Ace Evolution

Chapter 206: Enter


Hurry, the countdown is over, we have officially entered the world of Dinosaur Kombat, and the scene comes out:

"Scene: In the swamp jungle in 2513, the dinosaur's pain sensitivity is reduced by 0% and 10%. WwW.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.cOmThis scene is a semi-killing scene: killing characters from the nightmare space will drop items. Between reincarnations When attacking each other, all attack power is reduced to 1/2 of the original..., and the killing value of the killer is increased. Those who participate in killing the reincarnation will bear their tasks at the same time."

Let me explain here, for example, if Fang Lin and Lao Hu join forces to kill a reincarnator here, then the number of kills for the two of them in the first mission will be doubled, which is equivalent to killing the yellow cloak thug (gutter). Yellow Fat Man (ht. Green Minion (Driver). The difficulty of the second mission "Kill the mafia lord who hunts dinosaurs: Crazy Butcher: Butcher" will not decrease due to the number of people. It is equivalent to putting The tasks that the deceased has to do are accumulated on himself. Therefore, if you want to kill someone, it is best to wait until the end of this world, and definitely not to commit crazy suicide at the beginning. You must know that the consequence of failing to complete the task is the fate of being wiped out !”

Seeing the above prompts, Fang Lin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, especially the one that "When the reincarnations attack each other, all attack power is reduced to 1/2 of the original. It seems that the nightmare space is suitable for those who have passed the golden main quest." The reincarnators obviously need to pay more attention to it, or in other words, start to intentionally strengthen and cultivate the sense of teamwork among the reincarnators.

At this time, Fang Lin still kept a relatively safe distance from the five people around him, and began to try to use the function of the kof contract to find Lao Hu and Miss Lin, but the prompt he got was always:

"The teammate you contacted is beyond the scope of the search."

According to Fang Lin's speculation, this deliberate disruption was probably a deliberate balancing measure because their "breakout" team was judged to be too strong by the nightmare world. It can be inferred from this that as long as the three of them can meet together, they are likely to have the strength to successfully complete the mission after killing the reincarnations around them.

"Hey" a very rude man impatiently broke the current deadlock. He crossed his arms on his chest and walked over to Fang Lin and said, "What are your plans?"

"Two people?" Fang Lin glanced at the timid craftsman behind him. He smiled and said, "That's right."

The man showed a surprised expression and said:

"That's right?"

Fang Lin smiled, did not comment on this question, and raised his voice slightly:

"I am an expert in mental power, and my main ability is the recovery system. And my cutting skills have been upgraded to a high level. There is a high chance that I can cut food that can be used unlimitedly in battle. This brother of mine also fights against the team. Very helpful, don’t underestimate him, he is very useful.”

he said as he spoke. At the same time, he took out a few pieces of cut ordinary food, and gave the craftsman Skill 1: Hua Tuo Immortal Master Technique (Passive), (which increases the life recovery speed of all team members within one kilometer around him by +2/second. Increases the health recovery speed of all team members within 10 seconds by +4/second). It is also set to the exhibition state.

The six people on the opposite side looked over together. After discovering that it was true, the contemptuous look he looked at at Fang Lindi immediately became more serious and friendly, you know. In the nightmare world, those with mental abilities are the most vulnerable. Those who can survive are rare. People like Fang Lin who focus on the restoration system are even rarer. Such people can only be a great help. The danger is too small to ignore!

The man who spoke first seemed rude and thoughtless, but he actually responded quickly and immediately took the lead and said:

"We have already seen the power of the yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) before. The heavy rifle he is equipped with is extremely powerful. Even the bone plates of giant dinosaurs can be easily penetrated. If he goes to hunt alone, even if he can Successfully completing the first main mission will cost a lot of money, and the subsequent main missions will become even more difficult..."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Yes, this yellow cloaked thug (gutter) is indeed extremely powerful. My strength is only one-on-one at most, so it's really a bit tricky."

"Why don't you come with us? We'll help you deal with the enemies, and you'll provide the recovery medicine needed for the battle. In fact, the main mission of Dinosaur World II is quite ordinary. I promise to help you get there!" Another group said

The ferocious-looking man suddenly spoke.

The rude man who was closer to Fang Lin immediately sneered and said:

"You are very clever in your calculations. First, squeeze out the oil and water from his body, complete the final task, and then kill the person and distribute the things smoothly. It is clear that you bully him as a restorer with extremely high mental power! You are a trap After all, it’s a pity that you bumped into me today!”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The man with a ferocious face suddenly got angry and stood up when his thoughts were exposed. He snapped his fingers and said coldly: "Silver Wolf, others are afraid of you. Don't think you have passed the golden main mission. It turned to the sky, and I, Asike, came earlier than you!"

Fang Lin watched with cold eyes, and was shocked when he heard the word "Silver Wolf": This guy didn't have some issues with Lao Hu, he actually passed the gold main quest! Now I looked carefully and realized that although Silver Wolf's face had been changed, this guy was wearing a sleeveless military camouflage vest, and there was a fierce and fluttering wolf-shaped tattoo on his thick shoulder. I guess this was his logo. .

Silver Wolf laughed wildly and said:

"I've seen shameless people before, but it's rare to be as shameless as you. How dare you ask me for a gold main quest? Although I'm not the main force, I've beaten Li Dian hard. Where is your golden potential? ? How come I heard that you were taking advantage of other teams, and they looked down on your shabby equipment, but you knelt down and begged for mercy like a dog and took the initiative to give away those golden potential points to save your life... ? "

When he said this, he suddenly saw the other two people across from him standing up together, glaring over with extremely ugly expressions, and he immediately became alert and shut up. Fang Lin was quite surprised. Considering the difficulty of the golden main quest, someone could "bring" someone there so easily!

He thought about it carefully in his mind at that moment. If he was the "breaking" team, plus Sir Raffles and the "Old Ghost" who died in the stormtrooper team, then even if he brought two or three more people with him, he would be able to pass the test. . But according to the meaning of Yin Lang's words, the strength of the team leading the team is really astonishing. You must know that in this nightmare world, taking too much advantage becomes taking advantage of others. Of course, the consequences of taking advantage of others are, needless to say, a "narrow escape from death".

He had made up his mind and knew that there must be a cause and effect that he had not guessed yet, so he planned to inquire carefully in the future.

The two groups of Silver Wolf and Richard were at war with each other, but in the end they couldn't fight. Who can survive to this day without any calculation in their mind? Now we are fighting to the death. Even if we can barely get rid of the evil spirit in the opponent's heart, the tasks accumulated on him will definitely be incomplete, so it is just a show of words, but both sides want to save face, even if they can't fight, they can't separate. The real seal was released, but no one was willing to make peace first, for fear of being looked down upon by others.

Fang Lin was secretly amused, but suddenly he remembered something and stood up, walked back and forth a few steps, and suddenly inserted his fingers under the humus of the jungle. His expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned around and ran away.

The silver wolf was also very shrewd and knew that reincarnations like Fang Lin were extremely rare, so he had long wanted to win over and make friends with him. He winked at the woman next to him and scolded Richard smoothly:

"I won't be in a daze with you anymore."

Then he chased Fang Lin in the direction where he was running. At this time, Fang Lin didn't want to reveal his true strength too early, and he also had to take care of Craftsman Fu, who was not very fast, so he only ran at less than half the speed. He was quickly caught up by the woman who was mainly about agility. But she didn't need to be strong, she ran with Fang Lin with ease and said with a smile:

"Why are you running so fast? I don't know how to eat people. Isn't it good for everyone to cooperate?"

There are actually very few strong women like Ruan Mingyuan and Lin Yinxiu who can survive in the nightmare world, and most of them still take advantage of their gender. As the saying goes, men conquer the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men----------Of course, if it is the pure vase type, it will definitely be dead-------at least you can do it yourself.

Shanna, the blonde girl next to Fang Lin now, probably belongs to the type who has strong abilities and is good at maneuvering among men. Her sexy figure is alluring while running. But Fang Lin somehow didn't feel the same awkwardness towards Hu Jia as the beautiful lady Lin. He smiled very gently and said: "I know you don't know how to eat people, but that doesn't mean you can't eat other things." meeting."