Ace Evolution

Chapter 223: The roar of the dinosaurs! The legend of the thunderer! twenty two


The skin around the beautiful woman's wound was already red and swollen, and the wound surface was purple-black and smelled bad. Www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!comSanna next to me walked over and frowned:

"Inza's double swords are a pair of very rare green equipment called Ninja's Wounds. They are only dropped by ninjas (skyalkers) in red or above in the world of Samurai of the Round Table with a very small probability. It is said that they are the second most rare. Another set of green weapons: Deacon's gloves. The special effect of this double sword is to cut the enemy and reduce the opponent's total resistance by 30%. In addition, the poison on Inza's knife comes from the "poison cylinder" in the Three Kingdoms world. "It has extremely strong continuous damage properties. It can also suppress the self-recovery ability of reincarnators. Because this poison formula comes from the mysterious East, it is quite difficult."

"Oh, from the Three Kingdoms world?" Fang Lin's eyes lit up. He simply snapped his fingers and called over the craftsman Fu who was wandering around, pretending to be a supervising supervisor to check whether the blue-clothed minions on sentry duty were slacking off. Ask him directly:

"Well, if you are poisoned by the poisonous smoke in the poison canister in your hometown, how should you treat yourself?"

The craftsman Fu was originally a little scared, but when he heard this, he became excited and said:

"What's so difficult about this? I know how to save it. Just use a few herbs. It's available nearby. It's very convenient!"

Fang Lin said happily:

"Go pick it. Ask the butcher to accompany you. Don't go too far. Be careful."

The craftsman paid his orders and went away. Fang Lin came over to check on Lao Hu's condition at this time. He checked carefully for a while. After recalling the information stored in his mind, he already had a calculation in his mind and took out a few pills from the space for Lao Hu to take. Then he first went to the nearby dense forest to catch a lemur, cut it with a knife, tied its feet with vines, and soaked it bloody in the water. He also asked Shanna, a highly agile woman, to stand guard with a sharpened branch. Not long after, Shanna suddenly stabbed out, and a large fish nearly two meters long was stabbed up from the water with a "splashing" sound. The body surface is smooth and scaleless, and its shape is very similar to the i and pelvic fins. The anal fin is particularly long and is the main swimming organ!

This big fish was directly impaled by a branch. Blood was flowing, and its mouth opened and closed in pain. The most bizarre thing was that the surface of its body was shining with light blue electric lights. There was a "sizzling" sound in the air.

This is a giant yellow-bellied lightning from Guyana!

Fang Lin shouted to Lao Hu, who was watching dumbfoundedly:

"Go up and hug it."

When Lao Hu heard this, his eyes widened, he looked at the fish, then looked at Fang Lin and said angrily:

"Why do you want to fool me!"

Fang Lin didn't say much. She directly took the branch in Shanna's hand and threw the big fish directly towards Lao Hu.

Lao Hu hugged her, and his eyes suddenly turned white and his whole body was shaking. Fortunately, he has a flat head. Otherwise, the hair would have to stand on its head. I wonder if it will be like the "soldier" in Street Fighter? ! After about five minutes, the big fish, covered in mucus, was already dying. But Lao Hu could only point at Fang Lin with a pale face and was speechless.

Fang Lin quickly cut a small opening on the fish, and dark red blood flowed out. Fang Lin took out some white drug powder from his arms and sprinkled it on it, and brought the opening to Lao Hu Mouth said:

"Drink quickly! You will get better after drinking!"

Old Hu, who was still trembling all over, could only follow his words. After drinking a few mouthfuls of fish blood, his face suddenly turned red. He ran to the river and vomited. The dirty blood vomited out was instantly diluted by the river water, and it was still vaguely alive. You could see countless tiny red threads floating in the water inside. In the end, I couldn't spit it out anymore. It seemed that all the strength in my body was drained. I collapsed on the ground and leaned against the tree trunk, breathing heavily. Fang Lin saw him. With this appearance, he looked relaxed and said:

"Okay, just rest for a while and you'll be fine. You must have eaten raw monkey meat."

Old Hu gasped and said curiously:

"How do you know? But I remember it was written in the field manual that the muscles of animals are usually edible. When I first came in, in order to keep things secret, I caught a monkey and cut the meat off its two thighs. Eaten raw.”

Fang Lin said angrily:

"It is better to have no books than to believe in books. There is a very rare parasite in this tropical swamp jungle. It is locally called Dakawa. It is parasitic in the muscles of a wild spectacled howler monkey. This tapeworm reproduces rapidly. , very strong vitality. Once you get infected, it is very difficult. Fortunately, you are strong and not afraid of killing you, so you can be cured quickly with this method. You think of the current of up to 800 generated by the electricity Can anyone bear it?"

At this time, looking at Lao Hu’s condition, he has

"Severely ill". Remove the scales from the belly, quickly remove the bones and cut the meat into fillets, throw it into the pot taken from the nightmare mark, and pull back a lot of vines of different thicknesses from the dense forest next to it.

Lao Hu had recovered a lot of energy at this time and said curiously:

"What are you doing? I need to find some firewood! Wait until I can take a breath and look for it. I'm so stupid."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and said:

"Damn it, this thing is called kaidadan in the indigenous language, and when translated, it's called water vine. It's the safest source of drinking water in the swamp. You and Green are both dying and out of breath. I don’t dare to take the risk to fetch river water for you to drink.”

As he spoke, Fang Lin picked up a vine, broke it off and with a little force, clear juice flowed out from the broken section. The stems of water vines are generally very thin, as thick as the mouth of a small wine cup, and some are even thinner, with long internodes. There is a bunch of feather-like leaves on the top, with sharp spines on the surface and no whips. There are 7-11 lobes on each side, and 4-6 are clustered on the top. The water on both sides is quite difficult to squeeze.

Fortunately, Shanna also rushed over to help, and in a short time, most of the pot was filled. Fang Lin then went to find dry wood to light a fire, and cooked a large pot of electric fish soup. While cooking, Fang Lin Then he said that the meat from Qidian was delicious and nutritious. Therefore, although in the real world it can release an electric current powerful enough to kill people, the indigenous residents of South America still often use electricity to discharge continuously. After a period of rest and abundant food, they can restore their original state. The characteristic of discharge intensity is that a herd of cattle and horses are first driven into the river, so that the electricity is irritated and discharged continuously. When the electricity is exhausted and exhausted, it can be directly captured, so it is regarded as an extremely rare delicacy.

It didn't take long for Fang Lin to prepare this delicious pot. The fish soup was slightly yellow, and the emerald green wild vegetable segments were paired with picked snow-white mushrooms and other game. A pot full of snow-white fish fillets was half exposed at the bottom of the soup. The size and thickness are just right, with dots of jet-black fish skin sprinkled in between, setting off the butterfly-shaped fish fillets, giving it a bit of a boiling fish aroma. It's really delicious and tender when you eat it.

Fang Lin let Lao Hu and the others eat first, while he served a bowl to the semi-conscious Lin Yinxiu and fed her bit by bit. Miss Lin, who was suffering from a high fever, drank half a bowl and became energetic. She suddenly grabbed Fang Lin's hand, hugged him tightly and cried loudly:

"Mom, don't abandon me! Mom! Don't abandon me! I will be good, I will be obedient..."

Fang Lin smiled bitterly in astonishment, and could only hug her back, pat her shoulders and softly comforted:

"No, no."

Lao Hu and Fang Lin looked at each other, and their eyes looking at Lin Yinxiu were a little gentler. At this moment, this woman was unconsciously showing her true feelings, but she couldn't do anything false. The pressure in her life is evident.

After a while, Miss Lin's crying gradually stopped and she fell into a semi-conscious state again. At this time, the craftsman Fu had collected the medicine and came back. He saw a large pot of delicious food and his mouth watered. The electric wire weighed more than thirty kilograms. Even if After removing the bones, internal organs, and about twenty kilograms of meat, Fang Lin rewarded him and the butcher with half the pot, and the two guys happily hid aside to enjoy it. Then Fang Lin received a prompt from the nightmare space: "Your servant Artisan Fu is grateful to his master for giving him a very delicious meal, and his affinity level increased by 2,67."

After Fang Lin drank half a bowl of fish soup, he went to the river to trap a dozen giant leeches. He only took the green and non-toxic ones, washed them with water, and placed them directly on Lin Yin's sleeves where the back was swollen. There are some shiny wounds. Lower animals like water, which live according to instinct, don't know what fear is. They just feel that there is delicious food nearby, and they immediately stick to it with their suckers greedily, and start feasting happily.

After a while, the water became thicker and larger, but as time passed, the vampire suddenly rolled and fell to the ground, beating painfully. Because it was so full, it was a bit laborious to squirm. But not long after, he froze to death on the ground!

... ... ... .

Ah Tu was overtaken...