Ace Evolution

Chapter 215: The secret of powerful enchantment


Fang Lin analyzed the last information for a long time and felt that this very secret research was a hidden branch task. If Lao Hu and Miss Lin were by his side, he would suggest going there without hesitation. www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,cOm

--------But in the face of...:. It's not nice to hear it. These five people were able to pass the gold main line, probably by holding on to other people's laps. If we must say the difference between the two, it is silver. The wolf may have put in more effort when completing the golden main quest, while Richard might have put in less effort, but with or without them, it won't affect whether the golden quest is completed or not, that's all.

Except for Fang Lin, this group of people had eaten several meals of compressed biscuits, and naturally they couldn't stand it for a long time. The living facilities in the camp were quite complete, so Shanna went to search around and found the mafia gangster's storage. room and cooked a sumptuous dinner.

This meal was ordinary in Fang Lin's mind. There was no shortage of grilled meat and bread. What was worth mentioning was the guarana wine stored by the mafia. Guarana is a wild product of the swamp tropical rainforest. Berry contains caffeine, vitamins, and rich alkaloids, tannins, proteins, etc. The resulting wine is light black in color and has a unique flavor. Salt is added when drinking, and the taste is particularly fragrant.

The taste of dinosaur eggs is also very good. They are brought back by the mafia from the nests of hunted dinosaurs. Breaking one egg is enough for five people. Fang Lin directly steamed a full pot, which was light yellow. The egg noodles trembled slightly like jelly, and I brought my mouth up to take a sip. It just feels so delicious.

After dinner, Hou Lin went outside the camp to collect mosquito repellent plants and catch various spiders. These five people suffered a lot yesterday and immediately followed their example today. In a short time, they caught many spiders and returned In the camp, stick their favorite branches on the ground. Soon these spiders will start spinning silk and build webs. Sure enough, the mosquitoes will disappear. Then several people repaired one of the watchtowers, and the men in blue went up to watch the night. Soon there was loud snoring in the house.

Others had already gone to bed, but Fang Lin could not fall asleep. He tossed and turned for a while, then simply got up and wandered aimlessly around the camp. In this quiet moment. He couldn't help but miss his two teammates, Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu. You know, this tropical rain forest is full of dangers. Not only are the enemies and threats from around you dangerous, but also the dinosaurs and poisonous insects are terrible. There are also deadly germs. Fortunately, there are no abnormalities in the KOF contract so far, so I feel relieved!

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the dark sky. Although the sound was silent, it was low and melancholy. It was as if a heavy hammer had been struck directly on the heart, making people feel restless and restless. Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely dazzling flash of light on the horizon, which seemed to be more violent than lightning and pierced into people's eyes! So within tens of seconds. My eyes are all white!

Fang Lin's heart trembled. Such powerful power. It can almost catch up with the SS super skills of powerful plot characters in KOF! According to common sense, it is unlikely to appear in the current reincarnation. But at this time, the other side was dyed red. Obviously a raging fire has been ignited, which fully proves that the loud noise before was definitely not an auditory hallucination!

The dark jungle in front of them also burst into flames. The dinosaurs that were native to the jungle were frightened by the loud noise, and their animalistic nature was suppressed by force. Only then did they roar unwillingly and angrily, their voices rising and falling one after another. , it was very sad, and the originally quiet and dark jungle was like a pot of boiling porridge. It took a full half an hour before it gradually calmed down.

The man in blue on the lookout suddenly issued a warning. Fang Lin's muscles all over his body tensed, but he soon calmed down and said calmly without looking back:

"Is there anything you need?"

The person who came was Shanna. She walked straight to Fang Lin and sat down next to her. However, she didn't look as gorgeous as she did during the day. She sighed faintly and said:

"You must look down on me in your heart, right? Do you think I'm despicable?!"

Fang Lin glanced at her and said very gently:


His meaning and tone were very pertinent, as if he were sitting with someone in the real world and drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

Shanna smiled bitterly and was about to speak when Fang Lin said lightly:

"You also know that in the nightmare world, there is a thin line between life and death. Of course, people will use all means to survive. You exchange your body for a chance of survival and I exchange my intelligence for a chance of survival. The essence is actually

Like, so if you have anything to say, just say it. But remember one thing, home, whatever you want from me, you have to pay accordingly. "

Shanna took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a while, and classified the man in front of her as the most difficult type, and then slowly said:

"What I can exchange with you is information."

Fang Lin tightened his fingers on his legs, but said calmly:

"Very good, I'm very interested in the type of exchange you have. Go on. Be more specific, what kind of information."

"Two aspects." Shanna looked at him solemnly and said: "One is some key information about the mental experts, and the other is specific information about the previous explosion and the forces behind it."

"Then what are your conditions?" Fang Lin casually picked up a grass root, chewed it slowly, and said calmly. "Is it my protection?"

Shanna looked at him in surprise and said:

"Yes. I want you to keep me with you until you leave this world."

Fang Lin pondered for a while, then suddenly looked at her with sharp eyes and said:

"I reject."

Shanna was shocked and said:

"Why? I do have useful and correct information!"

Fang Lin stood up and walked leisurely for a few steps:

"You have at least hidden more than half of your strength! And you should also have a very powerful escape skill. If your strength is reduced to the point of running for your life in a hurry and asking for protection, you can deduce how much trouble you will get into. Tricky.”

Shanna's face suddenly turned pale. No one would be happy if their secrets were exposed in such a naked way. At this moment, she had the idea of killing someone to silence her. But when she saw Fang Lin standing in front of her unscrupulously and seemingly defenseless, she felt a sense of fear in her heart and said coldly:

"Are you talking nonsense? If you don't have confidence in the transaction, just say so. Why are you slandering me?"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"You actually disguise yourself very well, but you just like petty gains. In the past two days, a total of four keys were sold out, and you grabbed the two best quality ones. Is there such a coincidence in the world? At least for me Never seen it before!”

"In addition, when the big man in blue appeared today, the five of you were all shocked by the aftermath of the rocket. You were the closest at the time, so it stands to reason that the impact should be the most severe, but you were the first to stand. You got up, that's all. When the big man in blue was intercepted by me, you still took a few steps forward. If you didn't want to sneak attack me, you were planning to come over and help. At that time, I saw a light in your hand. Although I don’t know what the flash is, I’m sure it’s definitely not the whip you usually use! And most of the panic behind it is disguised, but the feeling of being confident is stronger.”

Shanna's face became more and more ugly. She felt that she was doing it extremely secretly, but all her actions were watched by this person with great insight. The most important thing was that since he dared to say it with such confidence, he would not be afraid of her if he made it clear. Fall out and take action!

"So." Fang Lin concluded with a smile: "If you are really sincere about cooperating with me, then you have to bring something real and don't talk about illusory things to frustrate me."

Shanna gritted her teeth and said:

"Okay, then I can tell you some information first, which is regarded as the interest paid in advance."

Fang Lin closed his eyes and leaned under the pillar of the watchtower. After a while, he said leisurely:

"You speak."

"I know you know powerful magic." Shanna said word by word: "I have the ability to detect detailed information about the skills used by people around me. What I want to say is a very important secret about powerful magic!"

Even though Fang Lin always seemed very calm, it was because he knew that if he was not calm, he would often be passive in such negotiation situations. In fact, it was precisely because he always showed a confident look that he was able to The scheming woman in front of me was so passive that she wanted to get some benefits first! In fact, when he heard the very important secret of powerful magic, he had already concluded that what Shanna brought out must be something that can make him tempted!

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Well, I made a questionnaire. Let's go and choose. It will affect their appearance in the scenes. hehe.