Ace Evolution

Chapter 190: (Mysterious Gift Three)


Although the door was broken, a flood of yellow-armored spearmen, blue-armored captains, and fat red-turbaned archers surged forward. It seemed that they were going to use the human sea tactic to drown them alive. Two elite tiger and leopard cavalry were riding on them. During the siege, he was attacked wildly, and his physical strength dropped by more than half in an instant!

At this time, Hu Huahao had already rushed over and raised his hands above his head with a thunderbolt!

This range attack stunned at least hundreds of people. Huang Zhong reined up his horse and drew his bow, and jumped into the air. With a flash of light in his body, he had already launched his special move of piercing the Yang with a hundred steps!

Five blazing rockets shot directly into the center of the dense Cao army. If they were attracted by magnets around the elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, although it was still raining in the sky, Huang Zhong's five rockets caused more than forty or fifty casualties. people! What an amazing stunt. If it were during Huang Zhong's heyday, how much better would it be? !

Then the performance was a huge elite fat man who rushed in. Now that this guy had a pair of top-quality shoes on his feet, his movement speed increased a lot. He buried his head and used the spikes on the black helmet to hit him. It made a bloody path, then jumped up high, spotted the place with the most people, and sat down with its big fat butt contentedly!

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere!

Immediately afterwards, Green also rushed over dragging a long silver light belt, but his target was directly aimed at the red scarf archers with low physical strength! The cold arrows of these guys were extremely lethal, and Lao Hu directly targeted the fat thrower for special attention. WWw. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. Com

It is worth mentioning that Hu Huahao, who transferred to the Tang Shou family, not only had his basic attributes and strength greatly increased, but the smooth connection of his moves was also significantly improved, even if he punched and kicked, he would sink. Focus on the main thing. But it also has a smooth and flowing feeling, which is very pleasing to the eye. (The big bear is dancing? It’s the big hero performing martial arts!)

Fang Lin, with a sullen face amidst the chaos of shouts of killing, led four men in blue across the battlefield with fierce killings and headed straight for the long bridge that was in danger of being flooded. Three or four men in yellow armor The pikemen, under the command of a blue-armored captain, rushed towards him, shouting for death - this was the only force that the currently chaotic Cao army could muster to stop him.

However, three powerful arrows suddenly shot out from a distance, piercing directly into the chests of two yellow-armored spearmen who were stabbing with their spears. The two of them were unwilling to hold on to the tail of the arrow and slowly fell down, but they were supported by Huang Zhong who was riding a war horse from a distance. The blue-armored captain was about to dance with his spear and stab the enemy in front of him. Suddenly, he discovered that there were two ferocious eyes on his chest in front of him, emitting purple light! For a moment, it seemed that the entire soul was absorbed into it, and it was impossible to extricate itself!

Immediately afterwards, the remaining two yellow-armored spearmen were also killed by Huang Zhong's powerful arrows. And the blue-armored captain had followed Fang Lin loyally, and together with the four blue-clad hooligans, he stepped onto the bridge that had been mostly repaired!

Fang Lin raised his gun coldly and pointed it at the craftsmen who were still busy shouting and trying their best to prevent the huge driftwood upstream from colliding with the bridge piers. A little bit of silver light spurted out, which was almost equivalent to a one-sided bloody massacre! Although this shaky bridge can currently connect the two sides. However, the wide bridge deck that could have accommodated six horses galloping abreast has now only been repaired to the extent that it can accommodate one horse. Therefore, those craftsmen were either shot and killed by Fang Lin. Or you can only jump into the torrent and gamble on your luck.

After only a short moment, the shouts of killing in Cao Jun's camp behind him gradually became smaller. With two elite tigers and leopards riding in front to attract most of the enemy's firepower, Fang Lin's group could simply massacre them. To describe it as a machine. The dozen or so red-clad archers and the fat thrower died, and the remaining yellow-armored spearmen were just a ragtag group.

But suddenly there was the thunderous sound of rolling horse hooves from the other side!

They are Cao Jun’s elite tiger and leopard cavalry!

They actually made it back in time!

Fang Lin smiled coldly. This was originally within his budget. With a wave of his hand, the two elite tiger and leopard riders behind him, all covered in blood, left the place below like cold gods of murder. Killing scene, galloping crazily onto a narrow bridge that can only accommodate one rider!

The two most powerful units of Cao Cao's army had a deadly collision on this precarious long bridge!

Only a sad hiss was heard. The elite tiger and leopard rider controlled by Fang Lin staggered back without even the man or his horse. Blood flashed on his shoulder. His left hand was actually hit by this terrible shot. Fly! Blood spurted out wildly, and the severed limbs were thrown in an arc in the dark night, and fell into the torrent below!

However, Cao Jun’s elite tiger

Then he pulled out the long knife from his waist and swung it down with a "whoosh" sound. There was a sudden flash of lightning that stung people's eyes. Before the elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry controlled by Fang Lin could dodge. , slashed into his armor without hesitation, then cut into his body, and finally even his mount was chopped into two pieces! In the end, the remaining power did not fade away, and it also brought out a three-meter-long flame, which tore through the darkness in an instant!

In a bloody mess, half a human corpse and half a horse corpse fell into the river and fell on the bridge. The other half human corpse and half horse corpse fell on the bridge! The pale bones reflect the blood and flesh, which is particularly sad!

Fang Lin took a deep breath of the cold air and activated the detection function:

"Name: Cao Rui (Elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Captain): Strength 80, agility 60, 90, 35. Physical strength 4500 points."

"Weapon: Hundred-smelted steel gun (attack 60~100), attack range 1~8, thick-backed fish-scale purple gold sword, (attack 60~65, attack range 0~3 meters, armor: steel-embedded iron heavy Kai."

"Skill 1, Throwing the Whirling Chain Hammer Level-----4 can cause 350 damage to all nearby enemies within ten meters, and has a 50% chance of reducing the enemy's movement speed by 40%. Cooling time, 20 seconds, cast The technical distance is 15 meters."

"Skill 2, level-----4 launches 8 rapid attacks in succession. Attack range: 180 in front of you, within 5 meters, the damage of each stab is l. Causes 10 points/second of bleeding damage to the enemy, lasting 3 seconds , the bleeding effect can be superimposed. The cooling time is 20 seconds."

"Skill 3, level-----4 draws the sword and causes huge damage to the enemy in front of it. The attack power is 150~250, and there is a 20% chance of peeking >:|. 80% of its physical strength. This skill has a huge impact on the reincarnator. The judgment is reduced to 5% for 1 hour."

"Skill?, level-----4, >+.80%, reduces all damage by 20, life recovery rate +8.% per second

At the same time, Fang Lin had already controlled the last remaining elite tiger and leopard rider to ride up the long bridge! The moment before the two men fought, Fang Lin frowned, resisting the sequelae caused by excessive mental power loss, and once again used powerful magic on his men, giving them a crazy state!

"Note: Fang Lin's upper limit of mental power at this time is 54. Because he originally controlled two cavalry, the upper limit was reduced to 54-11x2=32 (he has a ring that costs -1 to cast). Then after breaking the village gate At that time, he used a powerful magic spell. 32-11=21. Just now he controlled a blue-armored captain 21-11=10. ++ was enough to give the remaining elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry a crazy state. "

The temporarily strengthened elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry actually fought to a draw with the former captain. Seeing that Cao Jun in the camp was slaughtered, the six Cao Jun elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry who were blocked on the other side also screamed wildly. When they reach the bridge, although they can't directly come forward to assist the captain, they can use the swinging chain hammer to attack the traitor!

The six thrown swinging chain hammers struck, causing several deep wounds with bones visible on the body of the elite tiger and leopard knight controlled by Fang Lin. Blood surged out and soaked the armor in the blink of an eye. But with all his attributes soaring, he could still withstand Cao Rui's crazy attack and persisted without retreating at all!

"Well, judging from the rate of decline in physical strength, my elite tiger and leopard rider can only hold on to 13.4 at most." Fang Lin's lips raised slightly. However, these 13.4 seconds are enough for me to do many things, such as..."

"Destroy the bridge!"

In the torrent, next to the bridge pier, if you look carefully, you can notice four faint blue figures! They were halfway into the water and hugged tightly to the bridge pier!

It's those four hooligans in blue! Although the strength attributes of these cannon fodders are not high, they have enough agility attributes and the ability to climb, enough to survive the flood for more than ten minutes!

Fang Lin smiled coldly, and suddenly stretched out his index finger and thumb, pointing at the seven-horse elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry who was dragged on the long bridge, making a gun-picking gesture!