Ace Evolution

Chapter 218: Charm success (2665~2695)


Tokiyaku received support and suddenly flipped in the air, slashing his head with a half-moon slash and instantly killed a green minion. However, because of his greed for merit, he was chased out by a fat yellow man (hammet.=(gutter)). , seeing such a bargain, he immediately raised his heavy rifle, took aim, and fired straight at him!

The heavy rifle bullets of the yellow-cloaked thugs (gutter) could even break through the bone armor of dinosaurs. After being shot four times, the "hidden" who was in a dazed state had to shed his skin even if he did not die!

Who would have known that at the moment he was shot, before the long-range attack shield on his body was broken, a hazy gray smoke suddenly appeared on his body and disappeared into the air in an instant, replaced by a piece of yellow. of wooden stakes!

The true Samurai Soul World,


Counterattack airstrikes!

This guy's two major skills are mainly about escaping, no wonder he can survive until now, but Fang Lin witnessed this familiar move, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth... This guy, hum, don't think he has changed his vest. I don’t know you, you must be an acquaintance!

This mafia camp is not small. Fang Lin and the others arrived at the right time. Three hunting teams happened to be out hunting. The remaining men were swept away by them. With the help of the perverted butcher, the cleanup work also went very quickly. . wWW,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,com

Although the two hunting teams that returned immediately came back together, they were ambushed and were directly broken up by the two military jeeps that rushed towards them. Then the military jeep exploded, and smoke filled the chaos. Five people rushed in and started a melee, naturally taking advantage of it.

Fang Lin and Craftsman Fu, who were holding the battle next to them, were not idle. Craftsman Fu was still doing his old job, blessing everyone with a state of recovery. There was a blue-clothed minion beside him as a guard, while Fang Lin was in command and giggled. The drooling butcher stood directly 30 meters away, throwing out his bloody will to attract the enemies in the battle group. Then he turned on the rot and entangled it tightly, while the other five evolved blue-clothed minions first fired with submachine guns, and then drew out the brick daggers from their waists and pounced directly on it. It won't take long for him to be killed. Next, the butcher robs the corpse and then eats it to restore health. Following the same pattern, Fang Lin had the easiest time, and he, the beneficiary, was so idle that he yawned in the end.

Fang Lin also had good luck today. After going back and forth and killing more than 20 people, I was lucky enough to drop two keys. After summoning the treasure box, I got 2000 points and two props:


"Big bag of chips: potato/3000, food, can be carried. Cannot be used in combat. After eating, 240 stamina will be restored within 20 days. The recovery effect will be interrupted if it is attacked."

He directly took out his sword. Just swipe it a few times to cut it ----- the value of the watch has increased, and now it can be directly exchanged for 5,000 points. However, Fang Lin did not sell it. From the Three Kingdoms era, he discovered that cutting these punched items to increase their value and using them as gifts to the aboriginal people was very effective. The large bag of chips was divided into four small bags, and the effect became that they can be used in battle. Each bag can instantly restore 100 stamina, and there is a 50% chance of a special effect that doubles the recovery effect. . Very useful recovery item.


After a while, the battle gradually came to an end. Under Fang Lin's instruction, the five people deliberately left a fat yellow man (hammer) with high physical strength and high defense but low attack power. They beat him half to death and then tied him up. Passed it to Fang Lin. Silver Wolf and Richard were very knowledgeable and knew that spiritual power users had many taboos when performing spells. Therefore, except for Shanna, everyone else wisely retreated far away.

Shanna glanced at Fang Lin, who had a solemn expression, and put away the long black whip she usually used in her hand. Then he took out a long silver claw from his arms and put it on his hand. Fang Lin looked at it and his heart "thumped". He was very familiar with the light on this claw---- That is the light that can only be emitted by a silver plot weapon! But the light is not very strong, it seems to be only +4.

"Watch." Zanna's five fingers opened and closed, and the sharp claw blades collided lightly, making a crisp "ding-ding" sound. She suddenly looked at the frightened yellow fat man (hammer).

;=. stood up and began to spin at high speed. The silver claw blade became the tip of the rotation. With the blood spurting out violently, Shanna's whole body spun crazily like a top and penetrated into the body of the fat yellow man (hammer). Get in!

Looking at this familiar scene, Fang Lin frowned and said:

"This skill should be the unique move of the monster Shiranui Genan in Shin Samurai Shodown. Well, it makes the demonic path rotate at high speed."

Shanna had finished drilling at this time. After jumping to the ground, she chuckled:

"This is just a magic turn, a B-level skill (that is, when Shiranui Huan'an is close to the enemy, + a medium or heavy sword, and pins the person to the ground>:) The turn is its S-level special skill, killing damage Not only is the force powerful, it can also temporarily destroy the enemy's weapon. If it is destroyed, it can only be repaired by returning to the nightmare space."

Fang Lin focused his attention on the poor yellow fat man (hammer) again. He checked the status and was surprised. What surprised him was that Shanna actually controlled its physical strength to only the last 3! This kind of judgment and control is so strong. Once the two of them fall out, it will be very difficult to deal with her. Fortunately, the seriously injured state appears, and the powerful magic spell is aimed at the fat yellow man (ht. Directly let Fang Lin choose , do you want to use powerful charm on this creature!!!

Powerful magic spell, activate!

"The mental strength of the caster is 60. The mental strength of the recipient is 7. Comparison of the strength of the two: 1:3.38 The success rate of powerful magic: 95.5%."

"Absorbing the memory...the memory fragments are being peeled off, the absorption is successful, and the subject has been successfully charmed."

Yellow Fat Man (ht., agility 7, physical strength 90, 7c0 (dying state).

Skill 1: Heavy attack (passive), giving the attacker a 40% chance to add a stun effect to the attack.

Skill 2, ~| is 30% weaker >= and the value limit is increased by 2200 points. The chance of being controlled by mental spells is reduced by 70%, and the duration of the normal state effect is doubled. (So Fang Lin’s mental shock can have additional abnormal status additional effects.)

Skill 3 Curse gives enemies within 8 meters an 80% chance of being slowed, weakened, blinded, etc. for 5 seconds. Cooling time

At this time, the craftsman Fu saw another companion, and he ran over in a hurry. He didn't care about the poor fat yellow man (ht.) and gave him a kick directly as if he were a villain. Look at that posture. I believe that if I had a whip on my hand, I would have whipped it with all my strength. I will show my true nature as an overseer to the fullest!

Fang Lin was shocked, fearing that the guy who had finally got it would be tortured to death by the craftsmen. The guy was on the verge of death! But later I saw the fat yellow man (hammet| Craftsman Fu) who only had a close look in front of him. He was honest and polite, and looked like he was grateful. I didn't feel surprised in my heart, so I just let the craftsman Fu toss me.

However, Fang Lin soon noticed that on the head of the yellow fat man (hammer), there was a prompt of "temptation of the only one". After checking, he found out that this creature can only be charmed by one person at the same time, but it cannot charm one person at the same time. There is a time limit for charm. Even if the upper limit of charm is reached (similar to the baby recruited by the legendary mage, which will rebel at around 2 o'clock), it will not die unless its physical strength reaches zero or it disappears after returning to the nightmare space.

Shanna looked at Fang Lin's behavior with envious eyes, and finally sighed and said sincerely:

"You are really strong. The powerful magic spell can actually be used for offense and defense, and the weapons in your hands are also rare and powerful. You have the ability to process strengthened recovery items yourself, and you can even receive powerful followers (referring to Craftsman Fu, Shanna The detection is powerless against advanced existences like Craftsman Fu, so Shanna and others really think Craftsman Fu is a reincarnation.) No wonder a person can survive in this place."