Ace Evolution

Chapter 209: Vicious insects


Then Fang Lin took the turtle eggs out of the ashes and ate them with Gongmei who was waiting nearby. Finally, he took out the spider legs wrapped in banana leaves, like eating crabs, slowly and carefully picking out the tender inside. The thin white meat has a unique aroma. The remaining five people looked at it with their index fingers. However, when they ate compressed biscuits earlier, they ate so much and drank some water. It really filled their throats, but it was With plenty of eyes but no stomach, I could only sigh and turn around and walk away, hoping to be out of sight and out of mind. wWW. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Com

After a series of killings during the day, except for Fang Lin and the two of them, the rest of the people were naturally very tired. They lay down on the rocks by the river under the setting sun and did not want to move. Only Fang Lin did. He dug around here and there, found some plant roots, squeezed out the juice, and applied it to himself and the craftsman Fu. Others looked on and didn't understand what he was going to do. But after a while, he started to complain. After a while, they finally understood the meaning of Fang Lin's actions.

The night in the primeval forest of the swamp is not peaceful. Just say the terrifying and vicious flying mosquitoes with their flowery legs, which are as big as a human finger. It is enough to make people's hair stand on end. They come up in groups and attack people's faces. The sound of flapping wings The buzz was like thunder, but there were no mosquitoes within three feet around Fang Lin. He looked at the others, sighed and said:

"If you are bitten by such a mosquito, it is best not to swat it with your hands, just drive it away. Do not provoke these terrible vampires. This is a piece of advice!"

Naturally, some people believed what he said and some didn't, and then... the result soon appeared. The unbelieving victim--Richard had previously gone to his heart to take precautions, but he was unable to prevent them. On the way, he got a bite on the tip of his nose. The veteran's reaction beyond ordinary people came into effect instantly, and he was slapped away!

The mosquito was naturally swatted to pieces, but the sharp mouthparts of the giant mosquito also sunk deep into his flesh, causing Richard to scream in pain, and the slap was like pressing a syringe directly, sucking the giant mosquito into his flesh. All the venom in the mosquito's body was poured into the human body, and a large area became red and swollen in a matter of seconds. The unbearable itching taste almost caused Richard to collapse, and his whole nose was scratched with blood. The people next to him were naturally laughing so hard that they couldn't bear it anymore and finally swallowed a bottle of very expensive abnormal state recovery medicine bought from space. Only then did he recover, and the torture he suffered was evident.

Gradually, not only poisonous mosquitoes came, but also many flying insects and fleas. When Fang Lin saw this situation, he rolled his eyes and climbed down from the tent set up on the canopy of the tree, even though it was already dark. There are also many ferocious beasts that come to the river to hunt for food and drink water, but he has a strong ability to detect mental energy and is very aware of the surrounding environment. It didn't take long for the ground to catch seven or eight large and small spiders. These spiders are fist-sized. They are the size of coins and are all colorful. They look very vicious, and predictably, being bitten by them is going to be tough.

Richard already had some respect for Fang Lin at this time, and when he saw Fang Lin's behavior, he said curiously:

"Aren't you full? Are you going to catch this thing again? How about I give you some biscuits? There's no need to risk provoking those terrible creatures!"

Fang Lin smiled and didn't answer, but quickly climbed to the top of a big tree nearby, patiently broke off a few branches and inserted them at the entrance of his tent. Then he put those spiders up. Strangely enough, the seven or eight spiders didn't run away. They seemed to like to stay on the newly folded branches. They didn't do anything else and just started working on the branches. The old man, spinning silk and making nets, set up several natural defense lines at the entrance of the tent in the square forest.

It turns out that the branch that Fang Lin broke off has its origin. It is the twig of the Suwei fragrant tree. This branch is thin, tough and dense, and can also emit a unique smell, which is very convenient for spiders to lay eggs and rest on it. It's just that the Suwei fragrant tree has always been very tall, and its twigs mostly grow at an altitude of more than 20 meters above the ground. The climate here is humid and rainy, so spiders usually dare not climb up to pull the web. Now Fang Lintou As a result, these guys were naturally happy and refused to crawl away.

So those poisonous mosquitoes that were rampant in the jungle flew in, but they all hit the webs of these poisonous spiders. The spider boss would not mind having too many prey, even if they were full of food and drink. When you are done, you can also anesthetize the prey with venom and tie it with a mesh to carry it around, just like the cans humans carry, so there is no waste.

Even if there are occasional flying insects that can escape the dragnet at the door, among the spiders Fang Lin caught there are two egg-sized black red-haired fly tigers. The reason why this spider is called fly tigers means small insects and bees. When flies, beetles, scorpions and other insects see it, it's like meeting a tiger. it

The spider silk is its climbing tool. It has strong jumping ability and can reach up to five meters. It lies lazily on the branch of Su Weixiang at the entrance of the tent, motionless, but as long as a fish comes near from the net, it will fly out directly. Bite him to death in the air. Never fail!

With the help of these all-natural, energy-saving, green and environmentally friendly "mosquito killers", Fang Lin and Craftsman Fu soon fell asleep soundly, snoring slightly in annoyance. The remaining five people looked at each other in confusion in the tent. Tossing and turning, I really suffered from it. Fortunately, Fang Lin slept until midnight and saw that they were all very anxious and pacing under the tree, like ants on a hot pot. He felt really funny, so he jumped down from the top of the tree, collected some cable grass on the ground, and brought it to Fang Lin. They lit it, and although the mosquito repellent effect was not ideal, as long as they were wrapped in sleeping bags and smoked thickly with grass around their heads, they could escape the mosquitoes, but the sweltering heat was unavoidable. Of course, it cannot be compared with Fang Lin, who is lying leisurely.

When they woke up early the next morning, the five people who were sweating profusely jumped directly into the nearby river to take a bath. Fang Lin saw this and tried to dissuade them. Most people refused to listen, except for Richard, who had suffered a serious crime last night. De Xin was still frightened and did not go into the river to take a bath. He only took some water to take a shower.

Shanna's beauty is the most fierce and doesn't shy away from anything. As soon as she takes off her bra and briefs, she goes into the water naked. She has a slutty nature, so she joins Yin Langye in the water. The two of them are having sex in full swing. Yin Lang At the critical moment, the bald man directly picked up the naked Shanna by her feet, picked her up and banged her violently, but suddenly he felt something slippery on this woman's butt!

This surprise was no small matter. Yinlang hurriedly threw away his hand and took two steps back, saying in shock:

"What's on your ass?"

**The originally majestic and high-spirited thing suddenly turned into a dead snake. When Shanna was about to arrive but not yet, she suddenly fell into a void. She rolled her eyes at him and said angrily:

"What's there?"

Although she didn't feel anything on her butt, she subconsciously reached out and touched it. She found that the thing on her butt was quite hard and had a layer of slimy cum, and she immediately screamed!

Fang Lin raised his head and saw that the woman's plump white buttocks were covered with seven or eight huge strips of greedy gray water. Her rubber-like body was being stretched to a length, but it could not be pulled away. He hurriedly stopped him and said:

"Don't pull it! If the lower body of this thing is pulled off and the upper body gets into the flesh, I'm afraid I will have to cut off a few pieces of flesh from your fat ass before it can be removed."

Shanna's face turned pale with shock. She thought that Richard had killed a mosquito and was forced to take the space abnormal state recovery medicine bought with 1,000 points. Half of her body was in it. Cut off some pieces of meat!

Fang Lin jumped down from the treetop tent, walked over to check, and took out a small bottle directly from the space. He turned the bottle cap and spilled some white powder onto the gray giant water. Strange, these monsters that could not even be torn apart by the hands of reincarnations, after being stained with this white powder, started to tremble all over their bodies. They hurriedly retreated outside, and their round and round stomachs became shriveled.

Richard suffered a lot because he swatted a mosquito to death yesterday, and was laughed at a lot by the Silver Wolf gang. This was the best time for him to retaliate. After escaping, he laughed harder than anyone else. All happy. Seeing that Fang Lin was very capable and had endless strange things on his body. The white powder in the small bottle in his hand was so magical that it might be some rare medicine, so he shamelessly approached Fang Lin to ask Fang Lin to buy some.

The expression on Fang Lin's face was a little strange at this time. He glanced at him and said:

"Do you really want to buy this?"

"I really want to buy it!" Richard didn't have much hope at first. When he heard that there was a chance, he immediately said, "I really want to buy it! Make an offer."

Fang Lin sighed and said:

"After all, we are on the same boat now. It's not convenient for me to negotiate the price, so just give me a price."

Richard became even more happy and immediately said:

"How about 2,000 points!"

The little calculation in his mind was extremely successful. He was bitten by that damn mosquito yesterday, so he spent 1,000 points to buy C points to restore the abnormal state to buy this thing. It was really a sure profit.