Ace Evolution

Chapter 193: (Mysterious Gift Six)


Lin is also a person who cares about face. Seeing Fang Lin's cold appearance, but he is right, Old Hu shrugged his shoulders, and opened his mouth to the expressionless Fang Lin, showing a helpless expression. Green took a deep breath and looked Xiang Fanglin is the actual leader. wWw. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. com Fang Lin said casually with an indifferent expression:

"No, this definitely won't work."

Green took a step forward and said angrily:

"Why. Give me a reason!"

Fang Lin said lightly:

"If I want you to join the team, I will remind you immediately after you make a mistake. But I choose not to mention your mistakes, just to stop your thoughts of joining the team. If you are smart, why can't you even make such a simple statement? Can’t you tell?”

Green said in a deep voice:

"I know I made a mistake when fighting Li Dian! But who doesn't make mistakes? Do I want my attributes to be 40%? In this way, I will get 20,000 points

Fang Lin shook his head slightly, looked at him apologetically and said:

"It's not because you have made mistakes before, but... because I still can't see through you! There is something familiar and dangerous about you. I can't tell where this feeling comes from, but my feeling has never been... That’s it, hey, so I can’t let you join.”

Green stopped talking, snorted coldly, glanced at Fang Lin, as if he wanted to remember his appearance deeply, and then disappeared directly. Lao Hu sighed, patted Fang Lin on the shoulder and said:

"Once you make a decision, don't regret it. Let's go, there are still many things to do."

After returning to the nightmare space, Fang Lin said hello to Lao Hu, then went to the fiery red identification space that was filled with magma, walked to the wall, and pressed his hand into the pit above according to the prompts. , the equipment that I wanted to identify was quickly prompted:

"Do you want to identify the silver plot equipment: Li Dian's headscarf?"

Fang Lin clicked yes and gave 2000 points as an indication:

"Please choose the one you want to obtain among the following three skills. Choosing different skills will affect the attribute changes of this piece of equipment."

"Passive skill Xuan Xiang Formation, slow effect: Reduces enemies within 30 meters near you by 8%."

"Passive skill Long Snake Formation: Blurred effect: Increases the attack probability of friends within 30 meters of you by 8%."

"Passive skill Wild Goose Formation: Effect Infiltration: Increases your mental power recovery speed by 1 point each time.

Fang Lin called Lao Hu, and after the two discussed for a while, they chose the wild goose formation to restore the speed of mental power. Medicines and foods that can directly restore mental power are extremely rare, and now Fang Lin's mental power recovery speed is about 10 At around 6 o'clock in the minute, we had this formation. It can restore 11 points every 10 minutes, almost doubled! The increase can be considered to be quite strong!

The attributes of Li Dian’s headscarf after identification are as follows:

Silver plot equipment and head equipment can only be dropped by Cao Jun general Li Dian. It must be soul-bound before wearing. It is of medium quality. It increases its own movement speed by 15%, all attributes plus 3, all resistances +24%, and the duration of all skills +20% (that is to say, the duration of the horror spell is increased by 10 The seconds have been extended to 12 seconds, and the mental shock will cause a halo: |. The duration has also been extended by 20%) which requires 19 strength and 18 physical strength. Mental strength 33. Basic melee level--_vel----4, level---

"The equipment comes with the passive skill Wild Goose Formation: Effect Infiltration: Increases your mental power recovery speed by 1 point every 2 minutes."

There is also an ancient poem embroidered on the inside of the headscarf: The hair is tied as husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love. Joy is in this evening, beauty is in good times. The husband has a long way to go, and the night is so strange when he wakes up. All the morning ginsengs have disappeared, gone and I will say goodbye. On the battlefield. There is no time between each other. The handshake lasts for a long time, but the tears will last forever. Love Chunhua with all your strength, and don’t forget the happy moments. Life is a time to come back, death is a longing for love. It can be seen from this poem that this scarf was probably embroidered by Li Dian's wife herself.

As expected, "I pity the bones by the Wuding River. Especially the people in the boudoir dream."

After finishing this matter, Fang Lin, who was extremely tired, planned to go back to the real world to sleep. After all, the pressure on people from this golden main line mission was unprecedentedly huge, with a sea of people like a tide and an unprecedented huge scene. Whether it’s from the spirit

Energy wise. The impact on people is extremely huge, not to mention that Fang Lin has to support the fate of the entire team moving forward

As mentioned before, if more time is accumulated in the nightmare space, there will also be bonus rewards. So after Fang Lin and Lao Hu hurriedly dealt with some things, they returned directly to the real world.

Although it was only after four o'clock in the afternoon after returning to the dormitory, Fang Lin had nothing to say. He took a shower, changed into clean clothes and fell asleep again. The snoring could be said to be extremely loud. Fortunately, it was today. It was Friday, and I went home that afternoon. The boss stayed alone to read a book until ten o'clock in the evening. He really couldn't stand the noise of this guy, so he threw the novel away and went to the new area to wow the guy next door all night long. The boy was messing around in the dormitory.

The next morning, Fang Lin suddenly felt itchy in his nose when he was in bed. He tilted his head and scratched it with his fingers, then turned over and continued to sleep. Unexpectedly, the itching started again after a while. He suddenly knew it, and he just said: The roommate was joking and pretending not to know. He felt that someone was holding back his laughter and came over. He suddenly lifted the quilt and threw the person with his head on the bed. He only heard a muffled fuzzy sound coming from the quilt. Fang Lin screamed, his sound sleep was disturbed, and he aimed sleepily at the man's butt and waist and slapped him, but suddenly he felt that the elasticity of his hand had a warm and soft feeling, and he suddenly realized that the contours of the quilt were graceful and exposed, The water-blasted blue jeans outside the quilt are also in a women's style. Immediately shocked!

It was Fang Lin who successfully displayed his emergency wisdom and immediately muttered a few words:

"Damn it, let's see if you still dare to mess with me."

He casually lifted up the quilt and covered his head, then leaned on his bed and pretended to sleep. His heart was uneasy. Who else but Hu Jia could dare to enter the boys' dormitory to look for him so early? I don't know how this eldest lady will deal with herself, if she tells Lao Hu that he spanked her... Fang Lin couldn't help but shudder, an angry Lao Hu is not easy to mess with.

But... it feels really good.

Fang Lin was running with bad thoughts in his head, his sexual desire was burning, and he was still holding back his urine, which naturally made him feel like a pillar holding up the sky. While he was reminiscing about the good feeling, he suddenly felt a chill on his body, and the quilt was pulled away by Hu Jia, who was dizzy with anger!

"You bad guy! I asked you to wake up because of your kindness! How dare you bully me!"

Then Hu Jia saw Fang Lin half-lying on the bed wearing a pair of blue briefs. There was a tall tent in front of the underwear, and the top of the tent was clearly defined and pointed straight at her face.

Fang Lin's face suddenly turned red. Hu Jia's eyes were full of his muscular upper body. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said calmly:

"I... I'll go out first."

As soon as she went out, the poor girl touched her hot face, feeling embarrassed and anxious, and stamped her feet repeatedly. She couldn't help but recall the feeling of being covered by Fang Lin's warm quilt (well, Fang Lin is very particular about personal hygiene) Yes, the quilt cover is washed once a week and the bed sheets are changed every three days. It is definitely not full of dirt. Don't think about it... The smell wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't unpleasant either. It just made my heart beat faster for no reason.

Of course, men get up very quickly. When Fang Lin opened the door, his hair was still a little messy, but the redness on his face was gone. He still politely asked Hu Jia to sit down and poured her a glass of water. This water is not for drinking. It can be said to be a prop to avoid embarrassment between the two of them. Poor Miss Hu had her legs close together, holding a glass of water in her hands and looking at the white air in the glass seriously, but she just made up her mind and refused to speak.

At this moment, Fang Lin looked at Hu Jia, who was as obedient as a cat, and his thoughts came to life. What was even worse was that he kept thinking about the previous slaps on her buttocks, and his crotch was even more swollen. Now he was alone. Sitting opposite each other, there is an indescribable and wonderful feeling secretly growing.

Hu Jia acted like a lady for a while, and finally couldn't sit still anymore. She looked up secretly and saw Fang Lin staring at his right hand attentively. She said curiously:

"what you do?"

Fang Lin said seriously:

"I'm going to stop washing my hands for three days from now on."

Hu Jia's little mouth opened slightly and said curiously:

"Why are you so unhygienic?"