Ace Evolution

Chapter 2: exposed


Speaking of chopping ribs, it is actually a very unpleasant and dirty job, and the pay is pitifully low. In fact, the reason why Fang Lin has always been able to do this job with a sense of enjoyment is to experience that moment of inspiration. That transcendence of oneself. WWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,com

Boss He looked at Fang Lin's slow movements and finally couldn't stand it anymore. His face was livid early in the morning and he was about to come over to teach this arrogant boy a lesson. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps forward, the cutting board rang with force and splashed with a "pop" sound. A few balls of broken flesh and bloody foam came out, and he was so shocked that he quickly backed away, fearing that the bird on his body would be stained. Finally, Fang Lin stopped his knife and was about to regain his courage and come over to teach others a lesson, when he saw the young man raised his head and looked calmly. He stretched out the hand holding the knife, and slowly freed the blood-stained white cloth wrapped around it. Boss He saw his action, and for some reason, he calmed down and took a step back. , swallowed a mouthful of saliva, barely maintained the previous momentum and said:

"You... what do you want to do if you don't do anything?"

Fang Lin said sincerely:

"My abilities are limited, and it seems I can't meet your requirements. I'll just resign. I won't get this month's salary."

As he spoke, he rolled up his apron and planned to get away immediately. Boss He was suddenly hit hard. If this kid left, where would he find such a cheap worker? It's rare that he is so diligent with his hands and feet that he can also function as a half-cleaner. Even though he does it a little slowly, his hands really don't look lazy. The most important thing is! Now go to the talent market to find another job, and you will have to pay 1,500 yuan for food and accommodation. It’s hard to say what your character is!

People often say: Only when something is about to be lost can one understand how valuable it is - and the same is true for Boss He. Only then did he think of Fang Lin's benefits and stammered hurriedly. :

"No, no, I just came in to take a look and remind you. You did a good job. Keep going, everyone, work hard. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

As he spoke, he became extremely embarrassed, nodded and walked out. Fang Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly. It was a miracle that he could do as well as he did as a temporary worker for two hundred yuan a month. He was so arrogant that even the boss was afraid of him. It was a miracle when he thought about it. .

Of course, Fang Lin was too busy that night. Later, the boss personally went into battle and accompanied him to slash the ribs. Although there were two big blood blisters on his hands, it was not painful at all. I was so happy that when I checked out at around two o'clock in the evening, Boss He was already smiling. He was really making a lot of money. A total of 500 kilograms of pork ribs were made into a dry pot. They were all sold out, so he also pulled out the iron rooster for a rare time. Mao, each person was given a bonus of fifty yuan, and the dinner - to be precise, it was a midnight snack. It was a hot pot in name, but in fact it was mixed together with the leftover pot bottoms eaten by the guests! But after a busy day, I was so hungry that everyone was devouring food without paying attention to so much, just trying to fill their stomachs.

Fang Lin was really tired that night. Although he had a very strong endurance, he could restrain the pain in his body, but the energy he consumed could not be recovered. Even when eating, he had to use his left hand to limit his appetite. It was quite big, and he chewed it carefully, so when he finished eating, most of the people dispersed. Even Brother Zhou, the most diligent person, leaned on the stool next to him and started snoring. Fang Lin also took his own He went to wash the lunch box, and when he was halfway through it, his pupils suddenly narrowed!

——————————That Wan Qiang didn’t know when, but he had walked behind him silently!

Fang Lin knew this not because he had any premonition of crisis, nor because Wan Qiang made a sound and was noticed by him, but because the stainless steel water faucet in front of him cleverly reflected the scene behind him!

"What's the matter?" Fang Lin suddenly spoke up and said calmly. Although he was very interested in the blinking tattoo on Wan Qiang's body, he knew that the more you care about something, the more indifferent you have to be, so that you can get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

It was Wan Qiang who was startled, and he said with a shudder:

"You, how did you know I was coming?"

The corners of Fang Lin's mouth turned up slightly, but he didn't answer his question and added another question:

"What's up?"

Wan Qiang was a little dissatisfied with this completely passive response. A vein appeared on his forehead, but he endured it and said:

"It's nothing. It's just that you are a college student and have been feeling uncomfortable in your chest recently. I would like you to help me take a look."

Fang Lin's heart moved. He really wanted to take a closer look at the tattoo on Wan Qiang's chest, but he had been planning how to do it without arousing suspicion. Who would have expected that this person would come to his door! A very bad premonition suddenly flashed through his heart——You must know that everything in the world contains pros and cons. Everything that goes too smoothly often has some minor consequences behind it. An ordinary crisis.

With Fang Lin's cautious character, he would have wanted to talk out the matter and push it away, but at this moment, the man in front of him suddenly pulled off his shirt! The buttons fell to the ground with a bang!

That tattoo!

The blood-red tattoo with a sinister smile appeared in front of Fang Lin again!

At this time, he was even more keenly aware that, without his shirt, the muscles all over his body were extremely clear, with each piece standing out suddenly. It looked like they had spent many years exercising their strength!

But to be honest, he is the laziest person in the kitchen. He either sits with his hands in his hands all day long, or wanders around like a supervisor. The reason why this harsh boss can tolerate it is because Wan Qiang's sister is also there. shop, and has a rather ambiguous relationship with He Tie Gongji.

This tattoo... is weird.

Fang Lin could only use the word "weird" to describe it.

Since that day when he first saw this tattoo, he has consulted a lot of information. There are two ways to tattoo. One is to tie a stick with shark teeth and animal bone spurs, dip it in ink, and tap it into the skin with a small hammer. The second one is to use several bone needles passed down by the Maori people, tied together on a wooden stick, and inserted into the skin by hand. But no matter which method, it is impossible to create such a lifelike and lifelike pattern!

Suddenly, that ferocious tattoo suddenly grinned at him!

Rao Shi Fang Lin's psychological quality is extremely good, and he can fall asleep immediately after murdering someone, but he was suddenly startled by this incident. Everything was quiet, the light of the fluorescent lamp turned pale, and the water in the faucet was "tick-tick" There was a mysterious atmosphere quietly brewing in the air. Wan Qiang's expression changed several times, and finally he said expressionlessly:

"Does it look good?"

Fang Lin took a deep breath and noticed that Wan Qiang seemed calm, but his index finger and thumb could not help rubbing, his eyeballs were slightly protruding, and even the hairs on his arms were slightly raised, which showed that he was at this moment. In an extremely excited state, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but his eyes suddenly met the pair of deep ghost eyes again, and he couldn't help but replied:

"Very... weird looking."

Wan Qiang rushed forward and pinched Fang Lin's arm. The red veins were clearly visible in his eyes. He was so excited that his voice changed dramatically and he screamed:

" really can see this nightmare brand!"

Fang Lin's self-control was so strong. As soon as he said the words, he knew something was wrong and wanted to shout loudly. Suddenly, his waist felt cold and there was a slight sting, as if something very sharp had pierced his skin. The flesh and blood on his waist trembled, and Wan Qiang's voice became dark and mysterious, saying word by word:


Fang Lin had already judged that he had a knife pressed against his waist. He said calmly:

"Where to go? Be careful not to hurt me. Someone can come here at any time."

Wan Qiang didn't speak, but moved his hand slightly. The tip of the knife that penetrated half an inch into his body gave Fang Lin the direction of travel with a sharp and painful feeling.

There are stairs.

Fang Lin originally thought that Wan Qiang was going to take him hostage to the rooftop where few people usually go, but the direction the two of them were traveling was downward. He was confused. Could it be that this guy planned to escort him downstairs? Go in the lobby? Isn't he afraid of someone calling the police? Even if he is not afraid, he, a wanted criminal, is afraid!

Unfortunately, Fang Lin had no choice but to follow him down the stairs. It could be vaguely seen that Wan Qiang's eyes were half closed, and the ferocious ghost head tattoo on his chest was glowing with a hazy light. When it shined on the stairs, it actually produced an unreal feeling of refraction! It was as if the hard ground was rippling like water, as if there was a barrier there, separating another world!

The two of them penetrated each other so easily!

After walking up half a flight of stairs, Fang Lin immediately realized something was wrong! He goes in and out of here every day. In order to keep his brain from being idle, he is always looking for data to memorize. Under normal circumstances, this half-stairs has a total of eleven steps, with each step being fourteen centimeters high. However, he found that the half-stairs he climbed earlier was still normal. After turning the corner, the stairs under his feet became thirteen. levels, and the height of each level is also slightly reduced!

Wan Qiang gasped with excitement and urged Fang Lin to go down quickly. According to normal circumstances, they should have reached the downstairs lobby of the hot pot city at this time. However, what appeared in front of Fang Lin was another person. In the dim light, the infinitely winding staircase seems to lead directly to the depths of the earth!

None of this can be described by modern science. There was silence all around, and there was even the constant sound of water mixed with the sound of heavy and excited breathing. Fang Lin felt as if an iron hoop was connected to his arm, and he was being dragged effortlessly by this powerful man. and walked forward.

Five floors, six floors, seven floors... Fang Lin counted silently in his heart, paying attention to the steps going down. Although ordinary people can observe the surrounding environment, Fang Lin can notice a lot of details, and By storing it in your mind, you can use reasoning logic to predict certain facts that are about to happen.

When he reached the eleventh floor, he could already vaguely hear the noisy voices. Fang Linrao was mentally prepared, but he still felt involuntarily happy. It was really psychologically stressful to move slowly in such a gloomy environment. There was a strong sense of oppression, and even breathing was a little difficult. When we reached the thirteenth floor, there were no stairs to go down. The texture under our feet was soft and greasy, as if we were stepping on... internal organs.

At this time, the ferocious tattoo on Wan Qiang's chest emitted a faint green light, illuminating the surroundings very coldly, but it was only limited to a few meters around them, like a bleak A green ball of light enveloped the two of them. Immediately afterwards, a sharp white light suddenly flashed in the distance. When Fang Lin saw it, he immediately closed his eyes as a reflex. He only felt a stinging pain in his eyes. Just when he was illuminated by this light for half a second, There is a feeling of being stabbed both physically and mentally!

Wan Qiang immediately screamed. His eyes protruded almost a centimeter from the sockets, and the veins on his neck protruded one by one. It looked like the blood all over his body was boiling, and his whole body seemed to be boiling. Explode immediately! His hands were flying wildly in the air, and he said with a painful hoarse voice in his throat:

"Wait... wait!"

An ethereal and cold voice came from the darkness, with a metal-like hardness and texture and said:

"You broke the rules, so you should be punished!"

The moment the voice came, Wan Qiang shouted at the top of his lungs:

"I didn't! This man can see the nightmare brand!"

His roars spread in this illusory and mysterious space, colliding with each other. The white light in the distance suddenly shone brightly, and then died down. However, the feeling at this time gave Fang Lin a very gentle feeling, and then gradually... , the light spread out like mercury leaking to the ground, like a vast white road, extending directly in front of the two people like a carpet.

Wan Qiang was overjoyed and hurriedly dragged Fang Lin towards the white light. As the distance approached, Fang Lin noticed that a huge silhouette gradually appeared in front of him. When he got closer, he discovered that it was a bronze-colored building. , a huge arch with all kinds of long tusks neatly sprouting from it, its height is at least more than a hundred meters, and it stands there standing upright. Just looking at it, I can't help but feel a great sense of awe in my heart, and I want to kneel down. The urge to worship.

Under the door, there was a person sitting.

The man wore a mask on his face, which was exactly the same as the tattooed ghost head on Wan Qiang's chest. Just sitting there, Fang Lin felt that Wan Qiang's big hand holding his forearm was trembling. He didn't know whether it was because of fear or excitement.

"Is it him? Can he see your nightmare brand?" The ghost-headed masked man spoke.

Wan Qiang said hurriedly:

"Absolutely true!"

The ghost-headed masked man turned to Fang Lin, and his eyes scanned from top to bottom. Fang Lin immediately felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end, as if he was being penetrated by some kind of electric charge. But he still stood there calmly, looking at each other silently.

"Yes." The ghost-headed masked man said slowly, "You're not lying, No. 13776. He can indeed see your nightmare brand. According to the laws of the world, you can make a request that is consistent with your identity."

Wan Qiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a "gumble" and gasped extremely dryly:

"I...I want to leave this place! Return to a normal life!"

The ghost-headed masked man paused, obviously feeling a little surprised, and then said in a cold and hard voice:

"Do you know the price?"

Wan Qiang's face twitched, and his eyes showed a crazy light. Fang Lin had seen this kind of look many times from gamblers who were red-eyed after losing!

"I... know... the way! As long as I can successfully walk out of the door behind you, I can make a clean break with this hellish place! Wan Qiang Wan

The second child gritted his teeth and said. "Others can get out, why can't I?"

Hearing these words, Fang Lin sighed in his heart. There are many things in this world that others can do but you cannot.

The ghost-headed masked man said in a calm voice without any fluctuation:

"Come in!"

Behind him, an ordinary and dilapidated wooden door appeared in an instant. If there was anything unusual, it was that there was a faint and touching red light on the handle of the wooden door!

Wan Qiang's facial muscles were twisted, and he suddenly roared. He grabbed the handle and threw himself into the door. The door opened and closed very quickly, but Fang Lin could still see a trace of blood-red light coming from inside. Suddenly, the room suddenly There was a series of weird noises, as if a ferocious beast was chewing bones hard, or seventeen or eight people were pulling a saw hard to cut off the wood. However, it only took a minute... To be precise, when Fang Linmo counted to fifty-five, a shrill and desperate hiss suddenly sounded in the house!

"Kill me! Kill me quickly!"

As soon as these words fell, after the muffled sounds of powerful chopping of flesh and bones, black foam spilled out from the crack in the door, hitting Fang Lin's face painfully, and then slowly flowed out. fall. Fang Lin did not reach out to wipe it. Instead, he recalled the last sound from the room with interest, and couldn't help but think:

"It turns out that the sound of human bones being chopped is exactly the same as the sound of pork bones being chopped."

The ghost-headed masked man looked at him quietly for a while, then said calmly:

"come on."

Fang Lin thought for a while and then said:

"Now that I'm here and I've seen so many incredible things, if I don't join, the consequences will be serious."

"The consequences will be the same as his." The ghost-headed masked man said calmly. As he spoke, his eyes were looking at the line of blood that was gradually gathering on Fang Lin's face.

"So, what are the benefits of joining?" Fang Lin smiled, and he could actually laugh at this time! "It's like a very demanding boss who wants to hire employees. You have to show off the benefits first."

The man in the ghost mask did not expect that this young man could be so calm. He was stunned for a moment before saying:

"If... you can complete the ten golden main tasks delivered, then you can make a request."

Fang Lin suddenly took a deep breath and lowered his head. Others could not clearly see the expression on his face. They could only feel that this young man was having an extremely fierce ideological struggle. After a long time, he said with great caution:

"So... is this requirement able to accomplish something that modern science cannot do... or is something that is unimaginable? For example... resurrecting a dead person who has been cremated?"

"Yes." The ghost-headed masked man only answered in one word. Apparently this wasn't the first time he'd encountered someone asking this question.

Fang Lin suddenly clenched his fists. This was not a sign of attacking, but due to excessive excitement and excitement, all the muscles in his body were tightened, and his lips were bitten unconsciously, leaving a salty smell. The taste lingers in the mouth.

-------That's the smell of blood.

"I'll join." Fang Lin quickly regained his composure and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Have you ever killed anyone?" The ghost-headed masked man suddenly asked an irrelevant question. But Fang Lin knew that he saw this from the calmness he felt after witnessing someone's tragic death, so he said skillfully:

"I don't want to talk about the past anymore."

The ghost-headed masked man looked at him deeply and suddenly flicked his fingers.

Behind him, a strange and majestic giant bronze door connected to the sky suddenly emitted a faint light. The color of the light was very strange and terrifying, as if heavy blood had been brushed onto the giant door. . The ghost-headed masked man ordered:

"Let's go over there."

Fang Lin took a deep breath and walked slowly over. When he was still one meter away from the giant door, he realized that there were countless tiny figures and strange patterns on the door. He was about to take a closer look when suddenly something happened in front of him. There was a huge suction force that no one could resist, followed by a sharp pain in the chest, and then he passed out!