Ace Evolution

Chapter 21: Plan


The fat man's neck suddenly had a hint of deep red fire! The fat man charged forward unabated, and even roared angrily. He was about to use his hand to swat the flies to death, but at this moment, a mixture of blood and meat suddenly burst into the dark long street. A burst of flame!

In the raging burning, half of the fat man's huge body was lost in an instant. The remaining half of the body, which was still fat and huge, continued to surge forward, even spurting blood and flames, but it lost its correct position. direction, with a loud "peng" sound, it hit the car next to it and flipped it sideways!

Fang Lin succeeded with one blow, advanced instead of retreating, and suddenly rushed forward. The only thing he was worried about now was that the swordsman in blue would run away when he saw that the situation was not going well. wwW,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,cOmBut for the first time, his judgment was wrong! Therefore, a flying knife was immediately inserted into the shoulder!

Severe pain came from his shoulder, and Fang Lin suddenly made a forward roll. This caused the second flying knife thrown by the swordsman in blue to fall into the air and hit the metal pole of the street lamp with a "clang" sound. , making a continuous trill. The distance between the two is less than three meters. This happens to be a blind spot that is inconvenient to shoot with a flying knife and cannot be reached by close attacks!

Fang Lin knelt down on one knee and coldly pulled the trigger of the small crossbow in his hand. Several tailless steel arrows shot out, hitting the blue-clothed swordsman's chest, abdomen and the blood groove on his head. He suddenly returned to zero, stumbled a few times, and finally fell to the ground helplessly. The flying knife he held tightly in his hand also whirled and fell. Before he even landed, Fang Lin grabbed him in the air!

Nightmare Mark gives a hint:

"Task 2: Obtain high-quality flying knife 1 (10)."

At this time, the dead fat man's half body also began to emit a faint light. Fang Lin walked over, picked up the key, and opened the ordinary silver treasure box he left behind. I got an ordinary blue necklace: the Wild Bear Necklace, whose only attribute is strength plus one. This useless item was processed using the Real Cutting Technique, and its quality was upgraded to top grade, so that its power became plus two. Fang Lin wore it, and it was better than nothing.

For the next ten hours or so, Fang Lin kept using this method of luring snakes out of their holes and tracking and ambush to hunt and kill the number of people needed for the mission. However, it is not difficult to kill 30 red minions (ferris), 30 blue minions (gneiss), and 30 green minions (driver), but the high-quality flying knives are extremely troublesome.

The blue-clad swordsman in the Black Hand Gang has a high rank. Not only does he not go out easily, but he also has many followers around him. The most disgusting thing is that not every blue-clad swordsman can find the high-quality flying knife. The probability is about 40%. Although Fang Lin currently looks powerful with his mutated and sophisticated weapon, his own ability is always a weakness. Without the appropriate terrain and timing, aside from other things, facing two fat men Men will suffer a big loss. And in this cruel world, mistakes can result in anything from serious injury to tragic death. There is absolutely no chance of a comeback!

After the hunting operation lasted for fourteen hours, Fang Lin temporarily stopped his actions. At this time, his taskbar displays the following:

Mission 1: Kill 30 red minions (ferris), 30 blue minions (gneiss), and 30 green minions (driver).

The red minion (ferris) has a kill count of 27 (30).

Blue minion (gneiss) kill count 19 (30)

Green minion (driver) kill count 22 (30)

Task 2: Obtain 10 high-quality flying knives from the knife throwing hand and reach more than 5,000 points.

High Quality Throwing Knife 3 (10)

Points 1844 (5000)

He analyzed it carefully and found that there were still about 40 hours until the plot characters appeared. It seemed that mission one would be completed easily, but it would be very difficult to get high-quality flying knives for mission two. He has tried his best so far and has only killed seven swordsmen in blue, but only obtained three high-quality flying knives. Moreover, the swordsmen in blue are now more vigilant when going out, and they are followed by two to three fat men. With more than ten minions. It really made him feel like he had no idea where to start.

After these fourteen hours of desperate fighting, Fang Lin's 20 points of mental energy were consumed and only about 4 points were left. Feeling exhausted, he casually knocked down a gangster on the roadside and removed his coat. After getting off, he got on a high-end Harley-Davidson parked nearby and drove away.

Soon, Fang Lin found an inconspicuous motel near the highway on the edge of the city. This emerging industry used to refer to hotels without rooms, parking was allowed, and people slept in the cars. It just had an extra layer of protection compared to parking outside.

The biggest difference between it and ordinary hotels now is that the parking spaces provided by motels are connected to the rooms. The first floor is used as a garage and the second floor is used as rooms. This single-family house is a typical motel room design. It also provides 24-hour catering, entertainment services, and even prostitutes.

In the previous process of ambushing the mafia, Fang Lin appeared as a specially disguised middle-aged uncle. Now that he had completely removed it, he was not worried about the possibility of being recognized. He was also hungry after driving into the motel, so he ordered two cod burgers, a ham and corn salad, and a large cup of barley tea. Soon the waiter brought the things up. Fang Lin ate heartily. After his hunger was driven away, sleepiness came over him and he asked for a room. When the waiter came to ask for his ID card, Fang Lin looked very impatient and annoyed and threw it away. One hundred dollars passed.

This extra "identity card" immediately made the waiter shut up and obediently close the door and walk out. Fang Lin was not in a hurry to fall asleep at this time. Instead, he quietly got up and listened carefully. He found that the waiter had no intention of informing him. Instead, he was extremely excited about the unexpected tip, so he fell asleep with peace of mind.

... ... ... ... ..

Wake up.

There was darkness between heaven and earth.

Fang Lin shook his head. He rarely dreamed, and even when he did dream, he immediately forgot about it. This is mostly the hangover from the tragic experiences of the past few years on earth.

It was pouring rain outside the window, and the sky and earth were gray. The rain splashed countless bubbles in the standing water on the ground. It would take a full ten minutes for a car with dim anti-fog lights to appear on the highway outside. Cars drove by slowly.

Fang Lin calmly relaxed his fingers and left the metal that still carried his body temperature. Even when he was sleeping, he did not forget to carry the crossbow with him. The motel's space was small, but the facilities were complete. He poured some water in the bathroom and washed his face. A thought immediately came to my mind:

"Isn't this heavy rain a great opportunity for me?"

Thinking of this, Fang Lin immediately hurried downstairs, pretended to order a cup of hot chocolate, drank it slowly while leaning on the table, and chatted with the waiter about the weather. Probably because of the generous tip, the waiter knew it. Nothing is left unsaid, no words are left unfinished. It is said that at this time of year, typhoons will hit, and the rain will last for two days at least, or even a whole week at long times. This information further strengthened Fang Lin's confidence. He directly bought a one-piece raincoat, then drove his Harley motorcycle in the heavy rain, blew the fuel door, and flew away like a furious dragon through the rain net!

… … … ….

Fang Lin's destination was a famous building in the city, the Weasley Building. The clues obtained from the wallet of the fat supermarket owner showed that this was also an important base of the Mafia in the city under the sea. It looks like a majestic commercial building on the outside, but in fact it is an important place for the Mafia to launder money and sell drugs. Without this sudden typhoon, he would never have dared to go there. However, this bad weather undoubtedly kept most people at home. Whether they were good citizens or gangsters, they had to succumb. The power of nature.

In the heavy rain, Fang Lin searched for a long time and settled in several pharmacies. He bought a few useful things. Then he found a pizza shop that was still struggling to stay open. He walked in and shook his head. The water on the raincoat muttered:

"With this damn weather, I can't even get through on the phone!"

Then he said to the boss in a rough voice:

"Bring me twenty takeout pizzas!"

The bad weather naturally made most people not want to go out, but the high tip given by Fang Lin made the boss give up the idea of refusing. The twenty pizzas were quickly packed and delivered by the boss himself after the packages were completed, and Fang Lin naturally went with him in the car.

... ... ... ... ... ...

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