Ace Evolution

Chapter 227: Booby trap (2875~2905)


According to the information I have previously learned, these guys are desperately hunting dinosaurs and will take as many dinosaur genetic fragments as possible. Www,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoMFinally, he pointed out in very obscure language that a very secret research was being conducted in a certain base. Although it is not stated explicitly, it is basically certain that the base where secret research is conducted is the largest. It can almost be said to be a headquarters of the mafia in this world, and the supplies for the other scattered bases should rely on This base is supplied. "

"How's it going?" Fang Lin looked around at his companions. "What I mean is to attack here directly."

Lao Hu nodded and said:

"I have no opinion."

Shanna said with some worry:

"If we go there, will we encounter the boss at the end of this level, the Butcher, in advance? Are you right, Mr. Green?"

Lin Yinxiu (Green) glanced at her and sneered:

"I support raiding the main base, not only because it is convenient to complete the task, but also the project research conducted in the main base is likely to be a branch task or even a hidden task. As for the boss at the end of the level, the Crazy Butcher (Butcher), this The guy's name doesn't sound like someone who can sit back and do research. A high-level thug like him should be on the front line, leading the mafia gang to hunt dinosaurs. The possibility of us running into him is relatively low."

"But... how should we get there?" Shanna asked again.

Fang Lin smiled but did not answer the question. He just patted the shoulder of the fat yellow man (hammer) next to him and took the lead in walking forward.

… … .

After trekking in the jungle for seven hours, Fang Lin and his party came to a river with gentle water flow. The river was nearly fifty meters wide, and both sides were covered with dense tropical vegetation and long aerial roots. Falling into the water of the river, the vines were thick and the water was quite turbid. From time to time, the shrill roars of dinosaurs and beasts could be heard from both sides.

It took less than an hour. They used the rich plant resources around them to build two large rafts and sail down the river. The only tricky thing was the butcher, who could only lie down on the raft and didn't dare to move. Fortunately, there was a craftsman accompanying him, so he wouldn't be too lonely.

The river looks quite gentle on the shore. But the flow speed when it reached the center was quite fast. Before it was dark, it had already drifted for more than fifty kilometers. Fang Lin and others also saw a light helicopter flying away. Gradually. A small town-like camp appeared in the dense forest downstream, with hundreds of large wooden houses, eight watchtowers, and trenches around it. There are many barbed wire fences and tight defenses, and there are three patrol teams wandering back and forth on the outside.

The group of people hurriedly propped the raft to the shore and parked it. Fang Lin thought for a while and said:

"Green and I took advantage of the darkness to check out the situation around this camp. Lao Hu, you take them to choose a suitable and hidden camp. The best time to raid is not at two o'clock in the morning in the usual sense. But after all the hunting teams in the camp leave tomorrow morning. The camp is very empty, so we have enough time to do some preliminary preparations."

Lao Hu nodded and led the remaining people to retreat to the rear. Through the kof contract, they can easily contact each other. Fang Lin searched around, collected several spicy-smelling plants and handed them to the beautiful Lin, and then motioned to squeeze them against his body to cover up his own smell. Then he picked off some green branches and leaves and stuck them on his body as a simple disguise, then quietly lurked towards the outskirts of the camp.

The number of mafia men stationed in large strongholds is about 20 to 30 ordinary green minions and cloaked thugs (gutter). Hammer) number 4~ machine. There is also a big man in blue who is similar to Te Weiss, the boss of the first level. And this can be said to be the main base of the Mafia in the region. Of course, there are so many people there that it goes without saying.

Fang and Lin first watched the progress of the three patrols outside for a while, and then carefully lurked among the trees on a small slope with excellent terrain. Lin Yinxiu suddenly and unexpectedly noticed half of the dark green moss next to them. There were only very shallow shoe prints. After thinking about it, she felt that this was not surprising. She did not want to disturb Fang Lin, who was using his mental power to carefully explore the inside of the camp, so she carefully observed the surrounding movements.

At this time, the two of them were at least thirty meters away from the outside of the camp. Although Fang Lin's mental power increased sharply at this time, the detection range still could not extend to the inside of the camp and could only cover

Area 5> figured it out.

Fang Lin suddenly looked shocked and said "Hey" slightly. Lin Yinxiu was about to ask curiously when Fang Lin put his finger to his lips and made a silencing gesture, closed his eyes and gently pressed his palm to hers. on the back. Suddenly, Miss Lin's thoughts were also substituted into the scene that Fang Lin witnessed. I saw a huge Tyrannosaurus rex lazily dozing in the camp in a blind spot that was out of sight. Different from the dinosaurs I encountered before, the skin of this Tyrannosaurus rex was light yellow, just staggered. There were some green stripes on it, and next to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, two fat men wearing yellow vests and red pants stood smoking lazily.

"Can they actually raise such a large dinosaur?" Lin Yinxiu whispered in surprise.

Fang Lin turned over, leaned against the tree trunk next to him and said softly:

"It's very possible. Well, this should be the time when the hunting team returns. To be on the safe side, we'd better wait. If any hunting team suffers heavy casualties and is left alone, we can just intercept and capture them alive. Inside the camp The people just thought they were spending the night outside or being hunted by dinosaurs. They shouldn’t be too suspicious. It’s just that the manpower is a bit insufficient... "

"You are wrong." Miss Lin's face sank, and she said coldly: "I have enough people. I can do this well even without you."

Fang Lin could only smile bitterly. She and Lao Hu are both arrogant and arrogant people who never admit defeat. As soon as I said those words before, I regretted it. I would definitely be robbed of it. Sure enough...

The two of them slowly retreated, following the simple loess road outside the camp. After walking seven or eight kilometers, they found a place to ambush. As expected by Fang Lin, several hunting teams gradually returned. Through their careful observation, they found that the mafia's hunting teams were divided into three types. Large-scale formations usually have twenty yellow-cloaked thugs (gutters). It consists of four yellow fat men (hammer), which are very powerful. The medium-sized one is composed of ten yellow cloaked thugs (gutter), and two yellow fat men (ht. are quite powerful). The small-sized one is composed of ten ordinary green minions and four yellow ones. The cloaked thugs (gutter) are not only the few in number, but also the weakest.

Gradually it was getting dark, and the chirping of insects began to sound everywhere. Fang Lin's eyes lit up. Only three of the green minions of the small hunting team walking on the dirt road were dead, including the yellow cloaked thugs ( There were only two gutters left, and all of them were wounded. One of the yellow-cloaked thugs (gutter) had one of his arms bitten off.

Of course, this great opportunity cannot be missed. Lin Yinxiu directly sent a signal to Fang Lin. The gorgeous silver long ax was flatly sliced in the air, outlining a band of light waves that looked like a full moon and flew out. It was the weapon's own skill. "crystal tears"!

At the same time, she also launched the crazy assault skill, dragging the long ax behind her, bringing out a long silver light and running directly behind the magnificent light wave!

The two yellow cloaked thugs (gutter) who were suddenly attacked were actually panicked. The guy with the least injury actually put his gun sideways, took a step forward, and tried to catch him directly. The other one was lying on the ground, even though he only had one arm. , but still managed to pull out the heavy rifle he was holding, trying to resist. The green minions rushed over and formed an encirclement.

The silver light wave, which was like a full moon, hit the gun body of the yellow-cloaked gutter, cutting out countless bright silver light shavings, and burned seven or eight scorch marks on his body. Green smoke came out, and Green then rushed in and directly launched the Fire Style One, a surface attack skill, beating all five of them staggering.

Fang Lin, who hurried over next, directly released his terror technique, and the light black skull flew straight into the body of the yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) lying on the ground. He directly drew his gun, quickly made four elemental bullets, and shot them out in the order of ice, fire, fire, and ice, causing the green minions around him to tremble uncomfortably under the severe temperature difference, and their movements were also severely affected. With great influence and restrictions, to deal with such enemies gathered together, and with Fang Lin assisting and cooperating beside her, the beautiful lady Lin was full of confidence. She swept the silver ax straight and occupied an absolute position from the moment she came up. Advantage!