Ace Evolution

Chapter 210: Raid large camps


Lin frowned and said:

"2000 points... In fact, I bought this thing with very high points, so I really suffered a bit. wWw,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,CoM Maybe I should just forget it!"

Richard secretly scolded you for being such a cunning guy. How could you be so kind as to think about whether I would suffer a loss or not? It was obvious that he had pretended to be generous before, but now he thought my offer was low and wanted to regret it. So Richard rolled his evil eyes and immediately said anxiously:

"Oh! No,, ok?!"

Fang Lin seemed to be caught by the words, his face was very ugly, and he hesitantly handed over the vial. He also said:

"You will definitely regret it, really!"

Richard directly traded 2,000 points and said:

"***, I never regret anything I do. Whatever I say is what I say!"

Fang Lin didn't say anything more, and went directly to the nearby dense forest to chop two pieces of water vines. He paid one cent to the craftsman, took a sip, and then picked out the leftover turtle eggs cooked and eaten last night. Breakfast, after the experience of this night, others already know that this place may seem to have great scenery, but in fact it is full of dangers, so they all follow the same example, not daring to drink the seemingly clear river water, but cut off the thick water vines suck.

The six people had already locked onto a mafia camp fifteen kilometers away. Just as they were about to set off, Richard suddenly ran to Shang Lindao angrily:

"Hey! What the hell did you sell to me! How dare you lie to me!"

Fang Lin looked at him lightly, and Richard suddenly remembered the hardships he had suffered before. Feeling timid for some reason, I took a step back, took out the bottle and said with gritted teeth:

"The bottle of yours is obviously salt, but you pretended to be medicine to defraud me of my share! Take out the medicine you used to drive away the giant leech, and let this be over!"

Fang Lin sighed, and spoke condescendingly in the tone of a teacher educating students:

"More than 90% of a locust's body is made up of water. If it loses too much water, it will die instantly. After you sprinkle high-purity salt directly on its body, the water in its body will The concentration of surface salt causes it to seep out rapidly, so this kind of edible salt is actually the most deadly poison to the locusts!"

Richard's face turned the color of pig liver, thinking that he sold a pinch of table salt for 2,000 points. Then there was a blockage in my heart. It's just that I said big words before, and I will never go back on my words. Even though Richard was a gangster in reality, he was not too embarrassed to do such a fatiguing thing in person.


In this swampy rainforest, woody vines can be seen everywhere. It can reach 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter and can reach 300 centimeters in length. It can climb from one tree to another along the trunk and branches. Climb from the bottom of the tree to the top of the tree, and then hang upside down from the top of the tree, intertwining and intertwining. Like a dense network.

And epiphytes such as algae, mosses, lichens, species and orchids. Attached to the trunks and branches of trees, shrubs or vines. It's like being covered in a thick green coat, with all kinds of gorgeous flowers blooming in some places. Some even grow on the leaves, forming a wonderful scene of "trees growing on trees" and "grass growing on leaves". The leaves of some plants grow very huge; in the forest, there are many large vines, some of which are hundreds of meters long, hanging between the trees, making it difficult for people to pass.

It would certainly be difficult for ordinary people to travel through places like this. Even reincarnators with extremely strong personal abilities could only use the clumsiest method to cut a path in the jungle with a chopping knife. Fortunately, the difficult march did not last long. Under Fang Lin's stop-and-go guidance and guidance, the group of people quickly walked onto a trail in the jungle. It was a bit boring to open a temporary road in this dense forest, one foot deep and one foot shallow. Now that there is a road to walk, although it is still extremely rough and rugged, it is ten times better than walking while opening a road before.

Shanna was frightened for a long time after her fat butt was covered with water, and she would reach out to touch her every once in a while. Seeing that she was fine after such a long time, she slowly regained her natural charm. On the path, she picked a leaf, fanned it twice, and said happily:

"There is still a way!"

Fang Lin didn't speak at this time. He closed his eyes with a serious face for a while, waved to the five people behind him and ran forward. Craftsman Fu didn't need to greet him. He was now basically equivalent to Fang Lin's shadow, and he quickly found them again. A large group of dinosaurs as big as a millstone, Yoneda Kou, wiped it directly on the body. The rest of the people looked at each other, but they had no choice but to do the same --- because no one seemed to be following this guy in concert. So far, It seemed that there was no good end------after making a stinking mess, the sound of tree trunks breaking soon came from the road, and the ground

Shaking slightly, I saw a huge and ferocious dinosaur walking past with two pairs of saber-toothed tigers on its forehead.

"In this primitive dense forest, there are far more beasts and dinosaurs than people. Therefore, we are not walking on the ordinary human path, but on the animal path! We have to be careful in everything."

With the help of this animal path, a group of people walking through the swampy primeval forest carefully avoided the dinosaurs that walked through from time to time. They bypassed a huge dinosaur nest and slowly approached another. The stronghold set up by the mafia gangsters was obviously much larger than the ones they had encountered before. Not only did it contain a dozen wooden houses built with logs, but there was also an extraordinarily tall conference room-like house in the middle, surrounded by deep A trench was dug and sprinkled with white quicklime to prevent the all-pervasive poisonous snakes and insects from entering the camp.

A deep well was dug inside the camp. Not only were blue-clad minions on duty at the entrance, but two watchtowers more than ten meters high were built with large-caliber searchlights installed on them. There were also two yellow-cloaked thugs (gutters). Looking around vigilantly, obviously not only watching for the dinosaurs, but also guarding against these special visitors, Fang Lin took the people outside the camp, walked a few steps with his hands folded, yawned loudly, and looked for a tree branch. The dense tree made a tree bed on it, where I could lie down comfortably and catch up on my nap. Craftsman Fu's figure is really thin, and a small tree bed for two people doesn't actually seem crowded!

The other five people didn't expect this recovery-type mental expert to be of any help. They were able to survive until now, naturally relying on their own strength, and none of them had been killed in hundreds of battles. After some deliberation, , they divided into three groups and fought in from the east, west and south.

Of course, the first ones to suffer were the two yellow-cloaked thugs on the watchtower. The abilities of the soul walkers in Silver Wolf's group are quite strange. They learned from the Indian Tarsi (lsim=) in the Street Fighter world who is good at leg skills. They also learned the cute monkey from Chamu Chamu from Samurai Shodown. Little girl)'s boomerang throws across the board.

Like throwing a hammer, Silver Wolf spun dozens of times on the spot at high speed, and then violently threw his golden weapon, the nunchaku!

The nunchucks danced in the air at high speed, shining into a faint golden circle, spinning directly in the air in an elliptical arc, and then "snap" broke the support frame of the watchtower, hitting the yellow cloaked thug hard. (gutter)'s face, the poor guy was directly carried by the huge force, his back broke through the railing of the watchtower, and he fell down with a long scream!

While the yellow-cloaked gutter from another watchtower looked over in shock, a figure suddenly flew out of the dense forest. It was the Soul Walker. His arms suddenly stretched like rubber bands to a length of seven meters, and he passed through directly. He climbed up to the high fence outside, and held the two pillars of the watchtower with all his strength. As soon as he used the force, he shot up like an arrow from the string. As he applied more force on his hands, his feet also stretched out and kicked straight into the sky, " With a bang, the wooden planks on the roof of the watchtower were kicked to pieces!

The yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) who was preparing to take aim and shoot could not have expected that the crisis would come from under his feet. He screamed wildly and fell down with arms and legs. He was hit by the soul walker's flexible punch in the air, and suddenly With a cry, blood spurted out from his mouth, and he was injured even after falling, and he was dying.

But the death of these two yellow-cloaked thugs (gutter) was like a hornet's nest. More than forty green-clad minions immediately swarmed out of the seven or eight surrounding wooden barracks, with five or six more in between. Swordsman in blue. Although the strength of these little minions in the Dinosaur World this time has been greatly increased compared to what they have encountered before, after all, they are still facing five powerful seniors, as well as the craftsman. The powerful Hua Tuo Immortal Master Technique (passive) is a perverted skill that can restore 2 physical points per second, so the battle is fast and there is no suspense.

... ...

Ah Tu talks about Richard being deceived.

First of all, the current world of Dinosaur Crisis is a very special jungle, and the living environments of other worlds are completely different from it. So everyone else has zero experience. For Richard, a gang boss, this should be very unfamiliar.

Secondly, Lao Hu's nightmare mark level is very high, so he can give 24 hours of notice in advance, but most other people are not good at it, and they can't do their homework beforehand.

Finally, these five people are not monolithic. Richard's popularity is very poor. Even if others remind him, it will not do any good. It is better to watch him laugh.