Ace Evolution

Chapter 187: The resentment of Doctor Zhao


Lin kicked Lao Hu again and said proudly:

"Do you understand? If you go and ask him to learn something, first of all he may not be willing to teach you. Even if he does teach, he will probably be reluctant to teach you something. If you want to strategize like me and make him take the initiative to ask you to learn something with tears of gratitude, naturally it is No more hiding anything, this is perfect. Www,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoM”

Lao Hu naturally admired him in his heart, but he refused to admit defeat. He passed on and cursed:

"Grandma, you are such a bear. I don't know where you got all these frivolous things in your belly. You are like this. How dare I ask Jiajia to follow you? If she really does follow you, she will have to help you negotiate the price if you sell her!" "

Next, Lao Hu became a student. Fang Lin thought it was just a formal formality, but later he saw Hu Huahao nodding his head, his face getting more and more serious, and he looked like he had some understanding. Only then did he realize that it was not what he wanted. So simple. It took nearly two hours before the KOF contract fed back a series of information:

""The second step of the Tang Shou family's job transfer mission has been completed: Tang Shou was inherited from ancient Chinese boxing, and later spread to Okinawa, and then developed into an independent unarmed martial arts. Because this technique was introduced from China, it was named Tang Shou. Later, with the study and development of various generations of Japanese experts, it became what was later called karate. Mission goal: Find someone who is proficient in ancient Chinese martial arts to provide guidance. "

"The third step of Tang Shou's job transfer mission has started: please pay 15,000 points, potential points."

"**." Lao Hu and Fang Lin cursed at the same time. This damn space only requires a lot of points and potential. The reward for completing the golden main quest is only 10,000 points and 10 potential points for the two of them. Not only spit it out now! But there is no other way. The mission has reached this point, and it is clear that you are required to rush the duck to the shelf. Can you still give up now

"The third step of the Tang Shou family's job transfer mission has been completed."

"No. 8587 has successfully transferred to an advanced level.>.

Tang Shou Doo is the predecessor of Japanese Karate. It is based on Xingyi Quan, supplemented by Bagua, Tai Chi, and Shaolin Quan. It combines internal and external skills, including throwing, holding, tapping, hitting, and nourishing Qi. As the name suggests, it is a Chinese martial art. In 1921, Tang Shou Doo was created by nakoshi869957).. The Japanese derogatorily referred to China as China, its culture, funakoshi.

Martial artists who are proficient in Tang Shou Doo are called Tang Shoujia.

Tang Shou's attributes. Strength and agility are permanently increased by 5, movement speed is permanently increased by 5%, and there is a 15% chance of avoiding physical damage. The critical hit rate of throwing skills increases by 5%.

Increased upper limit of combat skill bar

Learn to dual-wield weapons: You can equip gloves and hold other types of weapons at the same time.

Learn the passive skill: Catch the bombardment.

Catch bombardment level-----1 attribute. The extra success rate of the grab judgment of the throwing skill is increased by 12%. If the grab fails, the strength judgment will not be passed. Or when you grab the size and the weight is too heavy to throw it to the target, you can use your palm strength to push the target far away. At the same time, it causes 50% of the damage of the throwing skill itself and stuns it for 3 seconds. This skill can only be enhanced by gold potential points.

Note: Because No. 8587 obtained the ancient Chinese secret of the Five Animals Playing in the Land. Whenever the Grappling Cannon increases its level, it can gain additional abilities of one of the animals in Wuqinxi.

Lao Hu is a little sluggish now. To be precise, I should have been overwhelmed by the sudden and huge happiness, completely carried away! As the difficulty increases, he always feels powerless when facing those powerful bosses with high attributes. The abnormality of grabbing the bomber is that even if the grab fails to pass the judgment, it will not be as exposed as before. The flaw gives the enemy a chance to counterattack!

Lao Hu then saw the additional prompt at the back. He shook his head and asked Fang Lindao directly:

"What do you mean by gaining the extra ability of one of the animals in Wu Qin Xi?"

Fang Lin muttered:

"The Five Animals are based on the hunting behaviors of bears, tigers, apes, deer, and cranes. According to my speculation, the bear should represent strength, the tiger should represent the chance of a fatal blow, and the ape should represent In terms of mental strength, the deer represents agility, and the crane represents movement speed and attack speed. In other words, if you increase the level of the grappling cannon, you can get the above-mentioned additional bonuses."


Old Hu said anxiously:

"But what?"

"I guessed it too. Hehe." Fang Lin shrugged and smiled evilly.

Lao Hu took a deep breath, rolled his eyes and clenched his casserole-sized fists:

"Do you want to try the power of the grapple cannon?"

Fang Lin hurriedly stopped and said:

"Hey! Don't you still have some golden potential points that you haven't added yet? You'll know if you add them and see if you can."

Lao Hu slapped his thigh and said:


The precious gold potential points were immediately added.

Catch bombardment level-----2. The success rate of the grab and throw skill is increased by an additional 15%. If the grab fails, fails to pass the strength test, or grabs a target that is too large or too heavy to throw, you can use your palm strength to move the target away. Push away from a distance, and at the same time cause 60 damage of the throwing skill itself and make it stunned 4. Skills can only be enhanced by gold potential points.

Note: Because No. 8587 has obtained the secret of Wu Qin Xi in ancient China, every time you upgrade the level of the cannon, you can obtain the additional ability of one of the animals in Wu Qin Xi.

You gain the bear's additional ability: Grappling Cannon level-----2 with additional additional attributes: Strength +5.

Fang Lin saw it, smiled slightly and said:

"How about it? Then 5,000 points and a little potential

He was talking about the small bottle of comprehensive recovery potion that Mr. Zhao drank. Lao Hu was speechless at this time and could only endure Fang Lin's ridicule.

The two of them discussed for a while, but they didn't realize that the sky was getting slightly brighter. It was just because it was still raining heavily outside, and the sky and earth were still dim. The entire shabby little inn seemed like a boat soaked in the ocean.

Suddenly there was a soft sound at the door of the room. From the shuffling sound, Fang Lin quickly judged that it should be the master and apprentice next door. Although the two of them seemed to have completely lost their use value, Fang Lin still persisted. The way of etiquette:

"Why don't you two rest a little longer? It's still early."

Doctor Zhao was actually in his thirties, with fair skin. However, he had smeared his face with mud and water, and his features were very delicate. He came to thank Fang Lin and the two for saving his life. Then he said that since his body had recovered, he came to say goodbye.

Fang Lin immediately understood the two people's difficulties. Not to mention that the local county captain was tricked and deceived by him yesterday. The burning of Cao Jun's camp last night was also a huge disaster. In troubled times, civilians are like ants. Cao Jun's next revenge was of course extremely cruel. If Langzhong Zhao and Old Man Fu didn't take advantage of the rain to escape now, they might not have the slightest chance in the future.

After thinking of this, Fang Lin directly gave all the money he had and two pieces of Shu brocade to the two of them, and said sincerely:

"You have to leave early. You two don't need to pack anything. Just hit the road. These necessities are enough."

Mr. Zhao was overjoyed when he saw this large amount of money. Although he was refusing, his hand had already grabbed it. In sharp contrast to the fear and humility of his teacher, Old Man He, Fang Lin's heart moved, but he said with concern:

"I think Cao Jun will enter the city soon to search for people. It would be best if you two can rent a carriage to travel. If not, it is best to take more small roads and stay away from the main roads. If you are caught again, it will be really bad. There’s some trouble.”

After hearing this, Langzhong Zhao's face became even more anxious, and his eyes suddenly showed a trace of resentment and said:

"To be honest, I was forced to work as a civilian husband by Cao Jun on my way back to my hometown to build a bridge across a river. Because the project task was so heavy that it almost exhausted people to death, I had no choice but to escape. As a result, they were captured and brought back alive. They only tortured and punished them every day to deter those who wanted to run away. The two benefactors have extraordinary martial arts skills and have special skills at their disposal. If they can destroy that damned building for me, Bridge, I am willing to thank you with my family heirloom!"

As soon as he said these words, Fang Lin and Hu Huahao were immediately prompted:

"Do you want to accept the hidden mission, Zhao Langzhong's Revenge: The mission goal is to completely destroy the bridge built by Cao Jun on the river within 24 hours. Mission difficulty: a., 5000 points will be deducted and 1 permanent attribute point will be deducted randomly! "