is really knowledgeable. Although Ma Jun is a first-class craftsman in the world, he once told me personally that he is not as good as his younger brother Ma Xin. It's just that Ma Xin got into great trouble because he studied strange skills at home. He burned alive the son of the local magistrate, so he was kicked out of his home and entrusted to me to take care of him. Unfortunately, I was negligent and caused him to hurt his head and become a fool..."

Before Ding Yi finished speaking, Fang Lin had already understood what he meant. He contacted the plot he had checked when he came, and immediately clenched his fists because of the excitement in his heart. Even though he was always calm and indifferent, he could let go of his worries. , but the joy in his heart could not be greater at this moment. It turned out that the turning point he was looking for turned out to be with a person in this mountain village who was called the Second Fool!

So Fang Lin quickly went to find Ma Xin. The man had just recovered from his illness and was really weak. He still spent most of his time in bed recuperating. However, he could get up and walk around on his own. The most important thing was that his mind was not as good as before. He looked confused. When he saw Fang Lin, his "benefactor" coming over, he immediately struggled to get up and saluted. wWW. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. coM

At this time, Ma Xin could be said to be very grateful to Fang Lin, so Fang Lin did not hide it. After straightforwardly stating his intention, Ma Xin just hesitated for a moment and immediately pulled out a large box under the bed, opened it and took out a large box. It was just a blue cloth bundle, but there were many packages inside. Finally, a box was taken out.

Ma Xin looked at the box and said in a daze:

"I was studying saltpeter at home, and found that its power, if used properly, can really cause the earth to shatter. So I was obsessed with it all day long, but there were some key things in it. But I still couldn't understand it."

Fang Lin listened quietly. If you want to seek other people's things, you must first show due respect.

"Then... I met a man, a Taoist. He called himself Zhang and was very interested in my research. With the help of his magical Taoism, I finally succeeded. But at this time, the county governor's son He came to the door and said that I was colluding with the evil Taoist and wanted to torture me, and then the Taoist took action to kill him!"

Ma Xin closed his eyes. The muscles on his face were twitching:

"This killing has made me homeless, wandering and hiding, and I am as terrified as a lost dog all day long! That Taoist is called Zhang Jiao... Great sage and mentor, Zhang Jiao!"

Then, Ma Xin opened the box, which contained a small torch. But the torch shone with an indescribable light.

"This thing is a foreign object that was made back then. It's called a thunder and fire array. Just stick it on the ground and trigger it after a cup of tea. It's the intersection of fire and thunder, spewing out everywhere. It's amazingly powerful. The narrower the place used, the more powerful it will be. The more concentrated you are! There is really no use for me to take this thing. Just do your best for your benefactor."

Fang Lin nodded, not knowing what to say, so he patted his shoulder to express comfort, but he took the thunder and fire array over in his hand without any courtesy. Immediately there was a reminder of the nightmare mark

"You have obtained a special prop, the Thunder Fire Array: This prop is unique to the Three Kingdoms world. It cannot be taken out of this world. It must be inserted into the ground for 15 minutes before it can be triggered close to it. It will be on the ground: twelve lines of damage 450~850. Pillar of fire. It will not accidentally injure our own personnel."

Fang Lin secretly thought that no wonder the narrower the venue, the more concentrated the power. If this thing is inserted in a small house that can only accommodate one person, then the pillar of fire will erupt at one point, and the damage value will be calculated as the lowest. Also 450x12. It is difficult to escape from any boss.

He then comforted Ma Xin, and then went to Huang Zhong to bring him some money. Ding Yi then called for lunch. Life was difficult at this time. Lunch was very simple. It was just a large bowl of thick porridge made with corn paste and rice. Those who were not full would fill it up with a missing wooden spoon. , the dish is overcooked sweet potatoes dipped in homemade chili sauce, and a chopped air-dried pheasant. Presumably to take care of their group of foreign guests, two white flour steamed buns were added to each person's bowl. Fang Lin drank half a bowl of thin porridge for breakfast, and he was feeling hungry. When he tasted it, he felt that the porridge was hot and the sweet potatoes were sweet. It was not much worse than the previous meals. After finishing two bowls, he felt that there were spots on his forehead. It was sweating profusely.


After the meal, Huang Zhong began to urge the departure, saying that Cao Cao was afraid that he had received news that the reinforcements had been wiped out. If Li Dian was not dealt with as soon as possible, a second batch of stronger reinforcements would arrive, and then there would be no hope at all.

Fang Lin was surprised when he learned this information and did not dare to delay any longer. Fortunately, the owner's wife was also very handy and finally delivered two pairs of snakeskin wristbands before they set off. The properties are as follows:

"Hard snakeskin wrist guards: blue equipment, medium quality, attack speed increased by 15%, damage to the ground by 5%."

Although the attributes of this pair of wrist guards are not many, the two attributes are damage reduction and attack speed increase, which are very critical. Fang Lin and Green happened to wear them in pairs. At this time, due to the long time , the blue-armored captain of Cao's army controlled by Fang Lin with powerful magic spells had died of exhaustion, and his mental power had returned to the full value of 54. The seven of them identified the direction, and after bidding farewell to the people inside, they headed out to the village.

After walking about four or five miles, Green suddenly frowned. He continued to walk for dozens of meters calmly. He had already sent out a warning signal, and then suddenly backflips! The long silver ax cut out in the air

The beautiful arc light directly chopped down a big tree and finally stopped on a person's side.

The man felt the cold ax blade of Skone's anger and was so frightened that he shivered and said:

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Green said coldly:

"What do you want to do by following us!"

Fang Lin took a look and felt that this person looked very familiar. After recalling it, he immediately said:

"Are you... the one who took me up the mountain yesterday?"

Ah Hua plopped down on his knees and said in shame:

"Sir, not only did he not expose the villain's shameful act of escaping yesterday, he also took the initiative to smooth things over for me. I came here specifically to thank him."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"It's human nature to be afraid of unknown things. What's more, that evil snake has bitten many people in your village. So it's understandable that you ran away at that time. There is no need to blame yourself. Go back. It will be very dangerous if you follow us again. It’s dangerous.”

Ah Hua gritted his teeth and said:

"Actually, I'm here because I have something to report to you."

Fang Lin's heart moved and he smiled:

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

Ah Hua raised his face and looked at Fang Lin, and said sincerely:

"Sir, are you going to cause trouble with Cao Cao's army?"

Fang Lin knew that since Huang Zhong had reported his name yesterday, he could not hide it, so he said calmly:


Ahua hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Actually, the villain chased an injured deer a few days ago and accidentally chased it for dozens of miles. I saw that Cao Jun had quietly built a bridge on the river. He was very vicious and did not allow anyone to approach. I was standing in the middle of the tree. I heard that this bridge was built personally under the orders of Prime Minister Cao, and he said there was no room for error, and General Li Dian was personally supervising the construction until it was completed."

Fang Lin's eyes narrowed, a bridge built by Cao Cao himself! If this information is used well. Then the difficulty of this mission will be reduced again! It seemed that the bridge had just been built, and the place where the mission was obtained was not marked on the map. Fang Lin changed his mind and asked Huang Zhong to give some money to Ah Hua, asking him to lead the way for his group. As soon as you see the bridge, let him go.

Even though Ah Hua was very timid, it was profitable, and Fang Lin was kind to him, so he hesitated for a while before accepting the money and leading the way. Fang Lin understood a truth from the experience of Dingjiazhuang. Communication with these neutral indigenous peoples of the world should also be based on harmony. Although it is refreshing to kill in large numbers, I am afraid that you will also miss many branch tasks and plots. (There will be special explanations about this later. If you have any doubts, please read on patiently)

So a group of eight people led the war horse through the mountains and forests. Because Craftsman Fu was really thin, his marching speed was slowed down. Fang Lin had no choice but to summon the elite fat man and four minions in blue again, and directly carried Craftsman Fu and his food guy Mu Niu away.

Because the elite fat man summoned last time was not killed, when it came out of the void, it still had the helmet taken from the Iron Needle corpse on its head, and the body was randomly covered with the spear soldiers in yellow armor. The stolen armor looked messy and ugly and brutal, but the craftsman was not afraid at all. He was panting while pushing the cart. As if he knew that this giant fat man would not hurt him, he wiped his sweat and directly He kicked the fat elite man's thigh and said angrily:

"Hurry up and let me go up there! Huh, uh, I'm exhausted!"

Fang Lin, Lao Hu and Green were speechless together. The elite fat man is nearly three meters tall. He is covered in fat. He is as big as a mountain. He has a ferocious expression and weighs half a ton. The one-handed ax and mace with bloody stains on his butt are both as tall as a person. The fu craftsman is at most one meter tall. Five, shriveled and thin, even with the wooden wheeled cart he never leaves his body, it can only weigh 60 kilograms, which can reach the sky!

But Craftsman Fu, who seemed to be the most honest, dared to bully this extremely ferocious and violent elite fat man! And he did it so confidently and blatantly!

... ... ... ... ... .

First, let’s explain the probability of the True Cutting Technique. Well, because many friends are confused.

Let me explain, this probability is calculated separately.

a: 8% to process high-level unknown treasures.

b, 75% increased loot value.

c: 12% causes the loot to mutate.

d: There is a 15% chance that the processed items will disappear completely.

These are four situations that may occur after cutting with a knife.

The least likely. All four situations a, b, c, and d appear. Then the result is d, loss. As long as d probability occurs, the other three situations are ignored.

Then the three situations abc appear together. Then the result is b. If there is a chance of b, it ignores all other effects.

ac, the probability appears together, the result is to take c first

b. How many of them appear alone

... ... .