Ace Evolution

Chapter 20: booby trap


Four weapons, and finally one was successful. wWw,QuANbEn-XiAoShUo,com It was the tungsten steel crossbow that Fang Lin first bought. Not only did its attributes increase in an all-round way, but it also had an additional skill that came with the weapon! Fang Lin's current mental power is as much as 20 points, and he also has the bonus of the golden ring on his body: the Ring of the Jackal. In other words, the casting cost of the explosive arrow only costs 5 points, which means that Fang Lin Lin can launch 4 attack skills in a row within 2 minutes! And Fang Lin's mental recovery speed has now increased to 15 minutes. So this means that he can have one more opportunity to use weapon skills to attack every hour.

Fang Lin placed fifteen silver coins and three thousand US dollars on the table and stood up with a crossbow. There was already someone waiting at the door, and he asked politely but warily:

"Sir, do you want to test-fire?"

"No need." Fang Lin said lightly: "That's it. Ask Turner to count it."

Turner and the ancient coin expert had been waiting for a long time. The two of them entered, mainly to confirm whether there were any fakes among the fifteen ancient silver coins. After counting them one by one, the ancient coin expert carefully and solemnly picked up these treasures with tweezers. He got up, placed it on a tray that had been prepared nearby, and then gave a signal that the transaction was successful, and the people outside removed their vigilance.

At this time, Fang Lin was playing with the newly acquired weapons with great interest. He accidentally raised his elbow and touched the tray with silver coins. Suddenly, fifteen silver coins rolled down all over the floor. The person who came in to collect the other three weapons All I could do was bend down and help pick it up--once it fell into the sewer, the amount of work would be extremely huge.

Fang Lin apologized repeatedly and grabbed the box that came with him------------------------(------------------------------------------------------- however he walked out without stopping at all, and the guard was notified that the transaction was successful. Just let them go one by one. However, when he just walked out of the door, he heard noisy and angry shouts dozens of meters behind him.

"That guy turned our new weapons into a pile of scrap metal! Catch him!"

Fang Lin had no intention of fighting with him. Although he was not proficient in driving, he still knew how to drive a motorcycle. There was a red light at the intersection in front of him. A guy in a leather jacket dressed like a hippie was riding a high-end Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Fang Lin was slamming the accelerator impatiently (Er: To give you a visual, it's a high-end motorcycle with high handlebars and low seats, similar to the one Nicolas Cage rides in Ghost Rider) Fang Lin He pulled him down directly and stomped on his right wrist in order to prevent himself from being shot from behind. He grabbed the helmet, stepped on it and flew away in the dust!

But after he had been using it for a few minutes, he heard a sharp whistling sound coming from behind him. It turned out to be a thug from Rui Vincent Firearms Company who refused to give up and followed him like a shadow. Fang Lin saw the pursuer in the rearview mirror. The soldier only had a sports car, and they must have snatched it directly. He smiled coldly and raised the crossbow backwards at an extremely high speed.


------ bursting arrow lv1, activate!

A flash of red light.

The windshield of the sports car that had been pursued for more than 20 meters suddenly pierced the windshield of a sports car. The most mysterious thing was that there was a blazing flame on the small arrow! The glass melted in an instant, and then exploded!

In an instant, the sports car was enveloped in flames. The tires made a shrill scraping sound while running at extremely high speed. It tilted and scraped onto a bus next to it. It lost its center of gravity in the air and turned 180 degrees. It was thrown around. Two screaming burning human bodies came out, and finally hit the building next to them, exploding with a bang, and the traffic was blocked for a while!

The Harley-Davidson motorcycle had already turned on its faucet and spewed out a puff of smoke before disappearing into the distance.

… … … ….

Three hours later, Fang Lin, who had changed his clothes, appeared in the Xicheng District of the city. At this time, the popularity of the street had returned to its peak. The bustling crowd was his best cover. He wore those glasses. With his ordinary detector, he could easily identify the mafia gangsters around him.

So Fang Lin walked to the newspaper stand, took out his wallet and deliberately scattered the remaining thousands of dollars on the ground while buying newspapers, and then hurriedly picked them back up. This sudden little situation suddenly disappeared. Attracting many greedy and coveted eyes, the four lower-level mafia gangsters (gneiss) looked at each other and immediately followed Fang Lin away.

Fang Lin, who looked very panicked, walked in a hurry, then glanced back, and then started running again. He looked very busy, and in a panic, he ran into a secluded narrow alley!

——————————It’s also a dead end!

The four minions were determined and laughed loudly as they walked in. However, wherever they looked, there was no one. They were also experienced in robbery and immediately thought that the man must be hiding. Break up the search now.

Just when the four of them gradually dispersed, Fang Lin suddenly jumped down from the canopy in the air, rolled his knees and hit the back of the head of the blue minion (Gneiss) below. The guy fell directly to the ground without saying a word. On the ground, the bodies slowly disappeared. At this time, the three blue minions next to him reacted and rushed over with shouts.

Fang Lin raised his hand.

The sharp arrows on the crossbow glowed with a cold light. Although he has not practiced any shooting skills, he will not be embarrassed to miss the target at a distance of less than 6 meters.

There was a soft "chi" sound, and the specially made sharp arrow shot into the thigh of the blue minion who was rushing at the front. He was stunned, and his body immediately lost balance and fell down instinctively. Then I felt the severe pain! I couldn't help but scream!

At this time, the remaining two people had already rushed to a place less than six meters away from Fang Lin!

But Fang Lin still calmly and quickly aimed his right hand holding the crossbow at the two people running in front of him!

When it comes to psychological quality, there are only a few people who can compare with this young man!


There was no need to aim at all this time, the two blue minions were simply bumping their bodies towards the arrow!

Blood spurted out from the unlucky man's throat, spraying all over the faces of his companions. The hot and fishy liquid suddenly extinguished the enthusiasm and courage of the remaining blue minion, so he did did a very stupid thing.

————————Turn around and run away!

Fang Lin's cold eyes were like poisonous snakes biting at his back. He was holding the crossbow, but his rock-steady hand slowly lowered it. Until the blue man ran out of the alley, the boy didn't shoot the arrow for a long time! He quickly made up for the injured Blue Minion who was unconscious on the ground. After picking up the two fallen keys, he opened the two wooden boxes that appeared and obtained two props:

"Banknotes: valuable items that can be exchanged for 200 points."

"Sandwich (small): medium quality, food, must be eaten in non-combat state, restores 20 stamina in 60 seconds, cannot be carried."

Fang Lin directly exchanged the banknotes for points, and used the lv2 real cutting technique on the sandwich (small). It was not successfully divided again, but its quality was upgraded to superior quality, which restored 40 points of stamina within 30 seconds and could be used in battle.

When the blue-clothed leader who escaped arrived with the reinforcements, this desolate alley was already deserted. Only the drops of blood spattered on the ground and walls fully told the story. The brutality of that short battle! However, these mafia gangsters could not find any clues, and even the bodies of their accomplices disappeared without a trace! Furious, they vented their anger on the vehicles and shops on the street. It wasn't until night fell and the police arrived that they stopped and dispersed, cursing.

Among these reinforcements, there were four fat men and two swordsmen in blue clothes with hippie haircuts. When they saw the police coming, the minions dispersed, and the two swordsmen in blue also separated. As we walked, it was already getting late. A blue-robed swordsman led four minions and walked brazenly through the street. Passers-by on the roadside ran away with their heads in their hands as if they saw the god of plague!

The dim street lights suddenly dragged out a long figure. It happened to cover this group of thugs.

The swordsman in blue raised his head in surprise, only to see the figure more than ten meters away raising his right hand towards him. He could not see the man's face clearly, only the cold eyes covered by his hair showed his sharp edge!

There was a soft sound of "chi", and a red minion was forcibly pulled in front of the swordsman in blue, his throat was covered in response, his eyes were filled with anger, and he fell to the ground dead. He became Fang Lin's scapegoat who was determined to score a blow. The remaining four people covered the swordsman in blue and quickly retreated. Fang Lin only chased him for thirty meters before killing three more people in a row!

But the ground suddenly trembled slightly, and Fang Lin's pupils shrank. He saw stools and chairs flying on both sides of the sidewalk. A fat man weighing at least 200 kilograms had his head buried and hit him at an unimaginable speed. And the blue man The swordsman smiled sinisterly and pulled out the sharp knife from his waist to press back!

Fang Lin's body flashed with blue light, and he used his mental power to use the detector to quickly give out the information:

Crazy Fat Man: A subhuman created by voluntarily injecting modified dinosaur gene fragments. He is extremely strong, has extremely high defense capabilities, and is good at absorbing damage. His skills include brutal collision and volley killing.

Swordsman in blue: A combatant with genetically enhanced wrists, cruel and bloodthirsty, skills: stabbing level 2, throwing throwing knives.

Fang Lin raised his hand flat again, his eyes were cold, and his fingers suddenly moved lightly!